frequency domain analysis of rlc circuits

Analysis of Closed-Loop Performance and Frequency-Domain Design of Compensating Filters for Sliding Mode Control Systems

Analysis of Closed-Loop Performance and Frequency-Domain Design of Compensating Filters for Sliding Mode Control Systems

... imperfections of the relay result in the finite frequency of switching and finite amplitude of the oscillations, which is usually referred to as chattering Chattering was the subject of analysis of a number ... creates the situation of “higher expectations” from the SM principle In the present chapter, analysis of chattering and of the closed-loop performance is carried out in the frequency domain via the ... infinite frequency of switching of the relay and infinitely small amplitude of the oscillations at the system output However, the inevitable presence of parasitic dynamics (in the form of the actuator

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2015, 09:37

20 420 0


... PROJECT 2: FREQUENCY ? ?DOMAIN VIEW OF SAMPLING EXERCISE 2.1: Signal Generation A.Khởi tạo tín hiệu a ,khởi tạo tín hiệu ... Choose the nearest Power of Xa = fft(xa,Nfft); range = 0:(Nfft/4); % show frequencies up to 1/4 sampling rate ff = range/Nfft/dt/1000; % frequencies in kHz % plot magnitude frequency plot(ff,abs(Xa(1+range))) ... vector, whose length is L % N: number of frequencies for evaluation over [-pi,pi) % ==> constraint: N >= L % % H: DTFT values (complex) % W: (2nd output) vector of freqs where DTFT is computed %

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2016, 11:09

30 352 0
novel algorithms for fast statistical analysis of scaled circuits singhee   rutenbar 2009 08 10 Cấu trúc dữ liệu và giải thuật

novel algorithms for fast statistical analysis of scaled circuits singhee rutenbar 2009 08 10 Cấu trúc dữ liệu và giải thuật

... simulation-based statistical analysis of circuits using quasi-Monte Carlo We see speedups of 2× to 50× over standard Monte Carlo simulation across a variety of transistorlevel circuits We also see that ... Replication Circuits Certain small circuits have millions of identical instances on the same chip, for example, the SRAM (Static Random Access Memory) cell We term this class of circuits as high-replication ... [HC71] [Hei94] [Hei96] FAST STATISTICAL ANALYSIS R A Fisher and L H C Tippett Limiting forms of the frequency distribution of the largest or smallest member of a sample Proc Cambridge Philos Soc.,

Ngày tải lên: 29/08/2020, 23:32

204 39 0
frequency phase analysis of resting state functional mri

frequency phase analysis of resting state functional mri

... strength of the interaction at frequency of 0.02 Hz is 0.08 with a phase of 8.4° ; 0.02 for a frequency of 0.04 Hz with a phase of −​9.2°; 0.017 for a frequency of 0.06 Hz with a phase of −​31°; ... a function of frequency Consequently, the latency is coupled in our analysis to the frequency and is represented by the phase-differences between a pair of time-series The proposed analysis method ... The strength of the proposed analysis is demonstrated on resting-state fMRI data of 34 healthy subjects The main uniqueness of this method relative to other approaches considering frequency information

Ngày tải lên: 04/12/2022, 10:30

12 1 0
Analysis and detection of human motion in time frequency domain

Analysis and detection of human motion in time frequency domain

... Impulse response of scaling filter h Impulse response of wavelet filter H (ω ) The absolute value of transfer function of {h } n G (ω ) The absolute value of transfer function of{ g } n 10 ... 2006. Detection of daily physical activities in the time -frequency domain. Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, 6(4), pp 429-446. 165 Appendix A: Theory of Operation of the Accelerometer ... methods…………28 2.3 Review of previous falls and ADL detection research works……… ……….35 2.4 Activities of daily living (ADL) detection and time -frequency analysis? ??… 37 Multiresolution analysis and wavelets

Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 18:27

167 289 0
Monte Carlo sensitivity analysis of vehicle suspension energy harvesting in frequency domain

Monte Carlo sensitivity analysis of vehicle suspension energy harvesting in frequency domain

