internal environment of historic buildings

Conservation of Historic Buildings doc

Conservation of Historic Buildings doc

... Preventive maintenance of historic buildings 235 17 Fire 251 18 Presentation of historic buildings 261 19 Cost control of conservation projects 273 20 Rehabilitation of historic buildings 277 v Contents ... decay of historic buildings The scope of conservation of the built environment, which consists mainly of historic buildings, ranges from town planning to the preservation or consolidation of a ... 133 10 Insects and other pests as causes of decay 139 11 Man-made causes of decay 157 12 Internal environment of historic buildings 173 Part III The Work of the Conservation Architect 13 Multi-disciplinary...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 18:20

403 465 0
Chapter 1 - The role and environment of managerial finance

Chapter 1 - The role and environment of managerial finance

... (CGT): the tax on profit made from the sale of an asset .Losses may be carried forward and offset against profits in future periods Copyright © 2011 Pearson Australia (a division of Pearson Australia ... division of Pearson Australia Group Pty Ltd) – 9781442518193/ Gitman et al / Principles of Managerial Finance / 6th edition Finance and Business  Weaknesses of the basic legal forms of business ... Principles of Managerial Finance / 6th edition Goal Of The Firm  Profit maximisation: taking only those actions that are expected to make a major contribution to the firm’s overall profit  Doesn’t...

Ngày tải lên: 16/12/2013, 14:45

30 543 1
Tài liệu Organization-internal Transfer of Knowledge and the Role of Motivation: A Qualitative Case Study pptx

Tài liệu Organization-internal Transfer of Knowledge and the Role of Motivation: A Qualitative Case Study pptx

... the role of motivation in the way that we have The role of motivation is probably as important in a chain of hotels or supermarkets, a software vendor or a consulting company, regardless of the ... structure, culture and the environment As an interpretation, at least the first three of these can be said to be connected with the concept of motivation They set the boundaries of learning by defining ... tacitness of the knowledge to be transferred Motivation is of course not a new concept in the world of management research, but it is in relation to theory specific to organization -internal knowledge...

Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 00:20

12 515 0
Evaluation of sterilization possibility in water environment of activated nano mno2 coated on calcined laterite

Evaluation of sterilization possibility in water environment of activated nano mno2 coated on calcined laterite

... oxidation potential of MnO2 The other is to survey the effects of Mn2+ on sterilizing process of MnO2 by changing the concentration of Mn2+ Chapter RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Synthesis of nano MnO2 ... sterilizing capability of BRM 3.3.2 Examine the mechanism of sterilization of MnO2 The mechanism of MnO2 for bacterial removal is still unclear Therefore, a mechanism of the process was proposed ... prolonged mechanical and chemical weathering of ultramafic bedrocks at the surface of the earth [14] It was found that laterite’s profiles depend on the conditions of weathering intensities, geotectonic...

Ngày tải lên: 10/02/2014, 15:24

25 413 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Solution NMR structure of an immunodominant epitope of myelin basic protein Conformational dependence on environment of an intrinsically unstructured protein doc

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Solution NMR structure of an immunodominant epitope of myelin basic protein Conformational dependence on environment of an intrinsically unstructured protein doc

... Structure of MBP immunodominant epitope Fig Comparison of amino acid sequences of the primary immunodominant epitope from various species The BLASTP ⁄ CLUSTALW [56,57] alignment of sequences of 18.5 ... There had been several previous, contradictory predictions of the kind of secondary structure of this segment of MBP, due to the plethora of experimental conditions, and the SDSL ⁄ EPR experiments ... step of the titration of (A) 5-DSA (0.5– mM), and (B) FeCl3 (0–1.5 mM) The residual amplitudes were measured for the ensemble of resolvable peaks of each spin system at the x2 frequency of the...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 07:20

14 441 0
An Outline of the Development OF THE Internal Commerce of the United States 1789-1900 pot

An Outline of the Development OF THE Internal Commerce of the United States 1789-1900 pot

