ielts writing sample task 1 general training

293773133 IELTS writing academic task 1 ver2

293773133 IELTS writing academic task 1 ver2

... person person person 17 90 3.7% 7.8% 11 .7% 13 .9% 13 .9% 13 .2 35.8% 5.4 18 90 3.6% 13 .2% 16 .7% 16 .8% 15 .1% 11 .6% 23.0% 4.9 19 90 24.6% 32.2% 17 .2% 15 .6% 6.7% 2.3% 1. 4% 2.6 model answer: We can see from ... Lithuania 12 5,000 11 2,000 13 ,000 91 Ireland 582,000 413 ,000 16 9,000 10 4 Czech Republic 1, 369,000 900,000 469,000 13 2 Canada 580,000 505,000 75,000 86 Estonia 383,000 332,000 51, 000 98 Germany 1, 185,000 ... least 15 0 words Airport visitors, 2007-2 012 (millions of travelers per year) Dusseldorf Frankfurt Berlin Tegel 2007 27.2 36.5 17 .3 2008 36.4 41. 9 26.6 2009 48.2 44.4 39.9 2 010 37 .1 47.3 43.3 2 011

Ngày tải lên: 29/11/2017, 23:49

45 395 0
Ielts writing academic task 1 how to write at a band 9 level

Ielts writing academic task 1 how to write at a band 9 level

... ONTENTS Foreword 1. 1  What  is  required  in ? ?Task ? ?1  of  the ? ?IELTS ? ?writing  exam? 1. 2  Analyzing ? ?Task ? ?1  questions  and  identifying  and  interpreting  data  types 2 .1  How  to  reveal ...  properly  structure  our ? ?Task ? ?1  response 16 IELTS  Academic ? ?Task ? ?1:  How  to  write  at  a  band  9  level 2.2 P ROPER TASK WRITING STRUCTURE The  structure  of  your ? ?Task ? ?1  response  is  subject ...  detail  in  section   5 .1 14 IELTS  Academic ? ?Task ? ?1:  How  to  write  at  a  band  9  level 2 .1 H OW TO REVEAL BROAD, MINOR AND MINUTE DETAILS IN YOUR WRITING In  your ? ?Task ? ?1  response,  you  are

Ngày tải lên: 23/04/2021, 16:44

20 28 0


... in 19 85 to 5.5 million in 19 95 IELTS Hoàng Nam ( Page 11 0 [TỔNG HỢP IELTS WRITING SIMON TASK – IELTS- SIMON.COM IELTS HOÀNG NAM] April 21, 2 015 IELTS Writing Task 1: ... between 20 01 and 2 011 Here are my choices: IELTS Hoàng Nam ( Page 11 1 [TỔNG HỢP IELTS WRITING SIMON TASK – IELTS- SIMON.COM IELTS HOÀNG NAM] April 21, 2 015 Introduction ... obvious way to me IELTS Hoàng Nam ( Page 11 3 [TỔNG HỢP IELTS WRITING SIMON TASK – IELTS- SIMON.COM IELTS HOÀNG NAM] April 21, 2 015 IELTS Writing Task 1: percentages Let's

Ngày tải lên: 09/06/2015, 13:54

115 1,7K 1
obee bob spratt mary mission ielts 1 general training supple

obee bob spratt mary mission ielts 1 general training supple

... views!claims • Writing paragraphs 16 B Modern Living (pp 52-55) Writing (Genera l Training) • Writing Paper Task • Discursive essay ~ 8B I Practice Test: Reading /Writing (General Training) (pp ... 'General Training Reading Answers Academic Writing Tasks (15 0 and 250 words) 60 minutes Parts 11 to 14 minutes About GT Reading Reading texts and questions There are three sections in the IELTS ... questions About GT Writing Paper format IELTS (GT) Writing lasts a total of 60 minutes The paper consists of tasks (Writing Task and Writing Task 2) and candidates must answer BOTH tasks - - - -