... terms of the parameter sensitivity analysis of the vibratory energy harvesters based automobile suspension [28,29] Taghavifar and Rakheja [28] presented a parametric analysis of the potential of ... resonant frequency similarly witnessed an increase of 66% Bandwidth analysis of the vehicular damping harvestable power This section investigates the sensitivity percentage of change of the damping ... resonant frequency bandwidth of the peak magnitudes of the harvestable power is illustrated Fig 10 reveals a bandwidth analysis of the average harvestable power potentiality versus the variation of

Ngày tải lên: 11/05/2020, 10:43

15 25 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Novel Techniques of Single-Carrier Frequency-Domain Equalization for Optical Wireless Communications" doc

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Novel Techniques of Single-Carrier Frequency-Domain Equalization for Optical Wireless Communications" doc

... DC-biased [9] ACO-OFDM is a form of OFDM that modulates the intensity of an LED Because ACO-OFDM modulation employs intensity modulation and direct detection (IM/DD), the time -domain transmitted ... symbol after cyclic extension number of time -domain samples) of ACO-OFDM is given by εACO = N 4N + L (10) and is plotted in Figures and as a function of the number of subcarriers N and channel delay ... performance of optical OFDM The nonlinear characteristic of an LED imposes limitations on the performance of indoor DOW systems when using intensity modulation with both ACOOFDM and DC-biased OFDM [9]

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 08:20

13 367 0
Báo cáo hóa học: "Research Article On the Information Rate of Single-Carrier FDMA Using Linear Frequency Domain Equalization and Its Application for 3GPP-LTE Uplink" doc

Báo cáo hóa học: "Research Article On the Information Rate of Single-Carrier FDMA Using Linear Frequency Domain Equalization and Its Application for 3GPP-LTE Uplink" doc

... 25 30 35 Average spectral efficiency (bits/s/Hz) 0 2 4 6 OFDMA OFDMA, 1.25 MHz OFDMA, 2.5 MHz OFDMA, 5 MHz OFDMA, 10 MHz OFDMA, 15 MHz OFDMA, 20 MHz SC-FDMA 8 10 12 SC-FDMA, 1.25 MHz SC-FDMA, ... length of DE equals the harmonic mean of AB and. .. Zhou, and Y Yao, “Capacity of single carrier systems with frequency- domain equalization, ” in Proceedings of the 6th IEEE Circuits ... Number of users in the system 456 Average system spectral efficiency (bits/s/Hz) WF, −20 dB WF, −10 dB WF, 0 dB WF, 10 dB WF, 20 dB WF, 30 dB OFDMA, −20 dB OFDMA, −10 dB OFDMA, 0 dB OFDMA, 10 dB OFDMA,

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 23:20

11 380 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Time-Frequency Analysis of Heart Rate Variability for Neonatal Seizure Detection" pdf

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Time-Frequency Analysis of Heart Rate Variability for Neonatal Seizure Detection" pdf

... features of HRV in the low -frequency band (LF: 0.03–0.07 Hz), mid -frequency band (MF: 0.07–0.15 Hz), and high -frequency band (HF: 0.15–0.6 Hz) have been obtained by means of the time- frequency ... “Time -frequency analysis of heart rate variability signals in patients with au- tonomic dysfunction,” in Proceedings of the IEEE-SP Interna- tional Symposium on Time -Frequency and Time-Scale Analysis, ... include time -frequency signal analysis, spectral estimation, signal detection and classification, and higher-order spectra. Professor Boashash is a Fellow of Engineers of Australia, Fellow of IREE,

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 20:20

10 322 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " A Frequency Domain Approach to Registration of Aliased Images with Application to Super-resolution" docx

Báo cáo hóa học: " A Frequency Domain Approach to Registration of Aliased Images with Application to Super-resolution" docx

... time and frequency domain. (b) Sampled signal in time and frequency domain, with aliasing. (c) Low-pass filtered sampled sign al in time and frequency domain. 3.2. Shift estimation A shift of the ... registration algorithm using a new frequency domain method that outperforms the state of the art in frequency domain registration methods. It also performs better than the spatial domain method by Keren ... representation of the orig- inal signal. Zitov ´ a and Flusser [16]presentanoverviewof image registration methods. Registration can be done ei- ther in spatial or in frequency domain. By the nature of the

