... consulted them they preferred English.”212), the English policy 200 Barrows, A History of the Philippines, 315 Devins, An Observer in the Philippines, 193 202 Ibid 203 Elliott, The Philippines to the ... May, Social Engineering in the Philippines, xvii Other works of this vein are Lewis E Gleek’s American Institutions in the Philippines and Peter W Stanley’s A Nation in the Making Gleek situates ... 228-241 244 The two points in the 6-point rationale for English in the Philippines that Wills does not address is the rationale that the use of any language other than English would be an administrative
Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 14:13
... context of the larger project of bringing “progress” to the Philippines; and an examination of the shape-shifting logic and discourse of English in the Philippines signals to us the limits of these ... reflects the new political terrain of 1913 All the other elements of the discourse on English in the Philippines were either losing currency or proving to be wrong The reason used that Filipinos ... presence in the Philippines indefinitely Significantly, it also assured firm American control of the education of the Philippines and of the English policy: the bill had provided for the Filipinization
Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 14:13
The triumph of tagalog and the dominance of the discourse on english language politics in the philippines during the american colonial period 5
... since Tagalog was being studied in venerable foreign institutions like Hopkins then Filipinos themselves should take an interest in studying their own language 381 For the first time, Filipinos ... being idealistic, quixotic, and nativist The ideas expressed in the Muling Pagsilang essays were not necessarily against the presence of English in the Philippines but they certainly were against ... engaged debates involving Filipinos arguing for a national language or that local languages be used as the medium of instruction and Americans insisting on English The debates included the odd American
Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 14:13
The triumph of tagalog and the dominance of the discourse on english language politics in the philippines during the american colonial period 6
... because of these fanciful epics and narratives They were going to be the Cervanteses who were going to bring the Philippines into the modern era.469 The idea of the nation in the Muling Pagsilang ... was to be found in revolution, in resistance, in the lahi and in the inner self or loob, they also argued for a kind of integration Even in the more radical of the essays, the insistence on Tagalog ... just the rationale for the principal object of these essays: the campaign to make Tagalog the common language and the medium of instruction in the public school throughout the Philippines The
Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 14:13
The triumph of tagalog and the dominance of the discourse on english language politics in the philippines during the american colonial period 7
... Philippine languages With Woodrow Wilson’s election to the presidency of the United States in 1913, the mood in the Philippines shifted with the feeling that independence was just around the corner ... to finally grant the Philippines their freedom within ten years but it was not granting the Filipinos the freedom to decide what language Filipino school children would receive instruction, In ... is— breathing, working, feeling, thinking The difference between the English essays and these essays are striking Language, for these Tagalog writers is not distant and thus the issue of language
Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 14:13
The triumph of tagalog and the dominance of the discourse on english language politics in the philippines during the american colonial period 8
... containing all the elements (missing in the Philippine case) for a powerful and unified mass, protest movement The nationalist elite in Burma, unlike in the Philippines, had been deprived by the ... sensed in all his dealings with the Americans that the idea of English remaining in the Philippines was important to them and that the best proof that Filipinos were educated enough as to finally ... even English schools which provided training for advancement in the British colony: either a training in law, commerce or a preparation for further study in India or in England itself By the turn
Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 14:13
The triumph of tagalog and the dominance of the discourse on english language politics in the philippines during the american colonial period 1
... granting the Philippines its independence and how through their unflinching insistence on it were able to “win” by constitutionally instituting the 34 dominance of English over the Philippines, ... produced in English than in any single language - Three-fourths of the world’s mail is written in English - Ninety percent of internet communication takes place in English - English is the official language ... through their mother tongues, inevitably bring their culture and sensibility and the structure of their own languages into English, thereby creating a variety distinct to their part of the world.59”
Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 14:13
The triumph of tagalog and the dominance of the discourse on english language politics in the philippines during the american colonial period 2
... Vernacular and Industrial Education in the Netherlands East Indies and the Philippines.” Winstedt’s has a curt and rather humorous description of the language of instruction in the Philippines: “The curriculum ... with the Philippine Commission around the Philippines in 1901 and remained for many years in government service in the Philippines, sees American occupation in the Philippines as a combination ... be they the British in Malaya or the Americans in the Philippines recognized in education, be it in English or in the vernacular, a powerful tool for containment. The manner by which the Americans
Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 14:13
The current situation of English language teaching in the light of CLT to the second-year students at Thai Nguyen College of Economics and Finance: a case study
... arising from the testing system Difficulties from the teaching and learning environment Recommendations For the students For the teachers Reform of the current English testing system Improving the ... students in CLT Classroom Issues in using CLT approach in the foreign language classroom Benefits of using CLT approach in the foreign language classroom Problems of applying CLT in the foreign language ... studying the following contents: the teachers with their perceptions of CLT and their CLT practical application, the examination, the new English textbook, the students and the teaching and learning
Ngày tải lên: 23/09/2020, 21:14
The role of english language textbooks in the reproduction of racism
... discursive practices including the English language Hence, educational institutions are influential in transmitting the dominant culture and reproducing unequal and racist society The way the passage ... such as the English language textbooks that I am analysing Thus, teaching English language or another language cannot be neutral as long as there is political and cultural agenda in producing such ... represented in English Language textbooks used in Libyan secondary schools The study involved the analysis of passages and images used in these textbooks In this article, the discussion is limited to the
