giáo án tiếng anh 11 reported speech

Giáo án tiếng Anh 11: Reported speech ppt

Giáo án tiếng Anh 11: Reported speech ppt

... D He suggested me to switch off when I’d finished II Rewrite the following sentences using reported speech 'You'd better look for a new job, Andrew.' Jane advised……………………………………… 'It was nice ... their parents that they _ their best to the test A try B will try C are trying D would try 11 She asked me where I _ from A come B coming C to come D came 12 She _ me whether I liked ... “I’m sorry I can’t lend you this book I need it right now.” Minh refused………………………………………………………… 11 “My car was stolen a few weeks ago,” Peter said Peter said……………………………………………………… 12 “If the weather...

Ngày tải lên: 10/07/2014, 06:20

4 2,1K 19
Giao an Tieng Anh 11-Ban co ban

Giao an Tieng Anh 11-Ban co ban

... không hợp lệ file bị xóa ( Quay trở ...

Ngày tải lên: 25/06/2013, 01:26

2 1,3K 17
Giáo án Tiếng Anh 11

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 11

... expressions Keys: Task 2: -T asks sts to read the text again to text Phổ cập giáo dục tiểu hoc Hội khuyến học VN Xóa mù chữ Kó thuật canh tác Kế hoạch hóa gia đình Task 3: -T asks sts to answer the following ... Exercise1 ( suggested key) lives invites sets gets waves promises carries contains 9.has baked 10 is 11 is shining 12 are singing 13 is Exercise ( suggested key) broke / was playing wrote / was was ... 4.The customs officers made him open the briefcase 5.The boy saw the cat jump through the window 11 to keep health to contact my frien - Take notes - Asks Ss to - Correct - Work in pairs - Ask...

Ngày tải lên: 17/09/2013, 17:10

183 1,5K 22
Giáo án tiếng Anh 11 nâng cao trọn bộ

Giáo án tiếng Anh 11 nâng cao trọn bộ

... promise, threaten, hope, propose+ to Infinitive - T gives some direct speech sentences and ask Ss to change into reported speech B Practice Exercise 1(7m) -T gets Ss to exercise1 individually ... wedding anniversary Whole class đánh dấu kiện quan trọng, mốc lịch sử, giai đoạn quan trọng bền vững, lâu dài 22 THPT Chợ Mới Đoan Minh Phúc Lesson plan English 11 2008 - 2009 - Call on some Ss ... góp, tiền quyên góp Trờng học không thống Tổ choc phát triển Giáo dục Hợp tác 35 THPT Chợ Mới Đoan Minh Phúc Lesson plan English 11 2008 - 2009 Disadvantaged children Co-ordinate(v) [kou':dineit]...

Ngày tải lên: 18/09/2013, 18:10

102 6,9K 77
Giáo án Tiếng Anh 11 tự chọn - HKII

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 11 tự chọn - HKII

... check it again Ex : They reported that more than 80 people had been treated by a new vaccine → More than 80 people were reported to have been treated by a new vaccine ( reported # had been ) Exercises ... (câu phủ định ) + positive tag ? Ex : You didn’t see him , did you ? Exercises : I Word forms 11 They’ve just put up a statue in commemoration of a …………… hero ( nation ) Sts work in groups and ... me any question , ………………? Let’s have a cup of coffee , ………………? 10 Leave the door open , ………………? 11 Nobody was sleeping , ………………? 12 Pass me the salt , ………………? 13 Julie rarely goes out , ………………?...

Ngày tải lên: 26/09/2013, 04:10

18 1,7K 34
giao an tieng anh 11 he 3 nam

giao an tieng anh 11 he 3 nam

... Times Teacher’ activities Students’ activities The absence of 11B7: - Monitor gives number of the 11B8: class Class organization 1’ 11B9: 11B:10 Checking the old lesson Work in invidually of whole...

Ngày tải lên: 30/09/2013, 02:10

5 722 7
giao an tieng anh 11 nang cao

giao an tieng anh 11 nang cao

... attendance 11A8 Checking-up: Describe a friend New lesson State/time Teacher’s and students’ activities Blackboard warm-up Games: Word grid (4’) -Prepare a poster of a word grid with 11 rows (You ... textbook - picture / drawings - chalk - handouts V Procedures : Greeting + checking attendance 11A8 Checking-up: New words New lesson State/time Teacher’s and students’ activities Blackboard ... adjectives that are true for them - Call on one student or two read their list that describes themselves 11A8 Blackboard These are the suggested instructions: write down places where you often meet with...

Ngày tải lên: 09/10/2013, 15:11

91 2,1K 32
giao an tieng anh 11

giao an tieng anh 11

... children………….the Christmas tree with colorful electric lights - icing ['aisiη] (n): lớp kem phủ mặt bánh Technique: picture + definition + T says definition: a sweet mixture of sugar, water, milk and...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 23:11

9 603 1
Bài giảng Giáo án Tiếng Anh 11(NC)

Bài giảng Giáo án Tiếng Anh 11(NC)

... activities Learners’ activities Mainly organizes classes as grouping, Attendance: pairing 11A2 11A3 Present at least 20 words and Answering the teacher’ questions II Checking phrases ... activities Learners’ activities Mainly organizes classes as grouping, Attendance: pairing 11A2 11A3 Read the text and answer Answering the teacher’ questions questions Read the text ... activities Learners’ activities Mainly organizes classes as grouping, Attendance: pairing 11A2 11A3 - Talk about one of your memorable II.Checking experiences (2 Ss) - Other checks...

