how to teach spoken english for beginners

How to teach countable and uncountable nouns to the 1st year non- English majors of Hai Phong Private University

How to teach countable and uncountable nouns to the 1st year non- English majors of Hai Phong Private University

... skill ,they suppose. They, however, seem to pay attention to English grammar. This is due to the fact that all of them have to learn in order to pass the examination. 4) Teaching and learning condition. ... background‖ focuses on the way teaching English grammar and techniques to teach. - Chapter 2; ―The study on learning and teaching English at Hai Phong Private University‖ refers to the survey questionnaire ... following purposes:  To do research teachers‘ and students‘ attitude and expectations about teaching countable and uncountable nouns through some techniques.  To study how to teach countable and...

Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2014, 17:21

83 783 1
how to teach english

how to teach english

Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2014, 07:30

208 1,6K 4
How to teach reading (lớp 12)

How to teach reading (lớp 12)

... WHILE-YOU-READ  Help students to understand the text before get them to answer the questions  Timeline  Table/Chart  Map  Visuals WHILE-YOU-READ  Reduce the load  Break the passage into smaller parts  Unit ... reading contents FINAL NOTES  Careful pre-teaching  better understanding  Understand the text first, answer questions later  Being able to relate to the reading contents  students more interested  Answering ... important  Vocab-in-context: How you arrive at the meaning is more important than the meaning itself  Scanning: Find the information  read around  Etc. BEFORE-YOU-READ  Activate students’...

Ngày tải lên: 04/06/2013, 01:25

10 638 0
English for beginners

English for beginners

... vice-manager. There is a hall in his office. There is a smoking section for smokers. There are two stores and two toilets, there are some rooms for the staffs. There is a canteen but there isn't a ... Good morning, doctor. Doctor : Good morning, Mrs Brown. Now, what's the matter with your son? Mrs. Brown : He feels tired, he's got a headache and a pain in his back. Doctor : Has he got ... back. Doctor : Has he got a temperature? Mrs. Brown : Yes, he has. Doctor : I see. Now take off his shirt, please. I'd like to listen to his chest. In Bill's flat Bill : It's 3 o'clock...

Ngày tải lên: 29/07/2013, 01:26

26 591 7
How to Read Nonfictional English Texts Faster and More Effectively

How to Read Nonfictional English Texts Faster and More Effectively

... expected to improve their reading speed with nonfictional English texts and to learn how to process the information in those texts more effectively. Student Levels: The exercises are appropriate for ... know about the topic? In note form write down pieces of information you expect to find in the text. (Mother tongue or English) . 2. Write down at least 5 (key) words you expect to find in the ... also gain an insight into how and why the performing of these tasks helps them to deal with (English) texts more effectively. Some of the aspects and questions likely to come up during those...

Ngày tải lên: 06/09/2013, 10:10

5 468 0


... having to learn one more year. Mean + to infinitive : dự định làm việc gì. - He means to take the coming exam. (*) Forget + gerund : quên điều gì đã xảy ra. - I forgot telling her this story. Forget ... story. Forget + to infinitive : quên làm điều gì. - I forgot to tell her about this. (*) Regret + gerund : hối tiếc việc đã xảy ra. - She regrets going to a village school. Regret + to infinitive ... party was great. He regretted not to go there. C. ĐỘNG TỪ NGUYÊN MẪU KHÔNG TO . (Bare Infinitive) Đây là động từ nguyên thể không đi kèm với to (infinitive without to) và được sử dụng trong các...

Ngày tải lên: 20/09/2013, 08:10

3 1,3K 17
Tài liệu How to Teach This Module pdf

Tài liệu How to Teach This Module pdf

... will be able to configure a DataAdapter to retrieve information, populate a DataSet by using a DataAdapter, configure a DataAdapter to modify information, persist data changes to a server, ... Technologies ! Expectations for the Course ***************************** ILLEGAL FOR NON - TRAINER USE ****************************** iv Introduction How to Teach This Module This section contains information ... intend for the courses to be the sole preparation method for passing MCP exams. Practical product knowledge and experience is also necessary to pass the MCP exams. To help prepare for the...

Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 10:20

16 516 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "ParaSense or How to Use Parallel Corpora for Word Sense Disambiguation" pdf

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "ParaSense or How to Use Parallel Corpora for Word Sense Disambiguation" pdf

... trans- lations for the English test instances at our disposal. We decided to deploy a novel strategy that uses the Google Translate API 1 to automatically gener- ate a translation for all English test ... feature vector contains the English 318 local context features that were also extracted for the training instances. For the construction of the bag-of-words features however, we need to adopt ... strategy for the selection of our bag-of-words translation fea- tures (we did not perform any filtering on the trans- lations except for Part-of-Speech information), we observe that for three...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 05:20

6 538 0
Making Food Healthy and Safe for Children: How to Meet the Caring for Our Children: National Health and Safety Performance Standards; Guidelines for Early Care and Education Programs docx

Making Food Healthy and Safe for Children: How to Meet the Caring for Our Children: National Health and Safety Performance Standards; Guidelines for Early Care and Education Programs docx

... Learning to Work with Foods Safely  Food Safety for Centers Only  Figure 3.1 Food Safety Checklist CHAPTER 4 STORING FOODS SAFELY p. 20  Tips for Storing Food in the Refrigerator  Tips for ... the parents to allow them to send food from home:  Use menus as a guide for helping parents to understand how to meet the child’s daily food needs.  Ask the parents to wrap and ... Refrigerator  Tips for Storing Dry Food  Storing Leftovers  Discarding Food  Storing Other Items Properly  Figure 4.1 Food Storage Chart Making Food Healthy and Safe for Children, 2 nd ...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 04:20