Ngày tải lên: 19/10/2022, 14:24
Integrating intercultural communicative competence into efl teaching practices at a private english language center in the mekong delta
... steps: organizing and preparing data, familiarizing oneself with the data, applying predefined codes, identifying themes, reviewing and refining these themes, and reporting the findings (Braun ... with the codes to identify and compare themes.•Reviewing and refining these themes: Comparing and discussing theme clarity, the researcher revised themes based on the comparison.•Reporting the ... connection to the English language It emphasizes the significance they place on incorporating cultural elements into English language instruction, the criteria for selecting cultural aspects, and the challenges
Ngày tải lên: 03/01/2025, 08:48
The international journal of language society and culture editors thao lê and quynh lê english general greetings in the ghanaian sociolinguistic context
... takes the nasal quality of the proceeding /n/ sound Thus, the assimilation occurs before the elision Another way of indigenisation is the incorporation of aspects of the English greetings in the ... traditional greetings or the indigenised forms of English greetings in modern formal contexts where the English language is the expected code Deviations in English Greetings The level of strictness ... losing their meaning of evaluating or showing commendations for greetings As gathered from most of the youth, they use these responses without the idea of commending those who greet them Thus, they
Ngày tải lên: 13/09/2022, 14:56
... it is the learners and the teachers who play the primary role in managing a disciplined atmosphere in the classroom. In the light of Communicative Language Teaching, where the roles of the learners ... performance during language lessons, there are also warnings against the overuse of discipline codes during the lesson, which is sometimes more harmful than otherwise. The writer, therefore, proposed ... needed. 1 3. Scope of the Study The study mainly deals with the practical issues of second language acquisition in the classroom, therefore only the main theoretical aspects of linguistics shall be
Ngày tải lên: 07/09/2013, 13:06
Designing an english achievement test for the english majors at phan boi chau specialising high school in nghe an
... Rewrite the following sentences, using the word given in capital Do NOT change this word in any way correct answer gets point (total: points) David was instrumental in the drafting of/in drafting the ... syllabus and the sample test and the analysis and interpretation of the test scores and test items of the suggested test As a result, major findings were drawn Firstly, the reliability of the test was ... concepts of testing 11 2.2 Roles of testing 12 2.2.1 The relationship between testing and teaching 12 2.2.2 The relationship between testing and learners 13 2.3 Types of tests and testing 14 2.3.1
Ngày tải lên: 25/12/2013, 20:21
Use the question system in english language teaching in high school
... from the past? -Do all the people in Popffero like the changes? Students then read the article, comparing the available insights with thecontent of the article to gain new insights b- The linking ... REFERENCES Trang 3I INTRODUCTION1 Reasons for choosing this subject. In the process of industrialization and modernization, in the reality of thedeveloping country to integrate into the international ... neededbefore the training stage to check the level of capturing the meaning of thatlanguage One of the tricks of language understanding at this stage is to ask a series of questions around the meaning
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2017, 15:45
English language functions in teaching the basic English course at Thai Nguyen University (TNU) system (LV thạc sĩ)
... performance, and English language enrichment activities Teaching the English Language to Beginners. English as an international language and the most widely used in the world today is used in international ... of the PhilippinesCHAPTER I THE PROBLEM Introduction The increasing use of the English language globally has had a large impact on many other languages, leading to language shift and even language ... being carried out in the teaching of beginning College English course in terms of: Trang 28performance in reading and writing compare? 7 What functional enrichment activities in the English language
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2017, 11:02
EFL teachers’ views of english language assessment in higher education in the united arab emirates and kuwait
... However, it is beyond the scope of this article to include all the findings, such as the variety of practices in the two countries FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION The participants invoked a number of varied ... criteria to assess their students Continuing with this particular interest in teachers’ voice, the current study aims to redress a major gap in the assessment literature in the Gulf Informed by a ... factors involved in the testing of the four language skills (e.g., Al-Busaidi, 2007; Al-Hamly & Coombe, 2005; Lanteigne, 2008) Farah’s (2007) study on the effects that a high-stakes international test
Ngày tải lên: 13/01/2019, 18:13
The impact of teacher-generated materials on English language teaching for the 7th grade students in Tran Phu junior High School, Hai Phong
... Students’ interest in English language learning 22 3.1.2 Students’ expectation of English language learning in their class 23 3.1.3 The frequency of the use of teacher-generated materials in English ... lessons 3.1.4 The impacts of teacher-generated materials on English language 24 teaching and learning 3.2 Findings from the interview with teachers 3.2.1 The purposes of the English language teachers ... as to using them in the right way All the reasons above have driven the researcher to the study thesis, named “The Impact of Teacher-generated Materials on English Language Teaching for the th
Ngày tải lên: 23/09/2020, 21:13
A study of the anxiety of the 12th graders before the english test in the national upper secondary graduation examination at huynh thuc khang high school
... study of the anxiety of the 12 th graders before the English Test in the National Upper - Secondary Graduation Examination at a School in Hanoi.” It is not a plagiarism or thesis written by others ... HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST- GRADUATE STUDIES NGUYỄN THỊ HỢP A STUDY OF THE ANXIETY OF THE 12TH GRADERS BEFORE THE ENGLISH TEST IN THE NATIONAL UPPER ... STUDY OF THE ANXIETY OF THE 12TH GRADERS BEFORE THE ENGLISH TEST IN THE NATIONAL UPPER SECONDARY GRADUATION EXAMINATION AT HUYNH THUC KHANG HIGH SCHOOL (Nghiên cứu băn khoăn, lo lắng học sinh lớp
Ngày tải lên: 30/09/2020, 12:21
An investigation into the style of the english language used in advertising slogans issued by some world - famous airlines
... with the endless advertisements hiding in the newspapers and magazines, clamoring on the radio, or dazzling on the TV. On the other hand, they still need the information to guide their purchasing. ... each time the customer reads it out loud. This interesting thing will remind them of the airline, especially in this case when the brand name is included in the slogan. Moreover, the noun Thomas ... of the Study The values of the study lie in both theoretical and practical aspects. Theoretically, the study helps to find out linguistic features used in airlines slogans in particular and in...
Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:54