giao an tieng anh 9 period 23 unit 4 read

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 9 Period 5 Unit 1: Lesson 4: Read

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 9 Period 5 Unit 1: Lesson 4: Read

... vaøng ,nhaên ; xanh trôn ; xanh , nhaên b Nhaän xeùt : - F2 xuất loại kiểu hình khác bố mẹ là vàng nhăn và xanh trơn gọi là ... còn giao tử (n) chæ coøn mang gen caëp + Đối với cặp gen đồng hợp AA ( aa) : cho loại giao tử A ( loại giao tử a ) + Đối với cặp gen dị hợp Aa:cho loại giao tử với tỉ lệ giao ... phép lai thể mang tính trang trội với thể mang tính trạng lặn để kiểm tra kiểu gen cá thể mang tính trạng trội là đồng hợp hay dị hợp - 14 (15)

Ngày tải lên: 01/04/2021, 05:02

20 13 0
Giáo án Tiếng Anh 9 Period 33, 34

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 9 Period 33, 34

... là không gian tuyến tính ñịnh chuẩn, Y là không gian Banach, trên K, thì không gian L(X,Y) là không gian Banach trên K ... gian Banach (sự hội tụ xét ñến ñây là hội tụ theo chuẩn) ðịnh lí 2.4 Nếu X là không gian Banach thì X* là không gian ... còn ñược kí hiệu là L(X) ðịnh lí 1.14 Cho không gian Banach X và không gian tuyến tính ñịnh chuẩn Y trên K Giả sử dãy

Ngày tải lên: 01/04/2021, 05:10

12 6 0
giáo án tiếng anh 9 unit 13 - festivals

giáo án tiếng anh 9 unit 13 - festivals

... Ask Ss to read the dialogue on page 123 and put the sentences in correct order. - Call Ss to give their answer. Give feedback and correct. - Ss read the dialogue on page 123 and put ... to / oranges/ pomegranates 2. Could /collect / new Ao dai / tailor/corner? C: Sure /will 3. Thanks / anything/ you /want /me /do ? D: not really/But /want/ house nice/festival 4. Mom/I/what/ ... Give feedback and correct 7 bamboo 9 separate 2 one/a 4 run 6 traditional 8 six 10 Added IV Questions and answers: - Ask... Included in the WARM-UP 2 Main activities: Teacher’s and students’

Ngày tải lên: 16/11/2014, 11:11

26 805 0
Giáo án Tiếng Anh 9 Unit 5 The Media

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 9 Unit 5 The Media

... READING (18 minutes) * Read. P.43 - 44: - Students read the text for the first time and check III. Read. P.43 - 44 1. Checking the predictions Answer key: [...]... heart the new words and read ... các bức tranh để viết câu. Bt 3: Cho dạng đúng của động từ cho trong khung để điền vào chỗ trống. Period 31. Unit 5: the media Lesson 4: read. P.43 - 44. I. Aims: - To help students read a text ... heart the new words and read the text again - Do exercise: 1. P.35 (WB) Lesson Plan - English 9. 63 Period 29. Unit 5: the media Lesson 2: speak + language focus 2. P.42, 45 I. Aims: - To help

Ngày tải lên: 24/06/2015, 16:20

25 477 0
Giáo án Tiếng Anh 9 Unit 8 Celebrations

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 9 Unit 8 Celebrations

... Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 9. Period 49 Unit 8: CELEBRATIONS GETTING STARTED + LISTEN AND READ I. Objectives By the end of the lesson, students will be ... memories and great love for their parents We have an opportunity to enhance family traditions Besides, members of families can have a chance to get together, to know one another and to help one another ... Prepare "UNIT 9 – getting started + listen and read" ... Tet even though she has decorated her house and made plenty of cakes  Answers: b Although we don't have a mother's Day in Vietnam, Dad and