Ngày tải lên: 03/12/2013, 10:11

18 948 6
Bài soạn Giáo án Tiêng Anh 11 - NC- Unit 1

Bài soạn Giáo án Tiêng Anh 11 - NC- Unit 1

... Learners’ activities I.Organiz- ation Mainly organizes classes as grouping, Attendance: pairing 11A2 11A3 Present at least 20 words and Answering the teacher’ questions II Checking phrases ... activities Mainly organizes classes grouping, pairing Learners’ activities as Attendance: 11A2 11A3 Read the text and answer Answering the teacher’ questions questions Read the text ... Learners’ activities I Organization Mainly organizes classes as grouping, Attendance: pairing 11A2 11A3 - Talk about yourself and your II Checking neighbors (2 Ss) - Other checks will...

Ngày tải lên: 03/12/2013, 10:11

16 1,5K 4
Bài giảng Giáo án Tiêng Anh 11 - NC/Unit 1

Bài giảng Giáo án Tiêng Anh 11 - NC/Unit 1

... Learners’ activities I.Organiza Mainly organizes classes as grouping, Attendance: tion pairing 11A2 11A3 Present at least 20 words and phrases Answering the teacher’ questions II Checking ... activities Mainly organizes classes grouping, pairing Learners’ activities as Attendance: 11A2 11A3 Read the text and answer Answering the teacher’ questions questions Read the text ... about your plan for a New Year Party Pre –study speaking Thao +Anh: Good morning Madam Teacher: Good Morning How is our class going on? Anh: Very well Madam We have performed very well in all subjects...

Ngày tải lên: 03/12/2013, 10:11

22 964 1
Bài giảng Giáo án Tiêng Anh 11 - NC/Unit 1

Bài giảng Giáo án Tiêng Anh 11 - NC/Unit 1

... of reported speech with Ving - Ask Ss to work in groups to revise reported speech with V-ing - Tell Ss to compare the answers in small groups - Go over the answers Activity 1: The revision of reported ... note then comment their working Activity 3: The revisions of reported speech with To -INF - Ask Ss to work in groups to revise reported speech - Tell Ss to compare the answers in small groups Call ... revision of reported speech with V-ing Activity 2: Exercises - Ask Ss to exercises in their book - Tell Ss to compare the answers in small groups Activity 2: Exercises Ex 1: Reported Speech with TO...

Ngày tải lên: 03/12/2013, 10:11

24 904 0
giáo án tiếng anh 11 trọn bộ

giáo án tiếng anh 11 trọn bộ

... them correctly - understand reported speech with gerund and use these structures to solve communicative tasks Knowledge: - General knowledge: Students understand reported speech with gerund - New ... sentences in reported speech with Gerund “Why don’t you organize an English competition for our student?” said Ms Lien Ms Lien suggested …………………………… “I’m sorry I’m late,’ said Mr Thanh Mr Thanh apologized ... Pictures, English textbook 11, chalks, board, hand-outs IV Procedures: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Lesson plans of grade 11 Tran Quoc Tuan High School 11 Warm-up: - Have you ever...

Ngày tải lên: 18/12/2013, 20:56

179 1,7K 17
Giáo án Tiếng Anh 11 cb trọn bộ

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 11 cb trọn bộ

... part Language Focus at home The 11th period Date : 11/ Grade 11 Theme: Personal Experiences Unit Language Focus Time: 45 minutes I Objectives: Lesson plans of grade 11 Nguyen Trai Upper secondary ... 4f, 5t, 6f Lesson plans of grade 11 Long’s talk : 1f, 2f, 3t, 4t, 5t, Nguyen Trai Upper secondary school Ngêi so¹n: Giang L¬ng Hïng The 5th period Date: 6/8 Grade 11 Theme: Friendship Unit Writing ... teacher and explain how to it exercise - Ask students to it Lesson plans of grade 11 Nguyen Trai Upper secondary school 11 Ngêi so¹n: Giang L¬ng Hïng - Let them work individually - Check, correct mistakes...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 14:00

220 648 6
Giao an tieng anh 11

Giao an tieng anh 11

... doctor.(direct speech) I in pairs advise him to see the doctor (indirect speech) - T has Ss look at the reported speech and 42 PERIOD 30 * Structure: Reported Speech with Infinitive - Reported orders, ... Workbook Teaching date: /11/ 2007 UNIT 5: ILLITERACY Language Focus Objectives: Help Ss pronounce consonants sounds /pl/,/bl/, /pr/, and / br/ correctly Help Ss know reported speech with infinitives ... unforgettable” - memorable (a) = unforgettable (a) đáng ghi nhớ - Terrified (a) sợ hãi Ex: Most people feel terrified when they see snakes - (to) scream la thất thanh, la hét What people often when they...

Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 06:00

137 759 0


... around 6.30 p m Mai 10 I think Nam and Lien are coming , too 11 Well have Pho and some other special dishes T gives feedback Key: 3- - - - 11 - - 10 - - - - * Preparing Ss to write Task - T sets the ... book Task Individual work Fill each blank with one part of speech of the word and pair work volunteer -T elicits different parts of speech of the word volunteer and writes these words on the ... Universalisation of A Xoá mù chữ B Kỹ thuật canh tác Primary Education The Vietnam Society of C Hội khuyến học Việt Nam C Kế hoạc hoá gia đình Learning Promotion E Phổ cập giáo dục tiểu học illiteracy eradication...

Ngày tải lên: 09/07/2014, 02:00

152 1,3K 8

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