Writing task 1 band 8 - 9
... increased significantly from 199 3 to 199 9, the same year in which methods to slow down traffic was introduced. There were 600 cars in 199 3 and 91 1 cars in 199 9. However there was a slight ... report. Graph Sample 2 Band 9 Task 1 The graph shows changes in the gap between US energy consumption and production since 195 0. It also estimates trends up to 2025. Between 195 0 and 197 0 both ... year at 1400 cars. The evidence reveals that the number of cars on Harper Lane rose between 199 3 and 199 8. One year before the introduction of the methods to slow down traffic, the number declined...
Ngày tải lên: 02/10/2012, 14:31
Writing task 2 band 8 - 9
... 24. Band 9 sample IELTS writing on money and success. The notion of success holds different meanings for different ... interpersonal relationships, social responsibility and personal accountability. 22. Band 9 sample IELTS writing on university education and jobs. There is no doubt that helping students find ... long term this would have an extremely negative impact on our cultural heritage. 21. Band 9 sample IELTS writing on violence in movies and society. Topic: The government should control the amount...
Ngày tải lên: 02/10/2012, 14:31
Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 01:16
Sample essay band 8 9
... increased significantly from 199 3 to 199 9, the same year in which methods to slow down traffic was introduced. There were 600 cars in 199 3 and 91 1 cars in 199 9. However there was a slight reduction ... https://www.facebook.com/hocvietielts Page 1 Band 9 Task 1 The graph shows changes in the gap between US energy consumption and production since 195 0. It also estimates trends up to 2025. Between 195 0 and 197 0 both ... the long term this would have an extremely negative impact on our cultural heritage. Band 9 sample IELTS writing on violence in movies and society. Topic: The government should control the amount...
Ngày tải lên: 26/02/2014, 20:28
A Solution to Score 8 in IELTS Writing
... activities. There are three main a ctivities, namely education, work, and training. 198 9 199 4 199 9 education 46% 64% 66% working training no activities 5% 8% 10% Task 2: it fair that ... of energy from different energies in different time ( 192 8, 195 ?, 199 8). Energies was composed of OIL, NATURAL GAS, COAL, OTHER and in 199 8 NUCLEAR ENERGY was introduced. Scientific and technological ... knowledge and give examples. 49 53 Version102 8 10 12 Task1 DIFFERENT ENTERTAINMENT 197 0, 199 0 2010 TASK2 ...
Ngày tải lên: 09/04/2014, 07:41
How to IELTS Writing
... Practice: Writing p.107-115; Homesglen website downloadable Writing booklet pp.25- 29; Focus on IELTS, p.18 & p.23, pp.33-35, p. 39; Insight into IELTS, p. 69 & 74; Helpful Hints for IELTS, ... http://international.holmesglen.vic.edu.au /IELTS0 1.htm Writing (downloadable booklet (p.41-450) with sample task and answer & strategies including using connectives). How to prepare for IELTS - Writing 19 General tips for Writing ... p.27, p.51, p.73, p .97 Processes Focus on IELTS: p.85 Insight into IELTS: p.77 Preparation & Practice – Writing: p.127, p.1 29 Cambridge IELTS 1: p.51 Objects Focus on IELTS: p.166, p.214...
Ngày tải lên: 03/10/2012, 10:49
IELTS Writing Preparation
... For example: In 199 0 X fell. In 199 0 there was a rise in X. Look at the following graph and read the description. Television sales (millions) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 199 6 199 7 199 8 199 9 In this graph ... Electro Inc’s television sales between 199 6 and 199 9, we can see that purchases of televisions went up in 199 6 and continued to rise steadily until 199 8 when they dropped slightly. In some cases, ... charts. © 199 9 Holmesglen Institute of TAFE 5 In the Sample Task, the graph shows four main trends: ♦ first, a gradual increase from 196 0 to 196 8 ♦ second, a steeper increase from 196 8 to 197 7 ♦ third,...
Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2012, 09:39
Public writing task 1 band descriptors
... IELTS Writing Band Descriptors: Task 1 (Public Version) Band Task achievement Coherence and cohesion Lexical resource Grammatical range and accuracy 9 • fully satisfies...
Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2012, 09:39
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