iphone sdk programming a beginner apos s guide 10 2009 attica

iPhone™ SDK Programming: A Beginner’s Guide ppt

iPhone™ SDK Programming: A Beginner’s Guide ppt

... } Arrays and Structures C arrays are similar to Java arrays You declare arrays the same, but C has no new keyword; you simply start using the array (Listing 2 -10) Listing 2 -10 Using a C array ... myArray [100 ]; myArray[0] = 1; myArray[1] = 2; 33 34 iPhone SDK Programming: A Beginner s Guide C has structs; Java doesn’t have a struct data type In C, a struct is similar to a class, but has ... Chapters through 10 discuss the UIView subclasses you use when laying out an iPhone application Chapter 11 discusses alerts, action sheets, and application badges Chapters 12 and 13 discuss the...

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 08:20

481 367 0
iPhone SDK Programming A Beginner’s Guide pptx

iPhone SDK Programming A Beginner’s Guide pptx

... } Arrays and Structures C arrays are similar to Java arrays You declare arrays the same, but C has no new keyword; you simply start using the array (Listing 2 -10) Listing 2 -10 Using a C array ... myArray [100 ]; myArray[0] = 1; myArray[1] = 2; 33 34 iPhone SDK Programming: A Beginner s Guide C has structs; Java doesn’t have a struct data type In C, a struct is similar to a class, but has ... Chapters through 10 discuss the UIView subclasses you use when laying out an iPhone application Chapter 11 discusses alerts, action sheets, and application badges Chapters 12 and 13 discuss the...

Ngày tải lên: 29/06/2014, 10:20

481 576 0
iPhone SDK Programming A Beginner’s Guide phần 1 docx

iPhone SDK Programming A Beginner’s Guide phần 1 docx

... Chapters through 10 discuss the UIView subclasses you use when laying out an iPhone application Chapter 11 discusses alerts, action sheets, and application badges Chapters 12 and 13 discuss the ... compiler first resolved any defined constants, replacing the constant with the literal value Data Types and Operators C s basic data types are the same as Java s and should appear familiar (Table 2-1) ... this: Objective-C is equivalent to Java s core syntax The Foundation framework is equivalent to Java s core classes, such as ArrayList, Exception, HashMap, String, Thread, and other Java Standard...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 18:20

49 318 0
iPhone SDK Programming A Beginner’s Guide phần 2 doc

iPhone SDK Programming A Beginner’s Guide phần 2 doc

... statement, avalue s value is 10, pavalue points to avalue s memory address, and the printf command prints avalue s address followed by avalue s value, as pavalue points to avalue s address while *pavalue ... Classes and Objects Objective-C classes are the same as classes in any other object-oriented programming language A class encapsulates both state (properties) and behavior (methods), and forms ... methods just like Java static methods And like Java static methods, you have the same restrictions You can’t reference that class s instance variables from a static method, as the instance variables...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 18:20

48 351 0
iPhone SDK Programming A Beginner’s Guide phần 3 ppsx

iPhone SDK Programming A Beginner’s Guide phần 3 ppsx

... Methods Method Signature application:didChangeStatusBarFrame: -(void) application:(UIApplication *) application didChangeStatusBarFrame: (CGRect) oldStatusBarFrame application:didChangeStatusBar ... events associated with a user s interaction with an application A UIView has an associated UIViewController The UIViewController manages the view The view controller loads and unloads its associated ... Chapter UIApplication and UIApplicationDelegate 109 110 iPhone SDK Programming: A Beginner s Guide Key Skills & Concepts ● Understanding the UIApplication class ● Understanding the UIApplicationDelegate...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 18:20

48 302 0
iPhone SDK Programming A Beginner’s Guide phần 4 pps

iPhone SDK Programming A Beginner’s Guide phần 4 pps

... create a tab bar using the UITabBar class A UITabBar displays two or more tabs along a window s bottom edge Individual tabs are UITabBarItem class instances You tie these classes together using ... Understanding tab bars ● Using the tab bar Application template ● Creating an Application that uses a tab bar ● Adding tabs to a tab bar ● Customizing a tab bar A tab bar consists of two or more tabs along ... your selection Navigation bars are also useful for applications with multiple steps in a single task In this chapter, you learn how to use a navigation bar and its associated classes In the first...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 18:20

48 293 0
iPhone SDK Programming A Beginner’s Guide phần 5 ppt

iPhone SDK Programming A Beginner’s Guide phần 5 ppt

... manage selections, configure headers and footers, and manage cells The UITableViewDataSource is also a protocol you adopt in a custom class This protocol allows you to manage a table s data source ... nil] autorelease]; NSArray * tempArray = [[[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:tempArrayA, tempArrayB, tempArrayC, tempArrayD, tempArrayE, nil] autorelease]; self.tableDataList = tempArray; } Chapter ... application using a table associates that table with a navigation bar Moreover, in applications of any complexity, the application also usually organizes its tasks into different tabs For instance,...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 18:20

