governmental attitudes toward the calvo clause controversy

The Calvo Clause pptx

The Calvo Clause pptx

... xiii Introduction ii The Origins of the Calvo Clause in Governmental Attitudes toward the Calvo Clause Controversy 33 The Calvo Clause before Inter-American Conferences 62 iv v The Legal Issues Involved ... since they have been the principal participants in the dispute over the validity of the Calvo Clause The positions of the other nations in the world will be more briefly summarized, since their ... protection by the alien as valid and binding The Attitude of the Latin American States The attitude of the Latin American republics toward the Calvo Clause is determined by their attitude toward the institution...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 11:20

340 136 0
An investigation into teachers' and students' attitudes toward the use of mother tongue in English language classrooms at Hongai High school

An investigation into teachers' and students' attitudes toward the use of mother tongue in English language classrooms at Hongai High school

... classroom Design of the study The thesis consists of three parts: Part A is the introduction, which presents the rationale, the scope, the aims, the methods and the design of the study Part B consists ... in the EFL classroom appropriately Scope of the study The study limits itself to the use of students‟ native language as well as the teachers and students‟ attitudes towards the use of L1 in the ... instruments, the results and the discussion of the findings Part C is the conclusion of the study In this part, some recommendations on the use of mother tongue in EFL classroom, the limitation of the...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2015, 10:32

48 923 0
Teachers' attitudes toward the uses of the computers in language teaching at Ha Nam teachers' training college = Thái độ của giáo viên đối với việc sử dụng máy

Teachers' attitudes toward the uses of the computers in language teaching at Ha Nam teachers' training college = Thái độ của giáo viên đối với việc sử dụng máy

... computers in their teaching Then teachers’ attitudes from the questionnaires and their classroom practice are compared to find out whether there is correlation between them From the findings of the study, ... in their teaching Then, the result of the observation would be compared with the result of the questionnaires in order to state whether what teachers say was consistent with what they did in their ... most of the teachers at HNTTC had positive feelings toward the role of computers in their teaching, and they liked using computers in their classroom The second is teachers’ beliefs toward the uses...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2015, 14:30

59 905 0
The Effect of Terminologies on Attitudes Toward Advertisements and Brands pps

The Effect of Terminologies on Attitudes Toward Advertisements and Brands pps

... assess their feelings about the terminologies, the levels of consumer product knowledge, and attitudes toward advertisements and brands The experiment took *15 Measurement of Attitudes Toward ... advocacy, the information consumers could not fully understand, they may lose the control over the information and have to take the risk of misunderstanding the information However, the incomplete ... have a more positive effect on the attitudes toward advertising and brand than those without terminologies Therefore, Hypothesis and Hypothesis were generated Hypothesis Advertisements that contain...

Ngày tải lên: 09/07/2014, 14:21

7 386 0
the use of and the attitudes toward slang expressing surprise and disbelief among young americans = việc sử dụng và quan điểm đối với tiếng lóng biểu lộ sự ngạc nhiên và hoài nghi của giới trẻ mỹ

the use of and the attitudes toward slang expressing surprise and disbelief among young americans = việc sử dụng và quan điểm đối với tiếng lóng biểu lộ sự ngạc nhiên và hoài nghi của giới trẻ mỹ

... In the last section (PART B), the respondents are requested to indicate their frequency of using this group of slang terms, the reasons why they use them, the contexts wherein they would use them, ... xxxvii) The concern now is, again, whether their exists a relationship between the attitudes and social aspects The coming section will be the answers to that question Age and attitudes toward ... word, there is a clear trend that social attitudes toward slang use appear to harden with age The older the people are, the less tolerance for slang they have Gender and attitudes toward...

Ngày tải lên: 28/02/2015, 11:54

64 475 1
The Use of and the Attitudes toward Slang Expressing Surprise and Disbelief among Young Americans

The Use of and the Attitudes toward Slang Expressing Surprise and Disbelief among Young Americans

... disbelief?  How are these slangisms categorized in the light of pragmatics?  What are the attitudes of American young people toward slang and what is the relationship between these attitudes and aspects ... young Americans: The use and attitudes It is hoped that the study will be a contribution to the understanding of the nature of slang, American youth‟s use of and attitudes toward slang, as well ... denoting other themes, then, is mentioned but not elaborated Also, other meanings rather than surprise and disbelief implied in a slang item are not considered in the current study Third, the data...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2015, 19:52

