international express pre intermediate student book new edition

English for international tourism pre intermediate teachers book new edition

English for international tourism pre intermediate teachers book new edition

... English for International Tourism Pre- Intermediate Teacher’s Book Photocopiable activity 7.1 CARD ACTIVITY: WORD PUZZLES Student A Student B PHOTOCOPIABLE © 2013 Pearson 126 English for International ... Tourism Pre- Intermediate Teacher’s Book Photocopiable activity 10.1 CROSSWORD: MARKETING AND PROMOTIONS Student B PHOTOCOPIABLE © 2013 Pearson 136 English for International Tourism Pre- Intermediate ... students, you could form a pair with one student Preparation: Copy and cut up a set of cards for each pair Procedure: • Put students into pairs and give one a Student A card and the other a Student

Ngày tải lên: 24/08/2023, 11:29

138 15 0
Lectures and students evaluations on the coursebook international express pre intermediate   second edition  a thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of

Lectures and students evaluations on the coursebook international express pre intermediate second edition a thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of

... developed checklists and principles for textbook evaluation The present study aims at evaluating coursebook International Express – Pre- intermediate - Second Edition, used at TOEIC Center, Ton Duc ... the coursebook International Express – preintermediate in terms of linguistic aspects/ language skills? Student 1: Vocabulary / Reading Student 2: Vocabulary in business / Reading Student 3: ... -> focus on the a specific Skills Student 9: Yes Student 10: Yes What are the main problems with coursebook International Express – preintermediate in general? Student 1: Listening texts are long,

Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2017, 20:43

192 327 0
New matrix pre  intermediate student book

New matrix pre intermediate student book

... 0.00 Student' s Book Kathy Gude & Michael Duckworth OXFORD Unit l:o",,,,unk~/on Reading and Vocabulary Grammar Thel~l\~ The present Slmple aoo R: M.tciling h""dio&5: «)mprehen'>ion quesllon~ ... rhem train !lrernf 10 prepare yourself, especially lor a spons event by practising; to help a peISQn to this: I'm training for lhe I.tindon morallwn !O buy new ol'cn hit /bn/ Ipres por/Illltln: in(OTI< ... ApplicoliOll5lor che job should be modr «J release lr:ilr.sI (Cl the act of making a book, film record piect' of news ctc aY' comedian {k;,'mi:di(lnl (e) a pmon whose job is 10 entertain people and

Ngày tải lên: 08/02/2018, 11:34

153 219 0
English for international tourism intermediate teachers book new edition

English for international tourism intermediate teachers book new edition

... INTERMEDIATE TEACHER’S BOOK English for International Tourism NEW EDITION B1–B1+ KAREN ALEXANDER Pearson Education Limited Edinburgh ... the activity, students count the cards they have The winner is the student with the most cards Procedure: • Put students into pairs and give one a Student A card and the other a Student B card ... English for International Tourism Intermediate Teacher’s Book Photocopiable notes 7.1 Photocopiable notes 7.2 Aims: To revise vocabulary relating to cultural tourism Aims: To revise useful expressions

Ngày tải lên: 24/08/2023, 11:31

134 15 0
oxford new headway pre intermediate teacher039s book 4th edition

oxford new headway pre intermediate teacher039s book 4th edition

... teacher’s Book (tB) The Teacher’s Book offers the teacher full support both for lesson preparation and in the classroom The New Headway Pre- Intermediate Teacher’s Book, Fourth edition has a new look ... materials for New Headway Pre- Intermediate, Fourth edition VideoBrand new video clips, along with classroom worksheets are available on the new Headway Pre- Intermediate Fourth edition iTools ... the Student? ??s Book, and it is intended for use at home It can be used for revision or reference Revision The new iTutor disc that accompanies the Student? ??s Book allows students to review the Student? ??s

Ngày tải lên: 22/08/2024, 16:47

176 0 0
Matura success pre intermediate student book

Matura success pre intermediate student book

... Read, listen and alk about indentity Practise the Present Simple and Present Continuous; state/action verbs; personality adjective Focus on expressing interest; reading for the main ideas Write ... and make dialogues Take turns Student A † I’ve got 2 My parents come from 3 I’m getting much better at 4] can these days 5 There’s a fantastic new in town Student B Student C Have you? How interesting! ... story happened? 2 Which time expressions does he use to talk m= 7 ate It was in 2001 1 Which phrases does Jonathan use to say —— eS a : XS ie: _ Put these time expressions in in the correct place

