getting acquainted with data access

Getting Started with DSPs

Getting Started with DSPs

... it couldn't be better! The measured data points agree with the theoretical curve within the limit of measurement error. This is something our analog engineer has never seen with filters made from resistors, ... size! */ float data_ buff [BUFF_LENGTH]; interrupt (SIG_IRQ3, process_input); BASE (echo) = data_ buff; /* Loads b1 and i1 with buff start adr */ LENGTH (echo) = BUFF_LENGTH; /* Loads L1 with the length ... of the data being stored in the buffer (m0 and m8). These parameters that control the circular buffers are stored in hardware registers in the DAGs, allowing them to access and manage the data...

Ngày tải lên: 13/09/2012, 10:20

16 809 0
Getting Started with GUIDE

Getting Started with GUIDE

... Layout Editor toolbar. The following figure shows the M-file for the GUI with Axes and Menu template. 1 Getting Started with GUIDE 1-4 The Layout Editor When you open a GUI in GUIDE, it is displayed ... Area Editing Version 5 GUIs with Version 7 GUIDE 1-13 M-file generated by Version 7 GUIDE can provide a model of how to restructure your code. 1 Getting Started with GUIDE 1-6 GUIDE Templates The ... with Axes and Menu , the Quick Start dialog appears as in the following figure. Clicking OK opens the template in the Layout Editor, as shown in the following figure. 1 Getting Started with...

Ngày tải lên: 29/09/2013, 20:20

14 505 0


... OpenDatabase: Set database = OpenDatabase (dbname, options, read-only, connect) Ý nghĩa các tham số của phương thức OpenDatabase như sau: Thành phần Ý nghĩa database Biến kiểu đối tượng Database ... cơ sở dữ liệu. II.1.1 Sử dụng phương thức OpenDatabase để tạo một đối tượng Database Ta dùng phương thức OpenDatabase để cho phép một đối tượng Database tham khảo đến một cơ sở dữ liệu cụ thể, ... trả về là một đối tượng Database, vì vậy trước khi sử dụ ng phương thức này, ta cần khai báo một đối tượng Database. Chẳng hạn như: Dim db As Database Set db = OpenDatabase(" \ \baigiang.mdb") ...

Ngày tải lên: 30/09/2013, 06:20

10 708 4
Data Access Layer

Data Access Layer

... and a DataContext that is used to interact with the database. For security purposes, it is advisable to construct the DataContext with an existing database connection that has been created without ... repetition of database access code (see Listing 8–3). The .NET Framework provides the ADO.NET services for accessing databases without tying code to a specific vendor. The class will require a database ... CHAPTER 8 ■ DATA ACCESS LAYER 174 private void DisconnectFromDatabase() { if (_databaseConnection.State != ConnectionState.Open) { _databaseConnection.Close(); } } private IDataReader...

Ngày tải lên: 03/10/2013, 01:20

22 464 0
Data Access and Networking

Data Access and Networking

... ■ DATA ACCESS AND NETWORKING 147 < ;data: DataGrid x:Name="grdData" Margin="15" AutoGenerateColumns="False"> < ;data: DataGrid.Columns> < ;data: DataGridTemplateColumn ... to access data remotely. As noted earlier in chapter in the section Data Access in Silverlight Applications”, this is one of the most common approaches to data access with Silverlight. Accessing ... < ;data: DataGrid>< /data: DataGrid> </Grid> 10. Highlight the DataGrid definition in the solution and replace it with the following DataGrid definition, which is from the previous DataGrid...

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 03:20

16 381 0
Introduction to Data Access

Introduction to Data Access

... java.sql.SQLException; public class NewsletterSubscriptionDataAccess { private DataSource dataSource; public void setDataSource(DataSource dataSource) { this.dataSource = dataSource; } public void addNewsletterSubscription(int ... NewsletterSubscriptionDataAccess subscriptionDataAccess; public void subscribeMemberToNewsletter(Member member, String email) throws MyDataAccessException { subscriptionDataAccess.addNewsletterSubscription(member.getId(), ... your data- access code for the rest of the application. To understand how insufficient abstraction of data- access code can cause leakage, we need to look beyond databases and technical data- access...

