ing and ed participial adjectives survey exercise 4

A study on major factors affecting the freshmen's performances on TOEIC listening test at Vietnam Maritime University = Nghiên cứu các nhân tố ảnh hưởng dến kết

A study on major factors affecting the freshmen's performances on TOEIC listening test at Vietnam Maritime University = Nghiên cứu các nhân tố ảnh hưởng dến kết

... 48 0 43 5 68 350 295 47 215 160 26 55 35 89 47 5 42 5 67 345 295 46 205 155 25 50 30 88 46 5 42 0 66 340 290 45 200 145 24 45 25 87 46 0 41 5 65 335 285 44 190 140 23 40 20 86 45 5 40 5 64 330 280 43 180 ... 125 90 99 49 5 49 0 77 40 5 345 56 275 230 35 115 85 98 49 5 48 5 76 40 0 340 55 265 220 34 105 80 97 49 5 48 5 75 395 335 54 260 215 33 100 75 96 49 5 47 5 74 385 330 53 255 210 32 95 70 95 49 5 47 0 73 375 ... 52 245 205 31 90 65 94 495 46 0 72 370 320 51 235 195 30 85 60 93 49 5 45 5 71 365 315 50 230 185 29 80 55 92 49 0 45 0 70 360 310 49 225 175 28 70 45 91 48 5 44 0 69 355 300 48 220 170 27 60 40 90 48 0...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 09:05

75 1,2K 4
Tài liệu Women''''s attitudes towards mechanisms of action of family planning methods: survey in primary health centres in Pamplona, Spain doc

Tài liệu Women''''s attitudes towards mechanisms of action of family planning methods: survey in primary health centres in Pamplona, Spain doc

... >2 Total Total 18– 24 25– 34 35 44 45 –50 536 (92 .4) 44 (7.6) 580 (100) 116 (20) 188 (32 .4) 241 (41 .6) 35 (6) 580 (100) 163 (28.5) 205 (35.8) 82 ( 14. 3) 122 (21.3) 572 (100) 276 (47 .8) 157 (27) 129 ... (7) (1 .4) 2 84 (100) 117 (20.1) 287 (49 .4) 160 (27.5) 17 (3) CI 95% (90– 94. 4) (5.6–10.1) (16.8–23.5) (28.6–36 .4) (37.5 45 .7) (4. 2–8.3) ( 24. 8–32 .4) (31.9–39.9) (11.6–17.5) (18.0– 24. 9) (43 .6–51.9) ... reviewed and published immediately upon acceptance cited in PubMed and archived on PubMed Central yours — you keep the copyright BioMedcentral Submit your manuscript here:

Ngày tải lên: 13/02/2014, 06:20

10 824 0
Teacher’s attitudes towards and practice in cognitive reading strategies instruction = Nhận thức và thực tiễn của giáo viên về chiến lược dạy đọc hiểu theo nhận

Teacher’s attitudes towards and practice in cognitive reading strategies instruction = Nhận thức và thực tiễn của giáo viên về chiến lược dạy đọc hiểu theo nhận

... Skimming 4. 7 4. 6 Scanning 4. 5 4. 6 Activating already-known knowledge 4. 4 4. 6 4. 2 4. 4 Questioning while reading the text 4. 1 4. 2 Taking notes or marking text 4. 0 4. 4 Summarizing 4. 0 4. 4 Previewing ... Activating already-known knowledge 4. 6 516 4. 4 516 Previewing the text 4. 5 516 4. 0 000 Predicting 3.7 1.059 3.7 48 3 Identifying the text structure 4. 3 675 3.5 707 Skimming 4. 6 516 4. 7 48 3 Scanning 4. 6 ... while reading the text 4. 4 516 4. 1 568 12 Summarizing 4. 2 42 2 4. 0 47 1 13 Evaluating 3.2 42 2 2.9 738 14 Drawing conclusions 3.2 42 2 3.1 316 15 Extending comprehension in critical and 4. 1 568 3.8...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2015, 14:29

69 707 1
Student’s attitudes towards the integrated approach to grammar teaching, a quasi-experimental research on the first year students at hanoi college of economics andtechnology

