Tài liệu The Book of Gates pdf
... II. THE ANTE-CHAMBER OF THE TUAT. IN THE FIRST DIVISION of the " ;Book of Gates of the Tuat," according to the sarcophagus of Seti I., we see the horizon of the west, , or the mountain of ... THE BOOK OF AM-TUAT THE SUMMARY OF THE BOOK OF WHAT IS IN THE UNDERWORLD. THE BEGINNING OF THE HORN OF AMENTET, [WHICH IS] THE UTTERMOST POINT OF THE DEEPEST DARKNESS. THE FIRST HOUR. THIS god ... wherein this great god is being rowed along over the water therein in his boat to perform the plans (or, affairs) of the gods of the Tuat, the gathering together [of them] by their names, the manifestations...
Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 04:18
Limericks The Book Of Nonsence
... читатель Гомера. There was an Old Person of Troy, Whose drink was warm brandy and soy, Which he took with a spoon, By the light of the moon, In sight of the city of Troy. Некий старец ... Корфу. 38 There was an Old Man of the South, Who had an immoderate mouth; But in swallowing a dish, That was quite full of fish, He was choked, that Old Man of the South. Старикашка ... птене-тсс!» There was an Old Man of the East, Who gave all his children a feast; But they all ate so much And their conduct was such That it killed that Old Man of the East. На пиру...
Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2012, 09:48
the book of css3 - a developer's guide to the future of web design - by peter gasston
Ngày tải lên: 20/09/2013, 09:09
Limericks The Book Of Nonsence - Past 1
... убитый. 16 There was on Old Man of the Isles, Whose face was pervaded with smiles; He sang high dum diddle, And played on the fiddle, That amiable man of the Isles. Был милейший ... Килкенни. There was an Old Person of Ischia, Whose conduct grew friskier and friskier; He danced hornpipes and jigs, And ate thousands of figs, That lively Old Person of Ischia. Поведение ... отдалиться. There was a Young Lady of Norway, Who casually sat on a doorway; When the door squeezed her flat, She exclaimed, 'What of that?' This courageous Young Lady of Norway....
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 17:20
Limericks The Book Of Nonsence - Past 2
... Богемии. There was an Old Man of Vesuvius, Who studied the works of Vitruvius; When the flames burnt his book, To drinking he took, That morbid Old Man of Vesuvius. 37 There was an ... 38 There was an Old Man of the South, Who had an immoderate mouth; But in swallowing a dish, That was quite full of fish, He was choked, that Old Man of the South. Старикашка ... читатель Гомера. There was an Old Person of Troy, Whose drink was warm brandy and soy, Which he took with a spoon, By the light of the moon, In sight of the city of Troy. Некий старец...
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 17:20
Limericks The Book Of Nonsence - Past 3
... улицам Даттона. There was a Young Lady of Tyre, Who swept the loud chords of a lyre; At the sound of each sweep She enraptured the deep, And enchanted the city of Tyre. Моложавая ... птене-тсс!» There was an Old Man of the East, Who gave all his children a feast; But they all ate so much And their conduct was such That it killed that Old Man of the East. На пиру ... 60 There was an Old Person of Chester, Whom several small children did pester; They threw some large stones, Which broke most of his bones, And displeased that Old Person of Chester....
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 17:20
Tài liệu The Book of Am-Tuat docx
... in the path of the Circle of SAR (Osiris) by means of the utterances of the words of power of Isis and of the words of power of SER, so that he may journey on his way against NEHA-HRA. If these ... name of the gate of this City wherethrough passeth this god is RUTI-ASAR. The name of this City is THEPHET-SHETA. The name of the hour of the night which guideth this great god into it is KHEFTES-HAU-HESQET-[NEHA]-HRA." ... 26 gods of the South and North, is a huge lizard, from the back of which spring the head of Osiris and a White Crown. On the side of the boat are the signs and . Above the crown of the North is the...
Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 14:15
Tài liệu The Book Of Personal Transformation - How To Use Ancient Wisdom To Create A New Life For Yourself docx
... Doubt arises when we do not believe in the truth of what is taught. One of the problems with doubt is that we normally require proof of the validity of the teachings. Yet the problem with this particular ... stance is that the proof of the pie is in the eating”. If you do not eat it, no amount of description about the pie by another will give you the taste of the pie. In order to know this path, ... Buddhists. It is a habit of rejoicing in the happiness and success of others. This is a good remedy for ill-will towards others. People who have the habit of practising altruistic joy focus their...
Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 06:15
Tài liệu The Egyptian Book of the Dead docx
... it is the night of the burning of the damned, and of the overthrow of the wicked at the Block, and of the slaughter of souls." Who is this [slaughterer of souls]? "It is Shesmu, the ... testimony] thereof. Variant: Pay good heed to the weighing in the Balance of the heart of the Osiris, the singing−woman of Amen, Anhai, whose The Egyptian Book of the Dead The Egyptian Book of the ... "Uatchet, the Lady of Flames, is the Eye of Ra." THE SEVEN ARITS The First Arit. The name of the Doorkeeper is Sekhet−her−asht−aru. The name of the Watcher is Smetti. The name of the Herald is...
Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2014, 06:20
... Sign of Leo, which is the House of the Sun, and the name of the Fourth Heaven, Machen. The name of Gabriel, the Angel of Monday, appears over his Sigil, together with the Astrological Symbol of ... Luna, the Zodiacal Sign of Cancer, which is the House of the Moon, and the name of the First Heaven, Shamain. The name of Samael, the Angel of Tuesday, appears over his Sigil, together with the ... is an entrance into the darkness; an act of unknowing wherein the soul is wholly stripped and unclothed of all sensible realisation of itself, that it may be reclothed in the realisation of...
Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2014, 06:20
Tài liệu (ebook) - The Eqyptian Book of the Dead pptx
... Utchara is the name of another there. Beq is the name of another there. Anp (Anubis) is the name of another there. I have made the way. I am Menu-Heru, the avenger of his father, the heir of his ... know the head of the Island of Maati." What is this? "It is Ra-stau, that is to say, it is the gate to the South of Nerutef, and it is the Northern Gate of the Domain (Tomb of the ... mountain. The Tchatcha (Chiefs) of this Pylon are Seven Gods. Tchen, or Anthch (At), is the name of the one at the door. Hetepmes is the name of another there. Messep is the name of another there....
Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2014, 06:20
Tài liệu The life is at the end of the road doc
... Nếu The life is at the end of the road 2010 Thinkgreenandactiongreen Page2 so sánh con số này với các nước láng giềng thì Campuchia có 6%, Lào có 13% và Thái Lan là 9%. Theo GS. ... rôto được tính theo công thức: P = 2 1 C p ρAV 3 [W]. Trong đó C p là hiệu suất khí động của rôto (xem H2), A là diện tích hứng gió của rôto [m 2 ]. The life is at the end of the road 2010 Thinkgreenandactiongreen ... khảo:http://www.ginlong.com The life is at the end of the road 2010 Thinkgreenandactiongreen Page6 6 Điện áp định mức không tải U đm : dựa vào đường đặc tính ở H11. 45 V 7 Số vòng quay định mức n: theo...
Ngày tải lên: 25/01/2014, 09:20
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