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... barrier to them. Explaining means to clarify something in more details and more simply. Interpreting is to expound or in other words, to repeat the message in other way without changing the meaning ... and pauses in doubt. People also take advantage of using hands. Waving hands can be either “hello” or “goodbye.” Holding the index and the mid finger upright stands for “victory.” In short, ... feedback CHANNE L AND MEDIUM 44 respondents drew attention to the length of the topic may lie in the fact that most Vietnamese people tend to talk incessantly instead of briefing and focusing on the main...

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... translators. III.2.2. Using target language equivalent metaphors and removing metaphoric imagery Contrary to reserving metaphors, using target language equivalent metaphors and removing metaphoric ... smoothly the meaning of a written or spoken text into his mother tongue. In addition to conveying the lexical meaning, translation requires the translator to respect other important factors such as ... translator translates without using original metaphors. In other words, the translator aims at the readership and the translation process comes to a final version written at readers’ linguistic...

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... for intervention. Can you corroborate these findings from local independent sources? In order to determine whether to apply the study findings to our field setting requires independent information from ... authors use random sampling to determine households or settings sampled? ã Do the investigators succeed in interviewing a large pro- portion of the chosen sample? ã Did the investigators institute ... similar to the context examined in a mortality study requires corrobo- rating evidence, which leads us to our next question to determine if findings can and should be applied to the decision-making...

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... only increases when the date interval spans months or years. Date in Days The following script shows one way to make date and time calculations much easier. Because UNIX and Linux calculate time ... readability. Instead of performing a date call to set each time and date variable, you could make one date call that outputs space-delimited values, then place those values into an array. To initialize ... +'%k'` day= `date +'%d'` month= `date +'%m' | sed 's/0*//'` year= `date +'%Y'` 22 CHAPTER 3 ■ DATE AND TIME MANIPULATION Alternatives for Finding the Date in Seconds There...

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... remaining length to the top of the palm oval. The thumb has 3 knuckles as well but the anchoring is hidden inside the palm. Hands : Fleshing in Flesh in the fingers as shown here. The fingers ... Everybody's hand is slightly different. This hand is definately mine. (Notice I am Right handed and that's why my hand model is a Left hand) Hands : The opposable Thumb The thumb kinda has ... is important to understanding how the hand is constructed and were the pivot points are. Once you are comfortable with the proportions of the hand it will be easier to draw it in different...

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... cheeses can be stored for up to one month. Butter and margarine can be frozen in the packaging and then inserted into a plas- tic freezer bag. They can be stored for up to six months. Thaw in the fridge. ... freezer storage containers, try to avoid throwing it in the freezer at random. It is well worth making the time to package, date, and label food and to place it so that you can see right through to the back ... 1 ⁄ 4 inch thick. Cutting across the grain, at an angle, slice into thin strips about 1 ⁄ 4 inch wide and 4 to 5 inches long. Skirt steak is rather thin and doesn’t re- quire flattening. Just...

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... trc) ã Listening, listening, listening . ã Listen only to real English. Rules 7 - Speak without Fear (ng s núi ting Anh) ã Hc ting Anh luụn cn phi luyn tp. ã Don't let a little fear stop you ... TRONG BÀI THI TOEIC Rules 5 - Stop studying grammar ã Ngay bõy gi hóy từ bỏ việc học ngữ pháp nếu bạn muốn nói ting anh Automatically Without thinking! ã English Is A Word Language Not A Grammar ... từng bước một Share ã Bỏo cỏo bi vit ny ã Tr li kèm trích dẫn [Sưu tầm] - How to Learn English easily and faster gửi bởi xcongc »...

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... The earlier theories that Newton and Einstein invented really don’t explain the motion of the stars in their galaxies and the bending of light in our uni- verse. In these vast galaxies, the laws ... functioning as well as it does and yet, something is holding it together. With this confusion in sci- ence, how do we explain the underlying order that has been maintained in our universe for billions ... running from the things we fear or fighting against the things we dislike, we might choose instead not to waste our energy. We might take the high road instead and choose not to give in to the secret...

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... could be due to the fact that students always found working in pairs and groups and playing games more relaxing and interesting. In addition, they said that when working in pairs and groups they ... work and group work activities. - How to increase the benefits of pair work and group work activities. - Using games to increase students’ interest in English classes. 35 interest B. Remain ... enjoy working in pairs and in groups because I feel free and active”. “I myself like playing games because I can learn and play together”. “We prefer playing games and working in pairs and groups...