... utmost fluidity of movement of all articles of trade Furthermore, the range of movement of internal trade was greatly widened by the settlement of the vast expanse of new country west of the Mississippi ... shipment of 78 bushels of wheat from Chicago marked the beginning of the cereal trade of that city, and in 1841 the first exportation of Wisconsin wheat left the harbor of Milwaukee The growth of ... volume of internal commerce of any country must depend upon the number of its people, the total volume of its production, the sectional diversity of its products, the efficiency and cheapness of...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 16:20

43 528 0
The Costs and Financial Benefits of Green Buildings: A Report to California’s Sustainable Building Task Force pptx

The Costs and Financial Benefits of Green Buildings: A Report to California’s Sustainable Building Task Force pptx

... Department of General Services, Office of Risk and Insurance Management California Department of Finance California Department of General Services City of Portland, Environmental Services US Environmental ... Department of Finance (DOF), Department of General Services (DGS), Department of Transportation (Caltrans), Department of Water Resources (DWR), and Division of the State Architect (DSA) 14 State of ... Financial Benefits of Green Buildings building.4 Sustainable buildings generally incur a “green premium” above the costs of standard construction They also provide an array of financial and environmental...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 19:20

134 773 0
Guidance for Planning and Conducting an Audit of Internal Controls of Public Debt docx

Guidance for Planning and Conducting an Audit of Internal Controls of Public Debt docx

... an Audit of Internal Controls of Public Debt Introduction Under the terms of reference laid down by the Governing Board of INTOSAI, the Public Debt Committee (PDC) was given the task of publishing ... and Disclosure of Public Debt INTOSAI’s Public Debt Committee Guidance For Planning And Conducting an Audit of Internal Controls of Public Debt SAI Role At the beginning of an audit of the public ... for Planning and Conducting an Audit of Internal Controls of Public Debt SAI Role Figure 2: Scope of Public Debt Audits by SAIs: The Case of Mexico The SAI of Mexico audits public debt data submitted...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 23:20

56 344 0


... architecture The use of Moorish styling in the Krotona Inn and most of the other prominent buildings of Krotona may be seen as a strategy to produce an architecture expressive of the essence of the southern ... need It was the earlier of two buildings in the colony designed by the San Diego-based firm of Mead & Requa.17 The working drawings (now in the collection of the San Diego Historical Society) bear ... Colony, Page The Surviving Buildings of Krotona in Hollywood Grand Temple of the Rosy Cross (immediately southeast of 2130 Vista del Mar Avenue) supported by the fact of the Roberts Temple being...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 15:20

17 731 0


... OF TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACT OF MASTER’S THESIS Faculty of Chemistry and Materials Sciences Degree Programme: Forest Products Technology Author Jarno-Petteri Merisalo Title of Thesis Optimization of ... field of paper and board internal sizing emulsions The impact of different surface active substances on sizing emulsion properties and functionality are presented The internal sizing emulsions of ... surface area of particles decreases The surface energy of the system decreases, establishing an important driving force for the removal of particles An indication of the driving force of the particle...

Ngày tải lên: 09/03/2014, 01:20

108 779 0
The Environment of Schizophrenia pptx

The Environment of Schizophrenia pptx

... The Environment of Schizophrenia There is now a body of evidence suggesting that the occurrence and course of schizophrenia are affected by a variety of environmental factors The Environment of ... Director of the Mental Health Center of Boulder County, Colorado, and Clinical Professor of Psychiatry and Adjunct Professor of Anthropology at the University of Colorado He is the author of Recovery ... Peter Huxley at the Institute of Psychiatry in London, and Jim Mandiberg at the School of Social Work of the University of Wisconsin in Madison, who helped work out many of the ideas presented here;...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 22:20

149 412 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Parsing the Internal Structure of Words: A New Paradigm for Chinese Word Segmentation" doc

Báo cáo khoa học: "Parsing the Internal Structure of Words: A New Paradigm for Chinese Word Segmentation" doc

