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How to lose your mind in under an hour

How to lose your mind in under an hour

... picture the author as a pleasantly delusional man or woman trying their best to add meaning to a life that in some way had disappointed them. Later, after receiving an extensive education in ... unfounded All learning, understanding, and knowledge are in your domain Your ability to remember the past, anticipate the future, process languages, and perform mathematics is astonishing And, ... the faces and the candlestick Your whole life you may only... that Quito is the capital of Ecuador!!) will remain unchanged 21 MIND AND TIME Have we mentioned that your mind is amazing?

Ngày tải lên: 10/07/2014, 09:32

54 668 0
how to make your communication stick phần 1 pps

how to make your communication stick phần 1 pps

... know TEAM LinG W HO A M I TO T E L L YOU HOW TO COM M U N IC AT E ? / x v ii exactly what to say – and how to say it – to enjoy far greater levels of success As a final – and very ... presentations to FTSE 250 companies.” David Hunt, Corporate Fundraiser, Barnardo’s “Basically get speaking with Andy Bounds if you want suc- cess whatever you may be doing.” Ian Martin, Area Premier ... & Sons Canada Ltd, 22 Worcester Road, Etobicoke, Ontario, Canada M9W 1L1 Wiley also publishes its books in a variety of electronic formats. Some content that appears in print may not be available

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 11:20

26 423 0
how to make your communication stick phần 2 pot

how to make your communication stick phần 2 pot

... non-strangers into contacts with whom you have a productive relationship. Similarly, wowing a potential customer is a good start. But the only AFTER you want from a sales meeting … is a sale. An ... how old you are, rather than whether you are any good! So, stating your date of incorporation fi rst in a sales pitch fails four of the rules, and isn’t applicable to the other. In fact, stating ... animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.’ And it’s exactly the same with customers: ‘All customers are equal, but some customers are more... two of them together The graphic

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 11:20

26 240 0
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how to make your communication stick phần 3 pps

... name of your company, or – more likely – your profession. • Wear your name badge as high up as possible, so people can read it easily. Wearing it on a long strap so people have to gaze at your ... hands using their right hand, so, your right hand side naturally moves towards them. TEAM LinG NETWORKING / 41 Summary Always take your business cards, a pen, and a name badge. Things not to ... main name badge rules: • It’s your fi rst name people want to know, so make it easy to read. • If you want to add your surname, do so, but it is not essential. • Therefore, simply attaching your

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 11:20

26 270 0
how to make your communication stick phần 4 doc

how to make your communication stick phần 4 doc

... chance to make. .. salesmen, and you have just said that you are going to try and find some for them They are bound to accept; in which case, say, ‘Great, I’ll do that Thanks again for your ... you actually are … and that’s a huge opportunity missed. Again, why not look at this now? Remember to use the four tips above, and to keep it brief. To make it even easier, why not ask your ... every stage: • Ask if they are happy with you calling to set up a further meeting. • Ask if you can have their business card, so that you have their contact details (and make sure you look at it

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 11:20

26 307 0
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how to make your communication stick phần 5 ppsx

... Differentiating yourself 2. Pricing Two further benefits of the AFTERs-based approach • How to complete your AFTERgrid TM •Improving the way you phrase each of your AFTERs If you are speaking to a particular ... does any harm!) The second way to add to your AFTERgrid™ is to use a simple mnemonic that I created: the ‘last RITES’ RITES stands for five AFTERs that customers tend to want some/all ... establishing the customer’s DESIRED AFTERs There are three elements to this: a) What are the AFTERs you can leave customers with (in general)? b) If you are speaking to a particular customer

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 11:20

26 285 0
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... submitted an extortionate quote The neighbour wasn’t happy and spoke to Tom, saying that the price was too high and that he wanted to go back and ask for a reduction Immediately, this placed Tom ... lines. As you can see, brochures (arrow A) are nowhere near as powerful as referrals (arrow B). In fact, the graph clearly shows that: • Referrals have the least negatives. • Referrals are most ... work. The best way to find a date I guess the simplest way is to: 1 Have a look around and fi nd the person of your dreams (let’s say, for this example, it’s a lady). 2 Ask any of your friends if