Student’s attitudes towards the integrated approach to grammar teaching, a quasi-experimental research on the first year students at hanoi college of economics andtechnology

... collection analyzing process - Chapter 3: ANALYSIS, FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS This part focuses on presenting, analyzing and discussing the results obtained from the study - Part 3, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS, ... The mother tongue in the classroom: A neglected resource? ETL Journal, 41 , 4, pp 241 – 247 Brown H Douglas (19 94) Principle of Language Learning and Teaching Prentice Hall Inc Englewood Cliffs New ... Dictionary of Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics (2nd ed. ) England: Longman 28 Rice, J.M (1902) Educational research: A test in arithmetic The Forum, 34 281-297 In Cram, B 43 29 Rivers, Wilga...

Ngày tải lên: 04/08/2015, 09:40

11 620 1
An investigation into English major freshmen's perceptions on, attitudes towards and perferences for teacher's written corrective feedback at Hanoi University o

An investigation into English major freshmen's perceptions on, attitudes towards and perferences for teacher's written corrective feedback at Hanoi University o

... writing The product-oriented approach to teaching writing The process-oriented approach to teaching writing 1.1 .4 The writing process 1.2 Theoretical backgrounds ... backgrounds of teaching writing 1.1.1 Definition of writing 1.1.2 The importance of teaching writing 1.1.3 An overview of approaches to teaching writing ... corrective feedback 12 1.2 .4 Feedback approaches 13 1.2 .4. 1 Single-draft approach vs Multiple-draft approach 13 1.2 .4. 2 Comprehensive strategy vs Selective strategy 14 1.2.5...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 09:21

4 394 1
An investigation into English major freshmen's perceptions on, attitudes towards and perferences for teacher's written corrective feedback at HU

An investigation into English major freshmen's perceptions on, attitudes towards and perferences for teacher's written corrective feedback at HU

... does it need to be?”, Journal of Second Language Writing, 10, pp 161-1 84 17 Harmer J (20 04) , How to teach writing, Pearson Education Limitted, England 18 Hedge T (2000), Teaching and learning in ... teaching writing with an importantly increasing focus on the writers and their complex composing process As a result, the role of teacher in providing feedback has changed from “a judge and evaluator” ... language learning and use: Exploring error analysis, Longman, London Byrne D (1988), Teaching writing skills, Longman Group UK Limited, New York Chenoweth N A (1987), “The need to teach writing”, ELT...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2015, 19:50

9 589 1
A survey on urban high school teacher's and students' attitudes towards communicative language teaching = Khảo sát thái độ của giáo viên và học sinh trung học n

A survey on urban high school teacher's and students' attitudes towards communicative language teaching = Khảo sát thái độ của giáo viên và học sinh trung học n

... Participants……………………………………………………………………… 24 2.3 Instruments for Data Collection ……………………………………………… …. 24 2 .4 Data Analysis ……………………………………………………………………….26 2.5 Findings…………………………………………………………………………… 27 2.6 Teachers’ Attitudes and Classroom ... …………………………………… 45 CHAPTER III: DISCUSSION………………………………………………………… .49 3.1 Teachers’ and students’ attitudes towards CLT…………………………………… .49 3.2 The influence of teachers’ attitudes on their classroom teaching………………… ... Languages and International Studies FACULTY OF Post- graduate STUDIES VŨ THỊ HOÀNG ANH A SURVEY ON URBAN HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ ATTITUDES TOWARDS COMMUNICATIVE LANGUAGE TEACHING KHẢO...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 08:58

4 545 3
A survey on urban high school teacher's and students' attitudes towards communicative language teaching = Khảo sát thái độ của giáo viên và học sinh trung học n20150227

A survey on urban high school teacher's and students' attitudes towards communicative language teaching = Khảo sát thái độ của giáo viên và học sinh trung học n20150227

... teaching, these tests and examinations emphasize linguistic competence including grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation, reading comprehension, and sentence writing The only testing approach used ... effective 42 .9% 14. 2% 42 .9% 28.6% 57.1% 14. 3% 15 .4% 84. 6% 0% 30.7% 7.7% 61.6% communicators in the foreign language, the teachers‟ feedback must be focused on the appropriateness and not the linguistic ... teachers (63 .4% ) agreed that grammar did not guarantee ability to use the language and 46 .1% of them agreed that it is used as a vehicle for doing something else and not when it was studied in a direct...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 08:58

