Tài liệu Bike Lanes, On-Street Parking and Business: A Study of Bloor Street in Toronto’s Annex Neighbourhood docx
... In ordertounderstandtheeffectsofremovingonelaneofon‐streetparking,theresearchers neededtoknowthecurrentsupplyofpublicon‐street and off‐streetparking in thearea, and the currentratesofusage.Ifonelaneofparkingisremoved,merchants and Citydecision‐makers willwanttoknowiftheexistingparkingdemandcanbeaccommodatedwiththeremaining supply.(Itisimportanttonotethateveniftheremainingsupplycannotaccommodateexisting demand,municipalitieshavetheoptionofconstructingnewmunicipalparkinglotsor convertingsidestreetparkingtopayparking.For example,aspartofthenewlyconstructedSt. Clairstreetcarexclusiveright‐of‐way,TPAisbuildingnew‘GreenP’lotstomakeupforsome oftheloston‐streetparking.) Ratherthanusingobservationaldata,parkingcapacity and usagedatawasrequestedfromthe TorontoParkingAuthority(TPA).Because theTPAnowexclusivelyemployspay and display parkingmachinesforon‐streetparking and in mostmunicipalparkinglots(‘GreenP’lots),the TPAhas a robust,sophisticated, and reliablesystemfortrackingparkingusage. ExecutiveDirector EvaLigeti,CleanAirPartnership Researcher and Author: FredSztabinski,ActiveTransportationResearcher,CleanAirPartnership SurveyTeam: DepartmentofHealthSciences,FacultyofMedicine,UniversityofToronto ParkingData: PlanningDepartment,TorontoParkingAuthority AdvisoryCommittee: MichaelCanzi,TransportationPolicy and PlanningAdvisor,Metrolinx AlanFilipuzzi, SeniorTransportationPlanner,CityofToronto PaulHess,AssociateProfessor,DepartmentofGeography&Program in Planning, UniversityofToronto JenniferPenney,DirectorofResearch,CleanAirPartnership Supporthasbeenprovided by a grant fromtheTorontoCommunityFoundation.CAP wouldalsoliketothankTransportCanada and the CityofTorontofortheirgenerous supportofthiswork, and thefollowingpeoplefortheirhelp in reviewingthereport: GordBrown,DanielEgan,JenniferHyland,JanaNeumann,LukaszPawlowski,Nancy SmithLea and StephanieTencer. ©CleanAirPartnership,2009 Formoreinformation,contact: CleanAir Partnership 75ElizabethStreet Toronto,Ontario,M5G1P4,Canada 416‐392‐6672 ... P’lots,alsowithin a twoorthreeminutewalkofthe study area:at577 Palmerston,365 Lippincott and 19Spadina.ThedatatrackspaymentsmadeusingTPA’spay and display machinesforbothon‐streetparking and off‐streetTPAlots. Foron‐streetparking,dataisreportedasthenumberofvalidticketsduring15‐minuteintervals throughoutthedaysthatcorrespondwith thepedestriansurveydays(July8,9,10,15,16,17 and 19).However,dataforSaturday,July19 th wasnotavailable,soSaturday,July12 th was substitutedinstead.Theresearcherstookhourlysnapshotsbetween10:00 a. m. and 9:00p.m.– thehourswhenthemachinesaregenerally in use– and determinedtheaveragenumberof validticketsthroughouttheday,aswellasmorning‐midday,afternoon, and eveningaverages. Fortheoff‐streetlots, parkingdataisreportedasdaily and eveningpeaks–thehighest recordednumberofvalidticketsatanygiventime in thedayoreveningperiod.Again,theTPA supplieddataforthesamedaysastheon‐streetparkingdata,whichcorrespondtothe pedestriansurveydays. Theaverage validticketcountswerecomparedtotheoverallcapacity–eitheron‐streetor in lots–todeterminetheaverageusageofon‐street and off‐streetpaidparking. 3.4 ... DATA ANALYSIS Underdirectionoftheleadresearcher,thesurveyteamentered and compiledthesurveydata and computedpreliminarytallies and trends.Additionalsurvey and parkingdataanalysis and correlationswerecomputed by theleadresearcherunderdirectionoftheadvisorycommittee. ThesurveyteamusedSPSSstatisticssoftware,whilethelead researcherusedMSExcel.Further descriptionofthedataanalysismethodologyisfound in the‘Findings’sectionofthisreport. 3.5...