Ngày tải lên: 24/06/2015, 16:20

20 598 1
Giáo án Tiếng Anh 9 unit 9 Natural disasters

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 9 unit 9 Natural disasters

... completely destroyed in AD 79 by an eruption of Mount Vesuvius 4 – a: Hurricane Andrew, which swept through southern Florida in August 199 2, killed 41 people and made more than 200,000 homeless 5 – c: ... Alaska and hit Anchorage in the 196 0s 4 Typhoon, hurricane and tropical storm are different words for the same natural disasters 5... ancient city of Italy, was completely destroyed in AD 79 ... Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 9 Period 56 / Week 28 UNIT: 9 NATURAL DISASTERS Lesson 1 SECTION: - LISTEN AND READ I/Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students

Ngày tải lên: 24/06/2015, 16:20

23 610 2
Giáo án tiếng anh 9 unit 1

Giáo án tiếng anh 9 unit 1

... listening: read in Silence and answer the question. + Have compare and give the answer. + T correts. + Ask to read aloud and find the sentences relevant to Strucure of wish in past simple. 4. Production: ... 2. . Pre _ Reading task * T/F statements ( part b_page 10 ) 3. While_ reading * First reading : ss read and check their predictions. *Second reading : -Feed- back and give correct answers : 1… ... Tiếng Anh 9Giáo án Unit 1: A VISIT FROM A PENPAL Lesson 1 section : Getting started & Listen and read I. Objectives: After the lesson Students can tell other about things

Ngày tải lên: 16/07/2015, 14:59

12 435 0
Giáo án tiếng anh 9 unit 2 clothing

Giáo án tiếng anh 9 unit 2 clothing

... IV Total period distribution: 6 periods. Period distribution Items of Teaching 1 Getting started, Listen and read Lesson 1: Getting started – Listen and read (45min) I Objectives: Trang 2- Introduce, ... exercises Trang 11UNIT 2: CLOTHING Lesson 4: Read (45 min) I Objectives: 1 Competencies: - Developing reading skill - Searching for information about the history of the development of jeans 2 Language ... countries answer the questions (Page 14) Trang 5UNIT 2: CLOTHING Lesson 2: Speak (45 min) I Objectives: 1 Competencies: - Develop speaking skill - Ask & answer about the hobby and the habits

Ngày tải lên: 31/07/2015, 18:33

18 423 1
Giáo án tiếng anh 9 unit 4 learning a foreign language

Giáo án tiếng anh 9 unit 4 learning a foreign language

... monitor Check old lesson: Answer: answers: - How you learn English? One P answers: Call Ss to answer - Listen and comment I the - Give marks homework, speak - Who can read and translate English with ... Homework - Who can give some main - Do exercises information about Nga - Prepare"Read" Homework Write down - Give some exercises UNIT 4: LEARNING A FOREIGN LANGUAGE PERIOD 23: READ I Objectives: ... Ps read modal letter in read the book 3/ While – Writing Nguyen Van Ly 12 Tran Hung Dao, Ha PS read and write the Noi new strutures June 25.2007 T: Introduce : Now you Academy of Language read

Ngày tải lên: 22/08/2015, 22:43

19 925 0


... water 3/ While – reading: 9ms - Gets some to answer and Teaching Plan English Students’ activities - Work in groups to dicuss and answer The lesson content Unit 9: A FIRST- AID COURSE Period 56: ... Plan English School year: 2015-2016 Date of preparation: Jan 11th, 2011 Week: 21 Class: 8A1,2,3 Date of teaching : Unit 9: Jan 14th, 2011 A FIRST- AID COURSE Period 59: Language Focus I/ AIMS AND ... 3/ While – reading: 9ms - Gets some to answer and Teaching Plan English 8 Students’ activities - Work in groups to dicuss and answer The lesson content Unit 9: A FIRST- AID COURSE Period 56:

