guidelines for drawing use case diagram

National treatment guidelines for antimicorobal use in infecious diseases

National treatment guidelines for antimicorobal use in infecious diseases

... treatment guidelines for the practitioners so that they rationally use the currently available antimicrobial agents effectively for a long duration and manage their patients more effectively How to use ... the use of antimicrobials at all levels of health care, study the antimicrobial use practices in various infections and behavior of stakeholders for antibiotic use and resistance B Need For Surveillance ... rationally and for that we need to know how antimicrobials are being used Monitoring of antimicrobial use is a crucial component to identify targets for improving antimicrobial use and to further

Ngày tải lên: 12/12/2016, 10:14

64 411 0
National treatment guidelines for antimicorobal use in infecious diseases

National treatment guidelines for antimicorobal use in infecious diseases

... treatment guidelines for the practitioners so that they rationally use the currently available antimicrobial agents effectively for a long duration and manage their patients more effectively How to use ... the use of antimicrobials at all levels of health care, study the antimicrobial use practices in various infections and behavior of stakeholders for antibiotic use and resistance B Need For Surveillance ... rationally and for that we need to know how antimicrobials are being used Monitoring of antimicrobial use is a crucial component to identify targets for improving antimicrobial use and to further

Ngày tải lên: 01/04/2017, 10:50

64 412 0
Guidelines for the use of antiretroviral agents in HIV 1 infected adults and adolescents

Guidelines for the use of antiretroviral agents in HIV 1 infected adults and adolescents

... has been updated with information for TMC-114 Expanded Access Program Information regarding tipranavir expanded access program has been removed Page i Guidelines for the Use of Antiretroviral Agents ... Alan Gambrell (medical writer) Page Guidelines for the Use of Antiretroviral Agents in HIV-1-Infected Adults and Adolescents October 6, 2005 Guidelines for the Use of Antiretroviral Agents in HIV-1-Infected ... Recommendations for Using Drug-Resistance Assays Summary of Guidelines For Changing An Antiretroviral Regimen For Suspected Treatment Regimen Failure Novel Strategies To Consider For

Ngày tải lên: 23/06/2017, 19:52

118 1K 0
use case diagram THIE KE CSDL

use case diagram THIE KE CSDL

... dụng use case, nghĩa actor bắt đầu thực use case • cách sử dụng use case, nghĩa actor cung cấp chức cho việc thực thi use case • Các actor biểu diễn vai trị mà user (người dùng) chấp nhận • Các user ... hệ use case actor Generalization Quan hệ kế thừa actor use case Extend relationship B extends A: tuỳ chọn sử dụng use case B use case A Include relationship A includes B: bắt buộc sử dụng use case ... nhận lợi ích trực tiếp từ việc thực use case • Secondary: khơng nhận lợi ích trực tiếp • Active: bắt đầu thực use case • Passive: cung cấp chức để thực use case Human Primary Active Human Primary

Ngày tải lên: 03/02/2021, 15:42

35 16 0
Assessment of vietnam coastal wetland vulnerability for sustainable use (case study in xuanthuy ramsar site, vietnam (2)

Assessment of vietnam coastal wetland vulnerability for sustainable use (case study in xuanthuy ramsar site, vietnam (2)

... Vietnam, vulnerability was only assessed for the geological risks [10, 16], showing that, for sustainable development of coastal areas, the planning for wetland use should be based on vulnerability ... sustainable resource use in the area Methods The methods used in this research were inherited from methods and criteria for assessment of coastal vulnerability index (CVI) of America [8, 17], for environmental ... recommendations are given for the risk management, resource use, environment protection and human activities Key words: wetland, vulnerability, Ramsar site, hazard, sustainable use Journal of Wetlands

Ngày tải lên: 14/10/2022, 11:34

16 7 0
Assessment of vietnam coastal wetland vulnerability for sustainable use (case study in xuanthuy ramsar site, vietnam)

Assessment of vietnam coastal wetland vulnerability for sustainable use (case study in xuanthuy ramsar site, vietnam)

... Vietnam, vulnerability was only assessed for the geological risks [10, 16], showing that, for sustainable development of coastal areas, the planning for wetland use should be based on vulnerability ... sustainable resource use in the area Methods The methods used in this research were inherited from methods and criteria for assessment of coastal vulnerability index (CVI) of America [8, 17], for environmental ... recommendations are given for the risk management, resource use, environment protection and human activities Key words: wetland, vulnerability, Ramsar site, hazard, sustainable use Journal of Wetlands

Ngày tải lên: 14/10/2022, 11:34

16 2 0


... the ? ?Guidelines for the use of References’ The extent to which the requirements for the presentation of written assignments has been met is reflected in the University’s grading descriptors for ... Li, X and Crane, N.B (1996) Electronic Styles: A Handbook for Citing Electronic Information Medford, N J.: Information Today, Inc Radford, M L., Barnes, S B and Barr, L R (2002) Web Research: ... used, to check the interpretation of information, and, if necessary, to locate the sources you have used You may refer to literature or media resources in order to: • • • • • give factual information

Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2022, 19:48

13 1 0
Guidelines for Use of Personal Protective Equipment by Law Enforcement Personnel During A Terrorist Chemical Agent Incident potx

Guidelines for Use of Personal Protective Equipment by Law Enforcement Personnel During A Terrorist Chemical Agent Incident potx

... fundamental information that is required to help those responsible for acquisition make sound decisions Additional information regarding law enforcement activities and recommendations for responding ... J-3 GUIDELINES FOR MASS USE OF PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT BY LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONNEL DURING A TERRORIST CHEMICAL AGENT INCIDENT 1.0 INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND The challenges facing law enforcement ... the area to sustain life in order for the respirator to be used There are certain requirements for use of respirators with filters/canisters They must be designed for the agent in question Be within

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 14:20

101 441 0
Model Policy Guidelines for the Appropriate Use of Social Media and Social Networking in Medical Practice ppt

Model Policy Guidelines for the Appropriate Use of Social Media and Social Networking in Medical Practice ppt

... grateful for the efforts of the members of the Special Committee on Ethics and Professionalism who provided input and direction for this project Model Guidelines for the Appropriate Use of Social ...  Use separate personal and professional social networking sites For example, use a personal rather than professional e-mail address for logging on to social networking websites for personal use ... a platform that allows users to share 140-character-long messages publicly User can “follow” each other as a way of subscribing to each others' messages Additionally, users can use the @username

Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 02:20

17 720 0
Báo cáo y học: "Open Access Development of mental health first aid guidelines for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people experiencing problems with substance use: a Delphi study" doc

Báo cáo y học: "Open Access Development of mental health first aid guidelines for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people experiencing problems with substance use: a Delphi study" doc

... To date, guidelines have been devel oped for providing first aid in a range of mental health related crises and for a range of developing mental illnesses [24-31]. Separate guidelines for providing ... Websites, online forums, information bro- chures, leaflets or hand-outs from service providers or information centres, medica l journals and online data- bases, were all searched for any information ... before the final document was produced and a copy was sent to each panel member for review. The guidelines are available for free dow n- load from the MHFA website Guidelines. shtml.

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 16:22

10 341 0
visual language representation for use case evolution and traceability

visual language representation for use case evolution and traceability

... Appendix A Example Use Case Template ………………………………………………… 103 B Use Case Refinement ………………………………………………………… 105 C Consent for Diagram Use Figures [Batory et al] and [BatO’Mal] ……… 109 D Use Case Map Reference ... RULE T: TOKUSECASE | U56\1:1 | TRACE RULE Z: TOKLEFTPARENS T TOKRIGHTPARENS | TRACE RULE T: TOKUSECASE | U56\1:2 | TRACE RULE Z: TOKLEFTPARENS T TOKRIGHTPARENS | TRACE RULE T: TOKUSECASE | U56\1:3 ... A TOKRIGHTPARENS TRACE RULE T: TOKUSECASE | U49\1:2 | TRACE RULE Z: TOKLEFTPARENS T TOKRIGHTPARENS | TRACE RULE T: TOKUSECASE | U49\1:3 | TRACE RULE T: TOKUSECASE | U49\2:3:1 | TRACE RULE Z: TOKLEFTPARENS

Ngày tải lên: 30/10/2014, 20:14

147 328 0
Balanced Aspect Ratio Trees and Their Use for Drawing Large Graphs

Balanced Aspect Ratio Trees and Their Use for Drawing Large Graphs

... however, is that they can be cluttered for drawings of large graphs, where details are typically hard to discern For example, such drawings are inappropriate for display on a computer screen any ... further the study of methods for producing good graph clusterings that can be used for graph drawing purposes We feel that a good clustering algorithm and its associated drawing method should come ... define clusters for a graph drawing algorithm is that previous methods for constructing BSP trees not give rise to clustered drawings that achieve the design goals listed above For example, the

Ngày tải lên: 16/06/2016, 01:33

28 405 0
AIS, guidelines for the onboard operational use of shipborne

AIS, guidelines for the onboard operational use of shipborne

... to inform the mariner about the operational use, limits and potential uses of AIS Consequently, AIS should be operated taking into account these Guidelines Before using shipborne AIS, the user ... -2- ANNEX GUIDELINES FOR THE ONBOARD OPERATIONAL USE OF SHIPBORNE AUTOMATIC IDENTIFICATION SYSTEMS (AIS) PURPOSE These Guidelines have been developed to promote the safe and effective use of shipborne ... ships as well as their own The users remain responsible for all information entered into the system and the information added by the sensors 35 The accuracy of AIS information received is only as

Ngày tải lên: 31/07/2017, 20:02

14 208 0
Guidelines for the Safe Use of Elevating work platforms in the horticultural industry