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Tài liệu THE VICTORIAN TAXPAYER AND THE LAW A Study in Constitutional Confl ict doc
... national emergency, generally war. e principal direct tax was the land tax, ori- ginally a tax on real and personal property and incomes 20 but it became a tax purely on land in the nature ... that everyone was paying their due taxes and promoted public co-operation. To use a traditional means of tax administration which was famil- iar and understood by all taxpayers and sympathetic ... inadequate, a law of commercial association rudimentary and a property law inhibiting the full exploitation of land and minerals. Finally the legal process was one of in nite slowness,...
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Tài liệu The Clyde Mystery a Study in Forgeries and Folklore doc
... bear some of the archaic markings common on the rock faces both in Scotland and in Central Australia: on large rocks they are painted, in Australia, in Scotland they are incised. I maintain that ... circles, a cupped stone, and a large quartz crystal of the kind which Apaches in North America, and the Euahlayi tribe in New South Wales, use in crystal gazing. In early ages, after the metals had ... (dismissing the Kintyre and Tappock stones,) the "manufacturers" did know, apparently, that perforated and inscribed, or uninscribed tablets and plaques of shale and schist and slate and gas...
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... for nearly a thousand years of philosophical growth, beginning with the early Church Fathers and culminating in the great Scholastics. But, at last, its generative ideas—sin and salvation, nature and ... says, "certainly have quite elaborate 'ape-ways' into which a newcomer is gradually acculturated, including among other patterns ways of using available instruments for reaching ... Physicists may think of certain facts in place of constants and variables, but the same constants and variables will serve somewhere else to calculate other facts, and the mathematicians themselves...
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modelling interest-free economy a study in macroeconomics and development
... wc h1" alt=""
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Báo cáo sinh học: "Time-course of sFlt-1 and VEGF-A release in neutropenic patients with sepsis and septic shock: a prospective study" pptx
... contrast, in an animal model of sepsis VEGF -A levels increased in liver, kidney and heart, and no difference could be detected between VEGF -A levels in serum and plasma, arguing against a majorroleofplateletsasasourceofVEGF -A[ 8] .In our ... the stage for a future and planned validating study [31], as well as to gain insights about the time-course of sFlt-1 and VEGF- A release during the very initial phase of sepsis. Alves et al. Journal ... neutropenia and before 3 0 days. Differences in continuous and categori- cal variables were analyzed using the Mann-Whitney or Fisher’s exact test respectively. Data are expressed as median and range...
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báo cáo hóa học: " Lipopolysaccharide modulates astrocytic S100B secretion: a study in cerebrospinal fluid and astrocyte cultures from rats" pdf
... ventricular access, the ani- mals were anesthetized with ketamine/xylazine (75 and 10 mg/Kg, respectively, i.p.) and placed in a stereotaxic appa- ratus. A midline saggital incision was made in the ... S100B secretion: a study in cerebrospinal fluid and astrocyte cultures from rats Maria Cristina Guerra † , Lucas S Tortorelli † , Fabiana Galland, Carollina Da Ré, Elisa Negri, Douglas S Engelke, Letícia Rodrigues, ... Intraperitoneal infusion of LPS, or saline solution, was carried out in adult Wistar rats under anaesthesia. After 30 min or 24 h, CSF was collected by magna puncture (C) and blood by intracardic...
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... anatomy laboratories Macroscopic examination 5.02 Pathologist Pathology and anatomy laboratories Disposal of specimen and used solutions 0.95 Technicians and Assistants Pathology and anatomy laboratories ... RESEARC H Open Access Genotoxic effects in occupational exposure to formaldehyde: A study in anatomy and pathology laboratories and formaldehyde-resins production Susana Viegas 1,3* , Carina Ladeira 2,3 , ... Portugal and REQUIMTE/CQFB, Faculty of Sciences and Technology, Universidade Nova de Lisboa and SINTOR-UNINOVA, Monte de Caparica, Portugal. 6 Environmental and Occupational Health Department and...
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báo cáo hóa học:" Time-course of sFlt-1 and VEGF-A release in neutropenic patients with sepsis and septic shock: a prospective study" pdf
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