geochemical and environmental studies

Use of metabolomics in biomedical and environmental studies

Use of metabolomics in biomedical and environmental studies

... perspective and education in NUS Lastly, I would like to thank my family and friends, especially my mum and girlfriend Their constant care and support keeps me persevering and striving for excellence and ... PLS-DA and OPLS-DA 27 Fig 1.13 Databases are integral to metabolomics research and they are essential for metabolite identification and discovering biological pathways 29 Fig 1.14 Biomedical and environmental ... metabolomics and they include using internal standards, applying statistical normalization and normalizing peaks with the total ion chromatogram (Bolstad, Irizarry, Astrand, & Speed, 2003) Internal standards...

Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 11:30

194 487 0
Pursuing Perfection: Case Studies Examining Lean Manufacturing Strategies, Pollution Prevention, and Environmental Regulatory Management Implications pdf

Pursuing Perfection: Case Studies Examining Lean Manufacturing Strategies, Pollution Prevention, and Environmental Regulatory Management Implications pdf

... Corporate Environmental Management and Compliance This study was designed to analyze company’s business strategies and environmental management approaches, and assess the presence of needs and strategy ... Boeing case studies, along with supplemental research and review of the literature surrounding corporate environmental strategies, resource productivity and environmental improvement, and pertinent ... case studies and two “metal fabrication” case studies at the Boeing Company, an enterprise that has adopted, and is in the process of implementing, Lean Manufacturing principles The case studies...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 16:20

49 471 0
Arsenic speciation in environmental and biological samples extraction and stability studies

Arsenic speciation in environmental and biological samples extraction and stability studies

... food (representative food items for humans), such as fish, chicken and rice, and in environmental samples It is well known that fish and shellfish have the ability to bioaccumulate the non-toxic AsB ... determined in four powder candidate reference materials (prepared within the framework of a European project) of environmental and biological origin: rice, chicken, fish and soil samples Sample preparation ... concentrated HNO3 were added and the reactor was covered and pre-digested overnight Next, 20 mg of Na2 S2 O8 and ml of HClO4 (or 0.3 ml of concentrated HF in rice) were added and heated to 150 ◦ C for...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 23:49

14 971 1


... Forlev landfill, Korsoer, Zealand Sanitary landfill Leachate Groundwater inoculum 100 ug/L 100 0.047/day Lyngkilde,J et al (1988) Benzene Forlev landfill, Korsoer, Zealand Sanitary landfill Leachate ... Benzene Forlev landfill, Korsoer, Zealand Sanitary landfill Leachate Groundwater inoculum 100 ug/L 0.658/day Lyngkilde,J et al (1988) Benzene Forlev landfill, Korsoer, Zealand Sanitary landfill Leachate ... oxygen concentrations below to ppm in microcosm and field studies and below ppm for soil column studies (Salanitro, 1993; Chiang et al., 1989) Laboratory studies where mg/L dissolved oxygen is initially...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 19:20

32 765 1
Effective environmental management Principles and case studies

Effective environmental management Principles and case studies

... and experience include environmental auditing; environmental reporting and communication; environmental training covering environmental management systems (EMSs), environmental auditing and environmental ... commitment Initial environmental review Environmental policy Environmental aspects and impacts Legal and other requirements System framework Structure and responsibility Training, awareness and competence ... preparedness and response Monitoring and measurement Continuous improvement Environmental objectives and targets Environmental management program System maintenance Nonconformance and corrective and preventative...

Ngày tải lên: 16/06/2016, 16:15

264 1K 0
Sustainable development principles, frameworks, and case studies social environmental sustainability  2010

Sustainable development principles, frameworks, and case studies social environmental sustainability 2010

... and warmth; wind and stars; mountains and oceans; languages and cultures; knowledge and wisdom; peace and quiet; sharing and community; joy and sorrow; and the genetic building blocks of life—these ... influenced not only by supply and demand for land, labor, and capital, but also by social and political factors These factors come in the form of public (political) subsidies and preferential contracts, ... farmland, and a worsening international position Chapter 3, by Venetoulis and Talberth, clarifies the definition of ecological footprint applications and proposes several methodological and ©...

