... it comes to explaining complex topics so that they ’ re easy to understand. Reading each chapter gives you the tools to understand the next chapter. Second, I may introduce topics in one chapter ... C# 3.0 : an introduction to object oriented programming / Jack Purdum. p. cm. Includes index. ISBN 978-0-470-26129-3 (paper/website) 1. Object-oriented programming (Computer science) 2. C# ... the concept of objects first and then ease into how objects may be viewed in C# . Throughout the book I have tried to use common, easily understood examples to introduce new programming concepts....
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 16:20
... initialize a class. d) A static constructor cannot have accessibility modifiers. b) Static constructors may or may not take parameters. e) A static constructor for a class is called automatically ... the object is accessed. c) A static constructor can have public as a accessibility modifiers 74. class A { public static int X = B.Y + 1; } class B { public static int Y = A.X + 1; static void ... c) method b) instance d) struct 63. The constructor without parameters is called _________. [0.5] a) main constructor c) default constructor b) zero valued constructor d) non-parameterized constructor 64....
Ngày tải lên: 09/04/2013, 09:10
beginning c# 3.0 an introduction to object oriented programming
... Started 24 to cut specific shapes out of cookie dough, a class is used to carve out chunks of memory that are used to hold objects of that class. Until you ’ ve used the class template to actually carve ... spade). To get an object of the class, you must press the cookie cutter (class template) into the cookie dough (computer memory) in order to get an actual cookie (object). An object is an instance ... Using the Source Code Window If you click Form1.cs in the Solution Explorer window, you can move to the Solution Explorer menu bar and click the source code icon to view the code that Visual...
Ngày tải lên: 28/04/2014, 15:33
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Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 14:15
Tài liệu Turbo C nâng cao P5 pdf
... chi cua ngat %x : %x",seg,off); } } Số hiệu c a ngắt đ c đánh số từ 0 nhng n đ c nhập từ 1 , mỗi ngắt chiếm 4 byte nên ta c k=(n-1)*4; ... ngat(Bam 0 de ket thuc): "); scanf("%d",&n); if (n==0) break; k=(n-1)*4; off=p[k]+256*p[k+1]; seg=p[k+2]+256*p[k+3]; printf("\nDia chi cua ngat %x : %x",seg,off);...
Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2013, 22:18
Tài liệu Turbo C nâng cao P3 pdf
... viện c a C cho phép truy c p tập tin và chia là 2 c p kh c nhau : - c c hàm c p 1 là c c hàm ở c p thấp nhất , truy c p tr c tiếp đến c c tập tin trên đĩa .C không cung c p vùng nhớ đệm cho c c ... char chso[10]; FILE *fp; 40 io.h - chứa c c prototype c a c c hàm c p 1 fcntl.h - chứa c c định nghĩa quyền truy c p sys/stat.h - chá c c định nghĩa thu c tính dó.h - chứa c c ... biên dịch tự động cung c p vùng kí c đệm cho chúng - c thể truy xuất c c mẫu tin mà không gặp khó khăn nh với c c hàm c p 1 Trong C , c c thông tin c n thiết cho c c hàm xuất nhập c p 2 đ c đặt...
Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2013, 22:18
Tài liệu Turbo C nâng cao P1 pdf
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Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2013, 22:18
Tài liệu Turbo C nâng cao P10 pdf
... là ma trận nghịch đảo c a A . Do vậy tr c hết ta c n tìm A -1 và sau đó tính tích A -1 B . 173 Định lí Crame : Hệ thống Crame c nghiệm duy nhất đ c cho bởi c ng th c : i i x A A n = = () (i ... rồi tìm nghiệm theo c ng th c Cramer. Chơng trình sau mô tả thuật to n này, Chơng trình 10 9 // Cramer; #include <conio.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <ctype.h> #define ... A (i) là ma trận nhận đ c từ A bằng c ch thay c t thứ i bởi c t B=[ b 1 , ,b n ] T Nh vậy để giải hệ bằng phơng pháp Cramer chúng ta lần lợt tính c c định th c c a ma trận và ma trận thay...
Ngày tải lên: 19/01/2014, 22:20
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... called Turbo C+ +. This compiler will compile both C and C+ + code. We will describe only how to compile C code. Turbo C+ + is ideal for learning. The command line for Turbo C+ + is: C: > tcc -ml -v ... generic cc compiler or the Free Software Foundation’s gcc compiler. For MS-DOS/Windows users, instructions are included for Borland C+ +, Turbo C+ +, and Microsoft Visual C+ +. (These compilers compile ... they are introduced. Italic is also used to highlight comments in examples. Practical C Programming xv Preface This book is devoted to practical C programming. C is currently the premier language...
Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 20:20
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... Conclusion The objective of Module 3 ã To improve the library staff to know about how to use ICts as computer including using internet … Good Afternoon! Module 3 Introduction to Information ... ICT development affecting libraries? The level of student ã Students who will come to study might have basic about using computer before Teaching Plan ã By 3p -Presentation -Practice -Production ... 3 Introduction to Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) - Lesson 1: Why do librarians need to know about ICTs and acquire skill in their use? - Lesson 2: How do computer work? - Lesson 3:...
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 20:20
An Introduction to International Criminal Law and Procedure pdf
... Article 58, ICC-02/05-02/09 161, 450 8.2.2010. PT. Ch. I. Decision on the Confirmation of Charges, ICC-02/05-02/09 161 Al Bashir, Prosecutor v. (Case No. ICC-02/05-01/09) 4.3.2009. PT. Ch. I. Decision ... the Prosecutor against the Pre-Trial Chamber I of 6.12.2007, ICC-02/05-177 488 Abu Garda, Prosecutor v. (Case No. ICC-02/05-02/09) 7.5.2009. PT. Ch. I. Decision on the Prosecutor’s application ... Non-compliance 517 Contents ix SCSL Brima, Kamara and Kanu, Prosecutor v. (Case No. SCSL-2004-16) AFRC case 16.9.2005. T. Ch. II. Decision on the Prosecution’s oral application for leave to be...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 03:20
An Introduction to the Industrial and Social history pdf
... bishopric on whose lands they had grown up. Such a charter usually declared the right of the town to preserve the ancient customs which had come to be recognized among its inhabitants, and granted to ... proprietor, in addition to having control of the clergy of his diocese, and exercising a powerful influence over the consciences and actions of its lay population. The bishoprics were grouped into ... of the facts stated in it have become, through the researches and publications of recent years, such commonplace knowledge that a reference to authority in each case has not seemed necessary....
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 23:20
An Introduction to the History of Western Europe pdf
... VIII CHAPTER IX CHAPTER X CHAPTER XI CHAPTER XII CHAPTER XIII CHAPTER XIV CHAPTER XV CHAPTER XVI CHAPTER XVII CHAPTER XVIII CHAPTER XIX CHAPTER XX CHAPTER XXI CHAPTER XXII CHAPTER XXIII CHAPTER ... in every case to interpret its terms satisfactorily. [Sidenote: William the Conqueror and the Church.] William's policy in regard to the Church indicates a desire to advance its interests in conjunction ... chief towns of the Roman provinces should be especially influential in church affairs. They came to be called archbishops, and might summon the bishops of the province to a council to decide important...
Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 23:20
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article AWPP: A New Scheme for Wireless Access Control Proportional to Traffic Priority and Rate" pdf
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 05:20
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