hoạt động có cấu trúc phần tử if

BÁO CÁO Môn Kiến trúc hướng dịch vụ (SOA) Đề tài Tìm hiểu về BPEL Enginge

BÁO CÁO Môn Kiến trúc hướng dịch vụ (SOA) Đề tài Tìm hiểu về BPEL Enginge

... cấu trúc: Phần tử pick 28 2.19 Hoạt động cấu trúc: Phần tử flow .28 2.20 Hoạt động cấu trúc: Phần tử compensationHandler 29 2.21 Hoạt động cấu trúc: Phần tử ... tử exit .28 2.15 Hoạt động bản: Phần tử empty 28 2.16 Hoạt động cấu trúc: Phần tử while 28 2.17 Hoạt động cấu trúc: Phần tử if 28 2.18 Hoạt động ... hành động định nghĩa bên phần tử 2.17 Hoạt động cấu trúc: Phần tử if Phần tử , cho phép bạn lựa chọn nhánh thực thi dựa logic điều kiện 2.18 Hoạt động cấu trúc: ...

Ngày tải lên: 10/04/2015, 09:35

48 829 1
Tài liệu Sams SQL Server 2005 Management and Administration Oct 2007 ppt

Tài liệu Sams SQL Server 2005 Management and Administration Oct 2007 ppt

... SQL Server 2005 Notification Services Identifying Notification Services Components Notification Services Instance Notification Services ... Notification Services Databases Notification Services Security Identifying Accounts Used by Notification ... SQL Server 2005 Notification Services This chapter focuses on configuring the Notification Services component and managing the notification engine for generating and sending notifications Chapter...

Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2014, 00:20

940 1,2K 1
Tài liệu SQL Server 2008 Database Administration– Monitoring and Performance pdf

Tài liệu SQL Server 2008 Database Administration– Monitoring and Performance pdf

... Profiler on a “live” system adds to an already stressful situation – Particularly if run interactively on the server • If you must run Profiler against a “live” server, run it remotely • Adds network ... index is being used and, if so, in what way p 36 Database Category • Common index-related DMFs in the Database Category – sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats is one way to identify fragmentation (see ... you put on the server – Being able to write queries against the trace results can help you identify many common trends and problems • This requires you load the trace data into a table! p 17 In...

Ngày tải lên: 13/02/2014, 08:20

148 493 1
Tài liệu MySQL Management and Administration with Navicat pptx

Tài liệu MySQL Management and Administration with Navicat pptx

... whichever's applicable • Password (if applicable): This field includes the password of the SSH user (not the database) • Private Key (if applicable): This field appears if you choose the Public Key ... connection You can also individually specify a username and password for each database This is especially useful if you have more than one account with different privileges for a given database ... InnoDB This kind of modification is not foolproof though Due to MySQL’s internal mechanism, if there’s already some data entered in the table, this might make the conversion difficult, and sometimes...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 02:20

134 1,1K 0
MySQL Management and Administration with Navicat docx

MySQL Management and Administration with Navicat docx

... whichever's applicable • Password (if applicable): This field includes the password of the SSH user (not the database) • Private Key (if applicable): This field appears if you choose the Public Key ... connection You can also individually specify a username and password for each database This is especially useful if you have more than one account with different privileges for a given database ... InnoDB This kind of modification is not foolproof though Due to MySQL’s internal mechanism, if there’s already some data entered in the table, this might make the conversion difficult, and sometimes...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 03:20

134 602 0
Toxic Cyanobacteria in Water: A guide to their public health consequences, monitoring and management pot

Toxic Cyanobacteria in Water: A guide to their public health consequences, monitoring and management pot

... affairs in everyday life (Tiffany, 1958) and are of economic importance (Mann and Carr, 1992) Both the beneficial and detrimental features of the cyanobacteria are of considerable significance They ... microcystins and cylindrospermopsin (Nicholson et at., 1994) If this is found to be applicable, or if "conventional" treatments are found to be effective if properly operated, these approaches would provide ... meaningful systematic groupings However, it is difficult to set up a system of classification that serves both the everyday need for practical identification, and offers an expression of the natural...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 00:20

400 1,1K 0
Federal Emergency Management Agency and Small Business Administration ppt

Federal Emergency Management Agency and Small Business Administration ppt

... instructions for line 3) (d) Specific Tax Matters (see instr.) Specific use not recorded on Centralized Authorization File (CAF) If the tax information authorization is for a specific use not recorded on ... instructions for line 3) (d) Specific Tax Matters (see instr.) Specific use not recorded on Centralized Authorization File (CAF) If the tax information authorization is for a specific use not recorded on ... Individual Objects are artifacts, specimens, artworks, archives, public records, and other items that because of their artistic, educational, historic, legal, scientific, or social significance are often...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 23:20

66 229 0
microsoft sql server 2008 management and administration

microsoft sql server 2008 management and administration

... Using Certificates 429 Setting Up the Certificate Server 430 Provisioning a Server Certificate 432 SQL Server Certificate Configuration 434 Client Certificate ... Virtualizating with Hyper-V.” The SQL Server installation wizard will first verify if these software prerequisites are already installed If they are not, don’t panic—the SQL Server 2008 installation wizard ... Contents xxi Create Server Audit Specification with SQL Server Management Studio 648 Viewing an Audit Log 648 Create a Database Audit Specification with Transact-SQL ...

