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Fundamentals of english grammar third edition part 1 docx

Fundamentals of english grammar third edition part 1 docx

... longmanxom/gmmmanxchanga Longman English Success (englishsucnrsxom) offers online courses covering General English, Business English, and Exam Preparation FUNDAMENTALS OF NGL GRAMMAR Third Edition with Answer ... Library of Congx-esshas cataloged the student book as follows: Azar, Betty Schrampfer, 194 1Fundamentals of English grammar / Betty SchrampferAzar.-3rd ed p cm .- ?yy$ ;* , - .r , ; i n speakers English ... Schrampfer Azar Fundament& of English Grammsr ,Third Edition WithAnawerKey q ' & i,,*,l $ @ * Copyright O 2003,1992,1985 by Betty Schrampfer Azar All rights reserved ,-i :A - No part of this publication...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 14:20

7 1,1K 7
Fundamentals of english grammar third edition part 2 docx

Fundamentals of english grammar third edition part 2 docx

... editions of the texts in the Azar Grammar Series include these changes: The communicative aspects are more fully developed and explicit in the third editions This edition of Fundamentals of English ... grammar information with a variety of exercises and activities FundammtaLF of English Gmmmar is the second in a series of three texts: Bmic English Gmmmar (red cover), Fundamentak ofEnglish Grammar ... INDEX .INDEX Preface to the Third Edition , Fundamentals of English Grammar is a developmental skills text for lower-intermediate and intermediate students of English as a second or foreign...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 14:20

7 660 4
Fundamentals of english grammar third edition part 3 ppsx

Fundamentals of english grammar third edition part 3 ppsx

... reading a newspaper She reads the newspaper every morning Mr Wilson is pouring a cup of coffee He drinks two cups of coffee every morning before he goes to work There is a cartoon onTV, but the children ... STUDENT A: ' I, I am standing in front of an unpainted wall I'm opening a can of paint Now I'm picking up a paintbrush I'm dipping the brush in the can of paint I'm lifting the brush Now I'm ... (softly) smile 13 knock on the door whistle 14 sit on the floor open or close the door 15 shake hands with someone hum 16 look at your watch bite your fingernails 17 count aloud the number of...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 14:20

7 549 1
Fundamentals of english grammar third edition part 4 pot

Fundamentals of english grammar third edition part 4 pot

... Water freeze at 3 2OF (O•‹C)and boil at 212•‹F(lOO•‹C) 15 Mrs.Taylor never cross the street in the middle of a block She always walk to the corner and use the pedestrian walkway 16 Many parts of ... consist of pleasant sounds -?,, , i ~,\ ,, ni ;LA , /.,; ST -2 , , , * '.- 12 Cats usually sleep eighteen hours a day 13 The front page of a newspaper contain the most important news of the ... about me A student buy a lot of books at the beginning of each term Airplanes fly all around the world Mr Wong teach Chinese at the university The teacher ask us a lot of questions in class every...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 14:20

7 620 1
Fundamentals of english grammar third edition part 5 docx

Fundamentals of english grammar third edition part 5 docx

... all of the pleasant things that happened B: I (think) about my problems during the day I (think, not) A: A penny for your thoughts B: Huh? about right now? A: What (you,think) about English grammar ... i : ": ney They (w) to get a tan to music on a radio They also (hear) the sound of seagulls and the sound of the waves A: What (you, think) about right now? B: I (think) about seagulls and ... right now? A: (it, rain) At least, I (think, not/ B: No, so a lot of e-mails? A: (your ftimds, write) I (get/ B: Yes, lots of e-mails all the time a test in class right now? A: (the students,...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 14:20

7 660 1
Fundamentals of english grammar third edition part 6 ppsx

Fundamentals of english grammar third edition part 6 ppsx

... Forms of the simple past: regular verbs Forms of the simple past: be Regular verbs: pronunciation of -ed endings Spelling of -ing and -ed forms 2-6 2-7 2-8 2-9 2-10 2-1 The principal parts of a ... syllable of a twosyllable verb is stressed, not double the consonant visiting offering (0 pref+ admit visited offered preferring admitting preferred admitted If the second syllable of a two-syllable ... the past progressive Forms of the past progressive Expressing past time: using time clauses Expressing past habit: used to EXERCISE Review of present verbs and preview of past verbs (Chapters and...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 14:20

