ideas into words mastering the craft of science writing

Tài liệu Mastering the craft of science writing part 13 ppt

Tài liệu Mastering the craft of science writing part 13 ppt

... for example; the other part of the kidney problem; the names of the various parts of the kidney’s cir- culatory system; and which blood pressure medications. The The Nitty Gritty of Writing 101 unneeded ... clusters of cells called glomeruli fil- ter out impurities, dumping them into the urine. However, the blood doesn’t flow directly back into veins heading out of the kidney. Instead, it gathers in another ... down to only one), and the hoof is a giant toenail that has evolved into a thick wall wrapping around the foot. It’s made of keratin, the same kind of pro- Ideas into Words 102 tein found in

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 08:20

10 479 0
Tài liệu Mastering the craft of science writing part 14 doc

Tài liệu Mastering the craft of science writing part 14 doc

... problem to the forefront. Noting positive reactions is a must, and not only to pre- serve morale. Most of us tend to think of editing as “fix- ing” what is off.We forget the other half of the job, ... of confusion was dating the is that the reader has approached Marilyn Monroe! the passage with a misconception, Ideas into Words 118 any misconception, that was somehow fostered earlier in the piece. ... substance without which the reader cannot go on? Does it grab? Go on to the next paragraph, asking the same questions, and the next, and the next. All too often, you can drop the first few paragraphs

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 08:20

10 537 0
Tài liệu Mastering the craft of science writing part 15 ppt

Tài liệu Mastering the craft of science writing part 15 ppt

... paragraph). The middle of the sen- tence is the place for necessary nothings such as these: however (a slalom flag to mark the unexpected) Dr. Jones explained built in 1942 funded by the NIH The middle of ... particular words and ideas that are critical to later understanding or that have important resonance. Be aware that emphasis ramps up sharply as you near the Ideas into Words 122 end of a paragraph. The ... that the reader will have forgotten. Strengthen the original C Ideas into Words 120 till it’s unforgettable. Then you can merely refer to it, with no need for a full repetition. Or perhaps part of

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 08:20

10 455 0
Tài liệu Mastering the craft of science writing part 16 pptx

Tài liệu Mastering the craft of science writing part 16 pptx

... to jot down your new ideas immediately. Better yet, start to work with them on the day of the talk, while you’re still excited. Otherwise the new ideas will evanesce, cast off as wrong or irrelevant by ... dull. Ideas into Words 132 Fundamentally, in a term paper you tell. In professional writing, you show. In a term paper, the reader is the teacher, who by definition knows all and must read the paper ... newsy parts to the forefront. Leave out the general statements so beloved by the teachers who taught them to you; rather, build your writing like a sculpture, fit- ting together chunks of solid observation,

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 08:20

10 442 0
From certainty to uncertainty the story of science and ideas in the 20th century

From certainty to uncertainty the story of science and ideas in the 20th century

... understanding of the world,... confirmed by generations of scientists, and it explained everything from the orbits of the planets to the times of the tides, the fall of an ... for the creation of the computer revolution In the same year as the creation of Hollerith’s... he was able to embrace the whole of the universe Some historians of science ... between them involves one of the deepest principles of science and philosophy the underlying nature of reality To understand how this happened is to confront one of the great

Ngày tải lên: 09/04/2014, 16:38

247 412 0
Mastering the craft of science writing part 17

Mastering the craft of science writing part 17

... fer- tilize and weed. There is work to be done. But the work pays off biggest when the plants are right for the soil and micro- climate of the particular garden. Is there some subject or writing style ... agenda and make an ally of the reader, as Andrew Solomon did in The Noonday Demon, an Atlas of Depression. Earning the National Book Award is not so shabby, right? Ideas into Words 142 Abbreviations ... trigger their adrenaline. So they often thrive as staff, goaded on by the rest of the group (not to mention the boss). Gregarious types may not need goad- ing but wilt in a life that leaves them...

Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2013, 19:15

14 487 0
Mastering the craft of science writing part 4

Mastering the craft of science writing part 4

... you live, the more of the “facts” in your head will be erroneous. Science keeps moving and the Todal takes the hindmost, so make sure you stay current. Ideas into Words 12 of background material, ... “un- sure,” even when they are sure (in the ordinary sense), because their idea of truth is so lofty. Also, they feel responsible not to scare the public. I well remember from the early 1980s not ... part, the best scientists agree on the current best theory, which they recognize because, well, it fits. It an- swers the most questions with the greatest precision and the fewest loose ends. There’s...

Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 10:15

10 425 1
Tài liệu Mastering the craft of science writing part 2 pdf

Tài liệu Mastering the craft of science writing part 2 pdf

... education, or interest in it. Science writers and editors needn’t start off knowing much science. Some of the best of them do, but some of the best of them don’t. They must, though, be able to ... slashes and XXXs do? They change your words and ideas, develop them, reorder them, dismem- ber them, turn them inside out, or obliterate them alto- gether. They signify, at some level, that your ... to wade into its complexities, ask intelligent questions, and shake off the high intimidation quotient of a dense, jargon-laden article in the Proceedings of the National Acad- emy of Sciences....

Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 08:20

10 533 0
Tài liệu Mastering the craft of science writing part 3 docx

Tài liệu Mastering the craft of science writing part 3 docx

... nonfiction, whether science writing or any other kind, is an act of intimacy.You are inviting the reader into your world into your mind, no less. As your close companion, the reader will share the alien ... nosy. A Matter of Attitude 5 terial as they do with the readers. Indeed, their curiosity and its fruits are a large part of what the reader senses, of what lets the reader trust them—a process ... attention—and the readers cannot be fooled, because they have crawled into your mind. If you are bored, the Ideas into Words 2 Moments of frustration and despair can be a good sign; they are an...

Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 08:20

10 521 0
Tài liệu Mastering the craft of science writing part 5 doc

Tài liệu Mastering the craft of science writing part 5 doc

... two crucial habits: (1) the habit of Ideas into Words 26 Jack Goellner and Barbara Lamb End -of- Row with the Beautiful Garden Left Side of That Curvy Road just before the Calvert School To write ... of Being that in turn gives rise to appropriate Doing. You can spot the best mentors, like the best parents and the best shrinks, because their former protégés are out there doing the work. They ... parties, people often tell me that they have decided they want to be writers, and they’ll get started as soon as they have more time, or when they have their study fixed up, or when they get a new...

Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 08:20

10 372 0