history of the world wide web powerpoint

XML for the world wide web

XML for the world wide web

... bestselling editions of HTML for the World Wide Web: Visual QuickStart Guide. She also wrote the bestselling Perl and CGI for the World Wide Web: Visual QuickStart Guide, and the Macintosh and ... applied to a list of choices contained in parentheses means that the element can contain any number of any of the individual choices, in any order. XML for the World Wide Web: Visual QuickStart ... invisible to the visitor. XML for the World Wide Web: Visual QuickStart Guide page 34 Figure 3.12: [code.xml] Neither of these XML instances is valid. The first is wrong because the first...

Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2013, 15:15

250 674 0
Web Semantics: Science, Services and Agents on the World Wide Web ppt

Web Semantics: Science, Services and Agents on the World Wide Web ppt

... sem:hasActor, to express the sem:Role that the sem:Actor (the Netherlands) plays in the context of this given event. As there are two sem:Roles for the Netherlands in the context of the event, according ... allows for the representation of different roles for the same actor within one event. The resolution of the interpretation of such statements, however, is out of the scope of the model. Likewise, the ... vocabulary on the Web to pick our types from, regardless of how the concepts in these vocabularies are modeled. The concrete implications of the Web context for the RDF model of SEM are the following. –...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 13:20

10 657 0
security technologies for the world wide web, 2nd ed.

security technologies for the world wide web, 2nd ed.

... The syntax of the file is the same as the one employed by the HTTP basic authentication scheme. 2. The use of the password and group files must be configured on the server side. In addition to the ... specify the location of the password file. w The AuthDigestGroupFile directive is used to specify the location of the group file (if any). The placement of the directives is identical to the HTTP ... mainly by theoretical computer scientists, electrical engineers, and applied mathematicians. With the proliferation of open sys- tems in general, and of the Internet and the World Wide Web (WWW)...

Ngày tải lên: 25/03/2014, 12:07

441 5,5K 0
yale university press a little history of the world oct 2005

yale university press a little history of the world oct 2005

... L B 273 The growth of the world s population – The defeat of the central- European powers during the First World War – The incitement of the masses – The disappearance of tolerance from ... and the landowning nobility – The Rococo – Marie Antoinette – The convocation of the Estates-General – The storm- ing of the Bastille – The sovereignty of the people – The National Assembly – The ... Economic crisis and the outbreak of the Second World War – Propaganda and reality – The murder of the Jews – The atomic bomb – The blessings of science – The collapse of the Communist system...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 16:00

305 365 0
Information Architecture for the World Wide Web pptx

Information Architecture for the World Wide Web pptx

... on web development concentrate either on the aesthetics or the mechanics of the site. This book is about the framework that holds the two together. With this book, you learn how to design web ... affect every part of the process. The architect also needs to be the keeper of the big picture as this process unfolds and the details of design and production become the main focus of all involved. ... Architecture for the World Wide Web is for webmasters, designers, and anyone else involved in building a web site. It's for novice web designers who, from the start, want to avoid the traps that...

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 00:20

171 442 0
the ascent of money a financial history of the world

the ascent of money a financial history of the world

... Accordingly, the key components of the modern financial system are introduced sequentially. The first chapter of this book traces the rise of money and credit; the second the bond market; the third the ... NIALL FERGUSON Paper and Iron The House of Rothschild The Pity of War The Cash Nexus Empire Colossus The War of the World INTRODUCTION mia to modem microfinance, I have set myself an ... nearly a century. They did their business in front of the building once known as the Banco Rosso, sitting behind their tables - their tavule - and on their benches, their band. But the Banco Rosso ...

Ngày tải lên: 19/07/2014, 06:36

452 698 0
Information Architecture on the World Wide Web phần 1 potx

Information Architecture on the World Wide Web phần 1 potx

... on web development concentrate either on the aesthetics or the mechanics of the site. This book is about the framework that holds the two together. With this book, you learn how to design web ... early Web pre -history when the terminology of the Web first got started, someone decided that home pages were cool. So, the people who were creating content for the Web began thinking of their ... creates the structure or map of information which allows others to find their personal paths to knowledge; 3) the emerging 21st century professional occupation addressing the needs of the age...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 11:21

18 305 0
Information Architecture on the World Wide Web phần 2 pot

Information Architecture on the World Wide Web phần 2 pot

... indexing. The hierarchical organization structures of web sites often play the part of primary navigation system. The labels of categories play a significant role in defining the contents of those ... searching. Other users do not know what they're looking for. They come to the site with a vague idea of the information they need. They may not know the right labels to describe what they want ... intranet, the employees of your organization are the consumers. What is the cost of their time spent to find the information they need? What is the cost when employees don't find the information...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 11:21

17 347 0
Information Architecture on the World Wide Web phần 3 pot

Information Architecture on the World Wide Web phần 3 pot

... dictate the implementation of the system at each level of the site. The simplest global navigation system might consist of a graphical navigation bar at the bottom of each page on the site. On the ... for the World Wide Web p age 4 2 Chapter 4. Designing Navigation Systems Just wait, Gretel, until the moon rises, and then we shall see the crumbs of bread which I have strewn about, they ... into the middle of a large unfamiliar web site. Links from remote web pages and search engine result pages allow users to completely bypass the front door or main page of the web site. To further...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 11:21

17 348 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Automatic Acquisition of Named Entity Tagged Corpus from World Wide Web" pot

Báo cáo khoa học: "Automatic Acquisition of Named Entity Tagged Corpus from World Wide Web" pot

... examine the saturation point of the performance according to the size of the automatic corpus. This experiment was focused on only ‘person’ category and the result is shown in Table 4. In the case of ... noun) in other contexts. By submitting the NE entries as queries to a search engine 1 , we obtained the max- imum 500 of URL’s for each entry. Then, a web robot visits the web sites in the URL ... from the web to be used for learning of NER systems. We use an NE list and an web search engine to collect web doc- uments which contain the NE instances. The doc- uments are refined through the...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 04:22

4 397 0