7 576 1
Fundamentals of english grammar third edition part 7 pps

Fundamentals of english grammar third edition part 7 pps

... refer offer listen admit visit 10 omit 11 hurry 12 study 13 enjoy 14 reply 15 stay 16 buy 18 tie rn a : - EXERCISE -ING and I D forms (Chart 2-5) Direcn'ms Write the -in# and -ed forms of the ... went seen made sung eaten Put gone go PRINCIPAL PAPTS OF A VERB (1) the simple form PRESENT PARTICIPLE seeing making singing eating pu,hg Wng English verbs have four principal forms or "parts!' ... He four glasses of water Karen had to choose between a blue raincoat and a tan one She finally the blue one My husband gave me a painting for my b i i d a y I it on a wall (>din office my 1, #I,...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 14:20

7 548 1
Fundamentals of english grammar third edition part 8 ppt

Fundamentals of english grammar third edition part 8 ppt

... following pairs of sentences Discuss their use What are the similarities between the two tenses? A: Where are Ann and Rob? I haven't seen them for a couple of weeks B: They're out of town They're ... week , 'I 14 feel terrible 15 see a doctor 16 go to a party last night lose your grammar book yesterday find your grammar book take a bus somewhere yesterday ride in a car yesterday 10 drive a ... opinion of this class 40 mean what you said EXERCISE 15 Past time (Charts 2-1 + 2-7) Direcrions: Pair up with a classmate Speaker A: Tell Speaker B about your activities yesterday Think of at least...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 14:20

7 586 1
Fundamentals of english grammar third edition part 9 docx

Fundamentals of english grammar third edition part 9 docx

... Prince I (claim) your third daughter as my wife." 1! (5) When the king (relo Prince, she (refuse) Tina, his third daughter, about the Frog to marry him When the people of the land the news about ... frog, but you (see) inside and (find) the real me Now I (be) free An evil wizard had turned me into a frog until I found the love of a woman with a truly good heart!' When Tina outside appearances, ... who finds happiness, a poor orphan who succeeds in life with the help of a fairy godmother, a hermit who rediscovers the joys of human companionship, etc Discuss possible story ideas in class Write...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 14:20

7 625 1
Fundamentals of english grammar third edition part 11 pdf

Fundamentals of english grammar third edition part 11 pdf

... I'll probably go to the post office too I may stop at the market on my way home Ms White will probably be in the office around nine tomorrow morning MI Wu will be in the office at seven tomorrow ... (e) have the same meaning Maybe comes at the beginning of a sentence 50% sure *See Chart 1-3, p 9, for more information about placement of midsentence advabs such as WbabEy **See Chart 7-3, p ... The next 100 years? What kind of clothing will people wear in the year 3000? Education: Will computers replace teachers? Communicatim: Will computers take the place of telephones? Will we be able...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 14:20

7 698 1
Fundamentals of english grammar third edition part 12 pptx

Fundamentals of english grammar third edition part 12 pptx

... yesterday, I (drink) d After I (get) a cup of tea e While I (drink) my neighbor (come) a cup of tea yesterday afternoon, over, so I (offer) her a cup of tea too f My neighbor (drop, probably) ... the time clause touch your ear / close your grammar book + I'm gmng to close my grammar book beforelafrer I touch my ear OR BeforeIAfrer I close my grammar book, I'm going to much my ear raise ... soon as (Student B) EXERCISE 20 Review of time clauses and IF-clauses (Ct ' - ' -+ 3) wntheses Read Directions: Complete the sentences by using a form of the a carefully for time expressions...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 14:20

7 499 1
Fundamentals of english grammar third edition part 14 doc

Fundamentals of english grammar third edition part 14 doc

... hardly every day, but my english is not be improve Everyone enjoy these English classes , At the picnic, we sang songs and talk to each other - \: : ,, I learn the english in my school in hong ... will finish my English course EXERCISE 34 Error analysis: summary review of present, past, and future time (Chapters + 3) Direeeions: Rewrite the paragraphs Correct any errors in grammar, spelling, ... interesting and f n pictures of their future u lives ,",-!Perfect Past Perfect T I and the I C NE T O TNS 4-1 4-2 4-3 4-4 4-5 Past participle Forms of the present perfect Meanings of the present perfect...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 14:20

7 438 1
Fundamentals of english grammar third edition part 16 pot

Fundamentals of english grammar third edition part 16 pot

... here? When did you first begin to study English? How long have you been studying English? 1began to teach English in (year) How long have I been teaching English? ad I began to work at this school ... now In (i): The use of t e present perfect in a h sentence withfor + a length of time means that the action began in the past and continues to the present In (j):The use of the simple past means ... does not discuss duration (length ~ of time) INCORRECT: fi ha6 sitting in c h right m The PRESENT PBRFBCT PROGRESSIVEexpresses the duratioli (length of time) of an activity that began in the past...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 14:20

