Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 12:55
... OF WRITING SCIENCE FICTION THAT SELLS BEN BOVA Author of Mars and Millenium This book is based on Notes to a Science Fiction Writer, © 1975 and 1981 by Ben Bova The Craft of Writing Science Fiction ... about science fiction writing, although the techniques for writing science fiction can be used for any kind of fiction writing. There are three main reasons for concentrating on science fiction, ... mean by science fiction. DEFINITION Science fiction stories are those in which some aspect of future science or high technology is so integral to the story that, if you take away the science...
Ngày tải lên: 19/01/2014, 20:20
Tài liệu Báo cáo " The meaning and structure of a science fiction story: a sysyemic functional analysis " doc
Ngày tải lên: 12/02/2014, 20:20
... Effect of different grades of Carbopol ® polymers on the release of ketoprofen using Franz diffusion cells with hplc and uv spectrophotometric analysis )5( =n 148 Figure 5.33 Effect of different ... ensuring the tidiness of the laboratory. The Dean and Head, Professor Isadore Kanfer and the staff of the Faculty of Pharmacy for the use of departmental facilities. Professor Roger Verbeeck ... development of the first pharmaceutical transdermal patch of scopolamine for motion sickness in the early 1980s heralded acceptance of the benefits and applicability of this method of administration of...
Ngày tải lên: 16/04/2013, 19:17
Potential biogas production from sewage sludge: A case study of the sewage treatment plant at Kwame Nkrumah university of science and technology, Ghana
Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 16:11
Mastering the craft of science writing part 17
... 115; for writing, 26 Science, viewed as a puzzle, 15–16 Science (journal), 68 Science News, 100–103; value of sub- scribing, 68 Science writers: education of, xii; temperament of, 5–6 (see also Temperament; ... collaboration of writers and editors, 137–138; science writing as public service, 15, 18, 38–41, 119; of scientific openness, 33 Ignorance as asset, 4 Information out of date, 65 Intelligence of readers, ... of us tense up when we sit down to write. But fortunately, the How of writing is not the heart of the matter, and we all once knew it. Since you are reading this book, you were probably one of those...
Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2013, 19:15
Mastering the craft of science writing part 4
... whether you know or whether you sort of know. Daily life gives you dozens of opportunities to experience both mental sensations—pay attention. In daily life, we “sort of know a lot: addresses, for ... truth is not a matter of opinion, not even in the so-called “soft” sciences, like sociology or psychology. Scientific truth is a matter of evidence. That is the attitude of scientists and one ... true of life in general, including the finding and writing of story ideas. If you feel bored and your mind flobs around like jelly, pay more attention, not less. Incidentally, the whole subject of...
Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 10:15
History and Nature of Science
... curiosity CHAPTER History and Nature of Science IN THIS chapter, you will read about what drives science, the nature of scientific knowledge, and how the body of scientific knowledge grows and changes ... facts is not con- sidered part of the domain of science. Theories Just as a collection of bricks does not equal a house, a col- lection of facts does not equal science. Scientific facts, like ... example, if you read in a passage about dif- ferent methods of determining the sides of the world in nature without a compass, you could be asked which of the methods would best work if you were...
Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2013, 17:20
How to live forever and 34 other really interesting uses of science
... answered by one of the most remarkable, creative and collective efforts in the history of humanity. Science has given us the tools to unlock some of the most profound mysteries of the Universe. I ... each one a different shape, containing a different number of electrons at slightly different energies. The electrons that interest chemists sit right at the edge of this layering of shells. These ... new life has been a standard element of biology for decades. But at the end of the 20th century, engineers also got interested. What if you could use the machinery of DNA to mimic some of the...
Ngày tải lên: 15/01/2014, 10:58
Tài liệu Mastering the craft of science writing part 1 pdf
... was one of the little pieces she wrote herself.What, she wanted to know, did I think of it? Oh, it was fine, I too quickly said after reading it, then paused. I was a freelance writer, of the perpetually ... Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Hancock, Elise. Ideas into words: mastering the craft of science writing / Elise Hancock. p. cm. ISBN 0-8018-7329-0 — ISBN 0-8018-7330-4 1. Technical writing. ... this book is available from the British Library. As I stepped into her of ce, I found Elise in her desk chair, bent over a page of manuscript rolled up into her typewriter. She didn’t look up. She...
Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 08:20
Tài liệu Mastering the craft of science writing part 2 pdf
... background, education, or interest in it. Science writers and editors needn’t start off knowing much science. Some of the best of them do, but some of the best of them don’t. They must, though, be ... intelligent questions, and shake off the high intimidation quotient of a dense, jargon-laden article in the Proceedings of the National Acad- emy of Sciences. Elise was a member of this breed; she was ... splendid precincts of her mind. And in doing so, she’d bestow just the sorts of insights you’ll find in the pages of this book. I speak now not of such matters of common sense and good profes- sional...
Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 08:20
Tài liệu Mastering the craft of science writing part 3 docx
... kind of writing—so long as it’s good. Poetry will sharpen your sense of the power of a single word. Fiction will show you a trove of technique, for the human mind loves narrative.What happened next? ... an- other. For the rest of your working life, you will get paid to talk to people and pass along the great stuff you find— which can make a difference in the world. I am very proud of the work I and ... specifics of how best to work with scientists. Stay in learning mode. I apologize for the cliché, but it’s true:You must be willing to learn, as a matter of attitude. Without hard work, great gifts of...
Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 08:20
Tài liệu Mastering the craft of science writing part 5 doc
... introduce you to a professional network as well, but the network is the least of the gift, be- cause a so-called “network” is really more like a tribe. If you are the right breed of cat for your mentor’s ... way, too. To qualify for a tax deduction, a home of ce must be used exclusively for professional work.) Annie Dillard says in The Writing Life that she favors an ex- tremely plain of ce, one that ... waste—almost all of us do, in fact.We watch television out of sheer inertia. Can’t you think of something more interesting than TV to ponder while the coffee brews? I bet you can. Buy a pocket magnifying...
Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 08:20
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