how to teach speaking in high school



... difficulties in teaching and learning English through Speaking and the solutions to them and some of my experience in teaching speaking in TIENG ANH 12 II/ CONTENT: How to teach Speaking in Tieng ... role, brainstorming… These are some examples about “ warm-up” in my teaching Speaking ( Tieng Anh 12): Written by Nguyen Thi Thanh Hong Tran Bien High School (2012-2013) How To Teach Speaking In Tieng ... Bien High School (2 012- 2013) 14 How To Teach Speaking In Tieng Anh 12 Effectively? TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES... language input helps students speak easily How To Teach Speaking

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2016, 02:30

22 515 0
How to teach writing in english 11 effectively at nga son high school

How to teach writing in english 11 effectively at nga son high school

... writing is teaching the students how to write, not to test their writing.When teaching writing skill to the 11th students of Nga Son High School I found the problems in teaching and learning ... writing - Discussing - Brainstorming - Observing and interpreting photos or artwork - Watching video clips - Using writing templates/ frames / cloze exercises - Mapping - Brain writing - Using ... Letter of invitation interaction Page 12 How to teach Writing in English 11 effetively at Nga Son High School [DOCUMEN Lead in: -Have you ever invited your friend to a party ? -How you say to invite

Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2017, 10:37

20 261 0


... time researching on in this field, with its application to teaching and studying speaking skill There are sound reasons for me to take the application of CLT to speaking teaching into consideration, ... would like to devote my time and effort to investigating the current speaking teaching and learning situation at TP high school including teaching methods, difficulties faced by the teachers and ... any other method to teach speaking I.2 Using CLT and teaching speaking I.2.1 Problems with speaking and speaking activities I.2.1.1 Problems with speaking Brown (1994:256) points out the characteristics

Ngày tải lên: 07/09/2013, 13:02

42 1,2K 6
How to teach speaking potx

How to teach speaking potx

... topic teaching methodoiogy 2 Investigate things, e.g how do highschool students learn English? 13 Speaking tasks …  create an information gap  give Ss choice of what to say & how to ... feel... highschool students learn English? 13 Speaking tasks …  create an information gap  give Ss choice of what to say & how to say it  encourage Ss to give & receive feedback When to ... mil tons Rice eaten: 18 mil tons Receives 3rd highest aid (source: Economist) Let’s add to the list! 11 Roses are Red… I am in love with a girl who is very attractive She doesn’t know how

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 09:20

15 728 6


... writing • discussing • brainstorming • observing and interpreting photos or artwork • watching video clips • using writing templates/ frames / cloze exercises • mapping • Brain writing • Using ... like to discuss some difficulties in teaching and learning English through writing and the solutions to them and some of my experience in teaching writing in TIENG ANH 12 II/ CONTENTS : How to teach ... answers or to correct grammar errors But we, English teachers , should remember that the main point of teaching writing is teaching the students how to write , not to test their writing Today, I

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2016, 02:31

19 834 1
skkn teaching speaking  how to stimulate speaking in a second language

skkn teaching speaking how to stimulate speaking in a second language

... settings, together with suggestions for teachers who teach oral language What Is "Teaching Speaking" ? What is meant by "teaching speaking" is to teach ESL learners to: • Produce the English speech sounds ... (Nunan, 2003) How To Teach Speaking Now many linguistics and ESL teachers agree on that students learn to speak in the second language by "interacting" Communicative language teaching and collaborative ... Try to involve each student in every speaking activity; for this aim, practice different ways of student participation • Reduce teacher speaking time in class while increasing student speaking

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2016, 02:33

11 590 1


... Truc – Using games to teach English in High schools - Tran Bien High School CONTENTS Tran Thanh Truc – Using games to teach English in High schools - Tran Bien High School USING GAMES TO TEACH ENGLISH ... – Using games to teach English in High schools - Tran Bien High School IV MY TEACHING EXPERIENCE During my teaching, I have applied some games that made my students feel like participating in ... example, in unit (Competitions), part A Tran Thanh Truc – Using games to teach English in High schools - Tran Bien High School (Reading), instead of asking students to answer questions individually

