... high degree of functional properties Functional properties can affect the processing and behaviour of proteins in the food system as judged by the final quality of the product (Kinsella, 1981) ... thickeners, emulsifiers etc The functional properties of eel muscle were evaluated in order to examine its potential in the preparation of emulsion or sausage type foods Fish proteins are unique in nature ... 2012) In view of limited literature available on changes in functional properties in eel fish proteins during ice storage, the present study investigates the changes in physico-chemical and functional...
Ngày tải lên: 15/05/2020, 10:12
... Intestinal Permeability and Functional Properties of Duodenal Enteric Neurons in a Mouse Model of Autism A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science ... 16 2.3 Gastrointestinal distress and ASD .17 2.4 Restoration of intestinal permeability 18 2.4.1 The impact of L-glutamine on intestinal permeability ... Comparison of success rate of neuronal recordings for older versus younger mice 88 3.2 Recording action potentials in younger mice .90 3.2.1 Comparison of firing properties in myenteric...
Ngày tải lên: 05/02/2023, 12:29
A comparative study on stability and functional properties of the proteins isolated from yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) dark muscle by acidaided and alkalineaided processes
... 3 authors, including: Amir Reza Shaviklo Animal Science Research Institute of Iran (ASRI) 39 PUBLICATIONS 145 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: ... The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file All in-text references underlined in blue are added to the original document and are linked to publications on ResearchGate, letting you access and read them immediately ... See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/311948971 A comparative study on stability and functional properties of the proteins isolated from yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares...
Ngày tải lên: 31/05/2017, 02:24
Investigating functional properties of pdo as a component of fuel cell materials
... on the functional properties of PdO treating as a component of fuel cell using the method DFT calculations We outlined the basic theory of Kohn-Sham DFT as a means of effectively solving the ... density of states (DOS) of PdO in rocsalt type within the conventional PBE method 32 3.16 Calculated density of states (DOS) of PdO in tetragonal t-B1 type within the ... 1 , INVESTIGATING FUNCTIONAL PROPERTIES OF PdO AS A COMPONENT OF FUEL CELL MATERIALS by MULUGETA AREGAY G THESIS SUMITTED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS FOR FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2017, 15:55
Preparation and important functional properties of water soluble chitosan produced through maillard reaction
... Technology, China Institute of Technology, Taipei 115, Taiwan, ROC Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, China Institute of Technology, Taipei 115, Taiwan, ROC c Department of General ... that obtained with other methods However, the relatively high cost of producing water-soluble chitosan remains an obstacle The third and final method of improving solubility involves introducing a ... chitosan, including thousands of N-acetylglucosamines, into units of six N-acetylglucosamines, and such products are prone to dissolution at pH (Hirano et al., 1985) Where the molecular weight of the...
Ngày tải lên: 30/08/2017, 16:30
Comprehensive nuclear materials 1 01 fundamental properties of defects in metals
... as there are diffusing defects and different types of sinks The complexity of the interaction of a migrating defect with the strain field of the sink makes it difficult to find an analytical solution ... number of atoms in a finite crystal into which one or two vacancies have been introduced As demonstrated by these results, in order to obtain defect properties that are independent of the size of ... zero at infinity This difference is often attributed to the so-called image stresses that exist in a finite crystal, but not in an infinite one The model of a defect at the center of a finite sphere...
Ngày tải lên: 03/01/2018, 15:57
Some physicochemical and functional properties of lemon and orange peels
... contained a moderate level of hesperidin Naringin, followed by hesperidin is the main flavonoid glycoside found in orange peel (Wang and Weller, 2006) The naringin, hesperidin and neohesperidin ... scavenging properties Such properties are especially distinct for flavonols Phenolic acids profiles The standard phenolic acids (e.g gallic, catachine, rutin, naringeen, hisperdin etc.) in Naringeen ... flavanone composition of eight citrus peels is present at high levels to naringin, hesperidin and neohesperidin levels, respectively Moreover, naringin and hesperidin was abundant in C sinensis peels...
Ngày tải lên: 29/05/2020, 18:01
Effect of soil amendments on physical properties of soil in maize (Zea mays L.)
