... Group, major international donor countries, including Canada, stopped pressing for accountability and rule of law reforms in the DRC when the investment climate began to improve in 2004.55 In 2006, ... a time.42 Mining and investments To prove his independence from the international forces that supported him in overthrowing Mobutu in 1997, the newly inaugurated President Kabila ordered the ... tax revenues for the Congolese Government Yet Canadian companies have been identified in UN Experts’ reports for violating international standards for corporate behaviour in developing countries...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 21:20
Unit 5 where do you live
... things in your classroom, using this/ that / these / those Point to or hold the things This is my favourite pen Those windows are dirty These chairs are nice I like that bag Practice • Work in ... focus: Brainstorming, Speaking, and writing • Objectives: To broaden the knowledge about housing styles To introduce vocabulary about parts of a plane To develop language skills Do you like living ... Helen: No, sorry Bob : Never mind We can drink this champagne from those cups! Cheers! Practice Work in Groups Look at the picture of the kitchen and describe it Writing What is there in your kitchen?...
Ngày tải lên: 24/09/2014, 21:27
... LEADER Do You Face These Culture Challenges In Your Company or Team? Your company's culture is too important to ignore It is everywhere in your business and affects everything you Although you cannot ... for Telco Inc's customers 6 You know communication and collaboration could be more free flowing within your company You know if your employees understood more what was happening throughout your ... in the right places Your teams work better together (for the good of each other and your customers) Your customers receive a remarkable 'WOW' experience Your brand stands for something your customers...
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 15:20
how safe do you feel in your neighborhood
... cars More attention went into targeting low-level criminals and keeping order in neighborhoods Professor DeCarlo says this was the beginning of a new way of operating within a police force JOHN ... voaspecialenglish.com You can also find a link to that "Broken Windows" article by George Kelling and James Q Wilson that appeared in the Atlantic magazine Join us again next week for THIS IS AMERICA in VOA ... serious crimes BOB DOUGHTY: Another change in policing that began in New York in the nineteen nineties is greater use of information technology CompStat is a name for the idea of using computers to...
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 14:38
Tài liệu What to do after a death in England or Wales pptx
... a coroner A baby is stillborn Doctor Doctor Medical certificate of Doctor or midwife stillbirth The death is referred Notification by the to a coroner, but coroner (pink form there is no inquest ... for the purposes of obtaining consent for the use of organs or body tissues In order of priority this is: • Partner • Parent or child • Brother or sister • Grandparent or grandchild • Niece or ... wasn’t a doctor or midwife there, and no doctor or midwife has examined the body, you must sign a form (form 35) which the registrar will give you The registrar will give you a certificate for burial...
Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 10:20
9 to 5 - Do You Know if Your Boss Knows Where You Are pot
... electronic or mechanical means (including photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval) without permission in writing from RAND Published 2005 by the RAND Corporation 1776 Main Street, ... Questions • Do you have other corporate systems that record individually identifiable information? (Only new technologies, e.g., e-mail, voice mail, instant messaging, paging, corporate cell phones, ... employees This report results from the RAND Corporation’s continuing program of selfinitiated research Support for such research is provided, in part, by donors and by the independent research...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 03:20
báo cáo sinh học:" Where do students in the health professions want to work?" pptx
... reasons for wanting to work in a rural area, including professional support, coastal location, happiness, owning a farm, loving the bush and wanting to live there, financial incentives and work flexibility ... students were willing to work in the south-eastern corner of WA Within NSW, the north coast area was the most popular, with fewer students wanting to work inland (Fig 4) Despite this finding, only 38% ... for further incentives for allied health professionals to work in rural areas [29] 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Competing interests The authors declare that they have no competing interests 17 Authors'...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 17:20
Báo cáo hóa học: " Rapid Concentration of Nanoparticles with DC Dielectrophoresis in Focused Electric Fields" pot
... dielectrophoresis of single- and double-stranded DNA Biophys J 83, 2170–2179 (2002) 15 E.B Cummings, A.K Singh, Dielectrophoresis in microchips containing arrays of insulating posts: theoretical ... non-uniform distribution is generated along the insulators, as indicated by the field lines Depending on the patterns of the insulators, the field is relatively concentrated in certain areas ‘Field -focused ... non-uniformity compared to the ‘‘unfocused’’ areas and therefore are more preferable for trapping DEP Derived from the design in Fig 1a, a more effective insulating structure is shown in Fig 1b,...
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 00:20
The Path to Financial Freedom: A simple and easy guide to assist you in reducing or eliminating pdf
... Let’s say you have several credit cards totaling $20,000 or more At an average monthly interest rate of 80% or more, you will pay back $120,000 That is $20,000 on principal and $100,000 on interest ... program works as follows: A certified financial counselor will work out a payback plan that you can comfortably handle and will have you debt-free in to years Let’s say you owe a total of $20,000 or ... or more We will negotiate with your creditors to accept a 50% reduction The remaining debt will be paid back over to years at 0% interest The payments are held in your personal interest bearing...
Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 23:20
do you believe in magic the sense and nonsense of alternative medicine
... didn’t know that nerves originated in the spinal cord In fact, they didn’t know what nerves were Or what the spinal cord was Or what the brain was Rather, they interpreted events inside the body based ... the world’s greatest quack Linus Pauling was born on February 28, 1901, in Portland, Oregon He attended Oregon Agricultural College (now Oregon State University), in Corvallis, before entering ... defined a supplement as “a product intended to supplement the diet that bears or contains one or more of the following ingredients: a vitamin, a mineral, an herb or other botanical, or an amino...
Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 15:28
Báo cáo khoa học: "Do statins have a role in preventing or treating sepsis" pptx
... discontinued There is growing interest among clinicians in the role that statins may play in preventing and treating serious infections If such an effect of statins can be supported by randomized ... C-reactive protein for the targeting of statin therapy in the primary prevention of acute coronary events N Engl J Med 2001, 344:1959-1965 Steiner S, Speidl WS, Pleiner J, Seidinger D, Zorn G, Kaun ... beneficial effect Shown in italics are some of the main clinical manifestations pertinent to specific elements of the inflammatory cascade CRP, C-reactive protein; DIC, disseminated intravascular coagulation;...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 23:21
Báo cáo khoa học: "Evidence-based guidelines for bleeding in trauma patients: where do we go from here" ppt
... guidelines - including many of those in the present discussion - must remain fairly broad in order to accommodate controversial and divergent points of view Accordingly, the European guideline ... but one that will remain a work -in- progress that must continually be refined as new data are accumulated The authors should be applauded for their tremendous initiative; moreover, it is strongly ... they continue to regroup regularly in order to refine these recommendations further as permitted by the evolving evidence Competing interests The author declares that they have no competing interests...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 03:20
Topic : It is likely that the Technological advances will replace language teachers soon. Do you agree or disagree?
... especially low-income students usually cannot afford It will cause unfair educational conditions for those poor schools and students The hight cost for using language solfware or join in an online course ... For example, in order to take part in an online English course , they have at least a smatphone, an ipad, a computer or an cassette that connect to Internet They need to listen tasks or foreign ... language learners’ learning situations are various and ever changing Learning is about trying , making mistakes and having someone to guide when losing the way and making inspiration The teacher...
Ngày tải lên: 30/05/2015, 20:49
Bài tập kỹ năng môn IT205 topica BẠN Ở ĐÂU TRONG ĐÁM MÂY ? (WHERE ARE YOU IN THE CLOUD ?)
... mềm có quyền Microsoft Window Server hay Window SQL Server bị tính phí 0,15$ ngược lại dùng dịch vụ EC2 mà sử dùng phần mềm mã nguồn mở phải trả 0,1$ Kết luận Cloud Computing mô hình hoàn toàn ... gian Giờ đây, nhờ Cloud Computing, thứ nhà cung cấp dịch vụ chuẩn bị sẵn sàng, doanh nghiệp cần thuê sử dụng mà tốn chi phí đầu tư ban đầu Cloud Computing giúp doanh nghiệp giảm chi phí đầu tư ... thật dùng (Usage-based costing) Với tài nguyên thuê chưa dùng đến (do nhu cầu thấp) khách hàng trả tiền Đây thật lợi ích lớn doanh nghiệp sử dụng dịch vụ Cloud Computing 3.2 Sử dụng tài nguyên...
Ngày tải lên: 30/08/2015, 16:32
how do you say in english
... to get into the swing of things envenenar motor de carro - to soup up an engine escolhido a dedo - hand-picked estar a fim de fazer alguma coisa - to feel like doing something estar atolado em ... de emergência - crash-landing prazo final - deadline procuração - power of attorney pronto-socorro - ER (emergency room) propina - kickback pular a cerca (trair namorado ou cônjuge) - to fool ... shadow of a doubt ser chegado em/ser ligado em alguma coisa - to be into something ser macaco velho em alguma coisa - to be an old hand at something ser um pé no saco - to be a pain in the neck/ass...
Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2016, 22:28
Jody Wilson: Do You Love Me?
... you re hiding something from me Are you hiding anything from me?” “Cat’s honor, I’m not up to anything underhanded or conniving After barely convincing Cynthia that I had nothing personal going on ... are you? ” I asked “I’m fine, thank you! ” You look like you re in good spirits,” said Cynthia “Yes, I’m waiting for my wife and kids I’m sorry about the kiss I mean, if it insulted you? ” You ... fine!” I exclaimed “Please don’t overburden yourself with this invitation You re still recovering from a horrific ordeal Also, what about the police? Did you consider calling them up and telling...
Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 09:08