Ngày tải lên: 04/02/2018, 03:33

144 206 0
Destination B1 Pre Intermediate Student Book + key

Destination B1 Pre Intermediate Student Book + key

... Grammar Present simple, present continuous, stative verbs Unit Past simple, past continuous, used to Grammar -Fun and games Umt4 Gran1111ar Unit Grammar TJ11it 12 Present ... simple, present perfect continuous 18 - Past perfect simple, past perfect continuous 21 Learning and doing 24 /,-· uni Granunar Future time (present continuous, will, be going to, present ... uni Granunar Future time (present continuous, will, be going to, present simple) 30 Unit Grammar Prepositions of time and place 33 Coming and going 36 -·,- / z '/, , unit 1v Grammar The passive

Ngày tải lên: 01/03/2021, 11:43

254 300 0
oxford select readings pre intermediate student039s book 2nd edition

oxford select readings pre intermediate student039s book 2nd edition

... three expressions using colors and write a sentence using each one 26 Chapter 3 | It’s Not Always Black and White.‘There are a lot of idiomatic expressions, or idioms, in English Idioms are expressions ... textbook, for scientific information © ina magazine, for fun 4 Which words helped you find the answer to question 3? 1 In the reading, you learned several expressions using color Which expressions ... 10:30.Previewing Pre means before View means to look at Before you read something, it’s important to look it over, or preview it This will help you understand the reading better When you preview

Ngày tải lên: 02/09/2024, 12:07

179 0 0
oxford english file pre intermediate teachers book 3rd edition

oxford english file pre intermediate teachers book 3rd edition

... Grammar Pre- intermediate students need • clear and memorable presentations of new structures.• regular and motivating practice • student- friendly reference material Trang 1 0Pre- intermediate students ... puzzles Student? ??s Book and Workbook e-booksAvailable on Oxford Learner’s Bookshelf • Student? ??s Book and Workbook in digital format with interactive activities and all the audio and video For students ... Program)• Workbook (with or without key)• Student? ??s Book and Workbook e-books• Student? ??s website le• Say It app for pronunciation practice For teachers • Teacher’s Book with

Ngày tải lên: 03/09/2024, 17:52

280 0 0
oxford english file pre intermediate student039s book 4th edition

oxford english file pre intermediate student039s book 4th edition

... contained 900 new words, new expressions, or new meanings for existing words But where do they all come from? New words are created in many different ways We can make a new word by combining two ... with your job or studies? What kind of weather makes you feel depressed / depressing? Do you think the news is always depressed / depressing? What activities do you find relaxed / relaxing? Do you ... in 1896, newspaper (news + paper in 1667, and English speakers started to use the word café (from French) in the late 19th century The difference now is how quickly new words and expressions

Ngày tải lên: 03/09/2024, 17:52

169 0 0
outcomes pre intermediate teacher039s book 2nd edition

outcomes pre intermediate teacher039s book 2nd edition

... introduce key or useful vocabulary• preview language structures that will come up in the  unit (here, expressing habits), and find out how well students can already use them Trang 11WHAT DO YOU DO ?Student? ??s Book pages ... orient students and manage the class Trang 8• Every spread has its own identity and lesson title, which is usually a fixed expression or collocation, using every opportunity to teach students ... provide full practice and revision of language in the Student? ??s Book • The Vocabulary Builder follows the spreads of the book so you and your students can easily look up words in class All of the

Ngày tải lên: 03/09/2024, 18:08

280 0 0
SuperKids 4 student book new edition

SuperKids 4 student book new edition

... wish to express my thanks to my students, who taught me everything I have learned about them, to my editors, whose dedication and professionalism are responsible for all that is good in this edition, ... understand and use in their daily lives Special features of this Student Book • Nine core units with rich and colorful illustrations to present new language in context • Fun songs and chants to help children ... Two Culture units to develop international awareness • Final assessment to monitor progress Each level of SUPERKlDS includes Student Book Class Cassettes/COs Activity Book with CD Teacher's Guide

