good vocabulary words for ielts writing task 2

Malik elvira vocabulary for ielts writing task 2

Malik elvira vocabulary for ielts writing task 2

... Trang 2 IELTS Vocabulary for the Topic : Education top-tier institutions MOOCs, massive open online courses MOOCs ... college degree marking criteria Trang 3 IELTS Vocabulary for the Topic: Education exams can encourage surface learning a possibility of plagiarism to perform significantly better students are ... horizons to strengthen analytic and reasoning skills Trang 4 IELTS Vocabulary for the Topic: Energy avoid ground-level ozone formation prevent acid rain the lowest impact on the environment

Ngày tải lên: 27/11/2023, 10:46

16 51 0
Idea for IELTS writing task 2 topic food  diet hướng dẫn brainstorm, lập dàn ý

Idea for IELTS writing task 2 topic food diet hướng dẫn brainstorm, lập dàn ý

... Statista, số liệu người tiêu dùng Mỹ trì mức tăng trưởng dương từ năm 2014 (187 tỉ USD) 2018 (299.6 tỉ USD) sụt giảm vào năm 2019 2020 (272 tỉ USD) bùng nổ đại dịch COVID-19 Sự chững lại thị trường đồ ... tưởng Idea for IELTS Writing Task – Topic Food & Diet A – Một số luận điểm để đánh giá tính thiết thực giải pháp đưa dựa việc: (1) xác định mối đe dọa tới an ninh lương thực giới phân tích (2) tính ... thí sinh cần cân nhắc đưa thesis statement phù hợp để tránh mắc lỗi logic Ý tưởng Idea for IELTS Writing Task – Topic Food & Diet • Xét lợi ích, thức ăn nhanh ưa chuộng tiện lợi mức giá hợp lý

Ngày tải lên: 26/12/2021, 15:38

19 13 0
100 model essays for IELTS writing task 2

100 model essays for IELTS writing task 2

... ESSAYS for IELTS Writing 100 Model Essays for IELTS Writing Task By: Jadon Nguyen Contents Part 1: Argumentative/Opinion/Agree or Disagree essays Part 2: Discussion essay 24 Part ... desire for consumer goods with a more sustainable and responsible approach to consumption is essential for addressing this issue 92 Sales companies should recruit people who are hungry for money ... reliable information from misinformation and make informed choices in the digital realm In conclusion, while there are undeniably problems concerning the control and security of information in

Ngày tải lên: 19/10/2023, 01:09

105 14 0
english 101 series 101 model answers for ielts writing task 2 set 2

english 101 series 101 model answers for ielts writing task 2 set 2

... English 101 Series: 101 model answers for IELTS writing task 1English 101 Series: 101 model answers for IELTS writing task 2 Trang 4English 101 Series: 101 phrasal verbs (set 1)English 101 Series: 101 phrasal verbs (set 2)English 101 Series: 101 slang terms (set 1)English 101 Series: 101 slang terms (set 2)English 101 Series: 101 conversation phrases ... 3English 101 Series: 101 model answers for part 1 of the IELTS speaking moduleEnglish 101 Series: 101 model answers for part 2 of the IELTS speaking moduleEnglish 101 Series: 101 model answers for part 3 of the IELTS speaking module ... To conclude, I strongly disagree with the idea that unpaid community serviceshould be compulsory for high school students, but I think that communityservice is a good thing for society and should be available to high schoolstudents who want to do it 252 words Some people think that universities should provide graduates with theknowledge and skills needed in the workplace

Ngày tải lên: 24/09/2024, 23:52

152 0 0
101 model answers for ielts writing task 2 set 3

101 model answers for ielts writing task 2 set 3

... To summarise, I don’t believe that private schools automatically provide anadvantage to their students, but even if they do, they are offering a service thatparents are willing to pay for and there is no difference between this and offeringcheap food and expensive food 292 words 12 Some people think that the only way to learn a foreign languageperfectly is to live in a country where it is widely spoken ... If companies and organisations aim to employ equalnumbers of men and women, I don't mind, so long as the best person gets the joband they are not forced to employ less qualified people 289 words 28 Some people say that younger people are not suitable for importantpositions in government while others think it is a good idea. ... Naturally, interviewees must speak politely and generally in aformal manner To summarise, there are several things that people preparing for a job interviewcan do and there are generally accepted social rules regarding behaviour duringthem 280 words 24

Ngày tải lên: 24/09/2024, 23:52

214 0 0
Best material for ielts writing task 1 + 2 vocabulary 2023

Best material for ielts writing task 1 + 2 vocabulary 2023

... USEFUL NOTES FOR IELTS IN 2023 IELTS VOCABULARY FOR WRITING TASK + BAND 8.0 +_NEW EDITION 2023 The graph shows that = these data sources clearly communicate ... envisage…  If + (subject 1) + past participle, then (subject 2) + would + verb USEFUL NOTES FOR IELTS IN 2023 10 USEFUL NOTES FOR IELTS IN 2023 Structuring Part  I’m going to talk about…  I’d like ... that… will…by  It is forecasted…/projected that… USEFUL NOTES FOR IELTS IN 2023  Another prediction/projection/forecast/anticipation…  It is estimated that… in/for the foreseeable future 