67 835 3
Students' attitudes towards teachers' corrective feedback in writing at the Boarding High school for Ethnic Minority students in Tuyen Quang = Thái độ của học s

Students' attitudes towards teachers' corrective feedback in writing at the Boarding High school for Ethnic Minority students in Tuyen Quang = Thái độ của học s

... received any feedback from their teachers Chart 3: Students‟ Opinions on Forms of Teachers‟ Feedback 100% 20 80% 18 46 46 60% 48 very helpful 44 40 % 44 a b not helpful at al 20% 0% helpful 74 54 ... proceed with one or two controlled or / and guided writing activities and end with a freer writing activities” (p 43 ) This fact leads students to engage in imitating copying and transforming models ... were asked about their beliefs on the importance of feedback to teaching and learning writing skill Most of them agreed that feedback played a very important role in writing lesson when stating that...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2015, 14:02

61 716 0
A STUDY ON HOW ORAL GRAMMAR PRACTICE CAN CHANGE TRAN NGUYEN HAN 10th graders' attitudes towards grammar learning

A STUDY ON HOW ORAL GRAMMAR PRACTICE CAN CHANGE TRAN NGUYEN HAN 10th graders' attitudes towards grammar learning

... conducted to assist teachers and students in teaching and acquiring English grammar Research and teaching practice have revealed that there’s a close relation between teaching methods and learners’ ... the teaching methods and techniques in presenting and practising new grammar structures It indicates that the current grammar teaching methods and techniques in presenting and practising new grammar ... questionnaire and post- experiment questionnaire 41 4. 2 Interviews 42 4. 2.1 Pre- treatment interview .42 4. 2.2 Post- treatment interview 43 4. 3 Discussion...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 15:01

73 515 0
A study on how oral practice can change TNH 10th graders' attitudes towards grammar learning

A study on how oral practice can change TNH 10th graders' attitudes towards grammar learning

... conducted to assist teachers and students in teaching and acquiring English grammar Research and teaching practice have revealed that there’s a close relation between teaching methods and learners’ ... Discussion 44 4. 4 Summary 45 CHAPTER V : CONCLUSION 46 5.1 Summary and conclusion: 46 5.2 Limitations of the study: 46 5.3 Suggestions for ... questionnaire and post- experiment questionnaire 41 4. 2 Interviews 42 4. 2.1 Pre- treatment interview .42 4. 2.2 Post- treatment interview 43 4. 3 Discussion...

Ngày tải lên: 10/04/2013, 14:46

75 476 0
TOEIC listeningreading testpreview

TOEIC listeningreading testpreview

... B 14 B 15 A 16 A Part 41 A 42 C 43 D 44 A 45 A 46 C Part 71 C 72 D 73 A 74 C 75 A 76 D Part 141 A 142 A 143 C 144 C Part 153 D 1 54 A 155 B 156 D 157 C 158 C 159 A 160 C 161 C 162 C 163 A 1 64 B ... worked in technical, production, and marketing positions (A) (B) (C) (D) having has having had had 108 Tickets will not be redeemable for cash or credit at any time, - will they be replaced ... (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet 10 Questions 141 - 144 refer to the following letter Ms Monica Eisenman 555 King Street Auckland New Zealand Dear Ms Eisenman: I am - to confirm our offer...

Ngày tải lên: 08/09/2013, 22:34

20 261 0
Motivating student's interest in english listening lessons at thai hoa high school

Motivating student's interest in english listening lessons at thai hoa high school

... listening that the author is focusing on in this study Class-room listening may be divided into intensive listening and extensive listening Intensive listening is the careful, focused listening ... advanced listeners, critical listening should be practiced and developed Recognizing different 24 styles, emotional tones and varieties of language is a quite challenging skill It is very interesting ... based on textual cues Audio-lingual method Audio-lingual method of listening emphasizes first listening to pronunciation and grammar forms and then imitating those forms by way of drills and exercises...

Ngày tải lên: 20/12/2013, 22:46

105 726 1

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