7 525 1
Fundamentals of english grammar third edition part 18 pot

Fundamentals of english grammar third edition part 18 pot

... (Chapters - 4) Directions: Think of a friend you haven't spoken or written to since the beginning of this term Write this friend a letter about your activities from the start of this school term to the ... time Lou of things have happened since I last ' wrote w you EXERCISE 34 Writing: verb tense review (Chapters + 4) Directions: Write about one (or both) of the following topics Think of two or ... room for 23 people to try on, boxes and boxes of shoes, all day long I (meet) 24 , i j I some pretty weird people since I (start) this job A couple of 25 weeks ago, a middle-aged man (come) into...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 14:20

7 392 1
Fundamentals of english grammar third edition part 19 pdf

Fundamentals of english grammar third edition part 19 pdf

... hospital before It was a new experience for him A couple of weeks ago Mr Fox, our office manager, surprised all of us When he walked into the office, he (wear) a T-shirt and jeans Everyone stopped ... with question words -,f (1 Using what + a form of Using what kind of Using which Using whose Using how Using how oflen Using how far : JJLength of time: it + take and how long 5- 14 More questions ... (sleep, already) A: 1'11 introduce you to Professor Newton at the meeting tonight him B: You don't need to I (meet, already) Jack offered to introduce me to Professor Newton, but it wasn't necessary...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 14:20

7 757 1
Fundamentals of english grammar third edition part 20 ppsx

Fundamentals of english grammar third edition part 20 ppsx

... as the subject (s) of a question In (b): Who(m)is used as the object (0)in a question Whom is used in formal English In everyday spoken English, who is usually used instead of whom: FORMAL: Whom ... may come at the beginning of a question in very formal English: About whom (NOT who) h Am talking? In oeryday English, a preposition usually does not come at the beginning of a question 126 CHAPTER ... ( ) An ostrich can't flv r., - *In American English, a form ofdo i usually used when haw is the main verb: s Doyou h m a car? In British English, n form o da with main w b haw is not necessary:...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 14:20

7 418 1
Fundamentals of english grammar third edition part 21 pps

Fundamentals of english grammar third edition part 21 pps

... lake an aspirin + a form of DO DirecFions: Create questions Use what A: uha+ aye yo& d o i y What + a form of is used to ask questions about activities Examples of forms of do: am doing, will do, ... dictionaries one you want? B: The Arabic -English dictionary, not the English- English one , f A: May I help you? ' ~ ' B: Please A: are you looking for? B: An Arabic -English dictionary A: Right over there ... shodetc B: Boots (Other possible answers: 1, A: What kind of w~oit B: Beef (Otherpossible answers: A: What kind of : : you eat most often? chtckedloiwb/~ork/&-C you like best? : I , , " f ~...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 14:20

7 387 2
Fundamentals of english grammar third edition part 22 potx

Fundamentals of english grammar third edition part 22 potx

... blocks to the post office.) i A: I had a terrible day yesterday B: Whathappened? A: I ran out of gas while I was driving to work B: before you ran out of gas? A: To the junction of 1-90 and 480 ... I -11 USING HOW OFTEN QUESTION (a) How ofron you go shopping? @) How many times a day you eat? How many times a week you go shopping? How many times a month you go to the post office? How many ... class In small groups, look at a ietos map of your area and ask each other questions with how far 5-13 IT - - LENGTH OFTIME: IT + TAKB + (SOMEONE) + LENGTH + OF TIME (a) It takes (b) It took Al -...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 14:20

7 357 1
Fundamentals of english grammar third edition part 13 potx

Fundamentals of english grammar third edition part 13 potx

... on the doorknob Eric is on the last question of the examination 74 CHAPTER I Nancy has d i i hands from working in the garden She is holding a bar of soap She is standing at the bathroom sink ... doors are locked and turned off the lights in the living room He's heading toward the bedroom E E CS 28 Using BE A O T T (Chart 3-9) XRIE BU O Direcrions: Think of an action to perform Don't ... and (bury) a hole in the back yard a bone I'm tired of this cold weather As soon as spring (come) (play) tennis and (jog;) in the park as often as possible Whiie Paul (cany) brushes and paint...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 14:20

7 440 1
Fundamentals of english grammar third edition part 15 ppt

Fundamentals of english grammar third edition part 15 ppt

... some of the things you have done since you came to (this city)? When did you ? What are some of the things we've done in class since the beginning of the term? When did we ? What are some of ... eat Italian food eat (a certain kind of) food ride a horse ride a motorcycle ride an elephant ' ,; Switch roles 10 be in (name of a city) 11 be in (name of a sratelpwuince) 12 be in love 13 play ... years old PRBSBNT PERFBCT (d) I have been in Europe many timeslsmml timesla couple of timesloncel(no mention of time) SULPLB PAST (e) Ann rws in Miami for nvo weks PRESENT PERFBCT (f) Bob has...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 14:20

7 283 1

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