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... “AmazingNFC”–Oulu,Finland The Oulu Region is in northwest Finland and has over 200,000 inhabitants. It is the fastest-growing region in Finland, and it boasts world-class standards in information ... MoreaboutTouchpoints and Design The NFC Forum’s lively N-Mark graphic is expected to be the globally recognized touchpoint indicator. It should be printed over each touchpoint to indicate the ... website, instead of having to manually type in a web address. The proper use of touchpoints can also simplify complex instructions – rather than trying to explain where to obtain some information,...

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... initiat- ing and maintaining an Employee Stock Option Plan; spinning off a portion of your business; entity restructuring; and other reasons. The term “value” in and of itself can mean many things in different ... depending on how long it takes to liquidate. For example, suppose we estimate that it will take one month to liquidate inventory and three months to liquidate ma- chinery and equipment, and that ... contains the following general topics: ã Chapters 1 through 8: How to value your business as of to- day. ã Chapter 9: How to value your business as of a future date. ã How to manage your business...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 09:22

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... statementregardingtheirpoliciesormethods to thepublic.Hefailed to idealizethetruththatmenarebound together in asocialstructure and consequently,separatinghimselffrom others,hefailed to winthetrust and  goodwillofmankind.  Ideas,thoughtscomposedofideas, and plansmadeupofsuchthoughts seldombecomerealities.Butoncethe smallestorthelargestthingisidealized,thesoul,whichconceivesthe ideal,cannotrestuntiltheidealhas becomeanactuality.Ifyouwouldhaveyourdesiresforabundance fulfilled,idealizethem and theprocessof obtainingthem, and abundancecannotbekeptfromyou.  BUILDINGUPASUCCESSFULBUSINESS  CHAPTER17  In businessyoufail in somethings and succeed in others.Youareoften failing and succeedingatthesame time,  -failing to makeonepartofyourbusinesssuccessful and succeeding in makinganotherpartincrease and pay. Thefailuresaredue to theideasheld;thesuccesses, to theideals.If youidealizetheentireprocessofyour businessyouwillnotonlyavoidfailures and partialfailures,butwill thinkofpossibilitiesneverthoughtof before,theveryonesthatwillleadyou to succeed. To illustrate,I shalluseasimplecase,-oneofthesimplest thatevercame to me,yetoneofthemostinteresting, and one,the successofwhich,gavemeasmuchjoyasthe successofmanyso-calledbigaffairs. In thisinstancetherewasawoman in thecase, and it'sherstoryIshalltell.  TheWoman:Awidowwithfourchildren;shethenlived in asuburbof Chicago;herhusbandhaddiedthree monthsbefore;shewasleftasproprietorofasmallgrocery and delicatessen store.      TheConditions:Asthehusbandhadbeenillthreemonthsbeforehis death,savingshadbeenused in doctorbills, hospitalbills and funeralexpenses.Thoughthe store wasalittle affair,ithadhadagoodbusiness in thissection ofthewealthysuburbsolongasithadbeentheonly store there.But, aboutthe time ofthehusband'sdeath,one ofthoselargecompaniesthatestablishbranchstoresalloveragreat citybuiltawhite-tiled,plate-glass,two- storybuildingonthecorneroppositeherlittleshop.Itcutdownthe businessofthelittle store somuchthatthe womanwasunableeven to makealivingforherself and herchildren.  ...  MAKINGASOLIDANKLEJOINTFLEXIBLE AND USABLE  CHAPTER24  In thematterofspiritualhealingletmemakemyselfclear to youatthe beginningofthissection.Spiritual healingrecognizesGodasAll and Everything and putsthetruthinto practice, using everything,-buteverything onlywhenidealized.Spiritualhealingdoesincludematerialmeans,but materialmeansonlyasspiritual manifestation.Iamwellawarethatspiritualtheoristsdifferwithme in this:theysaythatdependingupon materialmeanslimitsmythoughtofGod.Therearetwomistakes in this statement.First,spiritualhealingdoes notdependuponmaterialmeansbutitdoesusethem and usethemonly whenidealized.Second,Ianswerthat thosewhocriticizelimittheirthought,-fortheyfirstinsistthatthe patientacceptthetruththatGodisAll and  Good and secondlyinsistthatheorshemustnotusethetruththatGod isAllbecausesomeofGod's manifestationsarenotgood.  