Ngày tải lên: 05/05/2014, 11:50

912 809 0
COASTAL AQUIFER MANAGEMENT: monitoring, modeling, and case studies - Chapter 1 doc

COASTAL AQUIFER MANAGEMENT: monitoring, modeling, and case studies - Chapter 1 doc

... aquifer yield, pumping interference, aquifer–stream interaction, and contamination from surface sources are all just as common along the coast as elsewhere, and just as difficult to solve Aquifers ... Tapping Alternative Aquifers: aquifers located either below or above the impacted aquifer can sometimes provide alternative sources and relieve pumping stress on the impacted aquifer Well Relocation: ... saltwater from saline aquifers into fresh aquifers Modified Pumping Rates: in situations where a production well is subject to periodic increases in salinity due to upconing, a modified © 2004 by CRC...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 13:21

37 511 0
COASTAL AQUIFER MANAGEMENT: monitoring, modeling, and case studies - Chapter 2 docx

COASTAL AQUIFER MANAGEMENT: monitoring, modeling, and case studies - Chapter 2 docx

... Aquifer, the Lynwood is known as the “400foot gravel” aquifer, and the Sunnyside is referred to as the Lower San Pedro Aquifer Figure shows the relationship between geologic formations and aquifers ... Gardena, and Gage aquifers), and the Lower Pleistocene San Pedro Formation (Hollydale, Jefferson, Lynwood, Silverado, and Sunnyside aquifers) In the West Coast Basin, the Gage Aquifer is also known ... Press LLC Coastal Aquifer Management 32 Figure 2: Geologic formations and aquifers, central and west coast basin infiltrate locally derived and captured stormwater as well as artificial replenishment...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 13:21

20 460 0
COASTAL AQUIFER MANAGEMENT: monitoring, modeling, and case studies - Chapter 3 ppsx

COASTAL AQUIFER MANAGEMENT: monitoring, modeling, and case studies - Chapter 3 ppsx

... evapotranspiration is 39 in/yr The underlying aquifers include the Surficial Aquifer System (SAS), the Intermediate Aquifer System (IAS), and the Floridan Aquifer System (FAS), each of which consists ... is that each aquifer can be modeled with a single layer of cells, without requiring vertical discretization of an aquifer An existing MODFLOW model of a coastal aquifer can be modified to simulate ... of each aquifer and the elevations of the surfaces in each aquifer, and the vertically integrated fluxes Application of continuity of flow in each aquifer results in a system of differential...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 13:21

28 551 0
COASTAL AQUIFER MANAGEMENT: monitoring, modeling, and case studies - Chapter 4 ppsx

COASTAL AQUIFER MANAGEMENT: monitoring, modeling, and case studies - Chapter 4 ppsx

... µ κ y ρ f g ∂φ f µ ∂y ; ρ−ρf  ρf    (4) In many cases small viscosity differences can be neglected if density differences are considered in normal hydrogeologic systems [Verruijt, 1980; Bear ... Coastal Aquifer Management 84 A number of low-lying areas are present in the system with a total area of approximately 124 km2 The phreatic water level in the polder areas differs significantly, ... the island of Texel, The Netherlands; (b) the simplified composition of the subsoil into six main subsystems: one aquitard system and five aquifer systems (of which the top three are intersected...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 13:21

18 423 0
COASTAL AQUIFER MANAGEMENT: monitoring, modeling, and case studies - Chapter 5 pot

COASTAL AQUIFER MANAGEMENT: monitoring, modeling, and case studies - Chapter 5 pot

... Langevin, 2001] Due to the inherently difficult task of identifying diffuse submarine groundwater discharge from coastal sediments, a tool to rapidly identify sediment pore water conductivities ... favorable underlying geologic framework, this upward flow is most often very diffuse and inherently difficult to identify and quantify In sharp contrast, offshore groundwater springs exist, and these ... Groundwater Discharge A few methods exist to help identify and quantify submarine groundwater discharge: 1) direct measurement of site-specific exchange (e.g., seepage meters, flux chambers, multi-port...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 13:21

20 415 0
COASTAL AQUIFER MANAGEMENT: monitoring, modeling, and case studies - Chapter 7 pps

COASTAL AQUIFER MANAGEMENT: monitoring, modeling, and case studies - Chapter 7 pps