Guidelines for the Safe Use of Elevating work platforms in the horticultural industry

... the minimum requirements and best practice guidelines The challenge now is for industry members to put the Guidelines for the Use of Elevating Work Platforms in the Horticultural Industry into ... platform has been inspected by me and found to be in a safe and serviceable condition, and in conformance with the relevant requirements of the Guidelines for the Safe Use of Elevating Work Platforms ... to cover the following: • Machines which use legs for stabilising or levelling; • Scissor lifts; • Forklift trucks with working platforms; • Cages or platforms attached to crane hooks; • Personnel

Ngày tải lên: 05/02/2020, 23:37

34 49 0
Vulnerability assessment of environment and natural resources in Vietnam coastal zone for sustainable use of natural resources, environment protection and adaptation to climate change (case study the Red River Delta coastal zone)

Vulnerability assessment of environment and natural resources in Vietnam coastal zone for sustainable use of natural resources, environment protection and adaptation to climate change (case study the Red River Delta coastal zone)

... natural resources and environment for future generations and accommodate for CC impacts (Fig 2) Forecasting and assessment vulnerability are scientific basis for not only implementing and establishing ... sustainable use of natural resources, environmental protection, disaster prevention and mitigation, and adaptation to climate change have been proposed such as planning for sustainable use of environment ... assessment, sustainable use, climate change Introduction∗ speeding up industrialization and modernization based on natural resources use, labor, other resources Sustainable use (SU) of resources

Ngày tải lên: 05/06/2021, 18:29

13 8 0


... Mẫu khung tên vẽ thi công Flow chart for survey check for shop drawing preparation Lược đồ kiểm tra công tác Khảo sát lập Bản vẽ Thi công Flow chart for shop drawings submission and approval Lược ... attachment shall be applied for all submitted drawings (A copy of this standard frame is enclosed for your easy reference) In the frame, all necessary information such as drawing title, contract ... DEVELOPMENT PROJECT GUIDELINE FOR SHOP DRAWING CHECKING HƯỚNG DẪN CHUNG VỀ CÔNG TÁC LẬP BVTC LIST OF ATTACHMENTS – DANH SÁCH CÁC TÀI LIỆU ĐÍNH KÈM Standard drawing title for shop drawings Mẫu khung tên

Ngày tải lên: 16/09/2021, 17:15

22 27 0
Giáo trình UML use Case Analystic

Giáo trình UML use Case Analystic

... tích Use- Case Dương Anh Đức 9/2000 10 Review: Use Review: Use - - Case Realization Case Realization Use- Case Model Design Model Use Case Use- Case Realization Sequence Diagrams Collaboration Diagrams Class ... Phân tích Use- Case Dương Anh Đức 9/2000 49 Use Use - - Case Analysis Steps Case Analysis Steps z Bổ sung các mô tả của Use- Case z Đ/v mỗi use- case realization – Tìm các Class từ Use- Case Behavior ... hiện phân tích Use Các bước thực hiện phaân tích Use - - Case Case z Bổ sung các mô tả của Use- Case z Đ/v mỗi use- case realization – Tìm các Class từ Use- Case Behavior – Phân bổ Use- Case Behavior...

Ngày tải lên: 22/08/2012, 10:36

79 772 8
Thiết kế Use Case

Thiết kế Use Case

... trúc Dương Anh Đức 36 Bài tập: Use- Case Design, Part 1 (cont.) w Produce the following for a particular use case: Đ Design use- case realization ã Interaction diagram( s) per use- case flow of events that ... bước thiết kế Use- Case và thời điểm thực hiện công đoạn này w Kiểm định tính nhất quán trong cài đặt use- case w Tinh chỉnh use- case realizations có được từ bước phân tích Use- Case dựa trên ... – Thiết kế kiến trúc Dương Anh Đức 8 Sequence Diagrams Class Diagrams Tinh chỉnh Use- Case Realization w Xác định các object có tham gia vào Use- Case w Phân công trách nhiệm cho các object w Mo...

Ngày tải lên: 22/08/2012, 10:37

38 920 3
Use-Case Analysis

Use-Case Analysis

... Thiết kế kiến trúc Dương Anh Đức 31 Use Case Use- Case Realization Sequence Diagrams Collaboration Diagrams Distribute Use- Case Behavior to Classes w ẹ/v moói use- case flow of events: Đ Xaực ủũnh ... trúc Dương Anh Đức 30 w Bổ sung các mô tả của Use- Case w ẹ/v moói use- case realization Đ Tỡm caực Class tửứ Use- Case Behavior Đ Phaõn boồ Use- Case Behavior cho caực Class w ẹ/v moói analysis ... trúc Dương Anh Đức 26 Use Case Phụ thuộc use- case, độc lập môi trường <<control>> Analysis class stereotype Thế nào là một Control Class? w Nhà điều phối các hành vi của Use- case w Chỉ một...

Ngày tải lên: 12/09/2012, 15:04

79 1,3K 0