introduction to data structures with linked lists

Jumping into C++  Alex Allain

Jumping into C++ Alex Allain

... 155 Chapter 15: Introduction to Data Structures with Linked Lists 157 © Alex Allain ( Pointers and structures 159 Creating a linked list ... the file If you want to save to a new location, can type in the name of the file to save, or you can use the To Files menu option (Ctrl-T), in red, to select a file to write to The blue menu option, ... App Store will put an “Install XCode” icon into your Dock Run this to start the install process The installation process will ask you to agree to a licensing agreement, and then present you with...

Ngày tải lên: 04/12/2014, 11:10

381 2,5K 11


... Number from Decimal to Binary Quick Review 1008 Exercises 1009 Programming Exercises 18 1004 1012 LINKED LISTS 1017 Linked Lists Linked Lists: Some Properties 1018 1019 Building a Linked List 1028 ... information stored in the cell Figure 1-2 shows main memory with storage cells 1000 1001 2000 2001 FIGURE 1-2 54 A Main memory with some data Today’s computers come with main memory ... Output setprecision Manipulator 135 135 fixed Manipulator 136 showpoint Manipulator setw 136 138 Additional Output Formatting Tools setfill Manipulator left and right Manipulators Input/Output and...

Ngày tải lên: 15/02/2014, 07:20

1,4K 872 0
Chapter 15  introduction to the design of electric machinery

Chapter 15 introduction to the design of electric machinery

... similar to the stator backiron The inert region (radii from rrs to rri) mechanically transfers torque from the rotor backiron to the shaft It is often just a continuation of the rotor Stator Backiron ... radius, rrb—the rotor backiron radius, rrg—the rotor air-gap radius, rst—the stator tooth inner radius, rsb—the stator backiron inner radius, and rss—the stator shell radius A stator shell, if present, ... of canceled conductors to be zero and require the end winding conductor arrangement to be symmetric in the sense that for any end conductor count over tooth i, the end conductor count over the...

Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 18:55

40 483 0
introduction to the design & analysis of algorithms

introduction to the design & analysis of algorithms

... relative to the number of searches, searching has to be considered in conjunction with two other operations: an addition to and deletion from the data set of an item In such situations, data structures ... course on discrete structures With such a background, he or she should be able to handle the book’s material without undue difficulty xxiii Preface Still, fundamental data structures, necessary ... as the answer and stop; otherwise, proceed to Step Step Divide m by n and assign the value of the remainder to r Step Assign the value of n to m and the value of r to n Go to Step Alternatively,...

Ngày tải lên: 29/05/2014, 16:54

593 3,2K 0
Introduction to digital design using digilent FPGA boards

Introduction to digital design using digilent FPGA boards

... 0000110, to the 7-bit array, a _to_ g, when the input hex value x[3:0] is equal to (0011) In the array a _to_ g the value a _to_ g[6] corresponds to segment a and the value a _to_ g[0] corresponds to segment ... statement to "wire" them together Alternatively, we could use the HDE editor to write the simpler Verilog program called gates4b.v shown in Listing 3.1 that uses reduction operators to implement ... Simulation of the quad 2 -to- 1 MUX in Fig 6.1 Quad 2 -to- 1 Multiplexer 27 Use the BDE to create the top-level design called mux21_top.bde shown in Fig 6.3 Note that a[3:0] are connected to the four leftmost...

Ngày tải lên: 06/06/2014, 00:38

111 550 0
Introduction to Optimum Design phần 1 pdf

Introduction to Optimum Design phần 1 pdf

... xvi Introduction to Optimum Design with MATLAB 413 413 Introduction to Optimization Toolbox 12.1.1 Variables and Expressions 12.1.2 Scalar, Array, and Matrix Operations 12.1.3 Optimization Toolbox ... want to change it to improve its performance If the trial design does not work, we need to change it to come up with an acceptable system In both cases, we must be able to analyze designs to make ... Related to a Set of Vectors B.5.1 Linear Independence of a Set of Vectors B.5.2 Vector Spaces B.6 Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors B.7 Norm and Condition Number of a Matrix B.7.1 Norm of Vectors and...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 18:20

