how to make an animated film

how to make animated films

how to make animated films

... How to Make Animated Films To the spirit of WALT: Long may his vision live in the hearts and minds of animators everywhere! How to Make Animated Films Tony White’s Complete ... all together in the form of an animated production How to Make Animated Films will make the entire process of learning the principles of animation and filmmaking so much more accessible to you ... White, Tony, 194 7How to make animated films : Tony White’s complete masterclass on the traditional principles of animation / Tony White p cm An animation apprenticeship-the way the pros used to...

Ngày tải lên: 14/11/2014, 08:18

512 775 1
A Guide to BS EN 62305:2006 Protection Against Lightning Part 1 potx

A Guide to BS EN 62305:2006 Protection Against Lightning Part 1 potx

... of risk relevant to lightning in a far more detailed and technical manner Critics of this part of the standard will state that it is far too detailed and indeed too complex to have any practical ... consultants and contractors and has been produced with the following aims ● To briefly explain the theory and phenomenon of lightning ● To précis and simplify where possible the British Standard ... 1) is an introduction to the other parts of the standard and essentially describes how to design a Lightning Protection System (LPS) in accordance with the accompanying parts of the standard...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 13:21

13 445 1
A Guide to BS EN 62305:2006 Protection Against Lightning Part 2 pdf

A Guide to BS EN 62305:2006 Protection Against Lightning Part 2 pdf

... deletion of tables and relevant notes, it was decided to add a series of National Annexes prefixed NB, NC, NH and NK and locate them at the end of the CENELEC Annexes Thus anyone wishing to employ the ... the National Annexes NB, NC, and NH in preference to Annex B, C and H Additionally Annex NK relates to the inclusion of other national parameters and information These National Annex tables are ... service to its customers, due to lightning inflicted damage For example, a financial institution whose main server fails due to a lightning overvoltage occurrence will not be able to send vital financial...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 13:21

13 786 0
A Guide to BS EN 62305:2006 Protection Against Lightning Part 3 pptx

A Guide to BS EN 62305:2006 Protection Against Lightning Part 3 pptx

... (lightning current and overvoltage protection) as an important and integral part of the standard and devotes part to this issue This is due to the increasing importance given to the protection ... and a world thunderstorm day's map along with an accompanying table These have been transferred to BS EN 62305-2, and also illustrated in this guide See Figure 3.5 and Figure 3.6 Table 3.3 shows ... thunderstorm days per annum and the flash density This can be expressed thus is the average annual number of dangerous events for the structure is the average annual number of dangerous events due to...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 13:21

13 943 1
A Guide to BS EN 62305:2006 Protection Against Lightning Part 4 pps

A Guide to BS EN 62305:2006 Protection Against Lightning Part 4 pps

... downward leader can approach from any direction, all possible approach angles can be simulated by rolling an imaginary sphere all around and over the structure to be protected, right down to the ground ... conductors As with a free standing mast, catenary conductors can be used to keep the rolling sphere away from the structure to be protected One or more catenary conductors may be utilised to ensure ... rod would be based on 5m and the relevant Class of LPS and not any enhanced dimension claimed by some non-conventional air rods It is important to note that this British Standard will remain in...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 13:21

13 545 0
A Guide to BS EN 62305:2006 Protection Against Lightning Part 5 pps

A Guide to BS EN 62305:2006 Protection Against Lightning Part 5 pps

... Arrangement We believe this table has an error included The dimension for tape and stranded conductors fixed to horizontal surfaces should be 1,000mm and not the stated 500mm Tape and stranded ... positioning and relevant use of natural conductors (fortuitous metalwork) as down conductors and lateral conductors and equipotential bonding, all elements contributing to a more effective LPS ... conductors (mm) 500 500 1,000 Vertical conductors from the ground to 20 m 1,000 1,000 Vertical conductors from 20 m and thereafter 500 Similar to BS 6651, this standard permits the use of an aesthetic...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 13:21

13 967 0
A Guide to BS EN 62305:2006 Protection Against Lightning Part 6 pps

A Guide to BS EN 62305:2006 Protection Against Lightning Part 6 pps

... energy (and therefore threat) to a system compared to an 8/20µs waveform with an equivalent peak current The purpose of service entrance SPDs is to protect against dangerous sparking to minimise ... compiled BS 6651 (GEL81) to add this very important topic as an informative annex and in this way, stayed within the CENELEC rules Consequently Annex C was introduced into BS 6651 only as a strong ... services such as power and telecommunication lines can be directly bonded to the main earthing bar at the service entrance However the live conductors within these service cables need to be equipotentially...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 13:21

