getting started quickly a brief overview of c

Core C++ A Software Engineering Approach phần 2 pptx

Core C++ A Software Engineering Approach phần 2 pptx

... of transactions, I can have a variable that counts the number of transactions already processed This is part of current data: It has to be initialized to and incremented by after each transaction ... block, the normal flow of control is again sequential, in order of lexical occurrence C+ + provides a standard set of control statements that can change sequential flow of execution in the program ... processing a large number of characters in a communications application, the programmer might choose to keep the characters in memory as integers to avoid promoting them implicitly each time a character...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 11:20

120 300 0
Core C++ A Software Engineering Approach phần 3 pps

Core C++ A Software Engineering Approach phần 3 pps

... differences between variables allocated on the heap and conventional variables I have discussed so far ϒΠ Conventional variables (allocated on the stack and the fixed data area) are allocated according ... of account balances computed in main() as its parameter and prints the average balance Instead of using a literal value in the cout statement, I want to have a variable caption[], which contains ... allocation and deallocation: extern and static variables are allocated in the fixed data memory of the program, auto variables are allocated on the program stack, and register variables are allocated...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 11:20

120 326 0
Core C++ A Software Engineering Approach phần 5 pptx

Core C++ A Software Engineering Approach phần 5 pptx

... notion of a class data member Conceptually, a class is a blueprint for objects The class specification describes what each object of that class has: data and functions This is why when you create an ... constructors can have parameters; hence, constructors can be overloaded If necessary, constructor parameters can have default values When a class has more than one constructor, each one could be called ... string of characters that contains a person's name The constructor initializes an array of characters (It is a conversion constructor since it has one parameter of a type that is different from Name.)...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 11:20

120 320 0
Core C++ A Software Engineering Approach phần 6 ppsx

Core C++ A Software Engineering Approach phần 6 ppsx

... name of the city and searches for the name in the database For simplicity, I hard-coded the database in the main() function as an array of character arrays and used a simple sequential search ... the length of both character arrays to define the total number of characters Allocate heap memory to accommodate the characters and the terminating zero Test for success of memory allocation; give ... passes to it its own parameter, character array; and the copy constructor passes to allocate() its parameter's character array s.str When one object initializes another object, a copy constructor...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 11:20

120 321 0
Core C++ A Software Engineering Approach phần 8 pps

Core C++ A Software Engineering Approach phần 8 pps

... Generalization Aggregation is a special case of association It indicates that two classes are connected through an association, but the association is special This association indicates that the relationship ... different specializations of the class Account If a subclass is used as a generalization for another class, this other class becomes its specialization, and the same notation is used A class can inherit ... 14-3 (c) indicates that class Rectangle has two attributes of class Point, pt1 and pt2 This means that any object of class Rectangle is associated with exactly two objects of class Point Hence,...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 11:20

120 297 0
Core C++ A Software Engineering Approach phần 9 ppsx

Core C++ A Software Engineering Approach phần 9 ppsx

... available available available hidden available available not available hidden not available hidden syntax error not available not available syntax error not available dynamic binding crash crash crash ... handling class Account with programmer-named methods #include using namespace std; class Account { hierarchy protected: double balance; char *owner; public: Account(const char* name, ... say that a graphics object has a position For NOW accounts, the classes represent savings accounts and checking accounts This is a better example of using multiple inheritance because a NOW account...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 11:20

120 328 0
Core C++ A Software Engineering Approach phần 10 potx

Core C++ A Software Engineering Approach phần 10 potx

... standard conversions, or any of subclasses of the parameter of the catch construct For example, a double value can be caught by a catch block with a long parameter, and a SavingsAccount object ... base non-template class: template class Stack : public BaseStack { ¡K } ; All instantiations of class Stack will have access to BaseStack objects according to the rules of inheritance ... often, it is a character array), consider writing a separate class with a separate name, for example, CharArray The advantage of writing a separate class is that there is no doubt which class is used...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 11:20

108 289 0
The essence of object oriented programming with java and UML

The essence of object oriented programming with java and UML

... All mammals share a number of common characteristics These can be captured once in a generalized Mammal class The general mammal characteristics are then available by inheritance to more specialized ... objects instance A specific object that is an instantiation of a class An instance has specific attributes and behaviors, and a unique identity Instance and object are often used interchangeably ... a class hierarchy to model animals, you might have a class for Dog, which is a specialization of the class Carnivore, which is a specialization of the class Mammal, and so on Key to this concept...