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2016, 22:31

25 700 0


... blackboard and guess which is True (T), which is False - Read the passage and check if their prediction a T b)T c) T d) F e) T f)T - Work in pair - Read and answer - Asks sts to read and give answers ... (Explanation) already (Translation) 4.connect (v) (Explanation) 5-manual (n) - Checks the understanding of the new words “ Slap the board” - Grammar Have you turned it on yet? I have already ... Class: 8A1,2,3 Unit 15: Period: 95: COMPUTERS < Language Focus> I/ AIMS AND OBJECTIVES * Language content : - To give the sts futher pratice of the present perfect tense with yet and already - To

Ngày tải lên: 12/07/2016, 11:29

20 378 0


... sts' answer -Listen for the first time and answer -Listen for the 2nd, 3rd time and answer -Check the answer in pairs Give the feedback Listen for the last time and correct -Answer -Answer and ... Teaching Plan English School year: 2013-2014 Date of preparation: August 29th , 2013 Period: 12 Week: Classes: 9A2,4 UNIT 1: A VISIT FROM A PEN PAL Lesson: LANGUAGE FOCUS (CONT) A - Aims and objectives: ... B Answer and write places on the board Read silently Answer Do the task - Answer 1.F 2.T School year: 2013-2014 Teaching steps & Time Students’ activities Teacher’s activities Noi and what Lan

Ngày tải lên: 12/07/2016, 11:48

22 344 0


... preparation: Sep 14th, 20 13 III.Homework: 5ms Teaching Plan English 9 School year: 20 13 -20 14 Classes: 9A2,4 UNIT: 2 Lesson: Period: 18 CLOTHING READ I-Aims and objectives: * Language content: ... Teaching Plan English 9 School year: 20 13 -20 14 Date of preparation: September 21 st, 20 13 Period: 23 Week: 6 Classes: 9A2,4 CLOTHING UNIT: 2 LANGUAGE Lesson: FOCUS A Aims and objectives: ... Teaching Plan English 9 School year: 20 13 -20 14 Week: 5 Classes: 9A2,4 UNIT: 2 Lesson: Date of preparation: Sep 14th, 20 13 Period: 17 CLOTHING LISTEN I-Aims and objectives: * Language

Ngày tải lên: 12/07/2016, 11:48

45 416 0


... Week: 9 Date of preparation: October 12th , 20 13 Teaching Plan English 9 School year: 20 13- 2014 Classes: 9A2,4 UNIT 3: Lesson: Period: 33 A TRIP TO THE COUNTRYSIDE READ I- Aims and objectives: ... Teaching Plan English School year: 2013-2014 Week: Classes: 9A2,4 UNIT 3: Lesson: Date of preparation: October 12th , 2013 Period: 34 A TRIP TO THE COUNTRYSIDE WRITE I- Aims and objectives: * Language ... Classes: 9A2,3,5 Teaching Plan English Date of preparation: October 21st , 2012 Period: 19 School year: 2013-2014 A TRIP TO THE COUNTRYSIDE UNIT 3: Lesson: LANGUAGE FOCUS A- Aims and objectives: * Language

Ngày tải lên: 12/07/2016, 11:48

30 370 0


... preparation: November 2nd , 2012 Period: 23 Week: 12 Class: 9A2,3,5 UNIT: 4 Lesson: LEARNING A FOREIGN LANGUAGE READ I- AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: *Language content: To help the sts read the advertisements ... ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… WEEK: 14 Period: 27 Date of teaching: Nov 25 th, 2008 Class: 9A1, 9A2, 9A3 CORRECTION OF THE TEST Teaching Plan English School year: 2012-2013 139 I AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: - Language content: ... LEAD-IN: UNIT: 4 - Answer: - Uses some advertisements to the new LEARNING A ask the Ss: materials FOREIGN + What are they? LANGUAGE + Have you ever read any Lesson: 4 READ... Homework 4ms -

Ngày tải lên: 12/07/2016, 11:49

48 449 0
Giáo án tiếng anh 9 Học kì II (Unit 9)

Giáo án tiếng anh 9 Học kì II (Unit 9)

... is an ancient city of Italy, was completely destroyed in AD 79 by an eruption of Mount Vesuvius 4- a: Hurricane Andrew, which swept through southern Florida in August 199 2, killed 41 people and ... Open pairs Pair work Individual work 10 UNIT 9: NATURAL DISASTERS Lesson 3: Section: - Before you read - Read (page 74) (page 78- 79) Period 56: I/ AIM: • Reading a text about natural disasters ... forecast The dialogue will help them Students can change the information, the places… UNIT 9: NATURAL DISASTERS Lesson 2: Period 57: Section: - Listen and read (page 76 – 77) • • Aim: practice speaking...

Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2013, 01:25

20 8,6K 18
Giáo án tiếng anh 9 Học kì II (Unit 7)

Giáo án tiếng anh 9 Học kì II (Unit 7)

... Tape recorder, and chalks V Times: 45 minutes VI Procedures: Section Steps Techniques and Content Listen and Warm-up - Supposing a situation: It is in the morning and the weather Read (5’’) is ... look at the statements on page 60 (4a) - Have they work in pairs and guess which statements are true and which one are false Solar energy can be cheap and clean Most of our electricity now comes ... Discuss & answer: + “Speak fluently and clearly” - Discuss and find by reading the information in textbooks - Answer the question by matching each part speech in column B - Some students read aloud...

Ngày tải lên: 28/07/2013, 01:25

12 2,7K 5
Giáo án tiếng anh 9 Học kì II (Unit 8)

Giáo án tiếng anh 9 Học kì II (Unit 8)

... blouse ans say: -That’s a beautiful blouse + Ask Ss to respond: -Answer S: Thanks * Get Ss to look at the -Look at the pistures (a) on page 66 and pistures (a) on read page 66 and read -Read the ... “Who” đại từ quan hệ mệnh đề quan hệ - “Which” thay cho danh từ vật, vật “Who” thay cho danh từ người đứng trước nó.Đóng chức làm chủ ngữ mệnh đề tính ngữ +VietNamese people + late January, early ... map -Listen n to the *Tet tape and find -Answer They are Passover Easter Tet, and * Let Ss listen again and fill in the word map -Listen again and ex -Listen, read and write * Explain some new...

Ngày tải lên: 28/07/2013, 01:25

13 2,7K 10
giáo án tiếng anh học kỳ II (unit 7 to unit 9)

giáo án tiếng anh học kỳ II (unit 7 to unit 9)

... 10 Unit 9: Section A (4- 7) 3B Unit 9: My house Section A(1-3) 10 Tên giảng Unit 9: My house Section A(1-3) 5B Tiết 5A Lớp 3A Unit 9: Section A (4- 7) Unit 9: My house Section A(1-3) 4A 10 Unit 9: ... New lesson Activity 4: Listen and check - Yêu cầu hs nhìn tranh cho nhận xét - Hs nhìn tranh nhận xét tranh (các nhân vật tranh gia đình) - Bật băng lần - Hs nghe anh dấu tranh nhắc * Lời nghe: ... lesson Activity 1: Look, listen and repeat - Giáo viên treo tranh yêu cầu hs nhận - Hs nhìn tranh mô tả tranh xét tranh - Sau hs nhận xét tranh, gv mô lại tình tranh (hai bạn Mai LiLi đến thăm...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 21:00

36 1,3K 3
giáo án tiếng anh 9 unit 2 - clothing

giáo án tiếng anh 9 unit 2 - clothing

... answer the questions Read and answer Europe Work in pairs 2- The 196 0s fashions - Who can ask and answer? were embroidered jeans, Some Ps ask and answer painted jeans and so on 3- Because jeans ... * Who can read the sentences? 4- 198 0s - fashion 5- 199 0s - sale Some Ps read b/ Answer - Listen and correct 1- The word "jeans" - Give keys comes from a kind of - Read the text again and Write ... - Who can ask and answer Some couples of Ps 3/ Ask and answer quesstions - You work in pairs Use about each of the items in the the words to ask and ask and answer box Giáo án Tiếng Anh answer...

Ngày tải lên: 16/11/2014, 05:23

21 929 0

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