... Everything I'd do, I'd give my 1. Thinking of you – ATC * Thinkin' of you I'm thinkin' of you All I can do is ………………. think about you. Thinkin' of you I'm thinkin' ... heart - there's a fire - a burning ……………. Deep in my heart - there's desire - for a …………… I'm dying in emotion. It's my world in fantasy I'm living in my, living in my ... Leaving all my options open, The decision of the jury, Has not been spoken. Step in my house, You find that your stuff has gone, But in reality, To whom does the stuff belong. I bring you into...
Ngày tải lên: 15/09/2013, 07:10
Fill in the gaps 2
... _________________ the interviewers that they gave her the job. 2. At the beginning of the examination, question papers were _________________ to all of the candidates in the hall. 3. Artificial intelligence ... assess / investigate the cause of the accident. 4. The imaginary line between the North Pole and the South Pole is known as the Earth's axis / axle. 5. At the end of the year, the bank praises ... university. a. inside b. internal c. indoors 8. The police interviewed three men but later __________________ them from their investigation as they were all innocent. a. eliminated b. eradicated c. exterminated 9....
Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2013, 10:20
Fill in the gaps 3
... From the following list, use each word only once to complete the sentences below. Remember that in the case of nouns and verbs you may need to change the form of the word: 6a Fill in the gaps Unit ... could be used in place of the language shown in bold without changing the meaning of the sentence. Remember that you may need to change the form or in some cases the grammatical class of the word: ... night to finish their work, but it is impossible to maintain this for very long and so it is not recommended. 8. One of the main causes of the increase in inner-city lawlessness is the number...
Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2013, 10:20
Fill in the gaps 4
... has decided to initiate an investigation into the increase in deaths from drugs. 11. Revolutionaries overpowered the troops holding the radio station so that they could announce the change of ... has been a worrying increase in the number of _____________________ taking drugs. 3. Without any warning, the building ___________________ killing more than 300 people inside. 4. In times of unemployment, ... for making new clothes, they are particularly interested in the colour and the touch / texture of the material. 6. Increasingly, it seems that politicians who are dogmatic / pragmatic rather than...
Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2013, 10:20
Fill in the gaps 5
... complete the sentences below. Remember that in the case of nouns and verbs you may need to change the form of the word: 10b – Choose the right word In each of the sentences below, decide which word in ... drugs if they want them. 2. If you have a lot of data which you want to include, an appendix / index at the end of the report or essay is the best place for it. 3. Before they take their examinations, ... and insecurity. j. …of the law by introducing longer prison sentences. k. …to slow down the ageing process. In each of the sentences below, decide which word in bold is more suitable: 9c – Finish...
Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2013, 10:20
Fill in the gaps 6
... 10 incentive 7d 5 incessant 7b 7 incident 4c 7 incline 6d 4 income 6e 8 inconsistent 10d 1 incorporate 5c 1 index 8b 7 indicate 1e 11 indigenous 9c 2 individual 2e 13 induce 4d 9 infer 2b 4 inferior ... 10 inflation 10f 2 ingenious 10c 10 inherent 11e 4 inhibit 2f 11 initial 1f 8 innate 9d 4 innovative 2a 5 insist 5d 11 inspect 11d 5 instance 11d 1 instinct 6a 11 institute 5f 10 instruct 5e 9 integer ... 9a 3 integrate 4e 11 intense 2c 4 interact 6b 2 interlock 6a 5 interlude 6f 10 intermediate 7f 7 internal 4e 7 interpret 1c 7 interrelate 10d 11 intersect 5f 8 interval 5f 1 intervene 4a 12 interview...
Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2013, 10:20
... have, including savings and investments continued Any other money or investments Type of other money or investment Shares – approximate value Total savings and investments Name of the company the ... have, including savings and investments Do you or your partner have any money, including savings or investments? We need to know if you or your partner have any money, including savings or investments. ... are willing to act on their behalf in all social security matters, including telling us about any change in their circumstances and collecting their money for them. You should not sign the application...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 20:20
A Contrastive Analysis between the Verb ‘Run’ in English and the Verb ‘Chạy’ in Vietnamese
... between the Verb ‘Run’ in English and the Verb ‘Chạy’ in Vietnamese in Terms of Microlinguistics As we already mentioned in the early parts, in terms of microlinguistics the verb ‘run’ in English ... meanings, their idioms, their synonyms and other microlinguistic factors that effect the uses of the two verbs. The findings of the study on the ground of general meanings may help the translators ... drawing an overall picture of the two relevant verbs in the English and Vietnamese languages, the author made effort to deeply investigate into the objective verbs by analyzing and synthesizing...
Ngày tải lên: 06/04/2013, 08:43
Báo cáo khoa học: "A Memory-Based Approach to the Treatment of Serial Verb Construction in Combinatory Categorial Grammar" pdf
... the gap ✸. There are two constraint parameters in each modality: the combinatory directionality d ∈ {< , >} and the syntactic category c, resulting in the filler and the gap denoted in the ... serial verb construction and how far the generative power grows after incorporating the memory mechanism. Outline: I introduce CCG in Đ2, and then mo- tivate the need of memory mechanism in dealing with ... serial verb construction in CCG in Đ 3. I de- scribe the hybrid model of CCG and the ller-gap memory in Đ4. I then discuss the margin of gener- ative power introduced by the memory mechanism in Đ5....
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 21:20
Ngày tải lên: 01/04/2014, 00:20
Check Your English Vocabulary for Living in the UK.pdf
... ______________ The Ashes Boxing Day Canterbury Cathedral Easter Monday Edinburgh Castle The FA Cup Final The first Monday in May The Grand National The Guardian Guy Fawkes Night The Independent Mothering ... against the English in Scotland. He was finally defeated at the ________ in 1745. 10. The ________ began in the middle of the 18th century, bringing enormous social and economic changes to the ... is the largest ethnic minority in the UK? 13. Where would you find the single biggest concentration (45%) of ethnic minorities in the UK? 14. What percentage of people in the UK say that they...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2012, 17:32