Ngày tải lên: 16/04/2021, 13:42

66 39 0
ielts writing - analyse task 2

ielts writing - analyse task 2

... These following sample answers will provide you the ideas how to structure your essay in the good ways to save your time and help you to make the ideas quickly for writing task in writing test Remember ... IELTS Writing Task How to structure an essay with the topic asking you to give opinion positive or negative ... actual writing test! TOPIC 1: Organized tour to remote community and other countries is increasingly popular Is it a positive or negative development for the local people and environment? Sample

Ngày tải lên: 26/06/2018, 13:44

17 334 0
writing instructions lesson 4 writing 1 bin writing instructions task 1 read the following set of instructions on how to use a public telephone task 1 read the following set of instructions on how t

writing instructions lesson 4 writing 1 bin writing instructions task 1 read the following set of instructions on how to use a public telephone task 1 read the following set of instructions on how t

... EMERGENCIES To call the Police, dial 11 3 To call the Fire Service, dial 11 4 To call an ambulance, dial 11 5 To obtain help, dial 11 6 (7 )Writing Instructions Writing Instructions (8)Connectors: ... (8)Connectors: - First, next, then, until Imperative verbs: (9 )Writing Instructions Writing Instructions (10 )Writing Instructions (11 )1 What you have to make sure of if you want to operate the ... (1) (2)(3)(4 )Writing Instructions Writing Instructions Writing Instructions Writing Instructions (5) Task Read the following set of instructions on

Ngày tải lên: 11/04/2021, 23:12

17 13 0
IELTS  Speaking Sample Part 1

IELTS Speaking Sample Part 1

... occasions, like when I have an important meeting or event to come 11 ) Are you good at managing your time? I have to say YES I usually complete tasks /tɑːsk/ before deadline I’m not the kind of person ... từ em phải nhớ để nói 1) How many public holidays you have in Vietnam? I don’t know the exact number of public holidays in Vietnam But I guess somewhere between 10 and 15 days a year 2) Do you ... my parents 10 ) Are the transport facilities to your home very good? There’s a bus stop not far from my house But I don’t use public transport at all because I have my own scooter 11 ) Please describe

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2021, 07:58

36 39 0
Luyen Kien Sample task 1 band 9 hay

Luyen Kien Sample task 1 band 9 hay

... those aged 11 -15 to 19 % of those aged 21- 25 As for soap operas, those in the ages of 11 -15 and 21- 25 have a similar level of preference, at around 18 %, compared to 12 % of those aged 15 -20 (19 7 words) ... families in 19 71, followed by a slight decline Although families with 2 or more cars fell considerably in 19 91, they rose back to their 19 81 peak 10 years later The biggest fall (almost 15 %) in families ... from 2002 onwards, ending at 50,000, but this was still lower than the 19 88 peak (17 1 word) Trang 10 Between 19 71 and 19 81, households with no car accounted for the largest share, with figures

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2024, 16:53

48 46 1
Writing sample task 1A

Writing sample task 1A

... Sample Candidate Writing Scripts and Examiner Comments Both the Academic and General Training Writing Modules consist of two tasks, Task and Task Each task is assessed independently ... manifested in the candidate’s writing at sentence level Task scripts are assessed on the following criteria: Task Task Response In both Academic and General Training Modules Task requires the candidates ... explanations that lie outside the given data General Training Writing Task is also a writing task with a largely predictable output in that each task sets out the context and purpose of the letter

Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2012, 09:39

13 1,3K 1
Sample essays task 1 line bar  Một số đoạn văn mẫu task 1 IELTS Writing

Sample essays task 1 line bar Một số đoạn văn mẫu task 1 IELTS Writing

... Academic Task 1 Question june 2009 Trang 25 Model Essay The graphs compare the population make-up of one European country every forty years from 19 01 to 19 81, and the estimated number in 20 21 There ... only 2% of the total spending in 19 81 to 3% in 19 91 and 8% in 20 01 The percentage of total spending on resources such as books also increased slightly from 10 % to 12 % during the first ten years, ... 38,225,000 in 19 01 to 67 ,18 0,000 eighty years later, and this upward trend is expected to last through to the year 20 21, when the population is estimated at 87,658,000, more than double the 19 01 figure

