... 135-137, 21 3, 25 4 -25 6, Harper Paperbacks 7. Fred Dobb (20 02) . ISO 9001 :20 00 Quality Registration Step By Step, 121 - 128 , 23 5, 25 4 -25 6, Butter Worth-Heineman Ltd. 8. Raymond J (20 08). Human resource management, ... Mại. Tiếng Anh 5. Fred Dobb (20 02) . ISO 9001 :20 00 Quality Registration Step By Step, 121 - 128 , 23 5, 25 4 -25 6, Butter Worth-Heineman Ltd. 6. Peter F. Drucker (20 02) . Management- Tasks, Responsibilities, ... Tel : 0918.775.368 CHAPTER 2: THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK This chapter presents theories involve in quality management system in term of management responsibility and human resource management. It is...
Ngày tải lên: 18/04/2013, 17:09
Human resource management
... Model 2/ 3 2. 2 .2 The Schuler Group 2/ 4 2. 2.3 Evaluation of Matching Models 2/ 6 2. 3 Harvard-type Models 2/ 7 2. 3.1 The Original Beer Model 2/ 7 2. 3 .2 The Guest Model 2/ 9 2. 3.3 The Pettigrew Approach 2/ 10 2. 3.4 ... Summary 1/11 Module 2 Models of Human Resource Management 2/ 1 2. 1 Defining Characteristics of HRM Models 2/ 1 2. 2 Matching Models 2/ 3 2. 3 Harvard-type Models 2/ 7 2. 4 Summary 2/ 12 Module 3 Key Themes ... manage- Human Resource Management Edinburgh Business School 1/3 Module 2 Models of Human Resource Management Contents 2. 1 Defining Characteristics of HRM Models 2/ 1 2. 2 Matching Models 2/ 3 2. 2.1 Fombrun,...
Ngày tải lên: 21/08/2012, 17:42
Strategic human resource management
... accepted by the editor, the publisher or the author. First published in Great Britain in 19 92 as Human Resource Management: Strategy and Action Second edition published as Strategic Human Resource Management: ... Personnel management. I. Title. HF5549.A89784 20 05 658.3Ј01 dc 22 2005 024 4 02 Typeset by Saxon Graphics Ltd, Derby Printed and bound in the United States by Thomson-Shore, Inc. iv l new forms of assessment ... strategic HRM. ã Part 2: Strategic human resource management in action. This describes the formulation and implementation of HRM strategies, the impact of strategic human resource management, the strategic...
Ngày tải lên: 21/08/2012, 17:43
... Personnel management. 2. Information technology Management. 3. Knowledge management. I. Torres-Coronas, Teresa, 1966- II. Arias-Oliva, Mario, 1968- HF5549.E14 20 05 658.3'0 028 5'4678 dc 22 20 04016385 British ... place the organizations into Brosche’s (20 02) portal development model. Focusing on the development of human resources, Constant D. Beugré’s chap- ter, Human Resource Portals and the Protean Career: ... information issued by GE in 20 00, the system cut procurement cycles in half, processing costs by one-third and the cost of goods purchased by between five and 50% (The Economist, March 4, 20 00). Every...
Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2012, 17:27
E-Human Resource Management 15
... Insider, 4(1), 20 -29 . DoH. (20 03). DoH corporate plan 20 02/ 2003. Retrieved August 20 03 from www.housing.nsw.gov.au/ Dunford, I. (20 02) . B2E: The future looks rosy. Retrieved March 20 02 from www.computing.co.uk/Analysis/1136393 Eckerson, ... initial. (20 02) . Trends in HR service delivery. White paper for Gildner Human Resources Outsourcing Forum. Retrieved March 20 03 from www.gildner.net/White %20 Paper %20 - %20 HR %20 Service %20 Delivery %20 Trends.pdf Greenblat, ... (20 02) . Empowering employees. Retrieved August 20 02 from www.fcw.com/fcw/articles /20 02/ 0107/tec-hr-01-07- 02. asp Netkey. (20 02) . Unlocking the power of HR self service. Retrieved Septem- ber 20 02...
Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 19:15
E-Human Resource Management 16
... August 20 02 from www.leadersinHR.org Wiscombe, J. (20 01). Using technology to cut costs. Workforce, (Septem- ber). Retrieved August 20 02 from www.workforce.com/archive/fea- ture /22 /29 / 82/ index.php Workforce. ... following section, I explain human resource management portals before developing a model of their impact on the management of the protean career. Human Resource Portals A human resource portal (or HR ... opportunities, knowledge management, and continuous learning, to name a few. Human resource portals allow the development of Web-based human resource self- service. 122 Beugrộ Copyright â 20 05, Idea Group...
Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 19:15
E-Human Resource Management 17
... paperwork, the involvement of human resource staffers, and all the delays such processes are heir to.” (Zampetti & Adamson, 20 01, p. 15) With the self-service provided by human resource portals, employees ... First, researchers in career management and human resource management may test the key assumptions of the three-factor model. For instance, in analyzing the impact of HR portals on the management of the ... turnover and developing skills inventories, and helps deliver human resource services with fewer people (Gale, 20 03). Thus, the human resource function becomes less administrative and more strategic,...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 17:15
E-Human Resource Management 18
... metrics (Becker, Huselid, & Ulrich, 20 01; Berry, 20 00; Fitz-enz, 20 00; Kirkpatrick, 1998). Human Resource Portals and the Protean Career 141 Copyright â 20 05, Idea Group Inc. Copying or distributing ... prohibited. Gale, S.F. (20 03). Three stories of self-service success. Workforce, 82( 1), 60- 62. Gibbons, J. (20 01). Technology and employee development. In A.J. Walker (Ed.), Web-based human resources (pp. ... organizational change (Jackson & Schuler, 20 03; Mathis & Jackson, 20 03; Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart, & Wright, 20 03; Wexley & Latham, 20 02) . This chapter provides a way to “jump in” to...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 17:15
Human Resource Management -Diploma in Business Administration Study Manual
... Process 20 6 Defining the Vacancy 20 7 Casting the Net 21 5 Selection Procedures 22 0 Employee Induction 22 9 10 Employee Development 23 3 Organisations, Individuals and Development 23 4 Identifying ... Leadership 20 2 Management Accountability and Responsibility 25 The Breadth of Accountability 26 Management and Social Responsibility 32 Equal Opportunities 36 The Ethics of Managers 44 3 Management ... ABE Study Unit 1 Management and Leadership Contents Page A. What is Management? 2 Towards a Definition 2 Do Organisations need Management? 4 Management Processes 4 Management Roles 6 Management Activities...
Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2013, 16:15
E-Human Resource Management 19
... e-learning (Allee, 20 02) . Overall, the benefits of KM fall into six categories (Santosus & Surmacz, 20 02; Kaplan, 20 02) : 1. fostering innovation by encouraging the free flow of ideas; 2. improving ... prohibited. 1. Recognition of human resource management as an instrumental player in corporate strategy (Prince & Stewart, 20 02; Becker et al., 20 01); 2. Emergence of knowledge management concepts ... al., 20 03; Allee, 20 02; Alavi & Leidner, 20 01); and 3. Availability and continued development of new technologies that support e-learning approaches to human resource development (Allen, 20 02; Rossett,...
Ngày tải lên: 29/10/2013, 00:15
E-Human Resource Management 20
... this chapter, we have provided several resources for management and human resource faculty, with which they can stay connected to the important and pervasive changes being brought about by corporate ... (http://www.kmworld.com): Contains online resources, solutions, news, conference information, and publications related to knowledge management. The Knowledge Management Resource Center (http://www.kmresource. com): Offers ... & Latham, G. (20 02) . Developing and training human re- sources in organizations (3 rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice- Hall. Reports Spitzer, D., & Conway, M. (20 02) . Link training...
Ngày tải lên: 29/10/2013, 00:15
E-Human Resource Management 22
... 3=important, 2= less important, 1=not important w.a.** Colleagues 2. 8 ABI 2. 2 Rules 2. 5 Training companies 2. 2 Unions 2. 0 ICT provider 1.9 Table 1. Main sources of information for choosing ... an example of early-stage adoptions, results of research into e-learning in Italy in 20 02 by A.D. Little 20 02 highlighted that, while companies seem mainly efficiency driven, when they choose ... makers 3.4% 13.80% 24 .10% 31.0% 27 .60% 58.10% 35.50% 0% 0%6.50% Training manager HR manager Top management It manager Knowledge manager Pharma Bank 176 Comacchio & Scapolan Copyright â 20 05, Idea...
Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 23:15
E-Human Resource Management 23
... 2. 5 2. 3 Chat rooms 3.0 2. 2 Virtual classroom 2. 5 2. 0 Figure 5. Control systems 14.80% 14.80% 29 .20 % 0% 22 .20 % 25 .90% 14.80% 3.70% 3.70% 27 .10% 6.30% 29 .20 % 4 .20 % 4 .20 % Real use T rainees sat ... Measuring effectiveness 3.0 2. 6 2. 9 3.3 RU knowledge 3.0 2. 3 2. 9 2. 7 Platform choice 2. 7 2. 8 3.1 2. 5 Infrastructure 2. 5 2. 9 2. 8 3.0 186 Comacchio & Scapolan Copyright â 20 05, Idea Group Inc. ... 3.5 3 .2 3.7 Organizational systems and processes 1.7 3.4 2. 9 2. 8 Basic and specialist knowledge 2. 3 3 .2 3.1 3.3 IT training 2. 7 3.1 3 .2 3.3 Linguistic training 2. 8 3.1 2. 7 3 .2 Distance...
Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 23:15
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