Ngày tải lên: 22/08/2013, 14:52

364 500 0
Tài liệu The Essence of Object-Oriented Programming with Java and UML pptx

Tài liệu The Essence of Object-Oriented Programming with Java and UML pptx

... All mammals share a number of common characteristics These can be captured once in a generalized Mammal class The general mammal characteristics are then available by inheritance to more specialized ... objects instance A specific object that is an instantiation of a class An instance has specific attributes and behaviors, and a unique identity Instance and object are often used interchangeably ... a class hierarchy to model animals, you might have a class for Dog, which is a specialization of the class Carnivore, which is a specialization of the class Mammal, and so on Key to this concept...

Ngày tải lên: 20/12/2013, 21:16

364 442 0
Tài liệu Advanced Object Oriented Programming with Visual FoxPro 6.0 ppt

Tài liệu Advanced Object Oriented Programming with Visual FoxPro 6.0 ppt

... possible adaptations later Abstract classes always have concrete child classes Concrete classes are the ones that will be instantiated In a good design, concrete classes have abstract parent classes ... it as an abstract class as soon as we directly used it once Figure shows a simple diagram of abstract and concrete classes Figure Abstract and concrete classes In this example, we defined an abstract ... inheritance structure A typical example of abstract and concrete classes is the Screen class in the sample above We might have an abstract Screen class that defines everything a typical screen would...

Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 20:15

440 590 4
Tài liệu Object Oriented Programming With Cobol pptx

Tài liệu Object Oriented Programming With Cobol pptx

... defines account objects and a ledger class defines ledger objects An account object is said to be an instance of the account class, or an instance object, or simply an instance A class is a programming ... and AAI™, Analyzer™, Application to Application Interface™, AddPack™, AppTrack™, AssetMiner™, CCI™, DataConnect™, Dialog System™, EuroSmart™, FixPack™, LEVEL II COBOL™, License Management Facility™, ... object of an account class could include a data item for keeping a count of the number of account objects created In OO COBOL, a class is a COBOL source element, which consists of a set of nested...

Ngày tải lên: 12/02/2014, 23:20

238 2K 0


... 460 470 PART V: ADVANCED TOPICS CHAPTER 16: INHERITANCE AND POLYMORPHISM What Is Inheritance? An Inheritance Example The Base and Derived Classes The protected Access Specifier Advantages of Inherited ... Properties Class Methods The clsCardDeck Code Class Properties, Constructor, and Property Methods Class General Methods Designing a Card Game Using clsCardDeck Design Considerations What Kind of Architecture? ... Simplifications of Objects What Do I Do After I’ve Defined a Class? Instantiating an Object of a Class I Have an Object…Now What? Why Hide the Data Inside an Object? Getting Started with Objects Developing...

Ngày tải lên: 15/02/2014, 07:20

628 5,8K 0
Object Oriented Programming With Java pptx

Object Oriented Programming With Java pptx

... declares a variable called myChar, of type char This variable can hold a character as a value, and in fact is initialized to the character 'A' in this statement char myChar = 'A' ; Again, we will ... character Each character 1.2 Data Storage 25 requires two bytes of storage space in memory The Unicode character set can represent 216 = 65,536 different symbols and contains the ASCII character ... variable is a named memory location that can hold a particular type of data For example, the following statement in a Java program will reserve a memory location called count that can hold data of type...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 13:20