... were in line with results obtained by Rao et al., 2013 who found that 2.77 % increase in soil moisture content by application of tanksilt @ 60 t ha-1 in soils of rainfed conditions The increase in ... Recycling of tank silt for improving soil and water productivity in rainfed areas Lecture Notes for the Winter School on “Technological Advances in Conservation of Natural Resources in Rainfed ... stability increased in the order of tanksilt > vermicompost > biochar > FYM Oades (1984) reported that organic matter addition increased the stability of macro aggregates through the binding of the...
Ngày tải lên: 04/11/2020, 22:04
Laryngoscopic, acoustic, perceptual, and functional assessment of voice in rock singers
... assess a group of rock singers who use growl voice and reinforced falsetto Method: A group of 21 rock singers and a control group of 18 pop singers were included Singing and speaking voice was ... distance of 20 cm from the mouth, with a 45° inclination angle was used Samples were digitally recorded using Steinberg Cubase LE4 (Steinberg, Germany) software in a WAV format at a sampling rate of ... style of singing In clasMarco Guzman University of Chile, School of Communication Sciences Av Independencia 1027 Santiago (Chile) E-Mail guzmanvoz @ gmail.com sical singing, wide pyriform sinuses...
Ngày tải lên: 11/10/2022, 12:14
Food emulsions, fourth edition
... lysine or arginine residues of the proteins Changes in the conformations of adsorbed proteins can be induced by changes in the properties of the aqueous phase, especially for the caseins Increases ... addition of more protein to the aqueous phase of emulsions made with low concentrations of caseinate results in the adsorption of some of the added protein and an increase in the thickness of the ... prediction of the emulsifying power of a protein (65) However, surface hydrophobicity is an ill-defined parameter, which is determined by the binding of probe molecules to the protein in solution...
Ngày tải lên: 23/05/2014, 11:36
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Interleukin-1-inducible MCPIP protein has structural and functional properties of RNase and participates in degradation of IL-1b mRNA doc
... is that MCPIP regulates the amount of IL-1b mRNA Involvement of PIN domain of MCPIP in the stability of IL-1b mRNA In order to find out whether the PIN domain in MCPIP is responsible for IL-1b ... the MCPIP gene The coding sequence lacking the PIN domain was obtained in two steps First, the fragment of 423 bp situated in front of the PIN domain was amplified by PCR using forward primer 5¢CGGGATCCCGGAGTCTGAGCTATGAGTG-3¢ ... proteins interacting with MCPIP will clarify the dynamics and features of this protein Role of MCPIP in regulation of the endogenous IL-1b transcript level After identification of a PIN domain in the...
Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 14:20
Báo cáo khoa học: Role of the structural domains in the functional properties of pancreatic lipase-related protein 2 pot
... protein bearing the N2 domain than in the protein bearing the Nc domain Thus, the accessibility of the active site in the N2 proteins was independent of the nature of the C-terminal domain, in contrast ... protein The chimeric protein composed of the N-terminal domain of hoPL and of the C-terminal domain of hoPLRP2 was named NcC2 Conversely, the other chimeric protein, bearing the N-terminal domain ... the N-terminal and C-terminal domains of hoPL were involved in the inactivation of the protein at the water–triglyceride interface The inactivation of N2Cc in the absence of bile salts was prevented...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 06:20
Báo cáo khoa học: Functional analysis of mutations in UDP-galactose-4epimerase (GALE) associated with galactosemia in Korean patients using mammalian GALE-null cells pdf
... expressing mutant GALE was increased to reach a detectable level of protein Tubulin serves as a loading control The relative amount of mutant protein was calculated based on the ratio of the band intensities ... galactose was determined by measuring BrdU incorporation The level of BrdU incorporation into each cell line cultured in the absence of galactose was set to 100% and the corresponding results from ... accordingly Relative protein abundance (RPA) was calculated based on the ratio of intensity of the myc–GALE to tubulin bands in the western blot and normalized by setting the amount of GALE in ldlD(myc–GALE)...