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 11:20

26 271 0
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... your key points What to do with your voice, how to present... charisma, how to create an aura as you speak How to get buy-in from your audience, how to engage them, handling ... mind that can go There are so many things to focus on Your body language, your content, what the slides should look like What to wear, what to do with your hands, how to phrase ... What do you want to achieve? Audiences... your RAP Reminder CardTM Preparing your presentation Where are we up to? Why traditional ‘presentation preparation’ doesn’t work The best way to

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 11:20

26 203 0
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how to make your communication stick phần 9 doc

... EFFECT And, now that you have crystal clear clarity as to: • what you are trying to achieve, and • who your audience are, you can now write your presentation. Why traditional ‘presentation preparation’ ... nearly time to turn your workings into your presentation... what you want them to do To create your call to action, it’s always worth going back to your RAP Reminder Card™ (page ... they heard your presentation so that they are likely to do what you want them to. Which leads to the golden rule of audiences: After hearing your presentation, you want your audience to think,

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 11:20

26 197 0
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how to make your communication stick phần 10 pptx

... ‘bathroom’, and ran through it Unbelievable Distracted again He was about to read... act on your content You can book Andy to speak at your conferences and team events, or to coach your ... messages you want it to. As a child you have been told many times to “stand up straight”. And it is as relevant now as it ever was. The taller you stand, the straighter your back, the more certainty ... Instead, fix on a spot 2 to 3 paces away that you want to stand on. And walk purposefully – with certainty and energy – towards it. When you get there, re–route yourself with legs apart, 60% of

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 11:20

23 423 0
How to make your classroom more dynamic

How to make your classroom more dynamic

... How to make your classroom more dynamic! Alan S. Mackenzie Head of Professional ELT Development British Council, Thailand How to make your classroom more dynamic! Alan S. Mackenzie Head ... or give a good answer, and have them praise each other • Highlight particularly good work • Make sure you give clear Yardsticks so that students have a target to work towards and measure their ... more talking time – more groups – more noise? Task... traditional classroom? • Imagine I am an alien from another planet! I have never seen a traditional classroom on earth • Explain to

Ngày tải lên: 13/06/2015, 02:00

35 365 0
How to make your own professional lock tools eddie the wire from hemisync vol 1

How to make your own professional lock tools eddie the wire from hemisync vol 1

... legal! -Eddie The Wire FORWARD Custom-made professional lock tools (or „PLT“) have several advantages over stock items A PLT has much greater resistance to bending and breaking than a stock tool ... Reshape the clay if necessary 18 Now install another makeshift clamp perpendicular to the shank and find a plastic dish or waterproof box slightly larger than the handle, as shown If necessary, ... plaster and let dry After curing for half a day, the mold should separate easily and the pick, clay, and rear clamp can be removed The clamp perpendicular to the pick shank should be retained to

Ngày tải lên: 15/10/2018, 14:01

31 132 1
The upside of digital devices how to make your child more screen smart, literate, and emotionally intelligent

The upside of digital devices how to make your child more screen smart, literate, and emotionally intelligent

... Know What Your Kids Are Watching Chapter Watching and Talking Go Together Chapter Creating a Safe Environment to Talk Chapter How to Talk—Your Tone Matters Chapter Fun, Bad, Sad, Scary Chapter ... constant subhead shuffling to place citations and make meaning A special thanks to Doris and Howard Conant, two dear friends and great supporters of the arts and social justice, who have passed ... That said, I think we’re all aware that there’s a dark side to binge watching and nonstop screen use, aka screen addiction As we stand at the gateway to artificial intelligence and neural implants,