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 04:20

28 367 0
Data Access

Data Access

... Description System .Data. Common.DbDataAdapter This class is used to fill a DataSet class with data from a relational database. System .Data. DataSet An in-memory representation of a database that can contain ... 223 system .data windows system.webServer mscorlib system .data. oledb system .data. oracleclient system .data. sqlclient configProtectedData satelliteassemblies system .data. dataset startup system .data. odbc system.diagnostics runtime system.codedom system.runtime.remoting connectionStrings assemblyBinding appSettings This ... Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary .Data let opener commandString = let database = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase() database.ExecuteReader(CommandType.Text, commandString) CHAPTER 9 ■ DATA ACCESS 223 7575Ch09.qxp...

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 10:20

30 446 0
Getting Started with CURL PHP Book

Getting Started with CURL PHP Book

...  PHP/CURL Book with Examples     3#  )    #    % -  ...   # "   "    -  & -      PHP/CURL Book with Examples              /  & - &  ... &  -  !  & !  & !   ! "         PHP/CURL Book with Examples     < & 32  + < & 32 ...

Ngày tải lên: 06/10/2013, 09:20

5 478 1
Getting Started with AppleScript

Getting Started with AppleScript

... scripting, doesn't work until you first open the Universal Access panel of System Preferences and make sure that "Enable access for assistive devices" is turned on. You wouldn't ... Computer scripts." 7.5.2. Working with Existing AppleScripts As you'll quickly realize from using the Script menu, your Mac is teeming with dozens of free, built-in scripts. The ... "Applications" with "Users," for example, to make the script open the Users folder instead. 7.5.3. Writing Your Own Scripts Mac OS X comes stocked with dozens of programs—everything...

Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 09:15

10 525 0
Improving DataReader Performance with Typed Accessors

Improving DataReader Performance with Typed Accessors

... when accessing data from a DataReader. Solution Use DataReader typed accessors to improve performance by eliminating repeated boxing and unboxing of object data to and from .NET Framework data ... can access the data in a DataReader row using a column name, a column ordinal, or a typed accessor method such as GetInt32( ) and GetString( ). The typed accessor allows a column value to be accessed ... relative performance when accessing DataReader column values using the different methods: [ Team LiB ] Recipe 9.6 Improving DataReader Performance with Typed Accessors Problem You need...

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 11:15

6 283 0
Module 9: The Transactional Data Access Layer

Module 9: The Transactional Data Access Layer

... same data access technologies as that of the nontransactional DAL. The following data access technologies were covered in Module 8, “The Nontransactional Data Access Layer”: ! Microsoft Data ... modules that focus on the data access layer (DAL). In Module 8, “The Nontransactional Data Access Layer,” you learned about data retrieval. In this module, you will learn about data manipulation. ... DAL: Module 8, “The Nontransactional Data Access Layer” and Module 9, “The Transactional Data Access Layer.” The DAL is an application’s means of access to data services. After completing this...

Ngày tải lên: 05/11/2013, 12:15

34 428 0
Tài liệu java Data Access JDBC, JNDI, and JAXP pptx

Tài liệu java Data Access JDBC, JNDI, and JAXP pptx

... protect against data loss or corruption. Relational databases are the most • Chapter 1: Introducing Java Data Access Development 4 Table of Contents Part I: Getting Started with Java Data Access 1 Chapter ... 324 Parsing XML with JAXP 326 Traversing XML with JAXP 328 Transforming XML with JAXP 330 Summary 331 Chapter 19: Accessing Data with Enterprise JavaBeans 332 In This Chapter 332 Working with the EJB ... and Data Types 110 Java−to−JDBC Data Type Mappings 111 JDBC−to−Java Data Type Mappings 114 Standard SQL data types 114 Advanced SQL data types 118 ii Table of Contents Chapter 17: Building Data centric...

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 02:15

389 572 3
Tài liệu CHAPTER 1: Greeting and Getting Acquainted docx

Tài liệu CHAPTER 1: Greeting and Getting Acquainted docx

... (đúng) if the statement is correct and S (sai) if the statement is false and fill in the blanks with correct information. 1. Mark and Mary are talking to each other on the first day of a Vietnamese ... some of these people come from. She/he either asks you about their nationality or mistaken them with someone from other countries. Write out your answers. bà Thatcher: ___________________________________________________________...

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 04:15

4 464 0

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