improving the shelf life of vegetables by genetic modification

vii improving the fatigue life of weldments

vii improving the fatigue life of weldments

... 80 60 40 105 106 107 Fatigue Life, N (cycles) AM 11/03 46 Summary • The fatigue strength of “Ideal” weldments can be much improved; whereas, the fatigue strength of “Nominal” weldments cannot ... Fatigue behavior of weldments and effective life improvement methods depends upon weldment size and weld quality • Stress-diffuser can substantially improve the fatigue life of terminations without ... 11/03 32 Outline n n n Obvious things to Problems the weld toe Fatigue life Improvement Strategies n Light and heavy industry weldments n Improving the “bad” weldments AM 11/03 33 Light, heavy industry...

Ngày tải lên: 24/05/2014, 20:38

48 298 0
Tài liệu Teacher''''s Guide: THE IMMORTAL LIFE OF HENRIETTA LACKS by Rebecca Skloot pdf

Tài liệu Teacher''''s Guide: THE IMMORTAL LIFE OF HENRIETTA LACKS by Rebecca Skloot pdf

... Other Side of the Tracks Explain the meaning of the idiom the other side of the tracks.” What the names of the creek and the river suggest about life in Lacks Town? How was Cootie related to ... played in the development of the field of cell culture, and the industry of selling HeLa cells and other human biological materials 11 Who profited monetarily from the sale of HeLa cells and other ... profited from the development of HeLa? Explain how the sale of HeLa evolved into a business Describe the extent to which the profits from that business are likely a direct result of the sale of...

Ngày tải lên: 13/02/2014, 23:20

28 1,7K 0
Understanding Tuberculosis – Deciphering the Secret Life of the Bacilli Edited by Pere-Joan Cardona doc

Understanding Tuberculosis – Deciphering the Secret Life of the Bacilli Edited by Pere-Joan Cardona doc

... such as the temperature, the pH at the site, the availability of water and oxygen and fluctuations of all these factors over time (Poinar, 2003) Indeed, these factors outweigh the impact of the chronological ... 2008) The mycolic acid profiles for these extracts are shown in Fig The immaculate preservation of the mycolic acid biomarkers is illustrated by the remarkable similarity of the total mycolate profiles ... regarding genetic variability in M tuberculosis This will include a brief description of the importance of variability for the study of the evolution of the MTBC Also, we will address the mechanisms of...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 00:20

344 571 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Improving the emission efficiency of MBE-grown GaN/AlN QDs by strain control" doc

Báo cáo hóa học: " Improving the emission efficiency of MBE-grown GaN/AlN QDs by strain control" doc

... 1010 2.9 17.2 0.17 the lattice of the AlN layer and have the same in-plain lattice constant with the AlN spacer Therefore, by varying the thickness of the AlN spacer, the strain of GaN QDs can be ... K to 300 K, the IQE of the QDs can be calculated by the ratio of the integral PL intensity at 300 K to that at K, and the results are shown in Figure It can be seen that the IQE of sample A with ... considering the influence of QCSE on the IQE of the QDs: one is the straininduced internal electric field, and the other is the QD morphology A careful simulation is required to fully understand the...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 23:20

6 247 0


... than the Control treated fruit (Table 2) Therefore, based on skin colour, the Citra Shine Special Wax increased the fruit shelf life by weeks and the Vacuum Wrapping increased shelf life by week ... fruit did not reach the same level of desiccation as the Vacuum Wrapped treated fruit until day 77 The Control treated fruit had the highest rate and the greatest moisture loss of the three treatments ... time End of shelf life is based on external appearance and the characteristics used are: • fruit have a soft leathery feel • fruit are highly shriveled due to moisture loss • neck of the fruit...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 12:20

38 485 0
Improving the corrosion resistance of buried steel by using

Improving the corrosion resistance of buried steel by using

... than the coupling without coat, depending on the operating conditions The aim of the present work is to investigate the possibility of improving the corrosion resistance of buried steel by coating ... corrosion protection Of the conducting polymers, the polyaniline (PANi) families have been the most widely studied, due to their environment stability and ease of synthesis In the field of corrosion ... followed by a general survey of the sample, and the rest of the elements In addition to the carbon, N, O, and Fe elements were scanned and the area under each element peak was calculated The scan...