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2019, 08:37

171 134 0
How to invest your time like money

How to invest your time like money

... current reality If they don’t, adjust and adapt your plan as necessary For example, you may have initially planned to spend the afternoon brainstorming about a department retreat that will happen ... ultimately we can’t make anything happen Time and chance happen to us all, and my response to any achievement should always be gratitude But the inflection point that redirected me to today, where ... far ahead of your peers and make you far more satisfied with your life Strategically investing your time will lead you to have enough time to be your best self, your best work, and fulfill your

Ngày tải lên: 03/01/2020, 10:39

60 75 0
Tony Buzan – How to use your mind

Tony Buzan – How to use your mind

... essential thing is to maintain an attitude of mental activity, and to avoid anything that will reduce this and make you passive Do not think of yourself as a vat into which the instructor pumps ... society." A second advantage of habit is that it makes for accuracy Acts that have become habitualized are performed more accurately than those not habitualized Movements such as those made in typewriting ... entirely visual The true fact of the matter is, we can image practically anything that we can sense We may have tactual images of things touched; auditory images of things heard; gustatory images of

Ngày tải lên: 04/04/2021, 07:07

65 12 0


... xưa nữa Jaime returns home full of aspirations for his future, only to find that home is not quite as 120 min / PG-13 Paul Greengrass Tom Hanks, Barkhad Abdi, Barkhad Abdirahman, Faysal Ahmed ... Tâm lý xã hội / Drama / 121 min / NR Kei Ishikawa Satoshi Tsumabuki, Sakura Andô, Masataka Kubota, Nana Seino Khi Daisuke qua đời trong một tai nạn thảm khốc, Rie phát hiện ra chồng mình không ... chơi đã thay đổi In Jumanji: The Next Level, the gang is back, but the game has changed A sculptor preparing to open a new show must balance her creative life with the daily dramas of family Hài

Ngày tải lên: 31/05/2024, 18:29

50 0 0
How To Make Your Mind a Money Magnet by Dr. Robert Anthony

How To Make Your Mind a Money Magnet by Dr. Robert Anthony

... is a money magnet . In addition to affirming you are a money magnet, take a little time each day to stop and concentrate on things you consider to be manifestations of abundance. Also, ... Chapter 5: Learn to Agree with Abundance     In order to make your feelings right, you've got to agree that abundance and wealth is natural. You can't ... they will come to you again and again and again. And if you run any kind of company I am sure you know it is really important for people to come to you again and again because having people...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 18:15

28 505 0
The Filmmaker's Book of the Dead: How to Make Your Own Heart-Racing Horror Movie

The Filmmaker's Book of the Dead: How to Make Your Own Heart-Racing Horror Movie

... Actipis Jane Dashevsky Amanda Guest Melinda Rankin Jeanne Hansen Jojo Draven & Lucas Pebbles Mami & Papi Takim Albert “Koko” & Siane Soegijopranoto Stefan Soegiarto Loui & Ika ... produce, and market a lm almost single-handedly, and the cost to produce a feature that way is practically zero. Back when I started out in this intoxicating business, you had to have at least ... Studios ChaPTer 1 The meChaNiCs oF moNsTers “ To make Michael Myers frightening, I had him walk like a man, not a monster. ” —JOHN CARPENTER A beam of light illuminates a dark hallway leading to a...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 17:30

329 797 0
How To Accelerate Your Internet: A practical guide to Bandwidth Management and Optimisation using Open Source Software potx

How To Accelerate Your Internet: A practical guide to Bandwidth Management and Optimisation using Open Source Software potx

... layers makes it easy to design elaborate and highly reliable protocol stacks, such as the ubiquitous TCP/IP stack. A protocol stack is an actual implementation of a layered communications framework. ... obviously critical to every stage of implementing a plan to manage your bandwidth. While users can be forced to adhere to certain be- haviour patterns, it is always far easier to implement a plan with ... re- lated addresses is referred to as an address space. Subnets By applying a subnet mask (also called a network mask, or simply netmask) to an IP address, you can logically define both a host and...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 21:20

313 573 0

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