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 00:20
Báo cáo khóa học: Functional properties of the protein disulfide oxidoreductase from the archaeon Pyrococcus furiosus A member of a novel protein family related to protein disulfide-isomerase doc
... reduction of protein disulfides on insulin as substrate; when the interchain disulfide bridges are reduced between chains A and B of the insulin, the turbidity of the solution increases because of precipitation ... Creighton, T.E., Rowling, P.J & Freedman, R.B (1992) Folding in vitro of bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor in the presence of proteins of the endoplasmic reticulum Proteins 14, 10–15 43 Robb, ... activity The action of PfPDO in catalysing interchange of intramolecular disulfides in scrambled RNase results in restoration of the native disulfide pairing and the concomitant return of RNase activity...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 16:20
Báo cáo khoa học: Comparison of functional properties of two fungal antifreeze proteins from Antarctomyces psychrotrophicus and Typhula ishikariensis ppt
... the ice-binding ability of the glycan part of AnpAFP Direct involvement of glycan in ice binding has been suggested only for fish AFGP consisting of an -Ala-Thr-Ala- repeating unit that links to ... are arranged in line to bind with the ice crystal [29] In fish AFGP, Thr is conjugated with a disaccharide that is directly involved in ice binding [26] Participation of Thr in ice binding was also ... noncolligative depression of the freezing point (Tf) of a solution containing ice below its melting point (Tm) [4,5] Within the hysteresis temperature gap, AFPs modify the ice crystal habit, in that the AFPsaturated...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 21:20
Báo cáo khoa học: Quaternary structure and functional properties of Penaeus monodon hemocyanin docx
... protein, again pointing to the importance of a correct subunit pattern for fulfilling the physiological role [18,27,34] There is an increasing interest in characterizing the structural stability of ... reported in Fig 6B, demonstrate that the protein is still in the oligomeric form, indistinguishable from the protein in the absence of perturbant (Fig 6A), with the exception of a slight increase of ... gain ⁄ loss of positive charges M Beltramini et al 2065 P monodon hemocyanin structure and function M Beltramini et al Table Amino acids involved in the pairwise interactions in areas and of...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 13:20
The functional role of emotions in aesthetic judgment pot
... discovering and examining the biological underpinnings of emotions Thus, the main theoretical purpose of this view is to contribute to an understanding of the functional significance of emotions for individual ... concerned with instinct and mood This area of the brain is intricately involved in motivation and basic emotions like fear, pleasure, or anger and drives hunger, sex, dominance, care of offspring Also ... achieved by assessing recognition, recall, working memory, emotion and feeling, reasoning and decision making over large intervals of time 219 Modeling the elicitation of emotional meaning in aesthetic...
Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 16:20
kinetic modeling of reactions in foods
... Boekel/Kinetic Modelling of Reactions in Foods DK3903_C000 Final Proof page i 12.11.2008 10:19pm Compositor Name: JGanesan Kinetic Modeling of Reactions in Foods Boekel/Kinetic Modelling of Reactions ... University of Guelph, Canada Boekel/Kinetic Modelling of Reactions in Foods DK3903_C000 Final Proof page iii 12.11.2008 10:19pm Compositor Name: JGanesan Kinetic Modeling of Reactions in Foods Martinus ... Boekel/Kinetic Modeling of Reactions in Foods DK3903_C001 Final Proof page 5.11.2008 6:48pm Compositor Name: VBalamugundan Kinetic Modeling of Reactions in Foods 1-2 Quality attributes (intrinsic...
Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2014, 15:04
Báo cáo y học: "Functional characterization of Trip10 in cancer cell growth and survival" ppsx
... metastasis in mice inoculated with Trip10-overexpressing IMR-32 cells (Figure 4A) On the other hand, huntingtin increases cell death by promoting apoptosis Thus, high levels of huntingtin in Trip10overexpressing ... distributed in the cytosol of CP70 control cells (Figure immunostaining) Overexpression of Trip10 in IMR-32 cells caused Trip10 and huntingtin to colocalize and form perinuclear foci In contrast, ... have profound effect in the cell type-specific functions of Trip10 Discussion Trip10 was initially identified as a Cdc42-interacting protein involved in GLUT4-mediated glucose uptake in adipocytes...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 05:21