Ngày tải lên: 06/09/2016, 22:04

35 560 0
IELTS Writing Task 1: Line graph - Sample 2

IELTS Writing Task 1: Line graph - Sample 2

... VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí IELTS Writing Task 1: Line graph - Sample Eating sweet foods produces acid in the mouth, which can cause tooth decay ... implications for dental health »You should spend about 20 minutes on this task »You should write at least 15 0 words Sample answer 1: The provided line graph illustrates the acid level in the mouth which ... sugar among the mentioned three food items is the most harmful for our tooth (Approximately 18 6 words) Sample Answer 2: The provided line graph shows the acid level of our mouth which is created

Ngày tải lên: 08/09/2017, 21:02

11 544 0
12 đề IELTS sample writing task 1 (2018)

12 đề IELTS sample writing task 1 (2018)

... Test 1: You should spend about 20 minutes on this task The charts summarise the weight measurements of people living in Charlestown in 19 55 and 2 015 Summarise the information ... in Charlestown, and there was a general drop of / in the number of underweight people between 19 55 and 2 015 Test 2: You should spend about 20 minutes on this task The charts below show the reasons ... reasons for going to work by car, with 14 % and 11 % respectively, is that people need to carry things to work and that it is safer than cycling to work Finally, 16 % say they prefer driving because

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2018, 23:32

16 370 0
IELTS general writing task 1  complaint letter

IELTS general writing task 1 complaint letter

... IELTS PREPARATION COURSE ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬ GENERAL WRITING HANDOUT TASK 1 WRITING A COMPLAINT LETTER ? HANDOUT 4: WRITING A LETTER OF COMPLAINT ... Imagine my horror when I 10 …………… ………………………………… (start/eat) and discovered meat in the dish I 11 …………………… ………………………………………… (consider/leave) immediately, but instead I explained the situation to the waiter I 12 ………………………………………………………………………………………… ... not confirm this I intend to deal 10 ……………… the staff member appropriately and I will ensure that she does not repeat this behaviour 11 ……………… sending her on a retraining course next week I would

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2018, 22:16

12 338 3
7 1 mastering IELTS writing   task 2 (PDFeBook) tủ tài liệu training pdf

7 1 mastering IELTS writing task 2 (PDFeBook) tủ tài liệu training pdf

... word = 15 0 Task word = 250 • Task 1: Letter • Task 2: Essay parts - no Part = interview Part = talk 11 -14 minutes set number of questions Part = discussion The IELTS Teacher - Mastering IELTS Writing: ... • Facebook: • Skype: the .ielts. teacher • My website: The IELTS Teacher - Mastering IELTS Writing: Task Section 1: General ... certification The IELTS Teacher - Mastering IELTS Writing: Task IELTS Band Score CEFR Score Ability Level C2 Expert user C1/C2 Very good user C1 Good user B2 Competent User B1/B2 Modest User B1 Limited

Ngày tải lên: 17/11/2019, 07:37

208 164 0
IELTS writing masterclass 8 5 master IELTS writing academic  general task 1 2 including graphs letters essay writing

IELTS writing masterclass 8 5 master IELTS writing academic general task 1 2 including graphs letters essay writing

... IELTS Writing Masterclass 8.5 Master IELTS Writing Academic + General Task & 2, Including Graphs, Letters, Essay Writing & Grammar for IELTS Academic & General Training IELTS Writing ... Language for IELTS Academic Writing Task & Useful Language for IELTS Writing Task (Academic & General Training Tests) Chapter 12 : IELTS General Writing Overview Chapter 13 : Formal Letters in English ... IELTS Writing Masterclass 8.5 IELTS Writing Masterclass 8.5 Master IELTS Writing Academic + General Task & 2, Including Graphs, Letters, Essay Writing & Grammar for IELTS Academic & General Training,