13 531 0
A Guide to BS EN 62305:2006 Protection Against Lightning Part 7 doc

A Guide to BS EN 62305:2006 Protection Against Lightning Part 7 doc

... close together, the opposing electromagnetic fields interact and cancel Since inductance relates to electromagnetic field it too tends to be cancelled In this way, binding leads closely together ... neutral, phase and earth and neutral and earth for a single-phase supply If the distance between an SPD and the equipment to be protected is too large, oscillations could lead to a voltage at ... distance Cables typically consist of more than one conductor (core) ‘Modes’ refers to the combinations of conductors between which surges occur and can be measured For example between phase and...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 13:21

13 467 0
A Guide to BS EN 62305:2006 Protection Against Lightning Part 8 ppt

A Guide to BS EN 62305:2006 Protection Against Lightning Part 8 ppt

... against an indirect strike to the structure need to be instigated RV(P) = 2.07 × 10−6 Analysing the component results that make up R1 we can see that RV(T) is by far the largest contributor to the ... by touch and step voltages Yes Lt x 10-4 People potentially in danger in the zone – np Internal power systems Yes Connected to LV power line – Yes Connected to telecom line – Loss by touch and ... very easy and become routine in nature to automatically calculate the risks R1 and R2 If it is a listed building or has any cultural importance then R3 can additionally be calculated at the same...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 13:21

13 363 0
A Guide to BS EN 62305:2006 Protection Against Lightning Part 9 docx

A Guide to BS EN 62305:2006 Protection Against Lightning Part 9 docx

... near an object Lightning flash striking close enough to an object to be protected that it may cause dangerous overvoltages Lightning flash to an object Lightning flash striking an object to be ... transmitted into the structure via any mechanical services connected to the air conditioning unit However, there is the possibility of induced LEMP entering the structure via any mechanical services and ... Unacceptable loss of service to the public L f1(Z3) = 2.97 × 10−3 In the absence of any information relating to the time that occupants are in a hazardous place with respect to step and touch potentials,...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 13:21

13 461 0
A Guide to BS EN 62305:2006 Protection Against Lightning Part 10 ppsx

A Guide to BS EN 62305:2006 Protection Against Lightning Part 10 ppsx

... average annual loss (humans and goods) due to lightning, relative to the total value (humans and goods) of the object to be protected Risk component (RX) Partial risk depending on the source and ... 0.25mm2 to 6mm2 ● Dragon Tooth® insulation piercing connectors to splice, tap and terminate copper or aluminium wires Conduit and Fittings A range of flexible and watertight conduits for industrial and ... buildings ”Town outskirts” is an example of a suburban environment Voltage switching type SPD SPD that has a high impedance when no surge is present, but can have a sudden change in impedance to a...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 13:21

7 470 0
HÌNH SEM điện tử tán xạ ngược thanh khoáng olivine (light)và silicate glass (dark)

HÌNH SEM điện tử tán xạ ngược thanh khoáng olivine (light)và silicate glass (dark)

... vật liệu composite hình SEM điện tử thứ cấp thật cuả tinh thể thạch cao khan hình Sem điện tử tán xạ ngược :tế bào máu nang phổi sấy khô Kaolinite nh điện tử thứ cấp thật SEM điện tử thứ cấp thật: ... hình SEM điện tử tán xạ ngược: mọc xem kẽ bất thường bean hợp kim kim loại Fe-Ni khoáng chondrite Vùng sáng giàu Ni, vùng tối –nghèo Ni hình ảnh Sem điện...

Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2013, 06:00

5 321 0
Searchlights on Health: Light on Dark Corners, by B.G. Jefferis and J. L. Nichols doc

Searchlights on Health: Light on Dark Corners, by B.G. Jefferis and J. L. Nichols doc

... marked passage GUARDIAN ANGEL SEARCHLIGHTS ON HEALTH A COMPLETE SEXUAL SCIENCE AND A Guide to Purity and Physical Manhood ADVICE TO MAIDEN, WIFE, AND MOTHER LOVE, COURTSHIP, AND MARRIAGE BY Prof ... on account of ignorance The better plan, however, is to so educate and enlighten old and young upon the important subjects of health, so that the necessity to call a physician may occur less frequently ... exchange of home ties and protected joys for free and manly pleasures, give to this period an interest and excitement unfelt, perhaps, at any other 2 The Growth of Independence.— Hitherto life...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 23:20

1,5K 813 0
light and dark

light and dark

... into oxygen and carbohydrates such as glucose The products of photosynthesis contain more energy than the starting materials, and other life forms, such as animals and fungi, can exploit the stored ... Third Law implies that an outer planet such as Neptune takes much longer to complete an orbit than an inner planet such as Venus Not only does Neptune have a greater distance to travel, but it also ... black-and-white patterns and has some ability to identify polarized light Patterns of light and dark are not always natural phenomena to be observed and enjoyed Human ingenuity allows them to be...

