introduction to oracle sql and pl sql student guide volume 1 2

Tài liệu introduction to oracle: SQL and PL / SQL doc

Tài liệu introduction to oracle: SQL and PL / SQL doc

... Introduction to Oracle: SQL and PL /SQL Using Procedure Builder Volume One S Participant Guide Edition 1. 1 M03989 T1001E 11 ...

Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2014, 09:20

2 487 6
Tài liệu introduction to oracle: SQL and PL / SQL using procedure builder ppt

Tài liệu introduction to oracle: SQL and PL / SQL using procedure builder ppt

... deemed to be Restricted Rights softĆ ware under Federal law, and as set forth in subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of DFARS 25 2 .22 7Ć7 013 , Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software (October 19 88). This ... error free. SQL* Plus, PL /SQL, Procedure Builder, Developer /20 00, Oracle7 Server, Oracle Server, Discoverer /20 00, and Designer /20 00 are trademarks or registered tradeĆ marks of Oracle Corporation. All ... 52. 227 14 , Rights in DataĆGeneral, including Alternate III (June 19 87). The information in this document is subject to change without notice. If you find any problems in the documentation, please...

Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2014, 09:20

2 412 0
Tài liệu introduction to oracle: SQL and PL / SQL using procedure builder pdf

Tài liệu introduction to oracle: SQL and PL / SQL using procedure builder pdf

... deemed to be Restricted Rights softĆ ware under Federal law, and as set forth in subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of DFARS 25 2 .22 7Ć7 013 , Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software (October 19 88). This ... error free. SQL* Plus, PL /SQL, Procedure Builder, Developer /20 00, Oracle7 Server, Oracle Server, Discoverer /20 00, and Designer /20 00 are trademarks or registered tradeĆ marks of Oracle Corporation. All ... 52. 227 14 , Rights in DataĆGeneral, including Alternate III (June 19 87). The information in this document is subject to change without notice. If you find any problems in the documentation, please...

Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 10:20

2 567 1
Tài liệu introduction to oracle: SQL and PL / SQL using procedure builder doc

Tài liệu introduction to oracle: SQL and PL / SQL using procedure builder doc

... Introduction to Oracle: SQL and PL /SQL Using Procedure Builder Volume Four S Participant Guide Edition 1. 1 M039 92 T1001E 11 ...

Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 10:20

2 352 0
Tài liệu Instructor Guide for Introduction to Oracle: SQL and PL/SQL ppt

Tài liệu Instructor Guide for Introduction to Oracle: SQL and PL/SQL ppt

... 2 916 .6667 21 7 5 15 66.6667 DEPTNO SAL 10 24 50 10 5000 10 13 00 20 800 20 11 00 20 3000 20 3000 20 29 75 30 16 00 30 28 50 30 12 50 30 950 30 15 00 30 12 50 DEPTNO AVG(SAL) 10 2 916 .6667 ... Using Parentheses SQL& gt; SELECT ename, sal, 12 *(sal +10 0) 2 FROM emp; ENAME SAL 12 *(SAL +10 0) KING 5000 6 12 00 BLAKE 28 50 35400 CLARK 24 50 30600 JONES 29 75 36900 MARTIN 12 50 16 20 0 14 rows selected. ... comm) 2 FROM emp 3 WHERE job = ’SALESMAN’; ENAME SAL COMM MOD(SAL,COMM) MARTIN 12 50 14 00 12 50 ALLEN 16 00 300 10 0 TURNER 15 00 0 15 00 WARD 12 50 500 25 0 Working with Dates • Oracle stores dates...

Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 10:20

174 491 0
OCP: Oracle8i DBA SQL and PL/SQL Study Guide

OCP: Oracle8i DBA SQL and PL/SQL Study Guide

... Developer /20 00, SQL, PL /SQL, and SQL* Plus. The following five tests comprise this track:  1Z0-0 01: Introduction to Oracle : SQL and PL /SQL  1Z0 -10 1: Develop PL /SQL Program Units  1Z0 - 12 1: ... datatype. TABLE 1. 2 Date Arithmetic Time to Add Fraction Date Difference 1 Day 1 1 1 Hour 1/ 24 1/ 24 1 Minute 1/ (24 × 60) 1/ 1440 1 Second 1/ (24 × 60 × 60) 1/ 86400 Copyright 20 00 SYBEX , Inc., Alameda, CA xxxii ... varchar2 varchar2 number number Length 9 50 11 ,2 11 ,2 Copyright 20 00 SYBEX , Inc., Alameda, CA Chapter 1 Relational Technology and Simple SQL SELECT Statements ORACLE8 i SQL...

