for profit and non profit organizations in the economy

operation of american non-governmental organizations in the first decade of the twenty-first century in danang

operation of american non-governmental organizations in the first decade of the twenty-first century in danang

... especially to the process of improving and promoting the people’s standard of living In the last decades, there has been a sharp increase in the quantity and operation scale of NGOs in international ... Vietnam in reconstructing the nation, gradually promoting economic growth, and improving people’s living standard The number of international NGOs, hence, steadily increased in accordance with the ... Dichter, T.W (1997), “Appeasing the Gods of Sustainability: The Future of International NGOs in Microfinance.” in NGOs, States and Donors: Too Close for Comfort (D Hulme and M Edwards, eds), pg.128–139

Ngày tải lên: 10/10/2014, 10:51

18 444 0
Formulating business strategies for retail banking business of joint stock commercial bank for investment and development of Vietnam in the period of 2013 – 2017

Formulating business strategies for retail banking business of joint stock commercial bank for investment and development of Vietnam in the period of 2013 – 2017

... training to other employees in the same branches - Selecting some specific branches based on specific product and service to offer training programs - Researching and applying the online training ... Training The training needs implementing frequently to update the staff with new product information and policies Due to the fact that the number of sales staff is too large to be handled in the ... both in pricing and quality + Continuing developing the transfer and payment transactions via the Internet, VCC and mobile banking - Card services + Developing some high – end card products for the

Ngày tải lên: 26/03/2015, 10:58

82 914 8
Reference dependent preferences incontests and non cognitive ability in the labour market

Reference dependent preferences incontests and non cognitive ability in the labour market

... probability to win the game than the leading team For the NCAA the result is even stronger: 5.6 percentage points The difference in winning probability at the breakpoint... choose the same ... difference in effort provisions and the corresponding changes in the relative winning probabilities these tournaments are essentially decided by the initial unevenness and chance Providing ... Providing information about the intermediate... exist Remarkably, in two of these classes the player being behind overtakes the opponent and ends up with a higher probability of winning the

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2015, 10:06

124 395 0
Post-earnings-announcement drift anomaly: The role of operating and non-operating income in the Taiwanese stock market

Post-earnings-announcement drift anomaly: The role of operating and non-operating income in the Taiwanese stock market

... unexpected earnings has incorporated the information of unexpected operating and non-operating income In addition, both unexpected operating and non-operating income could result in the post-earningsannouncement ... operating and non-operating income in the same, timely fashion My findings contribute to the literature in two ways First, this paper shows that investors underreact to the information in operating ... smaller and faster for unexpected non-operating income (UNOI) than for unexpected operating income (UOI) So far the unexpected earnings, operating and non-operating income strategies have been independently

Ngày tải lên: 01/02/2020, 22:49

15 42 0
Healthy lifestyle and risk of breast cancer for indigenous and non-indigenous women in New Zealand: A case control study

Healthy lifestyle and risk of breast cancer for indigenous and non-indigenous women in New Zealand: A case control study

... over the preceding year Information on smoking was based on questions regarding current smoking and ever having smoked Alcohol information included frequency and amount during the preceding year, ... drinks containing alcohol they drank; how many times they did strenuous exercise for more than 15 minutes and moderate exercise for more than 15 minutes; duration of breastfeeding in months for ... breastfeeding for months or more Participants received 0.5 points in the intermediate categories of each health behaviour and points for least healthy behaviours For the analyses, the index score

Ngày tải lên: 05/11/2020, 01:56

10 18 0
Vulnerability to saline intrusion and adaptation options for rice and fish farming households in the mekong delta of vietnam

Vulnerability to saline intrusion and adaptation options for rice and fish farming households in the mekong delta of vietnam

... options following the increasing degree of salinity, including (1) changing the seasonal calendar, (2) using tolerant rice varieties and fish species, (3) changing cropping patterns and farming practices, ... saline intrusion Situation of saline intrusion in the past, present and future (Vietnam climate change scenario) at the provincial level, including levels of saline intrusion problems in the ... facing with saline intrusion impact 79 5.8 The correlation between the degree of saline intrusion and the yield 81 of rice and fish in Soc Trang 5.9 The correlation between the degree of saline

Ngày tải lên: 28/02/2021, 20:40

202 19 0
Vulnerability to saline intrusion and adaptation options for rice and fish farming households in the mekong delta of vietnam

Vulnerability to saline intrusion and adaptation options for rice and fish farming households in the mekong delta of vietnam