Ngày tải lên: 13/04/2023, 19:00

11 3 0
Tài liệu: Ielts essay for Causeeffect writing Task 2

Tài liệu: Ielts essay for Causeeffect writing Task 2

... the long, arduous efforts necessary to play an instrument well or excel at a sport” (Winn, 18 2002, p 195) There also appears to be an addictive element as well Winn (2002) cites a study done ... this highly-technological 21st century; parents need to consider all digital media in order to determine what is best for their child Well-known journalist Marie Winn (2002) states, “Today sensible ... does have a negative impact on language acquisition and vocabulary development that can even carry over into later school years (Winn, 2002, p 285) If parents are concerned that children are being

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2018, 13:28

21 326 0


... Ideas for IELTS topics để giúp em có thêm ý cho IELTS writing task Ideas for IELTS topics - Website: - Fanpage: IELTS Fighter – Chiến binh IELTS - Hotline: 0963 891 756 IELTS ... IELTS FIGHTER - TRUNG TÂM LUYỆN IELTS SỐ VIỆT NAM Ideas for IELTS topics - Website: - Fanpage: IELTS Fighter – Chiến binh IELTS - Hotline: 0963 891 756 IELTS FIGHTER ... xuyên suốt IELTS tin em hồn tồn đủ ý chinh phục điểm cao IELTS writing - task Đây tài liệu thiếu luyện viết IELTS mà trung tâm dành tặng em: Ideas for IELTS topics - Website:

Ngày tải lên: 19/11/2018, 19:33

123 217 0


... thầy IELTS Fighter chung tay biên soạn sách Ideas for IELTS topics để giúp em có thêm ý cho IELTS writing task IDEAS FOR IELTS TOPIC – IELTS FIGHTER IELTS Fighter - Trung Tâm Luyện Thi IELTS ... 124 20 TOURISM 133 21 TRADITIONAL VS MODERN 136 22 TRANSPORT 139 23 WATER 143 24 WORK 150 IDEAS FOR IELTS ... đề xun suốt IELTS tin em hồn tồn đủ ý chinh phục điểm cao IELTS writing - task Đây tài liệu thiếu luyện viết IELTS mà trung tâm dành tặng em: IDEAS FOR IELTS TOPIC – IELTS FIGHTER IELTS Fighter

Ngày tải lên: 07/02/2022, 04:41

161 30 0
Vocabulary for  IELTS Writing task 1

Vocabulary for IELTS Writing task 1

... in Italy from 2000 to 2012, while there was a exponential improvement number in France, seven fold that of Italy 10 years ago 2.Tổng số lượng nữ nam làm tăng nhẹ năm 2005, 18% 25% theo thứ tự ... opposite was true for the case of ( trường hợp ngược lại) Holland and Thailand, varying from 15% to 25% in the last century PRACTICE STRUCTURE 1.Số lượng điện tiêu thụ từ năm 2000 đến 2012 giảm mạnh ... end of 2015 3.Mức khí thãi CO2 nhiều nơi giới dự đoán dao động mạnh từ đến 10 triệu tấn/ đầu người từ năm 2030 đến 2050 Ngược lại, tổng số xe cũ thãi nhiều khí thãi giảm mạnh trước năm 2050, thấp

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2024, 22:45

12 7 0
Ideas for ielts topic   simon_sách luyện viết IELTS writing task 2

Ideas for ielts topic simon_sách luyện viết IELTS writing task 2

... question topic) You need good ideas in order to answer the question well How should you prepare for IELTS writing task 2? There is an enormous amount of advice on my website Here ... This book is for students who want to go into the writing exam feeling confident that they have excellent ideas, opinions and vocabulary for as many topics as possible How do you get an IELTS score ... Trang 1Ideas for IELTS topics Who is this book for? Many students have no ideas or opinions about IETLS writing topics Even if your grammar is perfect, you will not get a high IELTS score if

Ngày tải lên: 09/02/2015, 06:16

39 2,1K 1


... 191Trang 20www.ieltsvietnam.netTrang 212Trang 22www.ieltsvietnam.netTrang 232Trang 24www.ieltsvietnam.netTrang 252Trang 26www.ieltsvietnam.netTrang 272Trang 28www.ieltsvietnam.netTrang 292Trang ... Trang 1IELTS ESSAY QUESTIONS Trang 2www.ieltsvietnam.netTrang 111Trang 12www.ieltsvietnam.netTrang 131Trang 14www.ieltsvietnam.netTrang 151Trang 16www.ieltsvietnam.netTrang 171Trang 18www.ieltsvietnam.netTrang ... 24www.ieltsvietnam.netTrang 252Trang 26www.ieltsvietnam.netTrang 272Trang 28www.ieltsvietnam.netTrang 292Trang