76 473 0
How to Teach  TOEFL® TOEIC® IELTS®  and Other Standardized Examinations  ppt

How to Teach  TOEFL® TOEIC® IELTS®  and Other Standardized Examinations  ppt

...   How to Teach TOEFLTOEICIELTSandMore    How to Teach TOEFLTOEICIELTSandMore 50 AssessingGrammarProficiency  AuthenticAssessment Justasmechanicaldrillsdonot teach studentsthelanguage, mechanicaltestquestionsdonotassesstheirability to useitin authenticways.Inorder to provideauthenticassessmentofstudents’ grammarproficiency,anevaluationmustreflectreal‐lifeusesof grammarincontext.Thismeansthattheactivitymusthaveapurpose otherthanassessmentandrequirestudents to demonstratetheirlevel ofgrammarproficiencybycompletingsometask. To developauthenticassessmentactivities,beginwiththetypesof tasksthatstudentswillactuallyneed to dousingthelanguage. Assessmentcanthentaketheformofcommunicativedrillsand communicativeactivitieslikethoseusedintheteachingprocess. For example,theactivitybasedonaudiotapesofpublicaddress announcementscanbeconvertedintoanassessmentbyhaving studentsrespondorallyorinwriting to questionsaboutasimilartape. Inthistypeofassessment,theinstructorusesachecklistorrubric to evaluatethestudent’sunderstandingand/oruseofgrammarin context. Mechanicaltestsdoserveone purpose:Theymotivatestudents to memorize.Theycanthereforeserveas prompts to encouragememorization ofirregularformsandvocabulary items.Becausetheytestonlymemory capacity,notlanguageability,theyare bestusedasquizzesandgiven relativelylittleweightinevaluating studentperformanceandprogress. ... OvertGrammarInstruction  Adultstudentsappreciateandbenefitfromdirectinstructionthat allowsthem to applycriticalthinkingskills to languagelearning. Instructorscantakeadvantageofthisbyprovidingexplanationsthat givestudentsadescriptiveunderstanding(declarativeknowledge)of eachpointofgrammar. Downloadthegrammarebook for thiscourseat:  andworkallthewaythroughit. HowtoTeachTOEFLTOEICIELTSandMore 2 HowtoTeach TOEFLđTOEICđIELTSđ andOtherStandardizedExaminations SecondEdition CopyrightâTEFLeBooksdotcom Allrightsreserved. Permissiongrantedtoreproducepartsofthis publicationaslongasattributionisnoted. ThisebookwasdevelopedincooperationwithTEFLBootCamp Tohelpusdoabetterjobofhelpingyou,wewouldappreciate youropinionaboutthisebook.Pleasetakeourfast,easyand confidentialsurveyhere:CLICKHERE ... Speaking(11–14minutes). TheListening,ReadingandWritingtestsaredoneinonesitting.The Speakingtestmaybeonthesamedayorup to sevendaysbeforeor aftertheothertests. D.PracticeTestingandrecalibratinggoals  Afterareasonableperiodofstudy,haveyourstudentstakeaprogress testandre‐evaluatetheirgoalsbasedontheirperformance.Notwo studentswillbeexactlythesameandgoalsshouldbeindividualized. FreeResourcesfromIELTS DownloadavarietyofPDFfiles thatprovideassistanceand instruction for allthesections oftheIELTSexaminationaswellastheIELTS Guide for Teachersat:    How to Teach TOEFLTOEICIELTSandMore 43 To addressthedeclarativeknowledge/proceduralknowledgedichotomy, teachersandstudentscanapplyseveralstrategies. 1....

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 20:20

97 2,1K 5


... chicken before rigor mortis sets in. However more than likely your bird will have already started to toughen up by the time you get to chill it. Meat needs to be stored for around 48 hours to give ... from the bottom of this circular cut to the beginning of the underside (before the bone) to allow your hand to enter the body cavity. You will have to cut through a thin wall of muscle to expose ... HOW TO KILL A CHICKEN FOR FOOD By Jennie (Chooken) Unfortunately there is no perfectly painless way of killing a chook for food. I wish there was. However there are some...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 21:20

6 329 0


... coordinamento Zadig srl Progetto di comunicazione e realizzazione grafica FOR A SAFE SUMMER - HOW TO BEAT THE HEAT 3 HOW TO BEAT THE HEATFOR A SAFE SUMMER It is vital to be aware of precautions needed to ... home care to the elderly. Heatwave 9 HOW TO BEAT THE HEATFOR A SAFE SUMMER Basic safety precautions to prevent and alleviate symptoms Always check that water and ice are on hand for the assisted ... discomfort can occur in the at-risk population. FOR A SAFE SUMMER 4 HOW TO BEAT THE HEAT Those most exposed to danger Am I assisting a person who has a high risk of damage from excessive heat? To...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 20:20

12 433 0
Air Pollution Teaching Toolkit Manual on how to teach Air Pollution to Students of Grade 7–9 ppt

Air Pollution Teaching Toolkit Manual on how to teach Air Pollution to Students of Grade 7–9 ppt

... the subtopics and topic headings together to form a complete loop or cycle map. They can use words, sentences and arrows to link the terms. 6. Call the students to explain and provide information ... like to extend our gratitude to FK Network Nepal for providing financial support for printing this tool kit and piloting in schools to assess its effectiveness. 33 Air Pollution Teaching Toolkit ... attracted towards it due to its high initial investment and lower returns compared to BTK. For detail information please visit: 39 Air Pollution Teaching Toolkit ...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 14:20

74 409 0