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2016, 02:36

12 791 3
How to teach vocabulay in english 12

How to teach vocabulay in english 12

... Part one: introduction - Part two: development I Showing the meaning of words visually Using pictures Using media Using realia Using mine II Showing the meaning of words in context Using examples, ... suffixes, teaching them how to use a dictionary and showing them the range of information it provides, encouraging deep processing Students need to integrate new words into their working vocabularies, ... Publishing House in 1995 Evaluation in Education of the Ministry of Education and Training Some issues of innovating teaching methods in secondary schools in English (Author: Nguyen Hanh Dung) Training

Ngày tải lên: 21/05/2021, 22:28

17 10 0
How to teach speaking

How to teach speaking

... minimal answer does nothing to drive the conversation forward Many students have great difficulty in getting into a conversation, in knowing when to give up their turn to others, and in bringing ... that lengthy but infrequent attention to stress and intonation is less effective than short tasks that are built into the overall teaching programme and often as introductory "warming up" activities, ... Differences in the way people make friends Transportation problems Getting used to new ways of learning Adjusting to new ways of doing things, e.g shopping Difficulties in communicating one's own

Ngày tải lên: 13/04/2023, 07:51

21 0 0
Application ò active learning activities to teach english in primary school

Application ò active learning activities to teach english in primary school

... lectures to sophisticated assignments that combine critical thinking and problem solving Active learning can be defined as “instructional activities involving students in doing things and thinking ... effective teaching Teachers must be able to teach the topic assigned to them while also employing effective teaching approaches to ensure that students learn effectively To begin with, instructors ... considered to be the best time to acquire knowledge In line with the basic principles of primary school students to learn English well, teaching and learning English in elementary school has

Ngày tải lên: 17/07/2023, 23:34

42 1 0
How to enhance speaking skills to students in grade 10th at thai phien high school in hai phong

How to enhance speaking skills to students in grade 10th at thai phien high school in hai phong

... follows:  To investigate the situation of teaching and learning speaking in Grade 10 th at Thai Phien High schoolTo identify the factors that have impact on the teaching and learning speaking skills ... activities to improve my teaching speaking at Thai Phien High school All of the above reasons and factors have inspired me to the research on ? ?How to enhance speaking skills to the students in Grade ... carried out ? ?in small groups” (1986:132) The benefit of How to enhance speaking skills to students in Grade 10th at Thai Phien High School in Hai Phong  pair and group work in teaching speaking is

Ngày tải lên: 07/09/2013, 13:41

43 912 8


... Confidence Ideas finding What are some ways to improve their speaking ability? Consider to apply teaching four skill for students included speaking, listening, reading and writing instead ... Motivation to speak Practice time Confidence Ideas finding What are some ways to improve their speaking ability? Consider to apply teaching four skill for students included speaking, listening, reading ... writing instead of just teaching grammar To teach students how to brainstorm and more group works to spread the knowledge so that students not get stuck Bring all of the necessary technical tools

Ngày tải lên: 19/09/2016, 07:38

22 675 0
How to teach the stated and unstated detail questions effectively in the g c s c test for students at nhu xuan high school

How to teach the stated and unstated detail questions effectively in the g c s c test for students at nhu xuan high school

... main findings In this survey, I came up with suggestions to help students in Nhu Xuan High school improve their reading comprehension skills, especially the exam skills in the national high school ... high school III Research Subjects This subject will help students interested in accessing reading passages in the GCSE test to improve their skills IV Method of study - Research in the teaching ... are as follow How to identify the question - According to the passage… - It is stated in the passage …… - The passage indicates that ……… - Which of the following is true …… Where to find the answer

Ngày tải lên: 10/07/2020, 17:44

15 44 0
An investigation into how pictures are used to teach speaking to the children in han thuyen primary school

An investigation into how pictures are used to teach speaking to the children in han thuyen primary school

