... with Images in MATLAB a) Image types and classes b) Read/write images c) Display images 2. Basic Image Processing a) Image contrast and brightness enhancement b) Image arithmetic 3. Block Processing ... with Images in MATLAB Image Types: Binary Images • In a binary image, each pixel assumes one of only two discrete values: 0 (off) and 1 (on). >> imshow(bwImg) Image Processing Using MATLAB Copyrighted ... Bhd. Working with Images in MATLAB Image Types: Index Images • An indexed image consists of a data matrix, X, and a colormap matrix, map. >> imshow(indexImg, map) Image Processing Using MATLAB Copyrighted...
Ngày tải lên: 23/12/2013, 03:16
digital signal and image processing using matlab - gerard blanchet & maurice charbit
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Ngày tải lên: 08/04/2014, 10:06
Tài liệu Electronics and Circuit Analysis Using MATLAB P12 pdf
... Equation (12.65). The zero of the overall amplifier gain is calculated using Equation (12.66). The MATLAB program is as follows: MATLAB Script %Frequency response of CE Amplifier rc=4e3; rb1=60e3; ... T > . Using equation (12.100), we obtain () () II W L W L D 01 2 1 = (12.104) and R V I = − 5 0 0 (12.105) The MATLAB program is as follows: MATLAB Script ... µ Amil / 2 . Use MATLAB to plot the output characteristic for V BE = 0.65 V. Neglect the effect of V AF on the output current I C . Assume a temperature of 300 o K. Solution MATLAB Script...
Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 01:15
Tài liệu Electronics and Circuit Analysis Using MATLAB P7 pdf
... discusses the application of MATLAB for analysis of two-port networks. The describing equations for the various two-port network represen- tations are given. The use of MATLAB for solving problems ... networks is shown. Example problems in- volving both passive and active circuits will be solved using MATLAB. 7.1 TWO-PORT NETWORK REPRESENTATIONS A general two-port network is shown in ... V V 2 1 . (c) Use MATLAB to plot the phase characteristics of V V 2 1 . + - V 1 + - V 2 R C R R CC Figure P7.5 RC Ladder Network © 1999 CRC Press LLC © 1999 CRC Press LLC Using Equation...
Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 01:15
Tài liệu Electronics Circuit Analysys Using Matlab P8 pdf
... a n and b n . (b) Write a MATLAB program to obtain a n and b n for n = 0 , 1, , 10 by using Equations (8.5) and (8.6). (c) Resynthesis g(t) using 10 terms of the values a n ... Write a MATLAB program to obtain the exponential Fourier series coefficients c n for n = 0, 1, , 20. (b) Plot the amplitude spectrum. (c) Using the values obtained in (a), use MATLAB ... 8.3.1 MATLAB function fft The MATLAB function for performing Fast Fourier Transforms is fft x () where x is the vector to be transformed. fft x N (, ) is also MATLAB command...
Ngày tải lên: 19/01/2014, 17:20
Tài liệu Electronics Circuit Analysys Using Matlab P2 pdf
... implying, plot x versus y using green color. Line and mark style may be added to color type using the command plot(x, y, ’+w’) The above statement implies plot x versus y using white + marks. ... the graph window using a mouse or arrow keys. Pressing the return key terminates the input. • [x y] = ginput(n) command allows the selection of n points from the graph window using a mouse ... Figure 2.7 Plots of x 2 and x 3 using Subplot Commands. The coordinates of points on the graph window can be obtained using the ginput command. There are two forms of...
Ngày tải lên: 19/01/2014, 17:20
Tài liệu Electronics and Circuit Analysis using MATLAB P2 pdf
... entered, MATLAB processes the commands immediately and displays the results. MATLAB is also capable of processing a sequence of commands that are stored in files with extension m. MATLAB files ... implying, plot x versus y using green color. Line and mark style may be added to color type using the command plot(x, y, ’+w’) The above statement implies plot x versus y using white + marks. ... SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. MathWorks, Inc., MATLAB, High-Performance Numeric Computation Software, 1995. 2. Biran, A. and Breiner, M., MATLAB for Engineers, Addison- Wesley, 1995. ...
Ngày tải lên: 19/01/2014, 20:20
poon, banerjee - contemporary optical image processing with matlab
Ngày tải lên: 05/06/2014, 12:01
Báo cáo hóa học: " A Visual Environment for Real-Time Image Processing in Hardware (VERTIPH)" pdf
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 22:20
Tài liệu Adaptive Live Signal and Image Processing pdf
... 36 1.23 Blind extraction of binary image from superposition of several images [761]. 37 1.24 Blind separation of text binary images from a single overlapped image [761]. 38 CONTENTS xv 11.2.3 ... (e.g., EEG/MEG) data: (a) Using expert decision and hard switches, (b) using soft switches (adaptive nonlinearities in time, frequency or time-frequency domain), (c) using nonlinear adaptive filters ... INTRODUCTION TO BLIND SIGNAL PROCESSING: PROBLEMS AND APPLICATIONS 1.1 PROBLEM FORMULATIONS – AN OVERVIEW 1.1.1 Generalized Blind Signal Processing Problem A fairly general blind signal processing (BSP)...
Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 14:15
Tài liệu Matlab tutorial for systems and control theory pdf
... as follows: Numerical/Math//Analysis and Plotting/ /MATLAB. MATLAB will then open a command window which contains the MATLAB prompt ‘>>’. MATLAB contains a number of useful commands that are ... commands can be found by using the help command. MATLAB also contains a variety of demos that can be with the ‘demo’ command. 4 MATLAB Variables — Scalars, Vectors, and Matri- ces MATLAB stores variables ... absolute value sign signum 6 MATLAB Files There are several types of MATLAB files including files that contain scripts of MATLAB commands, files that define user-created MATLAB functions that act just...
Ngày tải lên: 12/12/2013, 07:15
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