... options following the increasing degree of salinity, including (1) changing the seasonal calendar, (2) using tolerant rice varieties and fish species, (3) changing cropping patterns and farming practices, ... Sites in the Present 4.4 Factors Enhancing Saline Intrusion 56 4.5 Saline Intrusion in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam in the Future 62 4.6 Conclusion and Recommendation 66 IMPACT OF SALINE INTRUSION ... facing with saline intrusion impact 79 5.8 The correlation between the degree of saline intrusion and the yield 81 of rice and fish in Soc Trang 5.9 The correlation between the degree of saline

Ngày tải lên: 01/03/2021, 13:26

202 10 0
Vulnerability to saline intrusion and adaptation options for rice and fish farming households in the mekong delta of vietnam

Vulnerability to saline intrusion and adaptation options for rice and fish farming households in the mekong delta of vietnam

... options following the increasing degree of salinity, including (1) changing the seasonal calendar, (2) using tolerant rice varieties and fish species, (3) changing cropping patterns and farming practices, ... saline intrusion Situation of saline intrusion in the past, present and future (Vietnam climate change scenario) at the provincial level, including levels of saline intrusion problems in the ... facing with saline intrusion impact 79 5.8 The correlation between the degree of saline intrusion and the yield 81 of rice and fish in Soc Trang 5.9 The correlation between the degree of saline

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2021, 16:33

202 16 0
Đồ án tốt nghiệp: Design system for controlling and monitoring CO2 concentration in the building

Đồ án tốt nghiệp: Design system for controlling and monitoring CO2 concentration in the building

... CONTROL INTERFACE DESIGN - Designing and implementing the BMS model - Designing the monitoring interface, control interface, operating the Delixi EM60 inverter and IG5A inverter to control the ventilation ... of the inverter are performed in Table 3.1 after connecting the device to the inverter Figure 3.13: The procedure for configuring the Delixi inverter Table 3.1: Configuring the Delixi EM60 inverter ... Connect the A+ and B+ pins of the DDC to the A+ and B+ pins of the Step 3: Connect the DDC to the control devices - The UI01 terminal of the DDC is connected to the VELT-W-CO2-I4 CO2 sensor - The

Ngày tải lên: 26/09/2024, 14:33

121 1 0
2857   accounting for governmental and non profit organizations 203203 chapter 3

2857 accounting for governmental and non profit organizations 203203 chapter 3

... Accounting - a process of identifying, recording, summarizing, and reporting economic information to decision makers in the form of financial statements  Financial accounting - focuses on the specific ... accounting is the users of the information ◦ Financial accounting serves external users ◦ Management accounting serves internal users, such as top executives, management, and administrators within organizations ... responsibility for preparation of the financial statements ◦ other corporate information In order to enable the management to draw important conclusions regarding the working of the company over

Ngày tải lên: 05/12/2016, 17:27

70 296 0
Essentials of Accounting for Governmental and Not-for-Profit Organizations 10th Edition_13 potx

Essentials of Accounting for Governmental and Not-for-Profit Organizations 10th Edition_13 potx

... financial and nonfinancial information in evaluating the performance and financial position of not -for- profit organizations and governments When organizations. .. exemption for ... The aggregate of all remaining fund information. • The first two categories relate to information contained in the government-wide financial statements and the remaining three relate to information ... Auditing, Tax-Exempt Organizations, and Evaluating Performance 387 and (3) the use of financial and nonfinancial measures to evaluate the performance and financial position of government and

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 20:20

33 537 0
Essentials of Accounting for Governmental and Not-for-Profit Organizations 10th Edition_14 doc

Essentials of Accounting for Governmental and Not-for-Profit Organizations 10th Edition_14 doc

... acquisition, and term endowments net assets—unrestricted (governmental and not -for- profit) Used in accounting for govern- organizations indicating Apago PDF mental and not -for- profitthat ... Accounting (NCGA) Body that established ac- counting and financial reporting standards for state and local governments prior to the formation of the Governmental Accounting Standards ... and A–133 for not -for- profit organizations Provides guidance for auditors when engaged in audits required by the... Glossary Governmental and Not -for- Profit Accounting Terminology

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 20:20

33 473 0
Essentials of Accounting for Governmental and Not-for-Profit Organizations 10th Edition_15 pot

Essentials of Accounting for Governmental and Not-for-Profit Organizations 10th Edition_15 pot

... Other Than Pensions (Statement 45), 208 Accounting and Financial Reporting for Certain Investments and for. .. 31, Accounting and Financial Reporting for Certain Investments and ... Accounting and Financial Reporting for Certain Investments and for External Investment Pools (GASB Statement 31), 194, 284 Accounting and Financial Reporting for Impairment of Capital Assets and ... (q.v.), and (5) the aggregate of all remaining fund information. other financing sources Operating statement classification in which financial inflows other than revenues are reported; for

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 20:20

19 395 0
báo cáo hóa học: " Mild solutions for a problem involving fractional derivatives in the nonlinearity and in the non-local conditions" ppt

báo cáo hóa học: " Mild solutions for a problem involving fractional derivatives in the nonlinearity and in the non-local conditions" ppt