... position of each complex word As an example, consider a word w = R(r) S(s) where R is the root part -of- speech headed by the word r, and S is the suffix part -of- speech headed by s If the head of this ... Automatic adaptation of annotation standards: Chinese word segmentation and POS tagging – a case study In Proceedings of the Joint Conference of the 47th Annual Meeting of the ACL and the 4th ... POS tagging In Proceedings of the Joint Conference of the 47th Annual Meeting of the ACL and the 4th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Process- ing of the AFNLP, pages 513–521,...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 00:20

10 476 0


... consists of a set of functions programmed in the macro language associated with a powerful text editor These functions help the translator and improve his effeciency VISULEX offers two levels of detail ... extracted from one of the working files), update the dictionary, insert into the revision file a part of another file, make permutations or transpositions of Finally, we give an example of a VISULEX ... facilitate the comprehension and development of coded dictionaries which may be hindered by two factors : the dispersal of information and the obscurity of the coding In ARIANE-78, the lexical data...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 19:21

4 407 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Solution structure and internal dynamics of NSCP, a compact calcium-binding protein doc

Báo cáo khoa học: Solution structure and internal dynamics of NSCP, a compact calcium-binding protein doc

... of the nal 17 structures, and Fig 1B the ribbon representation of the best representative of the ensemble for 2023 Structure and dynamics of NSCP in solution A B C Fig Global representation of ... quality of the restraints and to determine the geometry regularity of the nal structures (Table 1) More than 87% of (F, Y) angle pairs of the 17 nal structures lie in the most-favored region of the ... parameters of these side chains appear to be independent of this environmental context The large majority of the residues display fast rate librational motions characterized by an internal correlation...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 13:20

15 292 0
Estimating the Internal Rate of Return on an MBA: A Comparison of the Return from Top-Ranked & Second-Tier Programs potx

Estimating the Internal Rate of Return on an MBA: A Comparison of the Return from Top-Ranked & Second-Tier Programs potx

... members of the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints (LDS or Mormons) than non-church members Therefore, two internal rates of return for BYU will also be calculated A total of 65 internal ... the value of an MBA involves a number of factors When financial investments are evaluated, the cash outflows are often compared to the incremental cash inflows and the internal rate of return ... a total of 45 programs in the study Ten of the top thirty programs are at public institutions, while of the second-tier programs are state supported While a student’s official state of record...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 01:20

10 627 0
the economics of adaptive reuse of old buildings a financial feasibility study & analysis

the economics of adaptive reuse of old buildings a financial feasibility study & analysis

... availability of liability insurance; - the lack of information and funding with respect to orphan sites; - the lack of information of the current environmental condition of the land; - the lack of public ... settings (Fulton, 2004) The work of John Nolen and Daniel Burnham, two of the leading urban designers of the early twentieth century, is often cited as a model of this type of planning The Swiss architect ... 16 3.4 Adaptive Reuse of Old Buildings 19 Chapter Adaptive Reuse of Old Buildings 21 4.1 Adaptive Reuse in the Context of Historic Preservation 21 4.1.1...

Ngày tải lên: 03/06/2014, 02:15

170 388 0
báo cáo sinh học:" Measuring and managing the work environment of the mid-level provider – the neglected human resource" pdf

báo cáo sinh học:" Measuring and managing the work environment of the mid-level provider – the neglected human resource" pdf

... clear indication of the inadequacy of adopting a strategy of training and employing mid-level cadres in the absence of strategies to strengthen and improve other aspects of the health environment ... Perceived nursing work environment of critical care nurses Nurs Res 2004, 53(6):370-378 McCusker J, Dendukuri N, Cardinal L, Katofski L, Ricardi M: Nursing work environment and quality of care: Differences ... refer to as midlevel This cohort constitutes 86% of the population interviewed Data Collection Participants completed measures of perceptions of work environment, burnout, job satisfaction and promotion...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 17:20

9 455 0