Ngày tải lên: 14/05/2016, 10:25

30 982 5
IELTS writing task 2 : How to write at a 9 level

IELTS writing task 2 : How to write at a 9 level

... Table of Contents  Foreword  Chapter – Before we begin writing…    1.1 What is required on the IELTS writing exam?  1.2 What is an essay?  1.3 Analyzing Task essay ... 1.1 – What is required on the IELTS writing exam? How well you know Task of the IELTS exam? Fill in this excerpt about the writing section of the IELTS exam using these words ... Adherence to length requirement (minimum 250 words) The easiest way to score well on the IELTS Task writing portion is to structure your writing in a solid essay format A strong argument essay structure

Ngày tải lên: 05/06/2016, 16:27

37 841 2
IELTS Writing task 2 ( IELTS  )

IELTS Writing task 2 ( IELTS )

... from the comfort of one’s own home For instance, it is much more common for North American baseball fans to tune in to games via radio or television than to attend these events in person For most ... support for genetically modified food is strong However, other people contest that genetically modified food can be extremely damaging For example, roughly forty years ago, baby infant formula ... internationally held sporting events more harm than good to a country For example, the Formula race held annually in various cities around the world is often criticized for its insensitive nature towards the

Ngày tải lên: 07/06/2016, 21:20

58 701 0
Bí kíp giải quyết các dạng bài IELTS Writing task 2 (giasudaihocngoaithuong )

Bí kíp giải quyết các dạng bài IELTS Writing task 2 (giasudaihocngoaithuong )

... uniforms Do you think this should this be enforced in all schools? In many countries, pupils are required to wear uniforms when attending school, and this is something that should be enforced for ... even expanded, wherever possible (273 words) It is very important for people to be able to speak more than one language Therefore, children should start learning a foreign language as young as possible.Do ... therefore, although the idea of being charged for non completion of a course would perhaps reduce the number of uncommitted enrolments, it is not an advisable solution for genuine students (263 words)

Ngày tải lên: 24/06/2016, 08:16

23 616 0
Tổng hợp 63 IELTS essay samples ( IELTS Writing task 2 )

Tổng hợp 63 IELTS essay samples ( IELTS Writing task 2 )

... destroying the view of the forest I think to conserve forests includes to clean it (them) up Another reason is that forests are places for wild animals It means that any forest does not belong to ... the morning are about 22 to 25 degrees The condition for running is excellent in these temperatures.In these reasons, I get up early in the morning I think it is natural for human beings It helps ... the forest near my house, a lot of stuffs are (stuff is) left For example, they are (it is) refrigerators, televisions, microwaves, and so on The forest does not seem beautiful We must not forgive

Ngày tải lên: 24/06/2016, 12:44

33 680 0
Hướng dẫn chi tiết giải quyết các dạng bài IELTS Writing task 2 ( DC IELTS )

Hướng dẫn chi tiết giải quyết các dạng bài IELTS Writing task 2 ( DC IELTS )

... Dạng bài có 2 câu hỏi | Dealing with double questions essay tasks 22 Quy trình viết bài luận Task 2 | The process of writing an IELTS essay 27 Phân tích đề | Reading and understanding IELTS essay ... luận Task 2 | How to structure IELTS essays 8 Hai cách để viết bài luận discussion | Two ways to write discussion essays for IELTS 13 Dạng bài balanced view | Writing balanced essays for IELTS ... 1May 4 IELTSWriting Trang 2Contents Hãy nghĩ trước khi viết | Stop – think – write: a checklist for IELTS essays 2 Sử dụng bảng checklist để kiểm tra lỗi | Improve your writing by using an IELTS

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2016, 15:23

93 900 1


... EDUCATION • IELTS • VIDEO • EXAM PREPARATION Home IELTS IELTS Writing IELTS Writing Task – Schools offer a wide range of courses • IELTSIELTS WritingIELTS Writing Task IELTS Writing Task – ... is the least important? You should spend about 40 minutes on this task You should write at least 250 words IELTS Writing Task 2/ IELTS Essay Sample Sample Answer 1: To decide which subject is the ... ĐỀ VÀ BÁI MẪU LUYỆN THI IELTS WRITING TASK Topic – Discussion Nowadays, people get information through news and papers, but meanwhile Some teachers say

Ngày tải lên: 19/07/2016, 19:09

110 885 2
Các dạng bài thường gặp trong đề thi IELTS writing task 2

Các dạng bài thường gặp trong đề thi IELTS writing task 2

... Tổng hợp: fanpage THI IELTS WRITING TASK Opinion essay (Một số tài liệu gọi Argumentative essays) I Một số ... lose the good study habits and Tổng hợp: fanpage Page Tổng hợp: fanpage ... use both forms of testing together, allowing teachers to reward both ability and hard work III Cấu trúc viết Opinion: Đây lời khuyên Simon cấu trúc luận Opinion: IELTS Writing Task 2: agree,

Ngày tải lên: 26/07/2016, 16:40

16 664 6

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