functions of the autonomic nervous system ans

báo cáo khoa học: "Isolated angiitis of the central nervous system with tumor-like lesion, mimicking brain malignant glioma: a case report and review of the literature" pdf

báo cáo khoa học: "Isolated angiitis of the central nervous system with tumor-like lesion, mimicking brain malignant glioma: a case report and review of the literature" pdf

... angiitis of the central nervous system: serial MRI of brain and spinal cord Neuroradiology 2001, 43:599-607 14 Moore PM: Diagnosis and management of isolated angiitis of the central nervous system ... Angiitis of the Central Nervous System: a Case Report and Review CNS Spectrums 2008, 13:209-213 Page of 10 Ozawa T, Sasaki O, Sorimachi T, Tanaka R: Primary angiitis of the central nervous system: ... presentation of primary angiitis of the central nervous system Ann Rheum Dis 2008, 67:1732-1735 doi:10.1186/1477-7819-9-97 Cite this article as: You et al.: Isolated angiitis of the central nervous system...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 02:20

4 333 0
The autonomic nervous system and yoga

The autonomic nervous system and yoga

... of the body can boast The Nervous System Divisions What is the Autonomic Nervous System? Function of ANS Two Divisions Sympathetic NS The Stress Response What Causes the Stress Response?  Initial ... works  Physiological changes to the nervous system  Stimulation of the Vagus nerve through breathing practices  Activation of the Parasympathetic NS  Induction of the relaxation response  Yoga ... cardiac autonomic nervous tone The effect produced on the heart when only the parasympathetic nerve fibers (which are carried in the vagus nerve) are controlling the heart rate The parasympathetic...

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2015, 01:08

24 336 0
báo cáo hóa học: " Temporal expression and cellular origin of CC chemokine receptors CCR1, CCR2 and CCR5 in the central nervous system: insight into mechanisms of MOG-induced EAE" pptx

báo cáo hóa học: " Temporal expression and cellular origin of CC chemokine receptors CCR1, CCR2 and CCR5 in the central nervous system: insight into mechanisms of MOG-induced EAE" pptx

... that the lack of CCR5 does not protect from MS, but rather it may predispose to the chronic course of the disease [69] This would further imply that in view of the redundancy in the chemokine system, ... knock-out of CCR5 in humans per se confers no protection from MS, and the lack of effect of CCL3 deficiency in mice [67] illustrates redundancy in the chemokine system Although some of the data on the ... immunoneutralization of CCL3 [44], DNA vaccination [45], or genomic deletion of the CCR1 gene [22], reduces clinical disease Taken together, the results of the present study and from previous ones on the role of...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 22:20

13 559 0
Báo cáo sinh học: "The long term effects of chemotherapy on the central nervous system" docx

Báo cáo sinh học: "The long term effects of chemotherapy on the central nervous system" docx

... vulnerable, population of patients Chemotherapy-induced cognitive decline in the absence of radiation The best data on the cognitive effects of chemotherapy alone have come from studies of children with ... Abnormal CT scans of the brain in asymptomatic children with acute lymphocytic leukemia after prophylactic treatment of the central nervous system with radiation and intrathecal chemotherapy N Engl ... tumors, especially for the very young Because of the rapid myelinization that occurs in infants, the finding by Noble and colleagues [1] of the adverse effects of chemotherapy on oligodendrocytes...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 18:21

4 347 0
Báo cáo sinh học: "Systemic 5-fluorouracil treatment causes a syndrome of delayed myelin destruction in the central nervous system" doc

Báo cáo sinh học: "Systemic 5-fluorouracil treatment causes a syndrome of delayed myelin destruction in the central nervous system" doc

... at the month time point, along with markedly decreased levels of MBP in the CC and in the white-matter tracts of the striatum of treated animals (Figure 10) In agreement with the majority of the ... nuclei; the distribution, morphology and size of these nuclei resembled those of the microvasculature endothelial cells of the CNS (Figure 11c-e) Double-labeling to visualize expression of Journal of ... contribute to the effects of chemotherapy on cognition The ability of irradiation to the CNS to suppress the generation of new neurons in the hippocampus has been suggested to be relevant to the understanding...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 18:21

22 320 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Immunohistochemical study of constitutive neuronal and inducible nitric oxide synthase in the central nervous system of goat with natural listeriosis" potx

Báo cáo khoa học: "Immunohistochemical study of constitutive neuronal and inducible nitric oxide synthase in the central nervous system of goat with natural listeriosis" potx