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 23:20

14 247 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Permutation Correction in the Frequency Domain in Blind Separation of Speech Mixtures" ppt

Báo cáo hóa học: " Permutation Correction in the Frequency Domain in Blind Separation of Speech Mixtures" ppt

... problem of frequency domain blind source separation, ” in Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Independent... the frequency axis A measure of continuity of the ... have made use of the continuity of the mixing filter frequency. .. correction in frequency- domain in blind separation of speech mixtures,” in Proceedings of the 5th ... quency domain. Therefore, y i (t) aims at the reconstruction of the contribution of the ith source on the ith sensor. The SIR for y i (t) is then defined as the ratio of the power of the portion of

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 23:20

16 243 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Frequency-Domain Blind Source Separation of Many Speech Signals Using Near-Field and Far-Field Models" docx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Frequency-Domain Blind Source Separation of Many Speech Signals Using Near-Field and Far-Field Models" docx

... the frequency- domain approach. Frequency- domain BSS is influenced by the circularity of the discrete -frequency representation. This causes a problem when we convert separation matrices in the frequency ... address another problem with regard to frequency- domain BSS that arises from the circularity of discrete -frequency representation. We discuss the characteristics of the problem and present a solution ... approach is frequency- domain BSS, where ICA is applied to multiple instantaneous mixtures in the fre- quency domain [14–24].Thisapproachtakesmuchlesscom- putation time than time -domain BSS. However,

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 23:20

13 294 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " On the Compensation of Delay in the Discrete Frequency Domain" pot

Báo cáo hóa học: " On the Compensation of Delay in the Discrete Frequency Domain" pot

... Compensation of Delay in the Discrete Frequency Domain 2049 Theoretical frequency domain SNR Experimental time domain SNR Experimental frequency domain SNR 0 5 101520253035 Ratioofnumberofbinstodelay ... details of this filter design, based on a Hamming window, are given in [6]. The experimental frequency domain SNR, that is, the ra- tio of total frequency domain signal power to total frequency domain ... The ability of a DFT filterbank frequency domain filter to effect time domain delay is examined. This is achieved by comparing the quality of equalisation using a DFT filterbank frequency domain filter

Ngày tải lên: 23/06/2014, 01:20

11 309 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Performance Analysis of Multiple-Symbol Differential Detection for OFDM over Both Time- and Frequency-Selective Rayleigh Fading Channels" doc

Báo cáo hóa học: " Performance Analysis of Multiple-Symbol Differential Detection for OFDM over Both Time- and Frequency-Selective Rayleigh Fading Channels" doc

... information symbol sequence. For OFDM, the DD can be applied over time domain, frequency domain, or both. Because of the long symbol du- ration, the performance of the time -domain DD (TD-DD) may be mostly ... the ARIB (the Associate of Radio Industries and Businesses of Japan) of MPT of Japan, in 1997. He is an IEEE Fellow. He is also a Member of IEICE and a Member of Society of Information Theory and ... performance of the frequency- domain DD (FD-DD) may also depend on the frequency- selectiveness of the channel associated with delay spread [7, 8]. In [8, 9, 10], the bit error rate (BER) performance of

Ngày tải lên: 23/06/2014, 01:20

10 220 0
frequency domain numerical modelling of visco acoustic waves based on finite difference and finite element discontinuous galerkin methods

frequency domain numerical modelling of visco acoustic waves based on finite difference and finite element discontinuous galerkin methods

... time domain or in the frequency domain This study focuses on frequency- domain modelling of acoustic waves as a tool to perform seismic imaging in the acoustic approximation In the frequency- domain, ... representative of oil exploration targets We assess the accuracy of the solutions and the computational efficiency of the mixed-grid FD frequency- domain method against that of a conventional FD time -domain ... bandwidth of the matrix is of the order of N2 (N denotes the dimension of a 3D cubic N domain) and was kept minimal thanks to the use of low-order accurate stencils 1 65 129 Column number of impedance