Ngày tải lên: 05/06/2014, 11:29

230 201 0
báo cáo hóa học: " Shedding light on walking in the dark: the effects of reduced lighting on the gait of older adults with a higher-level gait disorder and controls" ppt

báo cáo hóa học: " Shedding light on walking in the dark: the effects of reduced lighting on the gait of older adults with a higher-level gait disorder and controls" ppt

... balance and gait, and an increased risk of falls [8,9] Future studies should assess if and how these factors contributed to the observed effects and how walking in darkness affects stress, anxiety ... patients took more time to complete the walk and walked with an increased stride time, reduced swing time, and increased stride -to- stride variability of the stride and swing time, compared to the ... We thank the participants for their time and effort and Dr Lili Merdler for valuable assistance This work was supported in part by grants from the NIA, NICHD and NCRR 25 26 References Whitman GT,...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 10:20

8 415 0
Báo cáo y học: "Light-dark cycle synchronization of circadian rhythm in blind primates" doc

Báo cáo y học: "Light-dark cycle synchronization of circadian rhythm in blind primates" doc

... Brazil and is easily adapted to laboratory use It is a diurnal animal and has a bimodal circadian pattern The motor activity of these animals displays a stable circadian rhythm in constant light ... of Circadian Rhythms 2005, 3:10 Several studies have shown that the melanopsin photoreceptors not only regulate the circadian system, but also contribute to both papillary light reflex and acute ... photoreceptors (rods and cones) in the generation of free-running circadian rhythms However, it Many of the non-photic stimuli that induce phase shifts in the circadian clocks also induce an...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 09:20

5 246 0
Báo cáo y học: "Phase delaying the human circadian clock with a single light pulse and moderate delay of the sleep/dark episode: no influence of iris color" potx

Báo cáo y học: "Phase delaying the human circadian clock with a single light pulse and moderate delay of the sleep/dark episode: no influence of iris color" potx

... African Americans had larger phase advances than Caucasians Because we found that African Americans had a shorter tau than Caucasians, which would augment phase advances relative to the Caucasians ... and dark-eyed Caucasians as well as dark-eyed African Americans, and thus in which race and iris color were not completely confounded We found that circadian phase advances in light (n = 6) and ... pigmentation and equiluminant moving phantoms Percept Mot Skills 2000, 90:963-973 Weiter JJ, Delori FC, Wing GL, Fitch KA: Retinal pigment epithelial lipofuscin and melanin and choroidal melanin in human...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 09:20

7 314 0
báo cáo khoa học: "Shedding new light on genetic dark matter" pdf

báo cáo khoa học: "Shedding new light on genetic dark matter" pdf

... variants that have an impact on height Thus far, known genetics account for roughly 5% of the variance Using many SNPs from GWAS analysis that are not significantly associated with height, Yang ... Imielinski M, Baldassano RN, Griffiths A, Russell RK, Annese V, Dubinsky M, Kugathasan S, Bradfield JP, Walters TD, Sleiman P, Kim CE, Muise A, Wang K, Glessner JT, Saeed S, Zhang H, Frackelton EC, Hou ... F: Factor XIII Val34Leu variant is protective against venous thromboembolism: a HuGE review and meta-analysis Am J Epidemiol 2006, 164:101-109 Nicolae DL, Gamazon E, Zhang W, Duan S, Dolan ME,...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 12:21

3 98 0
Mẫu edos light plus 2 powerpoint template 2 0 1   dark

Mẫu edos light plus 2 powerpoint template 2 0 1 dark

... Nullam aliquam varius tortor, ac finibus dui mollis vitae aliquam varius tortor, ac finibus dui mollis vitae aliquam varius tortor, ac finibus dui mollis vitae aliquam varius tortor, ac finibus dui ... sit amet tortor Cras scelerisque ante in dictum suscipit Proin vel congue purus, in accumsan tellus Ut lectus purus, tincidunt ut sapien et, posuere euismod orci In viverra gravida ante id sollicitudin ... est tortor tempus ante, eu pellentesque ante leo nec ex.  Personal information Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit at liquam tristique ut Pra es ent s ollicitudin varius auctor...

Ngày tải lên: 03/09/2015, 11:43

123 1,2K 0