... is the first study of NOS expression in the goat brain with listeriosis The involvement of iNOS in bovine and caprine listeriosis has been reported previously, and the increased expression of ... Magnification A and B, ×66 C and D, ×132 Immunohistochmical study of nitric oxide synthase in the central nervous system of goat Enhanced expression of nNOS and iNOS in L monocytogenes-infected brain At ... were found in the neuronal processes Both nNOS and iNOS immunoreactivity were found in a proportion of the neurons in the brainstem and the staining pattern was similar to those of control brains...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 14:23

4 437 0
Báo cáo y học: " Neuronal degeneration in autonomic nervous system of Dystonia musculorum mice" pdf

Báo cáo y học: " Neuronal degeneration in autonomic nervous system of Dystonia musculorum mice" pdf

... also demonstrated the sympathetic denervation of sweat glands in footpads and parasympathetic denervation of irises in eyes of dt/dt mutants The terminal endings of the sympathetic nerve commonly ... soma of cultured sympathetic neurons from dt/dt embryos It suggests that the deficiency in BPAG1, the cytoskeletal linker protein, may induce neuronal death in the sympathetic nervous system of ... The BPAG1n mRNA could be detected in the dorsal root, sympathetic, and ciliary ganglia of wild-type mice, but not in that of dt/dt mice (Figure 1) Sympathetic denervation in the sweat gland of...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 05:21

10 259 0
báo cáo khoa học: "In vivo observation of gold nanoparticles in the central nervous system of Blaberus discoidalis" potx

báo cáo khoa học: "In vivo observation of gold nanoparticles in the central nervous system of Blaberus discoidalis" potx

... known that the nanoparticles will interact with the proteins present in the biological system, i.e the material surrounding the nanoparticles are proteins present in the nervous system of the cockroach ... This correlation of activity and the effect of the nAuNPs on the CNS of the insect are due to how the brain of the cockroach controls its muscle response and locomotion [6] There is a significant ... in weather affect the activity of both groups The effects of these variables are diminished by presenting the activity ratio of the treated to the untreated group Although the treated/untreated...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 00:22

9 419 0
The role of hydrogen sulfide in the central nervous system implications in the treatment of alzheimers disease

The role of hydrogen sulfide in the central nervous system implications in the treatment of alzheimers disease

...   1.1 The trio of gasotransmitters In recent few decades, the scientific community has witnessed the rise of a whole new class of gaseous biological mediators in mammalian cells The size of this ... common mechanisms of action of these drugs are the inhibition of the rate limiting steps of Aβ generation i.e β- and/or γ- secretases processing of APP (Citron, 2010) Although the reasoning behind ... NaHS also interfered with the maturation process of APP by inhibiting its generation and post-translational modification A further study of the rate limiting steps of Aβ synthesis i.e β- and γ-secretase...

Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 08:17

155 513 0
Genetic engineering and surface modification of baculovirus derived vectors for improved gene delivery to the central nervous system

Genetic engineering and surface modification of baculovirus derived vectors for improved gene delivery to the central nervous system

... carry, transport and execute functions of the therapeutic genes 1.1.2 Non-viral and Viral Gene Delivery Systems Depending on the usage of vectors, there are two main types of gene delivery systems: ... low efficiency of non-viral gene delivery remains a critical drawback of the system On the other hand, viral gene delivery systems are favoured because of the high efficiency of infective viral ... SURFACE MODIFICATION OF BACULOVIRUS DERIVED VECTORS FOR IMPROVED GENE DELIVERY TO THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM YANG YI (B Eng.) A THESIS SUBMITTED FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY GRADUATE...

Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 11:28

172 363 0
A study of the recombination activating gene 1 in the zebrafish nervous system

A study of the recombination activating gene 1 in the zebrafish nervous system

... nervous system 13 1.2.1 The expression of Rag genes in the nervous system 13 1.2.2 A brief overview of the nervous system 16 1.2.3 Questions about the neuronal function of Rag1 17 1.3 Advantages of ... 2001) These data indicate that the expression of Rag1 in the nervous system is conserved among vertebrate species and suggest a function 1.2.2 A brief overview of the nervous system The nervous system ... According to these functions, the nervous system is categorized as sensory system, integrating system and motor system respectively (Delcomyn, 1998) The structural organization of the nervous system...

Ngày tải lên: 15/09/2015, 17:09

217 401 0
Development of hybrid promoters and viral vectors for improved gene delivery to the central nervous system

Development of hybrid promoters and viral vectors for improved gene delivery to the central nervous system

... issue of gene therapy The tropism of the vector can essentially determine the cell type-specificity of the transgene expression at the transductional level, and the transduction efficiency of the ... one of the key issues of gene therapy The expression level and specificity of the therapeutic gene is primarily determined by the activity of the promoter at the transcriptional level, and the ... in the nervous system, carrying out the fundamental tasks of receiving, conducting and transmitting signals Therapeutic protection of these cells is one of the main goals of gene therapy of neurological...