Ngày tải lên: 31/05/2017, 07:42

84 1K 0
new headway video pre intermediate student's book

new headway video pre intermediate student's book

... about her appointments for the following day Student A You are Helen, Use the nate questions below to ask about your arrangements + When / meet / new secretary? When am I meeting the haw secretary? ... to do together + when you want to do it + atime and place to meet Now get into pairs a) Student A Invite student 8 Arask Babout his / her Trang 14 Episode 3 Before you watch 1 Colds and flu ... pictures in the correct order 1-9, The first has been done for you 2 Watch again and match these time expressions with the appropriate picture The first has been done for you That very first evening

Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 21:30

36 942 3
Tài liệu New english file pre-intermediate student''''s book part 16 doc

Tài liệu New english file pre-intermediate student''''s book part 16 doc

... shut shoes | sugar sure Trang 11 Student' s Book he best material New P've seen at this level” ENGLISH FILE Motivating, real-world texts The course that gets students talking Grammar Bank with ... labroad towards horse a pull push | would should 8 00 foot book woman look room bull LIỆT [0% shoot choose | do suit juice ew new knew | through boot er person verb earn work ir dirty shirt | ... inventor agree * especially before consonant + ¢ lu/ MufiROM vwaweoup com/el/englshfle /pre- intermediate ‘usual spelling Abut also spell lend friendly head smell send (sweater any very

Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 03:20

11 1,9K 15
New headway intermediate student book

New headway intermediate student book

... Trang 1 AICI Intermediate Student? ??s Book Trang 2 CONTENTS LANGUAGE INPUT UNI GRAMMAR VOCABULARY EVERYDAY ENGLISH x | Audlaryverbs What's in a word? Social expressions bỡ se wonderful ... the quiz contain the following tenses? Present Perfect Simple Present Past Simple Simple Present Perfect Continuous Present Past Continuous Continuous Present Simple | Past Simple passive passive ... Situation 3 Student A You are a customer in Student A a restaurant Student B You are a waiter/waitress | Use these word You are moving flat next Student A week Student B Offer to help

Ngày tải lên: 07/09/2017, 12:44

159 512 0
New matrix intermediate student book

New matrix intermediate student book

... 0 Student' s Book Kathy Gude with Jayne Wildman OXFORD New Intermediate Student' s Book Kathy Gude with Jayne Wildman OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS Contents A senseo,identity ... training: Describi ng pictures R: Matching Present perfect Present perfect simple and present perfect continuous Present perfect Present perfect si mple and present perfect conti nuous Extension : ... future Present simple and present continuous Uses Look at the uses of the present simple and present continuous Match sentences 1-6, about Camilla, in above to uses a-f Present simple We use the present

Ngày tải lên: 08/02/2018, 11:40

153 218 0
International express upper intermediate   teacher 39 s resource book

International express upper intermediate teacher 39 s resource book

... opportunities in International Express for students to make presentations, present results, or give feedback at the end of a group task If an overhead projector is available, give students transparencies ... use the Pocket Book regularly Group activities The group work tasks in International Express are designed to be done as ‘students in charge’ activities As a general rule, put students in charge ... Course overview Learner needs International Express Upper -Intermediate is a course for adult professional learners These learners • need English as a language of international communication in

Ngày tải lên: 21/10/2021, 14:25

176 18 0
oxford new headway intermediate teacher039s book 4th edition

oxford new headway intermediate teacher039s book 4th edition

... the expressions Refer students to the tapescript on SB p120 Students find three more ways of expressing opinions Answers I guess I bet I think 2 Get students to categorize the expressions ... aspect of Headway Intermediate in its previous three editions, and write this brand new fourth edition The intermediate level The intermediate level is an interesting one for both student and teacher ... today’s ELT course books New Headway Intermediate is the first of the now six-level Headway, from Beginner to Advanced, to be in its fourth edition Why a fourth edition of New Headway Intermediate?

Ngày tải lên: 22/08/2024, 16:47

160 1 0
oxford new headway upper intermediate teacher039s book 4th edition

oxford new headway upper intermediate teacher039s book 4th edition

... range of comprehension tasks, language and vocabulary exercises, and extension activities New Headway Upper -Intermediate New Headway Upper -Intermediate, Fourth edition is a course for students ... materials for New Headway Upper -Intermediate, Fourth edition Video Brand new video clips, along with classroom worksheets are available on the new Headway Upper -Intermediate Fourth edition iTools ... proficiency to be able to express themselves in a variety of social contexts The fourth edition of New Headway Upper -intermediate retains the basic methodology and syllabus of the third edition: both accuracy

Ngày tải lên: 22/08/2024, 16:47

192 0 0

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