... society’. Try to develop your ability to read your work with fresh and critical eyes. Empathise with your reader. It may help to read aloud to yourself; that way you can be hyper-sensitive to your punctuation, ... item falls onto a landowners land…’ In this sentence, ‘landowners’ should be ‘landowner’s’, because the land belongs to the landowner. Apostrophes indicate ownership: ‘the landowner’s land’ is another ... detail to develop an idea.’ (Cottrell 2003: 146) How to improve your academic writing In a recent survey, academic staff at the University identified the interrelated skills of writing and reasoning...
Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2014, 05:20
... learning English. Go out together for coffee and only speak English to each other! Read short stories out loud and try to see, say and hear the words to reinforce your memory. Record yourself and ... me:- Improve Your English Speaking and English Pronunciation Skills The first rule of speaking English is to speak clearly, concisely and use simple vocabulary. KISS - keep it short and simple. ... often in English too! ã Once your English is good enough, go shopping in some tourist areas. You'll find lots of shop assistants speak very good English. ã If you can travel to an English...
Ngày tải lên: 20/01/2014, 10:20
A Cognitive Meta-Linguistic Approach to Teaching L2 Learners Reading and Writing Skills
Ngày tải lên: 24/06/2015, 08:16
... need to learn about our products and how they work, how the distribution system operates, how to deal with both suppliers and customers and how to handle complaints. They also study trade and ... was and separate divisions sold off. ( to split something large into small sections ) 17 We may decide to the price of some of our brands to help increase demand. ( to reduce ) 17 We plan to ... etc). However, you should be aware that not all of the vocabulary is exclusive to business and administration, and not all of the topic-specific vocabulary is exclusive to that particular topic....
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2012, 17:31
Check Your English Vocabulary for Phrasal Verbs and Idioms.pdf
... it has both good and bad aspects. 25. You and your friend own a car together, and your friend wants to sell it. You tell him that you want your cut. This means that you want to decide whether ... time. (J) To organise yourself. (K) Clothes. (L) To start doing something; to begin a journey. (M) To be unable to do or use something. (N) To do something more interesting. (O) To control your emotions ... going to _____ the music over this. 3. A doctor is talking to a patient: I can't _____ down the seriousness of your illness. I don't want to _____ on your emotions and pretend to _____...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2012, 17:32
A little but often - how to increase your vocabulary
... common words The first step is to understand this idea: that the words you need to notice and pay attention to are the words you probably ignore as being too simple to learn. You recognise them, ... familiar looking words. Learn to see patterns The next step is of course to practise (note the spelling!). I will add, however, that you need to practise regularly and intelligently for this work. ... minutes daily exercise. If you like, take a look at my brief video introduction to it showing you how to navigate and use it. ...
Ngày tải lên: 05/11/2012, 09:18
Cook, Claire Kehrwald - The MLA's Line by Line, How to Edit Your Own Writing (1985)
Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2012, 09:06
Check your english vocabulary for leisure travel and tourism
... that? 4. At the airport, go to the check-in, show them your ticket, give them your baggage and collect your __________, which will show your seat number, boarding time and gate number. 5. At the ... receptionist your __________. This shows that you have booked and paid for your room, and also shows that breakfast is included in the price. 6. When a customer buys a package holiday, the tour operator ... the tour operator, or have a 13.__________ system (usually on a 14.__________ basis), where they add a percentage to the tour operators' prices (agreed in advance with the tour operator) and...
Ngày tải lên: 17/08/2013, 10:00
How to Read Nonfictional English Texts Faster and More Effectively
... in class or in guided self-study) students are expected to improve their reading speed with nonfictional English texts and to learn how to process the information in those texts more effectively. Student ... students not only understand clearly what they are supposed to do but also gain an insight into how and why the performing of these tasks helps them to deal with (English) texts more effectively. Some ... text's topic area. To do so helps him/her a) to to review the choice of this specific text for his/her specific reading purpose (cf. also task 6), and b) to focus his/her attention and expectations...
Ngày tải lên: 06/09/2013, 10:10
How to help your child in English
... Helping with Talking and Listening ♦ Discuss all kinds of events and issues, encouraging them to give and justify their opinions. ♦ Watch and discuss television news reports and current affairs ... questions about what they have to say. READING WRITING We know a lot about writing from reading The language and setting out of writing is determined by what it is for and who it is for (purpose) ... writing tasks with them eg. purpose and audience. ♦ Understand that different types of writing require different language and setting out. ♦ Understand that writing is a process with different...
Ngày tải lên: 15/09/2013, 03:10
Check Your English Vocabulary for Computers and Information Technology
... ________________________________________________________________________________________ And this disk is the tutorial on how to use the tutorial disk. space bar alphabet keys calculator keys function keys return key (or enter key) indicator lights shift key ... computers, you can view photos as a slideshow – each photo is shown for a few seconds. 4. You can also view photos as fingernails – small versions of the photos, with lots shown on the screen at the ... which stores and displays digital photos (5,5) 6. you enter a security code to prove that you have a _______ to use the software (7) 7. software which prevents unauthorised access to your computer...
Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2013, 17:15
A study on how to write an effective cause and effect essay in english
Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 23:51
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