Ngày tải lên: 16/10/2013, 13:15

505 377 0
SQL and PL/SQL Using Procedure Buider

SQL and PL/SQL Using Procedure Buider

... Using PL /SQL 22 Ć7 SELECT Exceptions 22 15 Manipulating Data Using PL /SQL 22 19 SQL Cursor 22 23 Controlling Transactions 22 27 Summary 22 Ć 31 Practice Overview 22 Ć33 Practice 22 22 Ć35 23 . ... Assigning Values to Variables 21 29 Programming Guidelines 21 43 Summary 21 49 Practice Overview 21 51 Practice 21 21 53 22 . Interacting with Oracle 22 1 Objectives 22 Ć3 Overview 22 Ć5 Retrieving ... 16 29 Practice Overview 16 Ć 31 Practice 16 16 Ć33 17 . Summary of SQL and SQL* Plus 17 1 Summary of SQL and SQL* Plus 17 Ć3 Practice Overview 17 Ć9 Practice 17 17 11 Volume 3 18 . Overview of PL/ SQL...

Ngày tải lên: 19/10/2013, 11:15

322 361 0
Tài liệu OCP: Oracle8i DBA SQL and PL/SQL Study Guide docx

Tài liệu OCP: Oracle8i DBA SQL and PL/SQL Study Guide docx

... Introduction to Oracle : SQL and PL /SQL  1Z0 -10 1: Develop PL /SQL Program Units  1Z0 - 12 1: Developer /20 00: Build Forms I  1Z0 - 12 2: Developer /20 00: Build Forms II  1Z0 - 12 3: Developer /20 00: ... 12 34567.9 12 34567.89 NUMBER(9,3) Numeric error 12 34567.89 NUMBER(7 ,2) Numeric error 12 34567.89 NUMBER(5, -2) 12 34600 12 34 511 .89 NUMBER(5, -2) 12 34500 12 34567.89 NUMBER(5,-4) 12 30000 12 34567.89 ... datatype:  Century  Year  Month TABLE 1. 1 Precision and Scale Examples Actual Value Datatype Stored Value 12 34567.89 NUMBER 12 34567.89 12 34567.89 NUMBER(8) 12 34568 12 34567.89 NUMBER(6) Numeric error 12 34567.89 NUMBER(9 ,1) 12 34567.9 12 34567.89...

Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 06:17

505 432 0
Tài liệu Oracle 9i - SQL - Student Guide - Volume 1 docx

Tài liệu Oracle 9i - SQL - Student Guide - Volume 1 docx

... Order 2- 23 Sorting by Column Alias 2- 24 Sorting by Multiple Columns 2- 25 Summary 2- 26 Practice 2 Overview 2- 27 v EXTRACT 16 -10 FROM_TZ 16 -11 TO_ TIMESTAMP and TO_ TIMESTAMP_TZ 16 - 12 TO_ YMINTERVAL 16 -13 TZ_OFFSET ... iSQL*Plus Commands 1- 25 Overview of iSQL*Plus 1- 26 Logging In to iSQL*Plus 1- 27 The iSQL*Plus Environment 1- 28 Displaying Table Structure 1- 29 Interacting with Script Files 1- 31 Summary 1- 34 Practice ... Operator 1- 19 Literal Character Strings 1- 20 Using Literal Character Strings 1- 21 Duplicate Rows 1- 22 Eliminating Duplicate Rows 1- 23 SQL and iSQL*Plus Interaction 1- 24 SQL Statements versus iSQL*Plus...

Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2014, 06:20

442 471 0
Tài liệu Introduction to oracle 9i : SQL ppt

Tài liệu Introduction to oracle 9i : SQL ppt

... UNION ALL Operator 15 -11 The INTERSECT Operator 15 - 12 Using the INTERSECT Operator 15 -13 The MINUS Operator 15 -14 SET Operator Guidelines 15 -16 The Oracle Server and SET Operators 15 -17 Matching ... Operator 18 -18 Using the NOT EXISTS Operator 18 -20 Correlated UPDATE 18 - 21 Correlated DELETE 18 -24 The WITH Clause 18 -26 WITH Clause: Example 18 -27 Summary 18 -29 Practice 18 Overview 18 - 31 xx Creating ... Function 17 -11 GROUPING Function: Example 17 - 12 GROUPING SETS 17 -13 GROUPING SETS: Example 17 -15 Composite Columns 17 -17 Composite Columns: Example 17 -19 Concatenated Groupings 17 - 21 xix Defining...

Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 06:17

442 492 0
Tài liệu Oracle Database 11g PL/SQL Programming P2 ppt

Tài liệu Oracle Database 11g PL/SQL Programming P2 ppt

... Chapter 1: Oracle PL /SQL Overview 17 Oracle 11 g New Features New PL /SQL features introduced in Oracle 11 g include Automatic subprogram inlining A continue statement A cross-session PL /SQL function ... Figure 1- 2 graphically depicts memory use for the three models from 500 to 2, 000 concurrent users. FIGURE 1- 2 Connection scalability 24 Oracle Database 11 g PL /SQL Programming PL/ Scope The PL/ Scope ... explained the importance of PL /SQL, and how it can leverage your investment in the Oracle 11 g database. You should now see that a combination of SQL and PL /SQL can simplify your external application...

Ngày tải lên: 25/01/2014, 14:20

10 494 0

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