Ngày tải lên: 03/10/2022, 17:19

243 16 1
IELTS writing general task 1   how to write at a band 9 level

IELTS writing general task 1 how to write at a band 9 level

... 53 IELTS ? ?General ? ?Task ? ?1:  How  to  write  at  a  band  9  level 1. 1 W HAT IS REQUIRED ON THE GENERAL TASK 1? ‘—”‡šƒ‹‡”™‹ŽŽ…ƒŽ…—Žƒ–‡›‘—” ‡‡”ƒŽƒ•ͳ”‡•’‘•‡ƒˆ–‡”ƒƒŽ›œ‹‰›‘—”’‡”-­‐ ...  understand -­‐lacks  in-­‐depth   response IELTS ? ?General ? ?Task ? ?1:  How  to  write  at  a  9  level 1. 2   U NDERSTANDING THE TASK QUESTION General ? ?Task ? ?1  questions  are  made  up  of  3  different ...  this  letter: IELTS ? ?General ? ?Task ? ?1:  How  to  write  at  a  9  level 3 .1 T HE IMPORTANCE OF COHERENCE AND COHESION As  you  learned  in  section ? ?1. 1,  a  fourth  of  your ? ?Task ? ?1  mark  will

Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2016, 22:50

53 1,1K 5
IELTS writing task 1   thay vinh IELTS (public version)

IELTS writing task 1 thay vinh IELTS (public version)

... Writing task (BAR CHART) A detail instruction on how to write a sound report By Thầy Vinh IELTS 16 14 12 10 2 013 2 014 2 015 Teacher A Teacher B Mr Vinh's class ... female students in an IELTS class in Hanoi 2 015 LỜI NÓI ĐẦU Kỳ thi IELTS có hai phần, Task (chiếm 1/ 3 điểm số) Task (chiếm 2/3 điểm số) Thường thí sinh dự thi e ngại Task Task 1, phần điểm số cao ...” để thể tôn trọng ghi nhận nỗ lực tác giả Chúc bạn học tốt! Hà Nội, ngày 25 tháng 04 năm 2 015 - Thầy Vinh IELTS - IELTS Writing Task – Chiến lược chung viết Cũng giống Task 2, bố cục Task

Ngày tải lên: 04/05/2016, 21:24

18 966 11
Simons task 1 samples ( IELTS Writing task 1 )

Simons task 1 samples ( IELTS Writing task 1 )

... between 2002 and 2 012 , from 12 % to 21% outside London, and from around 15 % to a peak of 25% in the capital By contrast, the proportions of all adults without work remained below 10 %, both in London ... Britain from 19 71 to 2007 The graph shows changes in the number of cars per household in Great Britain over a period of 36 cars years Overall, car ownership in Britain increased between 19 71 and 2007 ... groups of adults were consistently higher in London than in the rest of England In 19 93, around 18 % of English 16 to 24-year-olds living outside London were unemployed, but the 24 olds figure for

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2016, 17:35

68 654 0
Hướng dẫn chi tiết giải quyết các dạng bài IELTS Writing task 1 ( DC IELTS )

Hướng dẫn chi tiết giải quyết các dạng bài IELTS Writing task 1 ( DC IELTS )

... in task writing 50 IELTS Writing Task 1: Hướng dẫn luyện tập hàng ngày 54 Tài nguyên Task – The Economist 54 Task 1: Lỗi kết hợp từ 55 Bài mẫu Task ... IELTS Writing Task T 2 016 May Contents Bạn cần làm với IELTS Writing Task | Understand what you need to in task Tổng quan Task The chart ... the simplest option 13 Main details – NOT every detail 15 Some tips 15 Hãy bắt đầu với bật dễ nhìn | Start with the obvious 17 A sample report

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2016, 13:11

76 879 3

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