Ngày tải lên: 27/04/2015, 09:06

11 284 0
Improving the audit process of fixed assets in financial audits conducted by VACO auditing company limited

Improving the audit process of fixed assets in financial audits conducted by VACO auditing company limited

... after the date of the financial statements, review of the book is made after the date of the financial statements, check the records released after the date of the financial statements, check the ... to the lessee at the end of the lease term; Second, t the inception of the lease, the lessee has the option to purchase the leased assets at a price lower than the estimated fair value at the ... inception of the lease, the present value of the lease payments minimum dominate the fair value of the leased asset; Fifth, leased asset is of specialized kind that only the lessee has the ability...

Ngày tải lên: 11/07/2016, 15:58

89 533 6
Improving the audit process of fixed assets in financial  audits conducted by ac auditing and consulting    company limited

Improving the audit process of fixed assets in financial audits conducted by ac auditing and consulting company limited

... to the lessee at the end of the lease term; - At the inception of the lease, the lessee has the option to purchase the leased assets at a price lower than the estimated fair value at the end of ... Review the internal report after the date of the financial statements - Review of the book is made after the date of the financial statements - Check the records released after the date of the financial ... Computer software: The historical cost of computer software includes all the costs that the Company spent by the time the software is put into use Computer software is depreciated by the straight...

Ngày tải lên: 11/07/2016, 17:24

86 824 14


... the general view and the detailed structural information of the metal nanomaterials, the SEM observation of the materials synthesized by using of polyol method are shown According to Fig.2, the ... formation of metal nano-materials in our experiment with the appearance of their typical peaks The large peak around 445 nm suggests that the final product is AgNPs with a large range of different ... pressure) The data in Fig.4 shows that the sensitivity ability of original rGO material is improved significantly by nanomaterials In comparison with the sensitivity of bare rGO material (10%), the...

Ngày tải lên: 23/09/2016, 14:01

4 364 0
Tài liệu The 12 Gifts of Christmas - By Dr. Michael Norwood pdf

Tài liệu The 12 Gifts of Christmas - By Dr. Michael Norwood pdf

... drawn to the attractions of the latest toy … the noise of the loudest hawker … the charms of the most alluring seduction? Can it not be that an occasional closing of our eyes and quieting of our ... manifests with the simple joy and abundance never farther away than the celebration of the person in front of you, the enjoyment of the silence inside you, and the excitement from the horizon always ... richer The following are descriptions of a new set of 12 Gifts of Christmas– something I also call The 12 Gifts of Life Whatever you choose to call them, their significance lies in how they can...

Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 06:15

17 473 0
Tài liệu The Authoritative Life of General William Booth doc

Tài liệu The Authoritative Life of General William Booth doc

... the presence of the audience, to the front of the auditorium That night twenty-four knelt at the Saviour's feet, and one of them was the proud daughter of my Professor "The next morning was the ... oratorically, of one who has thus lived in the midst of them living, in fact, their very life of anxiety, suffering, and toil than by that of men, however excellent, who come to them with the atmosphere of ... chapel, the hour, the resolution to end the matter, the rising up and rushing forth, the finding of the young fellow I had chiefly wronged, the acknowledgment of my sin, the return of the pencil-case...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 08:20

192 400 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: The social life of ribosomal proteins doc

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: The social life of ribosomal proteins doc

... structure of the cricket paralysis virus IRES bound to the human 80S ribosome The figure shows a back view of the 40S subunit with the IRES in light purple (D) Top view of the entire 80S ribosome of the ... factors The S4, L6, L14 and L11 proteins and the stalk proteins L10 and L7 ⁄ L12 form the factor-binding site at 2103 The social life of ribosomal proteins the edge of the intersubunit cleft of the ... hold the ribosomal RNA in place – they have a real social life! Being at the surface of the particle, the proteins are in the best possible position to mediate the many interactions of the ribosome,...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 17:20

11 563 0
Tài liệu Improving the Writing Skills of College Students ppt

Tài liệu Improving the Writing Skills of College Students ppt

... taxed by the production of extended texts Representations of the author's intended ideas, the meaning of the text as it is written, and even the possible meanings of the text as construed by the ... from their sophomore to their senior year The writing assignments in the treatment group were designed to challenge the students by requiring that they write as accounting professionals for a professional ... (1988) examined the biographies of 66 poets listed in the Norton Anthology of Poetry, locating their approximate starting date for reading and writing poetry For 83% of the sample, the earliest...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 23:20

