fundamentals of the java programming language course

Generics in the Java Programming Language

Generics in the Java Programming Language

... using the latest version of the Java programming language, which supports generics. Alas, in reality this isn’t the case. Millions of lines of code have been written in earlier versions of the language, ... copied from the source list, src, must be assignable to the element type T of the destination list, dst. So the element type of src can be any subtype of T - we don’t care which. The signature of copy ... by the iterator. To ensure the assignment to a variable of type Integer is type safe, the cast is required. Of course, the cast not only introduces clutter. It also introduces the possibility of a...

Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2013, 18:15

23 476 1
The C programming language.

The C programming language.

... and indeed regularly use the entire language. For many years, the definition of C was the reference manual in the first edition of The C Programming Language. In 1983, the American National Standards ... new language is to write programs in it. The tutorial does assume a working knowledge of the basic elements of programming; there is no explanation of computers, of compilation, nor of the ... EOF) putchar(c); } The while gets a character, assigns it to c, and then tests whether the character was the end -of- file signal. If it was not, the body of the while is executed, printing the...

Ngày tải lên: 14/11/2012, 17:10

295 758 1
Java programming language basics

Java programming language basics

... some of the other available layout managers and how to use them, see the JDC article Exploring the AWT Layout Managers. The call to the getContentPane method of the JFrame class is for adding the ... 1 of 3 21-04-2000 17:30 Essentials of the Java( TM) Programming Language, Part 1 http://developer .java. ining /Programming/ BasicJava1/index.html Training Index Java TM Programming ... Index Essentials of the Java TM Programming Language: A Hands-On Guide, Part 1 by Monica Pawlan [CONTENTS] [NEXT>> If you are new to programming in the Java TM language, have some experience with other...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2013, 17:39

135 457 1
A Quick Tour of the C++CLI Language Features

A Quick Tour of the C++CLI Language Features

... ■ A QUICK TOUR OF THE C++/CLI LANGUAGE FEATURES While we could have listed these in the order they appear in the Tom Lehrer song The Elements” (a classic sung to the tune of “Major-General’s ... method, either beta decay or alpha decay. These decay methods of the RadioactiveAtom class will update the atomic number and isotope number of the atom according to the new isotope that the atom ... functions. Summary In this chapter, you learned some of the important language constructs of C++/CLI. Of course, there are other significant features, and there is much more to say about each feature....

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 08:20

18 539 0
Tài liệu Effective Java: Programming Language Guide ppt

Tài liệu Effective Java: Programming Language Guide ppt

... put, the Stack class manages its own memory. The storage pool consists of the elements of the items array (the object reference cells, not the objects themselves). The elements in the active ... set all of the fields in the resulting object to their virgin state, and then call higher-level methods to regenerate the state of the object. In the case of our Hashtable example, the buckets ... exaggeration to say that I had the privilege to work with some of the great software engineers of our generation. In the process, I learned a lot about the Java programming language what works, what...

Ngày tải lên: 12/12/2013, 21:16

180 480 0
Tài liệu Addison Wesley - Effective Java Programming Language Guide pptx

Tài liệu Addison Wesley - Effective Java Programming Language Guide pptx

... Simply put, the Stack class manages its own memory. The storage pool consists of the elements of the items array (the object reference cells, not the objects themselves). The elements in the active ... exaggeration to say that I had the privilege to work with some of the great software engineers of our generation. In the process, I learned a lot about the Java programming language what works, what ... portion of the array (as defined earlier) are allocated, and those in the remainder of the array are free. The garbage collector has no way of knowing this; to the garbage collector, all of the...