846 4,2K 2
Beginning Object-Oriented Programming with VB 2005: From Novice to Professional pot

Beginning Object-Oriented Programming with VB 2005: From Novice to Professional pot

... classes to the diagram: • cLoan: Encapsulates and manages the details of an item currently on loan • cItem: Encapsulates and manages data associated with items that are available for loan • cBook: ... define a manager object that inherits the characteristics of the employee object but also adds characteristics unique to managers in your company The manager object will automatically reflect any changes ... CLASS STRUCTURE Figure 2-8 Completed use case diagram Understanding Class Diagrams The concepts of classes and objects are fundamental to OOP An object is a structure for incorporating data and...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 23:20

385 475 0
Object oriented programming with C++ - Session 1 - Basic Object Oriented Concepts doc

Object oriented programming with C++ - Session 1 - Basic Object Oriented Concepts doc

... and common relationships s The term class is an abbreviation of “class of objects” • Example, A class of persons, class of animals, class of processes s Each object is said to be an instance of ... Bills Vouchers Receipts Petty cash records Banking data Accounts Functions: Calculate salary Pay salary Pay bills Tally accounts Transact with banks Object Oriented Objects s Represent an entity ... s A characteristic required of an object or entity when represented in a class is called a property s A class is a prototype and not an actual specimen of the entity s Each instance of the class...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 01:20

50 814 0
Object oriented programming with C++ - Session 2 More on Classes potx

Object oriented programming with C++ - Session 2 More on Classes potx

... functions cannot access it If it is declared as public, then any member of the class can access Static member can become a global data for the class Object Oriented Static Member Functions A static ... program static data_type variable; Object Oriented Example class race_cars{ private: static int count: int car_number; char name[30]; public: race_cars(){count++;} //constructor to increment count ... Object data data mem_function1() data data mem_function2() Object data data Object Oriented Static Data Members Useful when all objects of the same class must share a common item of information...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 01:20

37 586 1
Object-Oriented Programming with PHP5 pptx

Object-Oriented Programming with PHP5 pptx

... function�� " A block of code will be set as follows:

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 23:20

268 802 0
Object oriented programming with C++ - Session 3 Function Overloading and References ppt

Object oriented programming with C++ - Session 3 Function Overloading and References ppt

... }; //can access alpha //can access alpha All the member functions of class beta can access the private data members of alpha However, the public member functions of the class alpha cannot access ... When all or most of the functions of a particular class have to gain access to your class, you can consider allowing the whole class friend privileges class beta; class alpha{ private: int data; ... function, a few member functions or a whole class as a friend of another class Example of single function as friend class beta; //forward declaration class alpha{ private: int a_ data; public: alpha() {a. data...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 04:21

35 688 0
Object oriented programming with C++ - Session 4 Operator Overloading potx

Object oriented programming with C++ - Session 4 Operator Overloading potx

... Function in Destination Function in Source Basic to Class Class to Basic Class to Class Class Constructor N /A Constructor Class N /A Conversion Function Conversion Function Object Oriented Programming ... of 49 A typical class s When a class X has a data member of pointer type, the class should have a constructor, assignment operator function, copy constructor and destructor class X{ X(some_value); ... statement declares an object s1 and passes a string as an argument to its constructor • The second statement declared another object s2 and contains an object as its argument s s If constructor...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 04:21

49 618 0
Object oriented programming with C++ - Session 5 Inheritance pptx

Object oriented programming with C++ - Session 5 Inheritance pptx

... derived class is similar to that of any ordinary class We also have to give the name of the base class For example, class Manager : public Employee Any class can be used as a base class A base class ... classes (Contd.) When a class contains an object of another class as its member it is called a container class • Example of a jet plane: Consider deriving a class for a jet plane from a class called ... }; class B : public A { }; // where class A is a direct class An indirect class can be written as: class A { }; class B : public A { }; class C : public B { }; //Can be extended to an arbitrary...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 04:21

41 492 1