introduction to matlab and its graphics capabilities

crc press - elem. math. and comp. tools for engineers using matlab - j. manassah

crc press - elem. math. and comp. tools for engineers using matlab - j. manassah

... Press LLC Contents Introduction to MATLAB and Its Graphics Capabilities 1.1 Getting Started 1.2 Basic Algebraic Operations and Functions 1.3 Plotting Points 1.3.1 Axes Commands 1.3.2 Labeling ... will learn how to use some simple MATLAB graphics commands to plot points We use these graphics commands later in the text for plotting functions and for visualizing their properties To view all ... Addendum: MATLAB Selected References *The asterisk indicates more advanced material that may be skipped in a first reading © 2001 by CRC Press LLC Introduction to MATLAB and Its Graphics Capabilities...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 16:19

349 713 0
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

... done and ready to compile your code Write the command line that you should use to compile this code (using gcc) Let’s call the desired output program dictionary.o Problem 3.3 Both the for loop and ... explanatory fields Your task is to read the file using fscanf and generate a report outlining the migration of people from Massachusetts to all the other states Use the field ”Aggr AGI” to report ... a t e random number i n [ , ) ∗/ double r e t = ( double ) rand ( ) ; return r e t / (RAND MAX+1); } i n t s a m p l e g e o m e t r i c r v ( double p ) { double q ; i n t n = ; { q = rand double...

Ngày tải lên: 25/04/2013, 08:07

7 468 0
Sun tzu and the art of business

Sun tzu and the art of business

... • 1996 To my parents, James and Esperanza, for their love, To my wife Sandy, for her help and support in all things, To my children, Alex, Logan and Kenzie, for being themselves, And to God, ... doubled to 40%, profits soared, and its stock quadrupled.2 The principle of avoiding strength and attacking weakness makes what occurred plain Kmart took on Wal-Mart at its strongest point— its cost ... at the critical time and place These methods allow Southwest to set records for advance bookings and flights per gate, driving its revenue and profits up and its competitors out.11 At this point,...

Ngày tải lên: 18/08/2013, 12:22

272 434 1
Updating Security Identifiers (SIDs) and computer names

Updating Security Identifiers (SIDs) and computer names

... from a disk to an image file or to another disk, Norton Ghost examines the source partition and decides whether to copy just the files and directory structure, or to a sector-by-sector copy If ... command-line switches ■ Interactively with selected switches ■ Automated in batch files (batch mode) The Norton Ghost command-line switches are used to alter Norton Ghost behavior and automate ... prompts the user to restart or exit -rb tells Norton Ghost to restart automatically after it completes the restore or copy This is useful when automating Norton Ghost in a batch command file See...

Ngày tải lên: 06/10/2013, 10:20

79 366 0
Definite and indefinite articles and gender

Definite and indefinite articles and gender

... stick la moto la radio motorcycle radio Exceptions are: la d´namo ı la foto la mano dynamo photo hand 11 A STUDENT GRAMMAR OF SPANISH Foto and moto are shortened forms of fotograf´a and motocicleta ... (football) pato duck pimiento pepper (vegetable) plato plate, dish, course of meal puerto port, pass (in mountains) punto dot, speck, point (in scoring) rato short time seto hedge tormento torment, ... like French and Italian, had to find new feminines, and feminists are doing their best to establish new forms The feminine form of professional nouns is now used regularly and applies to women in...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 06:20

22 439 0
GED Literature and the Arts, Reading Practice Questions

GED Literature and the Arts, Reading Practice Questions

... merchandise manager to die And suppose I get to be merchandise manager? He’s a good friend of mine, and he just built a terrific estate on Long Island And he lived there about two months (40) and ... needs to grow up and stop acting like a baby c He needs to pick one career and work hard until he achieves success d He needs to stop moving around so much and just stay in one place e He needs to ... left aground on a sandbar barely big enough for our feet I lost friends and relatives (15) and stories and familiar comforts and a sense of continuity between home and outside and any sense that...

Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2013, 17:20

32 805 2
Tài liệu Privacy Protection and Computer Forensics ppt

Tài liệu Privacy Protection and Computer Forensics ppt

... computers, to sole proprietors and individual entrepreneurs, to law enforcement officials, to politicians, to medical doctors and other healthcare providers, to college students, to Introduction ... Also, if you’d like to contribute to the series by writing a book about a topic related to computer security, feel free to contact either the Commissioning Editor or the Series Editor ... marginal sector to one of the sectors held in reserve; b Assigns the logical address of the marginal sector to the new sector that the data was copied to; Mothballs the marginal sector without...

Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 15:20

366 1,6K 0


... substance to guide the computer in the process and to tailor the summary to particular needs and interests In computerized conferencing, the ultimate goal is "collective intelligence" and one hopes ... group of humans to pool their intelligence into something greater than any of its par~s If there is an automated or artificial intelligence system, then providing that system as a tool to a group ... becume the tool of the wTiter, editor, translator and reader It also has to aid us in improving our ability to co~unicate Most organizations are run on cammunications and the lore that is contained...

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 20:20

2 465 0
Cinema 3.0: How Digital and Computer Technologies are Changing Cinema pot

Cinema 3.0: How Digital and Computer Technologies are Changing Cinema pot

... separate historical trajectories finally meet Media and computer —Daguerre's daguerreotype and Babbage's Analytical Engine, the Lumiere Cinematographic and Hollerith's tabulator — merge into one All ... a photos of herself as a girl and sharing her memories of the time when the photos were taken She is told that both the photos and her memories have been programmed and that they "belong to someone ... writes of videos and walkmans that, "we use them not to watch films or listen to music, but to add vision and soundtracks, to make us directors of our own reality."35 So the next step to making our...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 15:20

277 546 0
Capability of the People’s Republic of China to Conduct Cyber Warfare and Computer Network Exploitation potx

Capability of the People’s Republic of China to Conduct Cyber Warfare and Computer Network Exploitation potx

... information systems and C4ISR systems The PLA is training and equipping its force to use a variety of IW tools for intelligence gathering and to establish information dominance over its adversaries ... is nondiscriminatory in its targeting and though the PLA is training and preparing its force to operate under “complex electromagnetic conditions,” many of its own space-based and possibly terrestrial ... logistics, and command and control functions Attacks such as these are intended to degrade US information and support systems sufficiently for the PLA to achieve its campaign objectives before the US and...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 20:20

88 495 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Electrical and Computer" docx

Báo cáo khoa học: "Electrical and Computer" docx

... is identical to its counterpart in the first-order model However, the definitions of A, B, and C are modified to enable the full second-order HMM t o use more contextual information to model part-of-speech ... Similarly to the trigram extension to the A matrix, the approximation for the lexical and suffix probabilities can also be modified to include second-order information as follows: B = {bij(k)) and ... sentence, and T is the number of tags This is asymptotically equivalent to the running time of a standard trigram tagger that maximizes the probability of the entire tag sequence Experiment and Conclusions...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 07:20

8 295 0
ICP30112 Certificate III in Printing and Graphic Arts (Graphic Design Production) pdf

ICP30112 Certificate III in Printing and Graphic Arts (Graphic Design Production) pdf

... of units = 19 units core units plus 11 elective units from Group A plus elective units from Group B Up to elective units from Group A can be substituted with Group B elective units listed below ... requirements Problem solving  monitoring production quality and making minor adjustments to processes trialling typography, designs and colours that may fit the brief and evaluating them against selection ... Initiative and enterprise  identifying and accessing relevant sources of information about design processes Planning and organising  identifying and collecting resources such as equipment, tools,...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 17:20

7 271 0
Andrew koenig   c traps and pitfalls  article

Andrew koenig c traps and pitfalls article

... Pitfalls To understand a C program, it is not enough to understand the tokens that make it up One must also understand how the tokens combine to form declarations, expressions, statements, and programs ... variables, h and l, whose values are between and 15 inclusive, and you want to set r to an 8-bit value whose low-order bits are those of l and whose high-order bits are those of h The natural way to this ... first, and then evaluates either b or c, depending on the value of a The , operator evaluates its left operand and discards its value, then evaluates its right operand.† All other C operators evaluate...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 14:05

29 294 2
Owen l  astrachan   a computer science tapestry  exploring programming and computer science with c++  2nd

Owen l astrachan a computer science tapestry exploring programming and computer science with c++ 2nd

... Data, and Random Access 8.1 Arrays and Vectors as Counters 8.1.1 An Introduction to the Class tvector 8.1.2 Counting with tvectors 8.2 Defining and Using tvectors ... first to try out new ideas; and I also respect the caution of those who prefer to stick with ideas which they know and understand and trust.” I think Hoare may not like C++; it is too big, too ... tvectors 8.3.1 Size and Capacity 8.3.2 Using push_back, resize, and reserve 8.3.3 Vector Idioms: Insertion, Deletion, and Searching 8.3.4 Insertion into a Sorted Vector...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 14:12

879 489 0