hangman and word search

Word Games Hangman and Word Search

Word Games Hangman and Word Search

... 318 Word Games: Hangman and Word Search newWord.x = 400; newWord.y = i*spacing+offset.y; newWord.width = 140; newWord.height = spacing; newWord.text = usedWords[i]; newWord.selectable = false; wordsSprite.addChild(newWord); ... the list of words to the right 314 Chapter 9: Word Games: Hangman and Word Search So we’ll start with an empty grid and select random words from the list, random positions, and random directions ... Word Games: Hangman and Word Search Using letters and words for games has been popular since the mid-20th century with board games, such as Scrabble, and paper games, such as crosswords and word...

Ngày tải lên: 29/09/2013, 20:20

30 351 0
exercise: pronunciation and word form

exercise: pronunciation and word form

... admit c adopt d improve 40.a ethnic b enjoy c legal d measure 31.a comprise b sandy c circle d northern @ VOCABULARY: WORD FORM He has been very interested in - - A biology b biological c biologist ... for what you have done A responsible b responsibility c responsibly d irresponsible These quick and easy - - can be effective in the short term A solve b solvable c solutions d solvability He ... twins, they are seldom in - - A agree b agreeable c agreement d agreeably 11 The more - - and positive you look, the better you will feel A confident b confide c confidence d confidently...

Ngày tải lên: 25/08/2013, 09:10

3 1,5K 177
Prefixes, Suffixes, and Word Roots

Prefixes, Suffixes, and Word Roots

... various English words The Latin words serve as roots, providing the core meaning of the words; prefixes, suffixes, and other alterations give each word its distinct meaning The word roots are listed ... the Greek words that are used to create various English words The Greek words serve as roots, providing the core meaning of the words; prefixes, suffixes, and other alterations give each word its ... properly verbum word verbatim (adv) word for word The student failed because she had copied an article verbatim instead of writing her own essay Common Greek Word Roots Many other English words are...

Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2013, 17:20

14 787 10
Tài liệu Form BI-99V: Unemployment Insurance Benefits and Work Search ... ppt

Tài liệu Form BI-99V: Unemployment Insurance Benefits and Work Search ... ppt

... cho phép Những ban ngành sử dụng thông tin mà cung cấp cho chương trình Medicaid, Food Stamps, and Child Support Thêm vào đó, sử dụng thông tin bạn để trao đổi với ngân hàng Chase; ngân hàng...

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 04:15

18 412 0
Mastering Search Analytics: Measuring SEO, SEM and Site Search potx

Mastering Search Analytics: Measuring SEO, SEM and Site Search potx

... 4, Tracking Words—SEO and Paid Search, dives into exploring how to track words and establishing plans for both SEO and SEM to improve and modify your keywords, as well as understand words that ... SEO/Paid Search and Site Search 161 Pulling Terms from Site Search for SEO/Paid Search Applying Site Search Patterns to SEO/Paid Search Site Search Capturing and Using ... Keyword Search Volume and Competition Social Links and Social Noise Keyword Volume or Keyword Density on Page Mobile and Geographic Traffic Estimations Competitor Insights Multiuse Tools and...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 21:20

400 1,9K 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Investigations on Word Senses and Word Usages" ppt

Báo cáo khoa học: "Investigations on Word Senses and Word Usages" ppt

... fine-grained word sense assignment tasks has ranged between 69% (Kilgarriff and Rosenzweig, 2000) for a lexical sample using the HECTOR dictionary and 78.6.% using WordNet (Landes et al., 1998) in all-words ... (Rubenstein and Goodenough, 1965; Miller and Charles, 1991), and human judgments have previously been used successfully to study synonymy and nearsynonymy (Miller and Charles, 1991; Bybee and Eddington, ... membership, and vagueness Cognitive Science, 31:355–384 P Hanks 2000 Do word meanings exist? Computers and the Humanities, 34(1-2):205–215(11) P Resnik and D Yarowsky 2000 Distinguishing systems and...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 00:20