... at a density of 1.000, then the logger reading will be 4.10 m rather than 4.00 m, a very significant difference in groundwater measurements The logger unit can be programmed for timing and frequency ... small aircraft The results can be visually interpreted to identify groundwater discharge along a coastal margin by measuring the difference in thermal spectral response of the water along the ... specifications for monitor wells The best drilling method employs the hollow stem auger which permits the obtaining of relatively undisturbed split spoon samples as well as water samples at specific...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 13:21

23 501 0
COASTAL AQUIFER MANAGEMENT: monitoring, modeling, and case studies - Chapter 8 doc

COASTAL AQUIFER MANAGEMENT: monitoring, modeling, and case studies - Chapter 8 doc

... for the surficial aquifer is a series of aquifers of different thickness and containing water of differing salinity separated by thin, mineralized confining units 3.4 Aquifer Structure and Inversion ... regions between boreholes A statistically significant verification of the model can be obtained by identifying regions where the model predicts specific features, such as the center of a buried ... Aquifer Management Figure 5: Overlay of induction and neutron porosity logs demonstrate that the surficial aquifer separated by thin confining units into aquifers containing pore water of different...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 13:21

15 283 0
COASTAL AQUIFER MANAGEMENT: monitoring, modeling, and case studies - Chapter 9 doc

COASTAL AQUIFER MANAGEMENT: monitoring, modeling, and case studies - Chapter 9 doc

... A10 The entire aquifer system is approximated by a phreatic aquifer of uniform thickness A11 The aquifer thickness is divided into five layers © 2004 by CRC Press LLC Coastal Aquifer Management ... water from the Cixerri River basin The confined multilayer aquifer probably contains two different aquifer levels, each supplied in a different way by waters flowing through the massive granite-metamorphic ... model; the main elements are: The coastal aquifer system consists of a phreatic aquifer and a semi or locally confined multilayer aquifer The two aquifers are interconnected in several places owing...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 13:21

24 351 0
COASTAL AQUIFER MANAGEMENT: monitoring, modeling, and case studies - Chapter 10 docx

COASTAL AQUIFER MANAGEMENT: monitoring, modeling, and case studies - Chapter 10 docx

... upper boundary is determined based on the specific site’s topography and bathymetry, which is slightly different © 2004 by CRC Press LLC 210 Coastal Aquifer Management Figure 2: Milrow profile that ... diffusion parameter, κ, is assigned the value of 0.0434 day–1/2 that is one order of magnitude lower than the base-case value This is because the base-case value leads to significant matrix diffusion ... significant matrix diffusion that conceals the different uncertainty effects Reducing the effect of matrix diffusion allows for a comparison between different uncertainties and their impact on the...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 13:21

25 344 0
COASTAL AQUIFER MANAGEMENT: monitoring, modeling, and case studies - Chapter 11 potx

COASTAL AQUIFER MANAGEMENT: monitoring, modeling, and case studies - Chapter 11 potx

... in Saltwater-Intruded Aquifers 237 wells are located in the aquifer with coordinates ( xi , yi ) and discharge Qi There is a uniform freshwater outflow rate q The aquifer can be confined or unconfined ... Pumping Optimization in Saltwater-Intruded Aquifers 235 Figure 1: Definition sketch of saltwater intrusion in (a) a confined aquifer, and (b) an unconfined aquifer work of Strack [1976], the Dupuit-Forchheimer ... sketch of a confined and an unconfined aquifer The aquifers are with homogeneous hydraulic conductivity K and constant thickness B in the confined aquifer case Distinction has been made between...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 13:21

24 407 0
COASTAL AQUIFER MANAGEMENT: monitoring, modeling, and case studies - Chapter 12 (end) pdf

COASTAL AQUIFER MANAGEMENT: monitoring, modeling, and case studies - Chapter 12 (end) pdf

... Marin [1997] have identified an area in the aquifer where there are important variations in the water levels within a short period of time © 2004 by CRC Press LLC 262 Coastal Aquifer Management Figure ... numerical model used for the Yucatan aquifer was SHARP, a quasi-three-dimensional finite difference model for the simulation of freshand saltwater flow in a coastal aquifer system [Essaid, 1990] Large ... Literature values for aquifer parameters For the purpose of these simulations, we assumed that: (a) the aquifer is heterogeneous (with a higher permeability along the Ring); (b) the aquifer is isotropic...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 13:21

21 342 0
peasnell et al - 2005 - board monitoring and earnings management - do outside directors influence abnorm

peasnell et al - 2005 - board monitoring and earnings management - do outside directors influence abnorm

... against EARNtÀ1, 269 firmyear observations (21.6%) are classified as below target, while 177 (13.9%) are classified as well-above target The difference in the below-target sample sizes reflects the ... negative and significant Similarly, if audit committees help to limit income-decreasing earnings management, then the estimated coefficient on ACÁHIGH should be positive and significant The results ... result in increased earnings-based performance targets for them in the future If downward manipulation imposes significant costs on external parties, boards should be as concerned with income-decreasing...

Ngày tải lên: 02/01/2015, 17:34

36 880 0