Ngày tải lên: 27/07/2014, 23:25

36 433 0
Báo cáo y học: "Sequence and structural analysis of BTB domain proteins" pps

Báo cáo y học: "Sequence and structural analysis of BTB domain proteins" pps

... segment of variable length that is often observed as strand β5 in the long form of the domain, and as an α-helix in Skp1. (c) Structure-based multiple sequence alignment of representative BTB domains ... sists of a single amino-terminal BTB domain, a middle linker region, and a characteristic carboxy-terminal domain that is often present as a set of tandem repeats (Figure 6). Along with domain ... 2005, 6:R82 BTB domain mediating recruitment of the substrate recogni- tion modules to the Cul3 component of the SCF-like complex [18-20]. In most of these functional classes, the BTB domain acts

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 14:22

18 370 0
Frequency-Domain Analysis

Frequency-Domain Analysis

... convenient to do the analysis and design of discrete-time systems on the basis of the normalized frequency. When the frequency response of a fil- ter, for example, shows a magnitude of 0.5 (i.e., −6 ... theory of bilateral z transform is not discussed in this book. 150 FREQUENCY- DOMAIN ANALYSIS xlabel(’Normalized frequency ) subplot(1,2,2) plot(w,HdB);grid title(’Magnitude in dB of the frequency ... 2πk) 120 FREQUENCY- DOMAIN ANALYSIS There is some ambiguity in the published literature regarding the definition of what is called the Nyquist frequency. Most of the books define half the sampling frequency...

Ngày tải lên: 29/09/2013, 21:20

74 335 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Domain IV of mouse laminin b1 and b2 chains Structure, glycosaminoglycan modi®cation and immunochemical analysis of tissue contents pptx

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Domain IV of mouse laminin b1 and b2 chains Structure, glycosaminoglycan modi®cation and immunochemical analysis of tissue contents pptx

... rate of substitution of recombinant perlecan domain V correlated well with a comparable low rate of modi®cation of two tissue forms of perlecan [44]. An extra cysteine (C3 at position 710) in domain ... coiled-coil domains I and II of laminins [1,2], whereas o ther domains, such a s those composed of Fig. 6. Immunohistochemical localization of laminin b2 chain in basement membranes of adult mouse ... Department of Cell Biology and Physiology, Washington University School of Medicine, St Louis, MO, USA; 3 Center of Anatomy, Department of Histology, University of Go È ttingen, Germany Domain IV,...

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 03:20

12 509 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Structure–function analysis of the filamentous actin binding domain of the neuronal scaffolding protein spinophilin pot

Báo cáo khoa học: Structure–function analysis of the filamentous actin binding domain of the neuronal scaffolding protein spinophilin pot

... spectra of the spinophilin ABD constructs (Fig. 2C), which enables rapid analysis of the overall secondary structure content of proteins. The CD spec- tra of residues 1–154, 1–221 and 1–305 of spinophilin were ... studies of the actin binding domain of spinophilin. We demonstrate that the spinophilin actin binding domain is intrinsically unstructured, and that, with increasing C-terminal length, the domain ... contrast, the addition of equimolar amounts of spinophilin con- structs resulted in the disappearance of net- works and fragmentation of actin polymers (shown for residues 1–305 of spinophilin, bottom...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 06:20

10 438 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Mutational analysis of the C-domain in nonribosomal peptide synthesis pot

Báo cáo khoa học: Mutational analysis of the C-domain in nonribosomal peptide synthesis pot

... epimerization domain (E -domain) for C a -epimerization [15], the methyl- transferase domain (M -domain) for N-methylation [16] and the cyclization domain (Cy -domain) [17]. These latter domains are ... to ®ght with loss of enzyme activity and speci®city. A milestone in the study of peptide s ynthetases was the determination of the A -domain structure of GrsA Phe -A [8]. Aspects of speci®city and ... of the 450-amino-acid C -domain of TycB1 Pro -CAT, along with the approximate locatio n of core- motifs C1±7 [3]. Underneath, the eects of each mutation on solubility and various activities of...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 11:20

10 420 0

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