HavingreadthethreechaptersofthesectionentitledTheSpiritof Matter,younowknowthatdenyingthatso- calledmatterisamanifestationofGodisthesameasdenyingthat infinityofspace,infiniteattractiveenergy and  infiniteactivityareofGod. In thosethreechaptersyoulearnedthat densityofmatterisbutGod'sinfinitespace, thatsolidityofmatterisbutGod'sinfiniteattractiveenergy, and that matterisbutethericaliveness,infinite energyeverpresent.  I,then, in SpiritualHealing,adhere in practice to thetruththatGod isAll and usenotonlyGod'sSpiritualIdeal butGod'sSpiritualManifestationaswell-thatis,GodasAll and Everything!  Takefirstacaseofhealingthathas to dowiththatwhichismost difficult to handle-thechangingofbone structure.WhenIwasthreeyearsoldmyleftfoot and anklewerecrushed betweentherollersofaone-horse sugarmill.Thefoot and theleg-halfway to theknee-weresobadly injuredthat,whentherollerswerereversed, itwasnecessary to laymesidewiseonaboard to preventthecrushed footfromdroppingoff.Thedoctors moldeditbackintoformasbesttheycould and putitintoacast.But theirregularbonesoftheanklewereso crushed and mashedthattheygrewtogetherasonesinglesolidbone.When thecastwastakenoff,Icouldnot movetheankleatall;Icouldnotflexitanymorethanyoucanbendthe boneofyourarmhalfwaybetween elbow and shoulder.  ...  Visualizingistheactofholdingamentalpicture;idealizingistheact ofperfectingthementalimageofall factors,-thepicture,theprocessofsecuringit and theactofmaking itreal.  Youoftenignitetheheartofyouridealbyvividmentalpictures and strongfeelingsofdesire to possessthe reality;butunlessconnectedupwithyourmotorpowerofaction,it remainsmerelyanurgentunfulfilledpicture ofdesirewithinyou-anidealthatdoesnotbecomeareality.Clutching yourideal to actioncannotbeeffectively accomplishedbyapicture.Letmeillustratethisclearly.  Go to anartmuseum;lookatanypaintingrepresentinganumberof people.If,aftergoingaway,youcloseyour eyes and visualizethepainting,youhold in yourmindamentalpicture ofthepainting.Withcare and practice youcanmakethismentalpictureveryvivid and increaseyourability to re-see in themindeverydetailofsucha painting-lines,forms and colorsofthings and people.Yet,itisstill amerepicture;itisflat,lackingaction, and  itdoesnotimpel to action.ThatwhichIhavejustdescribedisthe visualizingprocess.Visualizinghasproduced marvelousresultswhenthepersonvisualizinghasturnedsuchmental picture-makingintotheidealizedprocess, eveniftheyhavenotrecognizedthattheyhavedoneso.  Idealizing,however,ismoreremarkablebecauseitincludesvisualizing and addsallotherelements to it. Visualizationcomesfrom using thestored-upimagesofbutoneofour senses,thesenseofsight.Idealization comesfrom using thestored-upimagesnotonlyofthesenseofsightbut ofallothersenses. To attainthatwhich wedesireitisnecessary,notonly to seethevisualimage,but to act.  Trynowanotherprocess:Idealizethepaintingyousaw in theartmuseum; bringitvisually to yourmind;re-see itjustasyoudidbytheprocesspreviouslydescribed.Thenimage action,-everyperson in it in action;feelthem doingthethingtheyarepicturedasdoing;feelthemovement;feelthe activities.Ifitportraysthemasspeaking, hearthetones,-hearwhattheysay.Imightcontinuewithallother elementsofthepicture,butIthinkthisis sufficient to showyouthedifferencebetweenvisualization and idealization.Visualizationproducesanonmoving, non-activepicture in themind,eventhoughitbevivid and clear.Being non-active,itdoesnotimpel to  action and hencemanyofourpicturedidealsdonotbecomerealities.But ifweidealizeaction,ifweusethe mentalclutchofconnectinguptheidealofthethingdesiredwiththe processofobtainingthatwhichwedesire, actionmustresult; and actionisoneoftheessentialfactors in making anyidealcometrue. ...

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Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 20:53

768 776 0
how to draw cars fast and easy

how to draw cars fast and easy

... the side window, the headlights – and work it up from there. COPYING AND TRACING How to Draw Cars Fast and Easy 32 â2009. How- To- Copying and Tracing Copying and tracing is a very ... punching out the lines with some heavier lines just to define the shape. ©2009. How- To- Chapter 3 Tools and Equipment INTRODUCTION How to Draw Cars Fast and Easy 2 â2009. How- To- Purpose ... Easy 19 â2009. How- To- Finished Rendering INTRODUCTION How to Draw Cars Fast and Easy 3 â2009. How- To- What Are The Principles of Drawing Cars? e key things to consider...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 09:11

134 496 1