Ngày tải lên: 16/01/2014, 20:20

180 603 0
Tài liệu Start Here! Fundamentals of Microsoft .NET Programming docx

Tài liệu Start Here! Fundamentals of Microsoft .NET Programming docx

... Learn Microsoft Visual C# 2010 Programming on the bus, waiting at the dentist’s of ce, or while sunning myself on the beach. In contrast, Start Here! Fundamentals of Microsoft .NET Programming ... version of the program, the loop where most of the work occurs contains no locks, so the threads can work independently. Only at the end do the threads need to lock the value total. The previous ... move the disk heads, so it takes longer to read other values. If the values are all together on the disk, however, the program can probably read them all into memory at once, and then the threads...

Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 06:20

265 2,8K 0
Tài liệu The Go Programming Language Phrasebook pdf

Tài liệu The Go Programming Language Phrasebook pdf

... being members of the original UNIX team that drove the development of C. The aim of Go, their new language, was to fill the same niche today that C fit into in the ’80s. It is a low-level language for ... in others. Dennis Ritchie created the C programming language as a derivative of BCPL, and eventually most of the PDP-11 version of UNIX was rewritten in it. When UNIX was ported to the VAX, they ... and an error. The integer is the number of variadic arguments passed to it, and the error code is one of the values returned from the Printf() function from the fmt package. Note the syntax for...

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 23:20

276 1,2K 2
Tài liệu The C# Programming Language, Third Edition doc

Tài liệu The C# Programming Language, Third Edition doc

...  , providing an instance of  that represents the URI of the request.  looks up the right type of request to create based on the URI scheme. In our case, the scheme is  or ... class to make use of the data. You could keep the data in an XML doc- ument, a database, or another storage medium. Populating the  class is simply for the convenience of the application’s ...  to read the remaining data directly. The choice is up to you. The  approach has the benefit of being able to spin through the node data fairly quickly, whereas the XPath approach...

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 06:20

393 583 0
The Ruby Programming Language pot

The Ruby Programming Language pot

... consists of the single token __END__ with no whitespace before or after, then the Ruby interpreter stops processing the file at that point. The remainder of the file may contain arbitrary data that the ... after the classic The C Programming Language (Prentice Hall) by Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie, and aims to document the Ruby language comprehensively but without the formality of a language ... from left to right and top to bottom. The box in # the upper-left is box 0. The box in the upper-right is box 2. The # box in the middle is box 4. The box in the lower-right is box 8. # # Create...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 22:21

448 5,2K 2
The C# Programming Language Fourth Edition ppt

The C# Programming Language Fourth Edition ppt

... unique in the class in which the method is declared. The signature of a method consists of the name of the method, the number of type param- eters, and the number, modifiers, and types of its parameters. ... performed, and then the addition. The evaluation of operand x happens before that of y because x is to the left of y; the evaluation of the multiplication happens before the addition because the multiplication ... that specifies the attributes and modifiers of the class, the name of the class, the base class (if given), and the interfaces implemented by the class. The header is followed by the class body,...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 17:20

862 2,6K 0
Beginning R: The Statistical Programming Language docx

Beginning R: The Statistical Programming Language docx

... see two values as the result: [1] 8.75 5.50 The rst (8.75) is the mean of the series of values and the second (5.50) is the trimmed mean, a way of knocking off extreme values. The nal example ... S-Plus. The S language was developed in the late 1980s at AT&T labs. The R project was started by Robert Gentleman and Ross Ihaka (hence the name, R) of the Statistics Department of the University ... part of the command (think of them as addi- tional instructions) and gives a bit of explanation. The bottom part of a help entry typically gives some references (see Figure1-22) and some other...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 00:20

507 1,3K 1
The C++ Programming Language Third Edition doc

The C++ Programming Language Third Edition doc

... possible, the C ++ language and library features are presented in the context of their use rather than in the dry manner of a manual. The language features presented and the detail in which they are ... standard input stream. The type of the right-hand operand of >> determines what input is accepted and is the target of the input opera- tion. The \ \n n character at the end of the output string ... Virtual Functions 37 The functions in the v vt tb bl l allow the object to be used correctly even when the size of the object and the layout of its data are unknown to the caller. All the caller needs...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 13:20

962 2,9K 0