9 337 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Word Clustering and Word Selection based Feature Reduction for MaxEnt based Hindi NER" ppt

Báo cáo khoa học: "Word Clustering and Word Selection based Feature Reduction for MaxEnt based Hindi NER" ppt

... most frequent preceding and following words of a token word List P rev containing the most frequent (top 200) previous words (wi−1 or wi−2 if wi is the first word of a NE) and List N ext contains ... identify the important words 4.1 Class Independent Important Word Selection We define context words as those which occur in proximity of a NE In other words, context words are the words present in the ... context words For all the context words, its N weight is calculated as the ratio between the occurrence of the word as a context word and its total number of occurrence in the corpus The context words...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 01:20

8 444 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Syntactic Features and Word Similarity for Supervised Metonymy Resolution" pot

Báo cáo khoa học: "Syntactic Features and Word Similarity for Supervised Metonymy Resolution" pot

... reading and lowering both recall and precision Bad predictors are the verbs “to have” and “to be” and some prepositions such as “with”, which can be used with metonymic (talk with Hungary) and literal ... highly predictive content word heads as (a) function words are not included in the thesaurus and (b) unpredictive content word heads like “have” or “be” are very frequent and normally already covered ... between possible word senses/interpretations However, whereas a classic (supervised) WSD algorithm is trained on a set of labelled instances of one particular word and assigns word senses to new...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 04:22

8 603 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Plot Induction and Evolutionary Search for Story Generation" pot

Báo cáo khoa học: "Plot Induction and Evolutionary Search for Story Generation" pot

... with genetic search (Sections and 4) Finally, we present our experimental results (Sections and 7) and conclude the paper with discussion of future work Related Work Our work builds on and extends ... that is good enough for people to understand Cheng and Mellish (2000) focus on the interaction of aggregation and text planning and use genetic algorithms to search for the best aggregated document ... representing prince and princess shown in Figures and (right hand side), respectively Again, we look for nodes that can be merged based on the identity of the actions involved and the (WordNet) similarity...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 00:20

11 440 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Transfer Learning, Feature Selection and Word Sense Disambguation" doc

Báo cáo khoa học: "Transfer Learning, Feature Selection and Word Sense Disambguation" doc

... References R Ando and T Zhang 2005 A framework for learning predictive structures from multiple tasks and unlabeled data JMLR, 6:1817–1853 R Ando 2006 Applying alternating structure optimization to word ... competing methods2 on these three words Also, for the case of word “do,” which had roughly 10 times more data than the other word senses in its cluster (E.g., “die” and “save”), T RANS F EAT gave ... Table and are significantly better at the 5% significance level (Paired t-test) than the baseline feature selection algorithm and the SVM It is comparable in accuracy to Ando[CoNLL’06] Settings and...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 02:20

4 394 2
The Heart of Grief Death and the Search for Lasting Love pptx

The Heart of Grief Death and the Search for Lasting Love pptx

... and what most of us find difficult to put into words in everyday life I have found apt and effective ways to speak and write about love in terms of heart, soul, and spirit Real-life stories and ... ideas about grieving and letting go Over the years, I have found and developed vocabulary that fits comfortably with and reflects the richness and depth of what I have heard and learned about such ... SPIRIT: REVIVING HOPE Loss and Spiritual Pain 245 Their Spirits Are with Us 250 Resilience 257 Searching 263 Changing and Growing 268 Striving 272 Joy and Adventure 276 Afterword: Grief Is a Journey...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 18:20

310 872 1
Báo cáo khoa học: "Modeling Inflection and Word-Formation in SMT" doc

Báo cáo khoa học: "Modeling Inflection and Word-Formation in SMT" doc

... stemmed (separated) surface form, part-of-speech14 and frequencies from the training corpus for bigrams/merging of word and word+ 1, word as true prefix, word+ 1 as true suffix, plus frequency comparisons ... system might generate the “stem and inflection” corresponding to and his brother Viewing and and his as inflection is problematic since a mapping from the English phrase and his brother to the Arabic ... for Computational Linguistics John Lafferty, Andrew McCallum, and Fernando Pereira 2001 Conditional random fields: Probabilistic models for segmenting and labeling sequence data In Proceedings of...

Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 03:20

11 491 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Retrieving Collocations by Co-occurrences and Word Order Constraints" pdf

Báo cáo khoa học: "Retrieving Collocations by Co-occurrences and Word Order Constraints" pdf

... on the distribution of adjacent words (or characters) when retrieving units of collocation and the co-occurrence frequencies and word order between a key string and other strings when retrieving ... useful for the languages without word delimiters, and for the other languages as well 2.2 Examine how often each possible combinations of str~ and stri co-occurs, and extract stri if the frequency ... Meeting of ACL, pages 17-22 Makoto Nagao and Shinsuke Mori 1994 New Method of n-gram statistics for large number of n and automatic extranetion of words and phrases from large text data of Japanese...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 21:20

6 348 0
vegetable word search

vegetable word search

Ngày tải lên: 02/06/2014, 13:37

1 345 5
university press of kentucky peace out of reach middle eastern travels and the search for reconciliation jun 2007

university press of kentucky peace out of reach middle eastern travels and the search for reconciliation jun 2007

... devastation, the hundreds of thousands driven from their homes, and the many tens of thousands of Iraqi deaths required to achieve it—one hundred per day, and fourteen thousand in the first six months ... Sudan and the Crisis in Darfur 93 Conspiracy Then and Now: History, Politics, and the Anti-Semitic Imagination 109 Incendiary Images: Blasphemous Cartoons, Cosmopolitan Responsibility, and Critical ... Jacobsen, and Michael Thompson spent their valuable time reading drafts of the text and offering excellent comments and criticisms Linda Lotz was very helpful with copyediting the manuscript, and Stephen...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 12:44

208 760 0
The study: An analysis of common errors on verb tenses and word choices in VietnameseEnglish translation by the secondyear English majors at Dong Thap University

The study: An analysis of common errors on verb tenses and word choices in VietnameseEnglish translation by the secondyear English majors at Dong Thap University

... text look smooth and fluent which accord with the standard of English For those reasons, the researcher decided to choose the study “An analysis of common errors on verb tenses and word choices in ... METHODOLOGY 2.1 Research questions: 2.2 Research participant: 2.2.1 The researcher 2.2.2 The subjects 2.3 Research procedure 2.4 Data collect instruments 2.4.1 The test papers analysis and statistic ... individual words” In other words, words have lost their individual identity in the idiom The structure of the idiom is, to a large extent, fixed and unchangeable Every language has a set of idioms and...

Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 14:17

81 1,8K 1
Tài liệu tiếng anh tham khảo pay preferences and job search

Tài liệu tiếng anh tham khảo pay preferences and job search

... research on job search and choice In Rowland KM, Ferris GR (Eds.), Research in personnel and human resource man- agement (Vol 5, pp 126-166) Greenwich,CT:JAI Press Sherer M, Maddux JE, Mercandante ... Behavior and Human Performance, 31, 353-364 Sackett PR, Larson JR (1990) Research strategies and tactics in industrial and organizational psychology In Dunnette MD, Hough LM (Eds.), Handbook of ... job search process Furthermore, this is the first study to examine the implications of contingent pay and skill-based pay on job search decisions Building on Bretz et al (1989) and Judge and...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 10:38

33 321 0
TEST 20 Adverbs and word order (Units 113-117) pptx

TEST 20 Adverbs and word order (Units 113-117) pptx

... pictures and write the sentences Use in, on or at and these words: the bath, the disco, the lights, the roof, the table ► He's on the table ……………………………………………… In and at ... these examples with in and on expressing position The manager was in the office The papers were on the floor To express movement, we use into and onto, but we can also use in and on, especially in ... is among the trees Jackson is between Memphis and New Orleans Jessica is sitting opposite Andrew They're running around/round the track B Position and movement Most of these prepositions can express...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 14:20

10 647 1


Ngày tải lên: 03/11/2014, 14:00

1 226 1