Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 23:51
Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 23:59
How to improve reading comprehension of the 10th form students at le hong phong high school
... mistake is an opportunity to learn. - Learning not to cheat oneself: Learning to read is learning to give students enormous advantages in life. It may lead to better jobs, to personal development, ... students to read 0 0 0 0 Using games to introduce the topic 3 3.1 65 67 Making students brainstorm words, structures or idea related to the topic 3 3.1 59 60.8 Using visual aid to introduce ... Consequently, the students have to learn how to do this. An effective way to promote this skill is to talk about texts in class. - Taking risks: Students have to take the risk of making mistakes...
Ngày tải lên: 29/01/2014, 14:44
A study on how to improve speaking skill through extra activities for the first-year English non - major students at Hai Phong Private University
... story aloud to yourself Tell the story over a few times refeering to your story notes, if necessary 44 Talking with students about their listening experience after the story has been told ... time to explore thoughts feelings about story characters and events. When a storyteller is ready to examine his or her storytelling style, the teacher might make arrangements to have the storytelling ... 3.2. Story telling activities. 35 3.2.1.The advantages of storytelling. 36 3.2.2. The procedure of story telling. 36 A. Before Story telling. 36 B. While Story telling. 37 C. After Story...
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 16:47
How to improve market transparency pot
... participants. All issues were combined to a system to improve nowadays mar- kets transparency. The idea of the empirical study is to identify very important factors (key factor) to describe the land and ... Certainly, market participants have the benefit to be next to the market. 3 Empirical effort to improve market transparency Requirements to improve transparency of the land and real estate ... estate market is told to be intransparent. So the aim should be to improve market transparency. Therefore, the experts were asked for parameters and information they would need to improve their...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 08:20
How to improve your academic writing pptx
... instead of to It is an increasingly common mistake to use ‘and’ instead of to , e.g. ‘I want to try and learn a new skill’ instead of ‘I want to try to learn a new skill’. Objections to this particular ... cover to cover, or can be dipped into with a specific problem in mind. If you want to be true to yourself – to be faithful to what you really think by expressing yourself clearly and precisely – then ... society’. Try to develop your ability to read your work with fresh and critical eyes. Empathise with your reader. It may help to read aloud to yourself; that way you can be hyper-sensitive to your...
Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2014, 05:20
How to improve your listening skills
... VI. Listening Tips for the TOEFLđ iBT Test The best way to improve listening skills for the TOEFL đ iBT Test is to listen as much as possible to a variety of sources in various ... certainty? Listen for changes in topic or digressions. Watch a recorded TV or movie comedy and pay particular attention to how stress and intonation patterns are used to convey meaning. Copyright ... way to becoming a better listener in class. But you can practice your listening understanding outside of the classroom, too. For example, you can borrow cassettes with stories to listen to...
Ngày tải lên: 11/05/2014, 09:26
How to improve social life of americans
... help to reduce poverty and improve Social justice: What Do Americans Do To Improve Their Social Life? + Make work pay, and help people to find and stay in work. What Do Americans Do To Improve ... qualities What Do Americans Do To Improve Their Social Life? What Do Americans Do To Improve Their Social Life? Teaching them to play sports What Do Americans Do To Improve Their Social Life? I. ... Do To Improve Their Social Life? Offertheirchildrenhouse,food What Do Americans Do To Improve Their Social Life? What Do Americans Do To Improve Their Social Life? Makesuretheygo to school,haveinsuranceandhealth-careservices ...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 15:41
How to Improve Student Achievement_1 pdf
... an autopsy to assess the health of a patient. Lezotte’s questions cannot be answered with an autopsy. He wants to know what we have learned today and how we will know if we are successful today. We ... Warren Buffet fell into this quadrant. Critics wondered if the world’s second-richest man had lost his touch because he failed to follow the stampede into stocks whose stories had more imagination than ... a short-lived generation of investors that because today’s stock price is higher than yesterday’s, tomorrow’s will inevitably follow suit. By such logic, trees grow to the sky. This quadrant has...
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 02:20
How to Improve Student Achievement_2 pdf
... causation is not a reason to abandon correlation, but rather to under- stand the limits of this tool, to use it to test hypotheses, and to accumulate information over time to guide and inform effective ... are unrelated to improved achievement. To apply the L 2 matrix to your own leadership decisions, follow these steps. Reproducible forms to support each of these steps can be found in Appendix A, worksheets ... leader who wishes to have an organizational garden party to begin the process by asking everyone to turn their calendars to a day that has been reserved for a meeting dear to the heart of the...
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 02:20
How to Improve Student Achievement_3 pot
... Hypothesis with Science Scores 3. How does the answer to the first question fit with the answer to the second question? 4. Rewrite the answer to the second question so that it conforms to your personal mission ... to say that beliefs have fundamentally changed, then we should not expect strategic planning, no matter how elaborate the process, how large the document, or how pretentious the vocabulary, to yield ... Divergence to Convergence There is an inherent tension between the need of the leader to be open-minded to a variety of points of view and the need for focus. Paul Houston, executive director of...
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 02:20
How to Improve Student Achievement_5 potx
... educational organizations, however, find the present state of accountability tolerable. The answer is not to aban- don the present system, but to improve it—and most of all, to place the data that ... extensive time to understanding and communicating methods of improving health. Educational leaders are the wise physicians who must consider how to improve education, not merely how to analyze the ... seven of the top nine priorities (the A’s on the current list), relate to clients, one to a publication, and one to an organizational need at the center. This probably reflects a failure to delegate...
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 02:20
How to Improve Student Achievement_6 potx
... Professional Practice Inventory A.9 Leadership Practice Inventory A.10 Curriculum Practice Inventory A.11 Factors Influencing Student Achievement, Not Con- trollable by Leader A.12 Factors Influencing Student ... hard. Leadership Reflections 1. How deep is your leadership bench? Specifically, how many people in your organization are now qualified to be superin- tendent? How many are qualified to occupy a senior position in ... story also contains clues into the quest for enduring values. The stories of thousands of victims tell of little league coaches, volunteer tutors, parents, and children. What is striking is how familiar...
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 02:20