24 639 0
The Early Life of Mark Rutherford doc

The Early Life of Mark Rutherford doc

... provided that the masters and ushers of the Grammar School should be members of the Church of England, but said nothing about the creed of the masters of the other schools The consternation in the town ... February 3, 1852, the Principal examined our theological class on an inaugural lecture delivered at the opening of the college The subject of the lecture was the inspiration of the Bible The two students ... question, one of which maintains that the inspiration of the Scriptures differs in kind from that of other books: the other that the difference is one only of degree To which of these parties...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 01:20

21 383 0
Camilla: A Tale of a Violin Being the Artist Life of Camilla Urso pdf

Camilla: A Tale of a Violin Being the Artist Life of Camilla Urso pdf

... lanes of the old city and invitations to play at the houses of some the grand families came in One of these was to the residence of Madam Armengo and another was the residence of Napoleon then ... joining some of the other girls in grand romps in the corridors of the hotel, nor afraid to join them in the glorious mischief of CHAPTER VII 33 changing all the boots put out at the doors of the rooms ... free to them and it seemed as if the daughters of the house could not enough to minister to the wants of the unhappy party The discovery of whom they entertained only added to the warmth of the reception...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 01:20

56 403 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Akt-dependent phosphorylation negatively regulates the transcriptional activity of dHAND by inhibiting the DNA binding activity pdf

Báo cáo khoa học: Akt-dependent phosphorylation negatively regulates the transcriptional activity of dHAND by inhibiting the DNA binding activity pdf

... transcriptional activity (Fig 6B) The expression level of dHAND-Asp-X was lower than those of others in the absence of E47 But in the presence of E47, the expression level of this mutant was equivalent ... Phosphorylation of dHAND did not affect the dimerization activity with E47 To clarify the mechanisms of the inhibition of dHAND activity by Akt phosphorylation, we examined whether dimerization activity of ... detect the effects of Akt phosphorylation on dimerization activity of dHAND, we next examine whether the DNA binding activity of dHAND could be affected by Akt phosphorylation The influence of phosphorylation...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 16:20

10 483 0
Improving the Reproductive Health of Sub-Saharan Africa’s Youth ppt

Improving the Reproductive Health of Sub-Saharan Africa’s Youth ppt

... among the world’s highest risks of becoming infected with HIV By contrast, a young woman in the East African country of Rwanda is the most likely of the three girls to be educated and the least ... coping with the environmental degradation occurring in many of their countries The realization of personal goals for these young women and men, and the economic and social development of their countries, ... levels by 2015 Nothing is more critical for the youth of sub-Saharan Africa than an education that prepares them for a healthy life and the ability to support themselves and their families The relationship...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 14:20

40 330 0
Improving the Energy Performance of Buildings ppt

Improving the Energy Performance of Buildings ppt

... distributed them to homeowners free of charge or at a large discount These firms earned a profit based on the margin between the market price of the NGACs and the cost of the appliances The business ... on advances in the efficiency of windows and doors, improving the exchange of heat, and increasing the tightness of the building envelope Improvements to the thermal envelope of a building can ... case of the promised Australian national program and the proposed recast of the EPBD, even still under consideration Thus, systematic analysis of the effects of the policies is not yet possible There...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 22:20

61 275 0


... space: Research theory and practice on the use of corporate capital The scientific and practical meaning of the thesis • The system of the basic theory of improving capital efficiency of the company ... of capital at Bac Trung Nam company" Purpose and tasks of the research • From the analysis and evaluation of the actual situation of the use of capital Bac Trung Nam company, find the cause of ... with the assistance of officials and employees especially the staff of finance department, organization department and the company directors, I have decided for choosing the thesis "Improving the...

Ngày tải lên: 20/03/2014, 17:20

18 494 0
the hidden life of dogs

the hidden life of dogs

... more than twenty dogs, spent all her spare time observing them, walking with them until she saw why they did what they did The hidden life of dogs was a great book that would keep any reader at ... as being useful information The book's purpose, to give humans better knowledge about our close friend, did just that It achieved to show that the dog can be misunderstood for being...

Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 22:54

2 401 0