... Sections 9.2, 9.3, and 9.4. 7. AUTOMATA ã Patterns and Pattern Matching ã Finite State Machines and Automata ã Deterministic and Nondeterministic Automata Reading: Sections 10.2 and 10.3. 8. REGULAR ... opportunities to get an English-working skill and a better knowledge in computer science. 0.2 TEXTBOOK AND HANDOUTS There is one required text for this course: Foundations of Computer Science (C ... Analysis and Design: Phân tích và Thiết kế hệ thống. Software Engineering: Kỹ nghệ phần mềm (Công nghệ phần mềm). Artificial Intelligence: Trí tuệ nhân tạo. INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER SCIENCE HANDOUT...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 11:21
... C. 1002 5 0 num 8 3 10 0 1 2 3 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER SCIENCE HANDOUT #1. REVIEWS K5 & K6, Computer Science Department, Văn Lang University Second semester Feb, 2002 Instructor: Trần Đức Quang Major themes: 1. Introduction ... defined action. to operate: thao tác, hoạt động. operator: người điều hành, to n tử. operand: to n hạng. Execution: Thực thi, chạy. The running of a program on a computer. to execute: to run. Data ... terminates; n is the answer. E3. [Reduce.] Set m ← n, n ← r, and go back to step E1. A B 15 (km) 10 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER SCIENCE: HANDOUT #1. REVIEWS Implementation: Sự cài đặt, lắp đặt; bản cài...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 11:21
... cell. 4 6 ã ã 31 9 42 L M INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER SCIENCE HANDOUT #2. SET THEORY K5 & K6, Computer Science Department, Văn Lang University Second semester Feb, 2002 Instructor: Trần Đức Quang Major ... (general form): We write { x | x ∈ X and P(x) } and read "the set of elements x in X such that x has property P." 12 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER SCIENCE: HANDOUT #2. SET THEORY Equality of ... S Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Region 4 S T 16 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER SCIENCE: HANDOUT #2. SET THEORY Code: Baûn mã chương trình. Any written program (in any programming languages, including machine...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 11:21
... point Labeling lines and regions. 7. Reasoning, Facts and Inferences This chapter began to move beyond the standard “image processing” approach to computer vision to make statement about ... edge detector is applied to the small image and where edge pixel have been found, an edge detector is applied to the corresponding four pixels in the next large image – and so on to the full-size ... pixel positions. Histogram The image histogram is a valuable tool used to view the intensity profile of an image. The histogram provides information about the contrast and overall intensity...
Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2014, 00:33
an introduction to materials engineering and science for chemical and materials engineers
... Burger’s Vector Propagation Direction Edge ⊥ to dislocation line || to dislocation line, || to Burger’s vector Screw || to dislocation line ⊥ to dislocation line, ⊥ to Burger’s vector Mixed Neither ... is too large to allow students to take 5–10 minutes to solve these problems. To the instructor, the Coop- erative Learning Exercises are to be used only as a starting point, and the instructor is ... ion and a chloride ion to form a compound, and what is it that prevents the nuclei from fusing together to form one element? These questions all lead us to the topics of intermolecular forces and...
Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2014, 15:46
an introduction to matrices, sets, and groups for science students
... ideas of set theory and developed the set notation just far enough to enable the concept of a mapping to be understood. Of course, it would have been possible to omit the set theory sections and to introduce matrices ... 3 denotes the mapping which sends I into ai' 2 into a 2 , 3 into a3 and 4 into a 4 ã If f = ( ~ ~ ; ~) and g = ( ~ ; i :) find Ig and gl Each mapping (J and g) is a permutation of the numbers I, ... A and B can be multiplied together to form their product BA (in that order) only when the number of columns of B is equal to the number of rows of A. A and B are then said to be conformable to...
Ngày tải lên: 31/05/2014, 00:14
a beginner’s introduction to computer programming you can do it!
... the willingness to listen to your students and a desire to understand what they are asking. They do not expect you to know all the answers but they do have a right to expect you to be honest. If ... invited to explore what they can achieve with the tools they have been shown rather than constantly hunting for more tools. Understand that it takes skill and insight to do things in a simple way and ... Research Machines 380Z. A colleague of mine designed and built hardware to link a Spectrum to a 380Z and I designed a protocol to allow the machines to exchange information over that link. In 1988...
Ngày tải lên: 31/05/2014, 23:29
josef bigun - vision with direction. a systematic introduction to image processing and computer vision
... eccentricity and appears to range from 2 ◦ to 90 ◦ per second. To limit the scope of this book and also because they are less studied, we will not discuss cells beyond area V1 further, and refer to further ... light photons excite the human photoreceptors after having passed through the eye’s lens system. The light stimulates the photorecep- tors, and after some signal processing both in the retina and ... . 103 8.2 Sampling Band-Preserving Linear Operators 109 8.3 Sampling Band-Enlarging Operators . . . 114 9 Scales and Frequency Channels 119 9.1 Spectral Effects of Down- and Up-Sampling . 119 9.2...
Ngày tải lên: 05/06/2014, 11:59
the mit press mind 2nd edition introduction to cognitive science apr 2005
... appointments to Psychology and Computer Science, and Director of the Cognitive Science Program at the University of Waterloo. He is the author of Coherence in Thought and Action (MIT Press, 2000) and ... the editor of Mind Readings: Introductory Selections on Cognitive Science (MIT Press, 1998). A Bradford Book “This little gem of a book has three major virtues. First, it is easy to read and easy to understand. ... Chapter 2 I Approaches to Cognitive Science Mind Introduction to Cognitive Science second edition Paul Thagard A Bradford Book The MIT Press Cambridge, Massachusetts London, England term’s courses....
Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 12:48
... of an atom to our isolated HCP unit cell. So, the total number of whole atoms in the HCP unit cell is 3 ì 1 = 3 center atoms 2 ì (1/2) = 1faceatom 12 ì (1/6) = 2 corner atoms 6 total atoms ∗ At ... is too large to allow students to take 5–10 minutes to solve these problems. To the instructor, the Coop- erative Learning Exercises are to be used only as a starting point, and the instructor is ... table is again toward an increase in EA as we go from the bottom to top, and left to right (Figure 1.2b), though this trend is much less uniform than for the IE. Atomic and Ionic Radii....
Ngày tải lên: 29/06/2014, 11:20