48 386 0
iPhone SDK Programming A Beginner’s Guide phần 6 doc

iPhone SDK Programming A Beginner’s Guide phần 6 doc

... interface This separation reinforces the alert s message that the situation is important and unusual, separate from an application s typical functionality Alerts are also modal, meaning a user can ... the application stops animating the indicator and hides it Showing Progress—the UIProgressView A progress bar shows a task s progress It is intended as a “please wait, I’m processing and I have ... UIAlertViewDelegate A UIAlertView presents a modal alert to users The alert appears and floats above the underlying view Displaying a UIAlertView is easy: Create the class and display it As the alert is modal,...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 18:20

48 293 0
iPhone SDK Programming A Beginner’s Guide phần 7 doc

iPhone SDK Programming A Beginner’s Guide phần 7 doc

... this second chapter on iPhone controls This chapter s first half covers using the UIDatePicker and UIPickerView classes These classes create visual controls that appear similar to Las Vegas slot ... UIDatePicker classes are also useful for selecting a duration for an NSTimer A UIDatePicker selects an NSDate, which consists of a date and a time; therefore, you can create a timer using an NSDate s time ... Using Pickers and Using the Camera using a UIDatePicker to select a duration for an NSTimer and, in the process, illustrates using the NSCalendar, NSDateFormatter, and NSDateComponents classes...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 18:20

48 302 0
iPhone SDK Programming A Beginner’s Guide phần 8 pdf

iPhone SDK Programming A Beginner’s Guide phần 8 pdf

... the NSUserDefaults class to access the default system An application with default values is loaded at startup time and cached You access these values using the NSUserDefaults class s methods Methods ... unarchive this class 367 368 iPhone SDK Programming: A Beginner s Guide Protocols to Adopt Archiving a class requires that a class adopt the NSCoding protocol The class should also adopt the NSCopying ... the NSSearchPathFor DirectoriesInDomains NSArray * NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains ( NSSearchPathDirectory directory, NSSearchPathDomainMask domainMask, BOOL expandTilde ); The method takes...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 18:20

48 364 0
iPhone SDK Programming A Beginner’s Guide phần 9 ppsx

iPhone SDK Programming A Beginner’s Guide phần 9 ppsx

... open-source Linux/BSD server stack, and as OS X is essentially FreeBSD, it was only natural Apple chose SQLite as the iPhone s embedded database Adding a SQLite Database Adding a SQLite database to your ... close the database The steps are similar for most languages and databases Opening the Database You open a database using the sqlite3_open, sqlite_open16, or sqlite3_open_v2 commands This chapter ... { NSMutableArray * photosArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; @try { NSFileManager *fileManager = [NSFileManager defaultManager]; NSArray * paths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains (NSDocumentDirectory,...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 18:20

48 510 0
iPhone SDK Programming A Beginner’s Guide phần 10 potx

iPhone SDK Programming A Beginner’s Guide phần 10 potx

... the class adopt the AVAudioPlayerDelegate protocol Add a SystemSoundID as a variable to AvplayerViewController; name it burpSoundID Also add an AVAudioPlayer as a variable and name it player Add ... values for these states include MPMusicPlaybackStateStopped, MPMusicPlaybackState Playing, MPMusicPlaybackStatePaused, MPMusicPlaybackStateInterrupted, MPMusicPlayback StateSeekingForward, and ... NSUndoManager instance assigned to its undoManager property An NSUndoManager manages undoing actions When using Core Data, you can use this class to undo changes made to an application s NSManagedModelContext...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 18:20

48 290 0
iOS SDK Programming: A Beginner’s Guide docx

iOS SDK Programming: A Beginner’s Guide docx

... university course using Java or a year s experience using Java Experience using C# also suffices, as the language is remarkably similar to Java As most universities teach Java these days, and Java ... discuss the UIView subclasses you use when laying out an iOS application Chapter 11 discusses alerts, action sheets, and application badges Chapters 12 and 13 discuss the many controls available ... contacts AddressBookUI Displaying Addressbook AssetsLibrary Accessing user s photos and videos AudioToolbox Audio data streams; playing and recording audio AudioUnit Audio units AVFoundation Objective-C...

Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 01:21

529 1K 0
iOS sdk programming a beginners guide

iOS sdk programming a beginners guide

... university course using Java or a year s experience using Java Experience using C# also suffices, as the language is remarkably similar to Java As most universities teach Java these days, and Java ... discuss the UIView subclasses you use when laying out an iOS application Chapter 11 discusses alerts, action sheets, and application badges Chapters 12 and 13 discuss the many controls available ... contacts AddressBookUI Displaying Addressbook AssetsLibrary Accessing user s photos and videos AudioToolbox Audio data streams; playing and recording audio AudioUnit Audio units AVFoundation Objective-C...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 11:52

529 1,2K 0
Tài liệu Global Warming A Mind Mapper''''s Guide to The Science and Solutions pdf

Tài liệu Global Warming A Mind Mapper''''s Guide to The Science and Solutions pdf

... radiation decade at the most (infrared) and this is absorbed by the greenhouse gases (a natural as well as manmade part of the - Scientist at NASA, Dr James Hansen earth s atmosphere which have ... pollutants under the Clean newspaper advertisements made statements such Air Act) Earlier this year, scientists and economists as ‘Some say the earth is warming Some also said were also offered $10, 000 ... better take as much as I years for the mass of the can!’, but what then happens is that everyone has people to equal the mass of this mentality and starts taking as much fish as they the earth (with...

Ngày tải lên: 17/12/2013, 02:15

103 745 4
Tài liệu HPLC A practical user`s guide pptx

Tài liệu HPLC A practical user`s guide pptx

... than 700 psi Inert surfaces are necessary since many of the resolving buffers contain high concentrations of halide salts that attack and corrode stainless steel surfaces Glass columns are available ... pressure is released and the fluid returns to the gaseous state leaving purified sample as a solid Doping of carrier gas with small amounts of volatile polar solvents such as methanol can be used ... water/isopropanol, and DMSO/water undergo large viscosity changes during gradient runs and washouts Adjust your flow rates and overpressure setting to accommodate these increases so the systems does...

Ngày tải lên: 23/01/2014, 04:20

239 365 0
Better car deals A car buyer’s guide pptx

Better car deals A car buyer’s guide pptx

... contacts Australian Securities and Investments Commission Enquiries: 1300 300 630 asic.gov.au Australian Taxation Office Enquiries: 13 28 61 ato.gov.au How Safe Is Your Car howsafeisyourcar.com.au ... the premises of a licensed motor car trader and some operators may give the impression that they are a regular licensed business Park-and-sell businesses attract car owners wishing to sell their ... lighter sockets • keyless entry systems and remote key pads that are not standard to the car • car aerials • non-standard body hardware Better Car Deals | 13 It is a good idea to call VicRoads on...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 10:20

28 287 0
Help After a Disaster Applicant’s Guide to the Individuals & Households Program pdf

Help After a Disaster Applicant’s Guide to the Individuals & Households Program pdf

... government and with State and local governments and voluntary organizations.  What types of disaster assistance programs are available in a disaster?  There are two  primary Federal programs that offer disaster assistance:  • FEMA s Individuals and Households Program provides money and direct  ... WVO – Withdrawn – Applicant Withdrew Voluntarily:   Based on FEMA records, the  applicant indicated that he/she did not want FEMA assistance.  As a result, the FEMA  application for disaster assistance was withdrawn.   Appeal Decisions  A I69B – Appeal – Ineligible ‐ Signature Not Obtained (90‐69B):  According to FEMA  ... voluntary organizations can provide assistance.    Financial Counseling: Provides financial and economic guidance and assistance to  individuals and small businesses affected by disasters.  Hope Coalition America offers ...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 10:20

33 414 0
focal press tradigital blender, a cg animator's guide to applying the classic principles of animation (2011)

focal press tradigital blender, a cg animator's guide to applying the classic principles of animation (2011)

... before it stops, it slows down, unless it does something disastrous like smashing into a concrete wall, in which case it stops almost immediately and probably exhibits some extreme squash and stretch ... wreaks havoc with IK poses Currently, Blender s IK solver does not like scaled bones Plan ahead so that your squash and stretch avoids directly affecting IK chains This is why squash and stretch ... Repeat Now, a classical (i.e., hand drawn) animator might animate Smith s body and legs in a straight ahead fashion, then go back and fill in the arms, then, hair and any flowing clothes But each...

Ngày tải lên: 03/04/2014, 13:11

313 664 0
DIGITAL CCTV A Security Professional’s Guide docx

DIGITAL CCTV A Security Professional’s Guide docx

... information as an analog system Digital video is a series or string of numbers that represent the voltage levels of an analog video signal An ideal digital system has the same characteristics as an ... duplicated There are no amplifiers to introduce distortions and noise to a digital signal When transmitting images, a digital system reduces noise over successive transmissions because small variations ... can add substantial cost to a video system The sync generator itself is a cost and each camera in a system requires at least one coaxial cable, sometimes two, from the sync generator in addition...

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 11:20

326 329 0