... solutions for a problem involving fractional derivatives in the nonlinearity and in the non-local conditions Nasser-eddine Tatar Correspondence: tatarn@kfupm. Department of Mathematics and Statistics, ... fixed point theorems and the theory of strongly continuous cosine families in Banach spaces. We refer the reader to [7,9,10] for a good account on the theory of cosine families. Fractional non-local ... as well as in the nonlocal conditions is investigated. This model covers many of the existing models in the literature. It extends the integer order case to the fractional case in the sense of

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 02:20

12 384 0
Financial and accounting guide for not for profit organizations

Financial and accounting guide for not for profit organizations

... basis for making judgments and understanding the context of the information The presentation might include comparative information for the current reporting period and period-to-date budget, the ... understanding of the major accounting principles followed by not -for- profit organizations The principal remaining difficulty will then be designing financial statements that reflect these accounting ... running through the chapters in the seventh edition is the need for greater accountability and transparency in financial reporting by notfor -profit organizations More than ever before, not -for- profit...

Ngày tải lên: 13/03/2014, 23:41

794 554 0
List of non-governmental organizations in consultative status with the Economic and Social Council ppt

List of non-governmental organizations in consultative status with the Economic and Social Council ppt

... Experiments and Research (2008) Foundation for the American Indian (2005) Foundation for the Child and the Family (2004) Foundation for the Promotion and Protection of the Environment and Cultural ... Development (1996) International Institute for the Development of Citizenship (2009) International Institute for the Rights of the Child (2003) International Institute for Vital Registration and Statistics ... and Environment (2007) Center for Inquiry (2005) Center for Inter-Ethnic Cooperation (2007) Center for International Earth Science Information Network (1995) Center for International Health and...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 21:20

104 611 0
Essentials of Accounting for Governmental and Not-for-Profit Organizations 10th Edition_1 ppt

Essentials of Accounting for Governmental and Not-for-Profit Organizations 10th Edition_1 ppt

... ACCOUNTING AND FINANCIAL REPORTING FOR GOVERNMENTAL AND NOT -FOR- PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS Generally Accepted Accounting Principles Objectives of Accounting and Financial Reporting Objectives of Accounting ... of the public who finds the arts important The organizations introduced in the preceding paragraphs are the focus of this book: governmental and not -for- profit organizations They are distinguished ... of the United States Government Accounting and financial reporting standards for the federal government are illustrated in Chapter 14 Accounting and financial reporting standards for state and...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 20:20

33 1,4K 0
Essentials of Accounting for Governmental and Not-for-Profit Organizations 10th Edition_3 pptx

Essentials of Accounting for Governmental and Not-for-Profit Organizations 10th Edition_3 pptx

... financial resources Other Financing Sources include transfers in from other funds and the proceeds of long-term borrowing Revenues are defined as all other inflows and include taxes, charges for ... Estimated other financing sources Other financing sources Transfers in Debt proceeds Estimated other financing uses Other financing uses Transfers out Encumbrances those resources are recognized in these ... sources and uses of funds; examples are given in detail in Chapters and Revenues and Other Financing Sources are sources (or inflows) of financial resources while Expenditures and Other Financing...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 20:20

33 852 0
Essentials of Accounting for Governmental and Not-for-Profit Organizations 10th Edition_4 pdf

Essentials of Accounting for Governmental and Not-for-Profit Organizations 10th Edition_4 pdf

... fish hatcheries for its stocking program During the year, the State placed orders totaling $260,000 for hatchlings, feed, and other supplies These are in addition to the outstanding purchase orders ... assets) installed in the administration building at a cost of $46,600 The systems were installed and the amount was paid Paid wages totaling $131,970, including the amount payable at the end ... pay for the period amounted to $78,000 for employees’ state income tax withholdings and $686,000 due to the federal government ($430,000 for federal income tax withholdings and $256,000 for the...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 20:20

33 704 0
Essentials of Accounting for Governmental and Not-for-Profit Organizations 10th Edition_6 doc

Essentials of Accounting for Governmental and Not-for-Profit Organizations 10th Edition_6 doc

... acquired land for its translator stations in the amount of $40,000 The remaining cash and the land are the only resources held by the fund at the beginning of 2012 Other than beginning account ... recorded in the Supplies Fund accounts in the following manner.1 The corresponding entry in the General Fund is entry 22 in Chapter The corresponding entry in the Water Utility Fund is entry in the ... Change in assets and liabilities: Increase in customer accounts receivable Increase in interfund receivables (Increase) decrease in inventory Increase (decrease) in accounts payable Increase in accrued...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 20:20

33 554 0