76 464 2
Introduction to Optimum Design phần 2 pdf

Introduction to Optimum Design phần 2 pdf

... referring to the data points for the function g1 determined by the ContourPlot command; it is used in future commands to refer to this particular plot This ContourPlot command plots a contour defined ... Mathematica command used to plot the contour of a function, say g1 = 0, is entered as Plotg1=ContourPlot[g1,{x1,0,25},{x2,0,25}, ContourShadingÆFalse, ContoursÆ{0}, ContourStyleÆ{{Thickness[.01]}}, ... a contour is also called the level set If the objective function is to be minimized, the contours are also called iso-cost curves To plot a contour through the feasible region, we need to assign...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 18:20

76 541 0
Introduction to Optimum Design phần 3 pptx

Introduction to Optimum Design phần 3 pptx

... function with respect to an inequality constraint can be written as ∂ f (x*) = u*, j ∂g j j = to m (4.60) If the constraint function depends on a parameter s as gj(s), then variation with respect to ... subject to x1 + x2 - £ INTRODUCTION TO OPTIMUM DESIGN 4.66 Minimize f(x1, x2) = (x1 - 1)2 + (x2 - 1)2 subject to x1 + x2 - £ x1 - x2 - ≥ 4.67 Minimize f(x1, x2) = (x1 - 1)2 + (x2 - 1)2 subject to ... region for the problem is a circle with its center at (0, 0) and radius as This is plotted in Fig 4-21 Several cost function contours are shown 134 INTRODUCTION TO OPTIMUM DESIGN x2 –7 –5 –3 –1...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 18:20

76 472 0
Introduction to Optimum Design phần 4 pdf

Introduction to Optimum Design phần 4 pdf

... + x = 28 14 (c) subject to 214 INTRODUCTION TO OPTIMUM DESIGN TABLE 6-11 Solution of Example 6.8 by the Simplex Method Initial tableau: x4 is identied to be replaced with x2 in the basic set ... that the new solution corresponds to point C 238 INTRODUCTION TO OPTIMUM DESIGN 6.5.3 Ranging Cost Coefcients If a cost coefcient ck is changed to ck + Dck, we like to nd an admissible range on Dck ... to F15: formula to calculate the left side of constraint right side limits for the constraints The Formula Auditing command under the Tools menu is used to display the formulas in cells E12 to...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 18:20

76 267 0
Introduction to Optimum Design phần 5 pptx

Introduction to Optimum Design phần 5 pptx

... any unit vector; and c is the gradient vector at x* According to the above property, vectors c and T are normal to each other, i.e., their dot product is zero, c ã T = 310 INTRODUCTION TO OPTIMUM ... product of the gradient vector c with the tangential vector T is zero, the vectors are normal to each other But, T is any tangent vector at x*, and so c is orthogonal to the tangent plane for the ... conditions to solve for the optimum step length In general, a numerical one-dimensional search will have to be used to calculate a Using the analytic approach to solve for optimum a, we get 294 INTRODUCTION...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 18:20

76 323 0
Introduction to Optimum Design phần 6 potx

Introduction to Optimum Design phần 6 potx

... a design variable vector of dimension n, to minimize a cost function f = f(x) subject to equality constraints hi(x) = 0, i = to p and inequality constraints gi(x) Ê 0, i = to m 11.1 Potential ... path to the optimum point Example 11.2 calculates the search directions with and without the potential set strategy and shows that they are different EXAMPLE 11.2 Search Direction with and without ... (11.2) to (11.5) is to rst write the KKT necessary conditions of Section 4.4, and then to transform them into a form that can be treated by Phase I of the Simplex method of Section 6.4 To write...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 18:20

76 340 0
Introduction to Optimum Design phần 7 pot

Introduction to Optimum Design phần 7 pot

... DISPLAY THE DATA HELP THE USER STOP IDESIGN NO = COST HISTORY NO = CONVERGENCE PARAMETER HISTORY NO = MAX CONSTRAINT VIOLATION HISTORY NO = DESIGN VARIABLES HISTORY NO = CONSTRAINTS HISTORY NO = ... be able to edit any data that have been entered previously The step-by-step procedure should be set up to display the menu for data selection and entry Or, it should be possible to enter data in ... other such data It should be possible to change data at any iteration, such as design variables and their limits, convergence criteria, and other data The designer should be able to fix design...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 18:20