14 496 1
The concentration camps controversy and the press

The concentration camps controversy and the press

... its opposition to the war and the camps From the first parliamentary debate on the concentration camps until the end of the war, The Times followed up the controversy about the camps with more ... sell newspapers Neither The Times nor the Daily Mail presented the ‘‘proBoer’’ side to the question of the camps, and neither addressed the issue of the African camps But both saw themselves as influencing ... to the The concentration camps controversy and the press  debate, supporting Brodrick in his defense of the conditions in the camps, and summarizing the debate on the leader page.³⁴ During the...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 08:20

23 225 0
Health workers'''' attitudes toward sexual and reproductive health services for unmarried adolescents in Ethiopia potx

Health workers'''' attitudes toward sexual and reproductive health services for unmarried adolescents in Ethiopia potx

... control of the adolescents, especially toward females Two hundred fourteen (54.1%) said that they would have negative attitudes towards their own daughters or close female relatives if they came ... proportion to the number of health workers at the time of the study The sample size was calculated using the formula for estimation of a single proportion [20], n = z2*p(1-p)/r2 Where the z value ... However, there is limited evidence on the provision of the service, its effectiveness, and the role of the different stakeholders involved [13,14] Integrated services delivered through the healthcare...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 12:20

7 722 0
Popular Attitudes Towards the South African Electoral System docx

Popular Attitudes Towards the South African Electoral System docx

... between the period 16 July and 16 August 2002 This included 60 pilot interviews to test the length of the interview and the formulation of the questions The HSRC designed the sample of the target ... selected among these strata These cases, however, were subsequently weighted downward so that they would have the proper influence on the final national results Attitudes toward the current electoral ... enables them to make their voices heard in the halls of Parliament and ensures that political parties ‘anticipate’ their reactions at the next election to the actions they take today.8 However, these...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 04:20

56 272 0
Comparative Efficiency of Informal (Subjective, Impressionistic) and Formal (Mechanical, Algorithmic) Prediction Procedures: The Clinical–Statistical Controversy ppt

Comparative Efficiency of Informal (Subjective, Impressionistic) and Formal (Mechanical, Algorithmic) Prediction Procedures: The Clinical–Statistical Controversy ppt

... of prediction was not either (a) the same as for the other method or (b) a subset of the CLINICAL–STATISTICAL CONTROVERSY information available to the other method In other words, we included ... involved, both for the cure rate and for the risk of death Those numbers are there, they are objective facts about the world, whether or not the physician can readily state what they are, and it ... subset of the cases, the clinical and actuarial prediction are the same; among those, the hit rates will be identical In another subset, the clinician countermands the equation in the light of...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 23:20

30 316 0
báo cáo hóa học: " Berlin''''s medical students'''' smoking habits, knowledge about smoking and attitudes toward smoking cessation counseling" doc

báo cáo hóa học: " Berlin''''s medical students'''' smoking habits, knowledge about smoking and attitudes toward smoking cessation counseling" doc

... patients about the dangers of smoking Moreover, they act as visible role models and may unintentionally affect the smoking behavior of others [12] Their own smoking habits may cloud their judgement ... smokers and nonsmokers who lived to the age of 90 Finally, students rated their competence in supporting their patients' cessation attempts They were asked whether they felt "competent to counsel ... Third, the design of our study was cross-sectional and this form of research can only provide a snapshot of the situation in the sample Nevertheless, the results of our study support the findings...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 00:20

10 366 0


... differently from the model “sin against all” Further developments in the understanding of suicide came with the Reformation33 and the Age of Reason 3.3 The modern era From the era of the Renaissance ... burden to themselves and to all about them, and they have really out-lived themselves, they should no longer nourish such a rooted distemper”37 They can be persuaded to end their life but “if they ... without the approbation of the priests and the senate, they give him none of the honours of a decent funeral, but throw his body into a ditch.” (More, 2011) 41 “They starve themselves of their...

Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 04:20

262 530 1
báo cáo khoa học: " Roadside sobriety tests and attitudes toward a regulated cannabis market" pdf

báo cáo khoa học: " Roadside sobriety tests and attitudes toward a regulated cannabis market" pdf

... more likely to take the incorrect number of steps, fail to step heel-to-toe, require using their arms to maintain their balance, or stop walking in the middle of the test The test for standing ... cannabis market comparable to the markets for alcohol, cigarettes, and gambling These registered voters then responded to the same question but with the additional caveat about their support for a regulated ... of the five predictors According to the Wald criterion, whether the participant was a Democrat and whether the participant was Caucasian reliably predicted whether one agreed to a regulated cannabis...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 18:20

6 264 0
Báo cáo y học: "Attending to the lightness of numbers: toward the understanding of critical care epidemiology" ppsx

Báo cáo y học: "Attending to the lightness of numbers: toward the understanding of critical care epidemiology" ppsx

... to admit patients to the ICU We know there is tremendous variability in these decisions For example, in the USA there is a threefold variation in the use of the ICU during the hospitalization ... residency status on the estimation of the burden of admission to the ICU Had the investigator ignored where the admitted patients lived, two errors would have occurred First, the population burden ... determined whether or not admitted patients were residents in the health region He considered the region population as the denominator and explored the effects of a changing numerator according to the...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 20:20

3 182 0
operation of american non-governmental organizations in the first decade of the twenty-first century in danang

operation of american non-governmental organizations in the first decade of the twenty-first century in danang

... N (1990), How NGOs contributed to drafting the Convention on the Rights of the Child Paper presented at the Symposium on The Contribution of NGOs to the Formulation and Promotion of International ... H (1996), Amnesty International at the United Nations In Willetts, P (ed.), The Conscience of the Wold: The Influence of Non -Governmental Organizations in the UN System, Hurst, London, pg.181-213 ... to improve the effectiveness of American NGOs’ activities in Danang in the near future Research Questions Based on the above aims and objectives, this study will be the answers to the following...

Ngày tải lên: 10/10/2014, 10:51

18 444 0
Students’ Attitudes Towards the Teaching of Speaking by Native-English-Speaking Teachers  A Survey Research at Thai Binh Teacher Training College

Students’ Attitudes Towards the Teaching of Speaking by Native-English-Speaking Teachers A Survey Research at Thai Binh Teacher Training College

... with them, which reduce the students‘ preference for their teaching, especially the freshmen‘s Accordingly, the higher grades they are at, the better at English they are, and the more time they ... that the students have positive attitudes towards the speaking skill and it will be beneficial to their English learning It is expected that the subjects will have positive attitudes towards the ... (2008) reveals that the longer the students spend with their teachers, the less they prefer NESTs Namely, the majority of the freshmen like to have NESTs in their classes due to their casual manner...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2015, 10:28

56 848 0
A survey on the attitude of teachers and students toward the integration of some cultural elements in the textbook New English file - elementary in speaking les

A survey on the attitude of teachers and students toward the integration of some cultural elements in the textbook New English file - elementary in speaking les

... parts: The first part (first five questions) is to find out the attitudes of the teachers and the students towards the importance of speaking skill in ELT in general, the attitudes of the informants ... sometimes they 13 translate on a word-by-word basis They apply the way they think in their mother tongue to form speech in English and pay no attention to the meaning beyond the words The dialogue ... group work They prefer to listen to the ideas of others rather than express their own opinions Another cultural aspect is that of the students‟ attitude towards learning “Learners‟ attitudes have...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 08:55

59 674 2
A study on contextual influences on students' attitudes toward English language learning at Viet - Hung Industrial College = Nghiên cứu ảnh hưởng của hoàn cảnh

A study on contextual influences on students' attitudes toward English language learning at Viet - Hung Industrial College = Nghiên cứu ảnh hưởng của hoàn cảnh

... mask the true correlation There are two scales in the AMTB that assess attitudes toward the learning situation One is Evaluation of the Course, and the other is Evaluation of the Teacher Other ... is „a factor of learners attitudes toward their own native culture, their degree of ethnocentrism, and the extent to which they prefer their own language over the one they are learning as a second ... satisfied before they can reach the stage where the achievement of their potential as individuals becomes their chief concern- the stage where they seek to develop their powers and increase their knowledge...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 09:00

40 535 0
An investigation into Viet Bac High school 11th grade students and teachers' attitudes towards the applications of pairwork and groupwork in teaching and learni

An investigation into Viet Bac High school 11th grade students and teachers' attitudes towards the applications of pairwork and groupwork in teaching and learni

... to each other together, by giving each student in the class (in the order they are sitting) a letter from A to E, then ask all the As to form a group, all the Bs to be a group, all the Cs to ... assistance The teacher in excerpt tried to lead the students into the topic of the new lesson by asking some daily questions Like the teacher in excerpt 1, the teacher in the excerpt also made use the ... sitting far from each other As they said that the classroom furniture is fixed and they did not want to interfere the other classes nearby by making some noise Seldom they asked the students form...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 09:41

55 804 0