...  12 How long you spend time on using pictures to teach speaking? 10 minutes  25 minutes  15 minutes  30 minutes  20 minutes  40 minutes  13 How often you use pictures to teach speaking? ... teach speaking skills Table 6: The amount of time spent on using pictures to teach speaking Table 7: Han Thuyen students’ activities in speaking lessons Table 8: Kinds of pictures to teach speaking ... Ministry of education and training Hanoi University Le thi khue An investigation into how pictures are used to teach speaking to the children in Han Thuyen primary school Submitted in patial

Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2021, 17:00

76 8 0
How to teach american culture in a vietnamese high school curriculum; some suggestions on how to present american public holidays and festivals

How to teach american culture in a vietnamese high school curriculum; some suggestions on how to present american public holidays and festivals

... different high schools in Ho Chi Minh City were also surveyed in an effort to identify problems and potential solutions to the inadequacy of CLLE in Vietnamese high school curriculum The data obtained ... Listening Speaking Reading Writing Cultural knowledge of English -speaking countries Other (please specify): 17 By placing an X in a box in each row, please indicate what you would like to see ... provides high schools teachers of English with some knowledge of culture learning in language education (CLLE) and American culture in order to satisfy students' demands in this increasingly internationalized

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2023, 15:24

155 0 0
An investigation into how pictures are used to teach speaking to the children in han thuyen primary school

An investigation into how pictures are used to teach speaking to the children in han thuyen primary school

...  12 How long you spend time on using pictures to teach speaking? 10 minutes  25 minutes  15 minutes  30 minutes  20 minutes  40 minutes  13 How often you use pictures to teach speaking? ... used in English language teaching and learning in many countries in the world including Vietnam But, how pictures are used to teach speaking effectively to the young learners in the primary school ... experience obtained in the teaching job, the writer of this thesis hopes to make an investigation into the use of pictures to teach speaking to the young children in Han Thuyen Primary school This

Ngày tải lên: 22/08/2023, 00:26

76 0 0
How to teach american culture in a vietnamese high school curriculum; some suggestions on how to present american public holidays and festivals

How to teach american culture in a vietnamese high school curriculum; some suggestions on how to present american public holidays and festivals

... different high schools in Ho Chi Minh City were also surveyed in an effort to identify problems and potential solutions to the inadequacy of CLLE in Vietnamese high school curriculum The data obtained ... Listening Speaking Reading Writing Cultural knowledge of English -speaking countries Other (please specify): 17 By placing an X in a box in each row, please indicate what you would like to see ... provides high schools teachers of English with some knowledge of culture learning in language education (CLLE) and American culture in order to satisfy students' demands in this increasingly internationalized

Ngày tải lên: 22/08/2023, 02:50

155 1 0
How to promote speaking skills for 7 th graders at bach dang secondary school in hai phong

How to promote speaking skills for 7 th graders at bach dang secondary school in hai phong

... in teaching speaking. . 30 4.8. The way of learning and teaching a speaking skill. . 31 III. Findings and discussion of findings ... special thanks send to all teachers and students in Bach Dang secondary school for their enthusiasm in finishing the survey questionnaires. Finally, I would like to send my thanks to my friends for ... techniques to promote speaking skill for 7 th graders at Bach Dang secondary school in Hai Phong. . 34 I. Pre -speaking 34 1. Brainstorming

Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 23:59

90 767 2
Some effective activities applied to teach writing in the pre writing stage to the 11th   grade students at nguyen duc thuan high school

Some effective activities applied to teach writing in the pre writing stage to the 11th grade students at nguyen duc thuan high school

... (1996) Brainstorming to Autonomy Forum English Teaching 34, 100 Wong, D A (1996) Acts of Teaching: How to teach Writing Englewood, CO: Teacher Ideas Press Wright P C (1987) Roles of Teachers and ... writing skill to 11th – grade students in Nguyen Duc Thuan high school This study aimed to investigate how pre-writing activities have been applied in teaching writing to 11th form students in Nguyen ... little to with the teaching of writing skill to 11th – grade students in Nguyen Duc Thuan high school Most of students often get obstacles in learning writing skill as well as using prewriting activities

Ngày tải lên: 16/07/2015, 08:42

93 815 5

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