Ngày tải lên: 16/09/2015, 08:30

138 341 0
Specificity and diversity in the vertebrate nervous system  an analysis of two genes

Specificity and diversity in the vertebrate nervous system an analysis of two genes

... known to be expressed in the nervous system Several groups have reported the presence 23 of Rag1 transcripts in the nervous system of various vertebrate model organisms and transgenic animals with ... help in the study of the role of EphrinB2 in vivo EphrinB2 expression has been detected in the visual system in other organisms The aim of this project was to study the expression pattern of EphrinB2 ... al., 1967) At least at the molecular level there seems to be a link between the immune system and the nervous system Rag1 plays a key role in the initiation of this process of genomic rearrangement...

Ngày tải lên: 16/09/2015, 08:31

146 305 0


... onto the cover glass beside the sticky tape, with the help of a second blunt needle The embryo was not lifted above the surface of the dissecting medium, as this caused dispersion of the tissue The ... and is the excitation intensity of the laser at the centre of the laser π wo beam with laser power P wo and zo are the radial and axial distances of the laser focus, respectively, at which the fluorescence ... introduction of the model organism, Drosophila melanogaster, is also given Chapter introduces the concepts and theory of FCS as well as the experimental setup of this instrument The calibration of the...

Ngày tải lên: 12/10/2015, 17:36

78 513 0
The study of the mediation of ohanin, a king cobra (ophiophagus hannah) toxin through the central nervous system

The study of the mediation of ohanin, a king cobra (ophiophagus hannah) toxin through the central nervous system

... might be useful to the understanding of the control of locomotion and pain responses The identification of the receptor(s), and the identification of the specific regions of the receptor(s) and ... performed uѕing the two pаirѕ of oligonucleotideѕ Ligаtion of the frаgmentѕ viа XmаI reѕtriction ѕite yielded the full-length ѕynthetic gene of 369 bp The ѕynthetic gene wаѕ cloned into the pGEMT-eаѕy ... 5A) The effect of pro-ohanin on the locomotor activity of the mice was examined via i.p injection at the doses of 0.1 mg/kg, mg/kg and 10 mg/kg The total movement counts of pro-ohanin at the...

Ngày tải lên: 16/10/2015, 15:35

79 278 0


... implement the process of the quality management system of the company based on the voluntary and self-control spirit The regular discussions among them will contribute to enhance the effectiveness of ... because they are people who directly implement, maintain and improve the system The company should organize training-courses to raise the awareness of officials and workers about the effects of the ... management 2.1.3 The principle of quality management system There are eight quality management principles on which the quality management system standards of the ISO series are based These principles...

Ngày tải lên: 18/04/2013, 17:09

33 934 5
Tài liệu Address Conversion Functions and The Domain Name System docx

Tài liệu Address Conversion Functions and The Domain Name System docx

... Domain Name • The domain name for a host is the sequence of labels that lead from the host (leaf node in the naming tree) to the top of the worldwide naming tree • A domain is a subtree of the worldwide ... for humans to remember • IP addresses are impossible to guess – ever guessed at the name of a WWW site? Netprog: DNS and The Domain Name SystemThe domain name system is usually used to translate ... provide the mapping for a host outside it’s domain (and the mapping is not in the server cache): – The server finds a nameserver for the target domain – The server asks the nameserver to provide the...

Ngày tải lên: 23/12/2013, 06:17

37 486 0
Tài liệu The reform of the civil service system as Viet Nam moves into the middle income country category doc

Tài liệu The reform of the civil service system as Viet Nam moves into the middle income country category doc

... practice There is a growing consensus that the current predominantly career based system in the Vietnamese civil service is one of the major causes of the shortcomings of the system The increasing ... patronage system to methods of merit selections; so that the most competent politically acceptable person gets the job In the longer term, the further strengthening of the principle of merit in the ... training of civil servant The definition of training was provided in the order (ukaz) No 983 of the President of the Russian Federation of September 1997 on “Complete methods for the training of State...

Ngày tải lên: 25/12/2013, 06:16

40 684 0
Rule 4 of the effortless english system

Rule 4 of the effortless english system

... Listen to the Audio of this text Learn it deeply • Listen and read it at the same time Do this 10 times • • Listen only to the audio Do this 10 times Review new or difficult phrases Put them in ... much improved because of you, and also my understanding of native speakers is much better than before So I would like to say thank you very very much!!” Mao Sokha Deep Learning Of English Grammar ... studying grammar rules? I’ll tell you in the next email Have a great day Great! “I downloaded many English lessons and everyday I listen to them hour a day In short -THEY’RE GREAT!” Mona Hassan, Palestine...

Ngày tải lên: 14/01/2014, 11:29

3 498 0