Ngày tải lên: 14/07/2016, 23:26

225 962 0
A thesis presented to the University of Waterloo in fulfilment of the thesis requirement for the degree of Master of Environmental Studies in Environment and Resource Studies

A thesis presented to the University of Waterloo in fulfilment of the thesis requirement for the degree of Master of Environmental Studies in Environment and Resource Studies

... Cornelissen and Hirs 2002) Engineering (Crane, Scott et al 1992; Rosen and Dincer 1997; Rosen and Gunnewiek 1998; Dincer and Rosen 1999; Rosen and Dincer 1999; Berthiaume, Bouchard et al 2000; Rosen and ... Cornelissen and Hirs 2002) Not
 Third exergy is not conserved in real processes (Wall 1977; Rosen and Dincer 1997; Bejan 1998; Wall and Gong 2000; Dincer and Rosen 2005; Dincer and ... environmental impact due to resource extraction, and the wastes generated due to resource and energy use (Wall and Gong 2000; Rosen and Dincer 2001; Rosen 2002; Dincer and Rosen 2005) These problems are considered...

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2016, 13:37

128 314 0
Pentachlorophenol: Toxicology and Environmental Fate

Pentachlorophenol: Toxicology and Environmental Fate

... coverings, canvas belting, nets, and construction lumber and poles It is used in paints, pulp stock, pulp, and paper, and to cool tower water, and as preservative for hard board and particle board Because ... burlap, canvas, rope, leather, and manufacture of paper Petroleum and other drilling Manufacture and use of paints and adhesives Telephone and electrical line work Dyeing and cleaning of garments ... as starches and adhesives Addition of PCP to leather, oils, paints, latex, and rubber Manufacture of herbicides Industrial cooling towers and evaporative condensers Treatment and handling of wood,...

Ngày tải lên: 23/09/2012, 15:31

47 533 0
Safeguarding Public and Environmental Health: What are the Necessary Requirements of UV Reactor Validation Protocols?

Safeguarding Public and Environmental Health: What are the Necessary Requirements of UV Reactor Validation Protocols?

... reactors and placing an unjustified - 86 - Journal of Water and Environment Technology, Vol.3, No.1, 2005 expense (in terms of over sizing and operation with more power than necessary) on the owner and ... distribution, and without making any unsafe assumptions, provides a methodology that is safe with respect to the protection of public and environmental health - 88 - Journal of Water and Environment ... ALL TOGETHER: VALIDATION AND SAFETY FACTORS UV reactor validations quantify equipment performance, but contain some inherent and random uncertainty that can be quantified and applied as a safety...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 09:08

8 545 0
Occurrence of Tetracycline-Resistant and Tetracycline- Degrading Bacteria in Wastewater Treatment Plant Effluent and Environmental Water Systems

Occurrence of Tetracycline-Resistant and Tetracycline- Degrading Bacteria in Wastewater Treatment Plant Effluent and Environmental Water Systems

... Journal of Water and Environment Technology, Vol 8, No.4, 2010 Many studies have been conducted on the physicochemical or biochemical removal of PPCPs in environmental water systems and wastewater ... treatment plant effluent (10 mg/L), and rain water (5 and 10 mg/L) More than 20% degradation was observed in all Lake Tedori water and Unoke River water samples and rain water sample (1 mg/L) 100 ... samples (1, 5, and 10 mg/L), all deionized water samples, and Unoke River water samples (5 and 10 mg/L), after d of incubation However, the density decreased in all rain water samples and the Unoke...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 10:15

7 546 0
Integration of energy and environmental systems in wastewater treatment plants

Integration of energy and environmental systems in wastewater treatment plants

... efficiency and renewable investments Conclusions and future work This research evaluates the relationship between environmental and energy factors and explores the value in tracking energy and environmental ... consumption rates 2.2 Environmental management system ISO 24511 is the standard set for environmental management systems to ensure an appropriate assurance to environmental issues and provide guidelines ... Intercept discharges; impose stringent environmental management and pollution controls Contamination of raw water source Implement and enforce water and land protection zones Water stress/ insufficient...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 15:28

10 636 1
CCIE Fundamentals: Network Design and Case Studies

CCIE Fundamentals: Network Design and Case Studies

... simultaneously handle both traffic that is sent to the standby MAC address and the private MAC address The commands for enabling HSRP and configuring an HSRP group are standby ip and standby group ... of bandwidth and bandwidth efficiency For example, all technologies and features used to connect campuses over a WAN are developed to meet the following design requirements: q Optimize WAN bandwidth ... switches build and maintain switching tables and search for loops Routers build and maintain both routing tables and service tables There are two methods of switching data frames: Layer and Layer...

Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2013, 20:15

1,1K 341 0
English for environmental studies

English for environmental studies

... heat and light and gravitation, make up its environment as well In the case of human beings, cultural factors may also be included in the term Figure ENGLISH FOR ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES The environmental ... include various types of forest, grassland, shrub land, and desert These biomes also include their associated freshwater communities: streams, lakes, ponds, and wetlands Marine environments, also considered ... a unit and involve inputs and outputs The major parts of an ecosystem are the producers (green plants), the consumers (herbivores and carnivores), the decomposers (fungi and bacteria), and the...

Ngày tải lên: 29/10/2013, 20:15

80 635 2
Tài liệu CCIE Fundamentals: Network Design and Case Studies ppt

Tài liệu CCIE Fundamentals: Network Design and Case Studies ppt

... simultaneously handle both traffic that is sent to the standby MAC address and the private MAC address The commands for enabling HSRP and configuring an HSRP group are standby ip and standby group ... of bandwidth and bandwidth efficiency For example, all technologies and features used to connect campuses over a WAN are developed to meet the following design requirements: q Optimize WAN bandwidth ... switches build and maintain switching tables and search for loops Routers build and maintain both routing tables and service tables There are two methods of switching data frames: Layer and Layer...

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 14:16

1,1K 598 0
Tài liệu Quality and environmental Policy docx

Tài liệu Quality and environmental Policy docx

... and check in advance the possible influences of new products and procedures on the environment Already by and during the selection, development and optimization of our manufacturing methods and ... reduction of environmental impacts such as energy consumption, waste arising, emissions in air, water and soil We use and promote the dialog with the public! We inform and communicate openly and constructively ... Version 00 Date: Quality and Environment; continued Improvement Managementhandbook 01 – Chapter 07 Page of We feel committed to economical handling natural resources! We evaluate and monitor the impact...

Ngày tải lên: 12/12/2013, 00:15

4 363 0
Tài liệu CCIE Fundamentals Network Design And Case Studies ppt

Tài liệu CCIE Fundamentals Network Design And Case Studies ppt

... simultaneously handle both traffic that is sent to the standby MAC address and the private MAC address The commands for enabling HSRP and configuring an HSRP group are standby ip and standby group ... bandwidth and bandwidth efficiency For example, all technologies and features used to connect campuses over a WAN are developed to meet the following design requirements: • • • Optimize WAN bandwidth ... switches build and maintain switching tables and search for loops Routers build and maintain both routing tables and service tables There are two methods of switching data frames: Layer and Layer...

Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 06:15

510 523 0
Tài liệu Cisco Press - Ccie Fundamental - Network Design And Case Studies doc

Tài liệu Cisco Press - Ccie Fundamental - Network Design And Case Studies doc

... simultaneously handle both traffic that is sent to the standby MAC address and the private MAC address The commands for enabling HSRP and configuring an HSRP group are standby ip and standby group ... of bandwidth and bandwidth efficiency For example, all technologies and features used to connect campuses over a WAN are developed to meet the following design requirements: q Optimize WAN bandwidth ... switches build and maintain switching tables and search for loops Routers build and maintain both routing tables and service tables There are two methods of switching data frames: Layer and Layer...

Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 19:15

1,1K 455 0


... was verified and optimized during accident studies The objectives of these studies were the following: • • Demonstrate adequate cooling of the reactor core Demonstrate the mechanism and adequacy ... size, location, and other requirements for the ADS and sump makeup systems The bases for determining the requirements for the ADS and sump makeup systems were preventing core uncovery and excessive ... the secondary (tube side) of the steam generator Components 615 and 611 are the feedwater flow boundary condition and 602, 630, and 635 model the steam system (630 represents the turbine throttle...

Ngày tải lên: 16/01/2014, 22:20

21 480 0
Tài liệu Population, Resources, and Welfare: An Exploration into Reproductive and Environmental Externalities* pptx

Tài liệu Population, Resources, and Welfare: An Exploration into Reproductive and Environmental Externalities* pptx

... fertility and natural resources, the way population growth and economic stress in poor countries are studied by environmental and resource economists, and the way development economists accomodate environmental ... fertility behaviour and free-riding on local common-property resources (Dasgupta and Mäler, 1991, 1995; Nerlove, 1991; Cleaver and Schreiber, 1994; Brander and Taylor, 1998; Section 7.4 and Appendix) ... J.J Heckman and E Leamer, eds., Handbook of Econometrics, (Amsterdam: North Holland) 43 Cain, M (1981), "Risk and Insurance: Perspectives on Fertility and Agrarian Change in India and Bangladesh",...

Ngày tải lên: 13/02/2014, 10:20

60 509 0