76 263 0
Introduction to Optimum Design phần 8 pot

Introduction to Optimum Design phần 8 pot

... show how to transform an ILP into a 0-1 programming problem To that, let us consider an ILP as follows: minimize f = cTx subject to Ax Ê b xi integer; i = to nd ; xil Ê xi Ê xiu , i = nd + to n ... point x(0) and go to Step Otherwise go to Step Step If k < L, then set k = k + and go to Step If k > L and any of the stopping criteria is satised, then stop Otherwise, go to Step Step Set K ... would map onto a curve in the criterion space in Fig 17-3 Weak Pareto Optimality A concept closely related to Pareto optimality is that of weak Pareto optimality At the weakly Pareto optimal points,...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 18:20

76 327 0
Introduction to Optimum Design phần 9 ppsx

Introduction to Optimum Design phần 9 ppsx

... useful to divide vectors and matrices into a smaller group of elements This can be done by partitioning the matrix into smaller rectangular arrays called submatrices and a vector into subvectors ... (B.39b) where x is a k-component vector and A is an n ¥ k matrix with vectors a(i) as its columns Appendix B Vector and Matrix Algebra 635 To determine if the set of vectors is linearly independent ... identified with a variable; the first column is associated with the variable x1 because it contains coefficients of x1 for all equations, the second with x2, the third with x3, and the last column with...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 18:20

76 207 0
Introduction to Optimum Design phần 10 ppsx

Introduction to Optimum Design phần 10 ppsx

... Answers to Selected Problems Chapter 12 Introduction to Optimum Design with MATLAB 12.1 For l = 0.5 m, To = 10 kN◊m, Tmax = 20 kN◊m, x* = 103 mm, x* = 0.955, f* = 2.9 kg 12.2 For l = 0.5, To = 10 ... of vectors, 616 square matrices, 616–617 vectors, 613 Matrix algebra, vector and, 611–646 concepts related to set of vectors, 635–641 definition of matrices, 611–613 eigenvalues and eigenvectors, ... bathtub, 47 tonnage of iron ore, 52–53 top rectangular container to transport materials, 48 two-bar truss, 49–50 vegetable oil stocks, 50–51 water canal, 53 Formulation process, problem, 16–18 data...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 18:20

67 195 0
java programming fraom problem analysis to program design 5th ed

java programming fraom problem analysis to program design 5th ed

... information stored in the cell Figure 1-1(b) shows main memory with some data Today’s computers come with main memory consisting of millions to billions of cells Although Figure 1-1(b) shows data stored ... called secondary storage To be able to transfer information from main memory to secondary storage, these components must be connected directly to each other Examples of secondary storage are hard ... either to make available to students on the network for chapter review, or to be printed for classroom distribution Instructors can add their own slides for additional topics that they introduce to...

Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2014, 00:49

1,1K 5,8K 8
Introduction to e design

Introduction to e design

... mapping Tool wrappers provide two-way data translation and transmission between engineering tools and the product data model Design process management provides the team leader with a tool to monitor ... added to the environment First, the product data model must be extended to include engineering data needed to support CFD Second, engineering views must be added to allow design engineers to generate ... increment is needed to achieve the required performance Rapid Prototyping When the design is finalized through virtual prototyping, rapid prototyping is used to fabricate a physical prototype of the...

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2016, 14:37

537 946 0
Introduction to Digital Signal Processing and Filter Design

Introduction to Digital Signal Processing and Filter Design

... forms The structures for xiv PREFACE IIR filters include direct-form and cascade and parallel structures, lattice–ladder structures with autoregressive (AR), moving-average (MA), and allpass structures ... may have to tune each of them to correct for manufacturing tolerances, but there is no such need to test the accuracy of the wordlength in digital filters Data on digital filters can be stored on ... used to read email and access the Internet just like the PC; the PC can be used to tune and view TV channels, and record and play music as well as data on CD-DVD in addition to their use to make...

Ngày tải lên: 13/09/2012, 10:21

440 1K 4