focus on academic skills for ielts phần 1

Focus on Academic Skills for IELTS - Inside information

Focus on Academic Skills for IELTS - Inside information

... questions 7 -11 Questions 6—I1 Classify the following features according to whether they apply to FO Be the Information Village Project only the Simputer only both the Information Village Project ... involve relating information from different sections, so the questions may not be in the same order as the information in the text a Look at the exam task below (questions 6 -11 } Underline the ... Trang 1 ————-—- —-.- - INSIDE INFORMATION Focus on speaking 1 Expressing preferences Part I Interview 1 a Read these questions, What is the general topic? UNDERSTANDING THE QUESTIONS Do

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 11:20

12 421 0
focus on academic skills for ielts

focus on academic skills for ielts

... end.H o w can Focus on Academic Skillsfor IELTS be used ?1 To accompany the coursebook Focus on IELTSFocus on Academic Skills for IELTS reflects thestructure and organisation of Focus on IELTS, and ... reached peak in 19 98 Finally, g g m |activitiesyrew up from 19 83 to 2003 ITrang 1 5Focus on listeningSection I► Focus on IELTS page 19 IDENTIFYING THE CONTEXTNOTE COMPLETION► Focus on IELTS page 20PREDICTING ... interview(Parts 1, 2 and 3)Assessm ent criteriaMaking notesP R O G R E S S C H E C K 5 page 13 6Trang 5W h a t is Focus on Academic Skillsfor IELTS ?Focus on Academic Skills for IELTS offers systematicpreparation

Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2024, 11:56

163 0 0
Focus on Academic Skills for IELTS - The feel-good factor

Focus on Academic Skills for IELTS - The feel-good factor

... the year SHAVE PTICS mm 3 Her fitness level improved dramatically There WAS nhưng T 91 011 111 114 117 1 TE7E 4 There will be a rapid recovery in share prices next year SháT€ DFÍC€S HH He LH ... How many questions will you have to answer before the break in the recording? NOTE COMPLETION 2 Note completion is a common task in Section 1 Read the instructions and > Focus on IELTS page 20 ... or 19 7) Do the following statements agree with the information given in Text 1? if the statement agrees with the information if the statement contradicts the information if there is no information

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 11:20

12 1,3K 4
2 dictionary cambridge english grammar check your vocabulary for ielts phần 1 pdf

2 dictionary cambridge english grammar check your vocabulary for ielts phần 1 pdf

... 1- 9 016 59-68-2 0-948549-75-0 1- 9 016 59- 21- 6 1- 9 016 59-48-8 1- 9 016 59-47-X 1- 9 016 59-06-2 1- 9 016 59-64-X 0-948549-27-0 0-948549-78-5 1- 9 016 59-22-4 0-948549-66 -1 1-9 016 59-30-5 1- 9 016 59-50-X 1- 9 016 59-04-6 0-948549-74-2 ... Answers 98 Pages 1, 2,4 99 Pages 6, 7 10 0 Pages 8, 9, 10 , 12 , 13 10 1 Pages 14 , 16 , 17 10 2 Pages 18 , 19 , 20, 22 10 3 —- Pages 24, 25, 26 10 4 Pages 27, 28 10 5 Page 30, 32, 33, 34 10 6 Page 36, ... edition Dictionary of Printing & Publishing, 2nd edition Dictionary of Science & Technology 0-948549-96-3 1- 9 016 59-27-5 0-948549-97 -1 1-9 016 59 -11 -9 1- 9 016 59-60-7 1- 903856-23-X 1- 9 016 59-68-2

Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2014, 19:21

12 755 0
Tài liệu Manual on the Production and Use of Live Food for Aquaculture - Phần 1 pptx

Tài liệu Manual on the Production and Use of Live Food for Aquaculture - Phần 1 pptx

... zooplankton 5 .1. 1 Introduction 5 .1. 2 Collection from the wild 5 .1. 3 Collection techniques 5 .1. 3 .1 Plankton nets 5 .1. 3.2 Trawl nets 5 .1. 3.3 Baleen harvesting system 5 .1. 3.4 Flow-through harvesting 5 .1. 3.5 ... 3.5 General culture conditions 3.5 .1 Marine rotifers 3.5 .1. 1 Salinity 3.5 .1. 2 Temperature 3.5 .1. 3 Dissolved oxygen 3.5 .1. 4 pH 3.5 .1. 5 Ammonia (NH3) 3.5 .1. 6 Bacteria 3.5 .1. 7 Ciliates 3.5.2 Freshwater ... 4 .1. 1 Introduction 4 .1. 2 Biology and ecology of Artemia 4 .1. 2 .1 Morphology and life cycle 4 .1. 2.2 Ecology and natural distribution 4 .1. 2.3 Taxonomy 4 .1. 2.4 Strain-specific characteristics 4 .1. 3

Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 00:15

15 792 2
The impacts of flipgrid app on speaking skills for non english major students at college of foreign and economics relations   tang thi lai ; phan thi ngoc thanh supervior

The impacts of flipgrid app on speaking skills for non english major students at college of foreign and economics relations tang thi lai ; phan thi ngoc thanh supervior

... ANALYSIS GRAMMAR 10 x(0.2) VOCABULARY 10 x(0.2) Total 11 2 PRONUNCIATION 10 x(0.2) 10 FLUENCY 10 x(0.2) STRUCTURES 10 x(0.2) Coherence & Cohesion Structures (0.2) Topic Development Hesitation & Fluency ... FLIPGRID APP ON SPEAKING SKILLS FOR NON-ENGLISH MAJOR STUDENTS AT COLLEGE OF FOREIGN AND ECONOMIC RELATIONS Major: Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages Major code: 14 01 11 MASTER OF ARTS ... Lớp: MTESOL19 Ngày sinh: 09/04 /19 94 Nơi sinh:Bình Định Tên đề tài: The Impacts of Flipgrid App on Speaking Skills for Non-English Major Students at College of Foreign and Economics Relations Ý kiến

Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2023, 01:37

130 4 0
Workbook_Sharpening Skills For Ielts Writing Task 1_2024 (1) (1).Pdf

Workbook_Sharpening Skills For Ielts Writing Task 1_2024 (1) (1).Pdf

... Campuchia.Gợi ý: compared toCâu của bạn :1. 3 Simon - International migration in UKThe chart gives information about UK immigration, emigration and net migration between 19 99 and 2008.Trang 5- Xác định ... responsible for about 0.7million tons of emissions, while the domestic sectorproduced around 0.6 million tons(2) Just over 2 million tonsof acid rain gases came from other industries.Emissions ... domesticconsumption had reached approximately 500km³ (2).In the year 2000, the populations of Brazil and the Congowere 17 6 million and 5.2 million respectively(3) Waterconsumption per person in

Ngày tải lên: 30/07/2024, 23:01

220 0 0
Tài liệu Cambridge Practice Tests for IELTS part 1 docx

Tài liệu Cambridge Practice Tests for IELTS part 1 docx

... York, NY 10 011 -4 211 , USA 10 Stamford Road, Oakleigh, Melbourne 316 6, Australia © Cambridge University Press 19 96 This book is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception and to the provisions of ... National Geographic magazine for the extract and map on pp. 44-5 from America’s Beekeepers: Hives for Hire by Alan Mairson, National Geographic, May 19 93, and for the extract on pp. 80- 81 from ... Wales for the extract on pp. 87-8 from an article by Hugh Possmgham in Conservation of Australia’s Forest Fauna; Moulmex/Swan for the extract and illustrations on pp. 94-5 from Instructions for

Ngày tải lên: 25/01/2014, 23:20

15 821 2
Ôn tập điện xoay chiều phần 1

Ôn tập điện xoay chiều phần 1

... c  a m  ch có giá tr  c  c  i: A. 1 2 L L L = + B. 1 2 L L L 2 + = C. 1 2 1 1 1 L L L = + D. 1 2 1 1 1 1 L 2 L L   = +     Câu 16 : Cho  o  n m  ch RLC n  i ti  p, ... thì  i  n dung C b  ng: A. 1 2 C C C = + B. 1 2 C C C 2 + = C. 1 2 1 1 1 C C C = + D. 1 2 1 1 1 1 C 2 C C   = +     Câu 17 : Cho  o  n m  ch RLC m  c n  i ti  p vào ... Ω; 0, 318 H; 12 ,7 µF B. 200 Ω; 0,626 H; 12 ,7 µF C. 10 0 Ω; 0,626 H; 12 ,7 µF D. 10 0 Ω; 0, 318 H; 12 ,7 µF b) Tính công sut tiêu th trong mi trưng hp  trên A. 28 W; 53 W B. 12 8 W;

Ngày tải lên: 23/02/2014, 16:43

11 438 0
bài tập theo chuyên đề ôn thi đh môn toán phần 1

bài tập theo chuyên đề ôn thi đh môn toán phần 1

... 9. Cho số phức 1i3 z 1i - = + . Tính 2 013 z Đáp số: ( ) 2 013 10 06 z21i=- Bài tập 10 . Tìm số phức z thỏa mãn zz1i 5-+-= và ( ) ( ) 2ziz-+ là số ảo. Đáp số: 13 33 11 31 z i,z i,z i,z ... số: m1,m 5==- PHẦN 2. TÍCH PHÂN Bài tập 1. Tính tích phân () 2 1 Ixx1lnxdx=-+ ò Đáp số: 19 I2ln2 60 =+ Bài tập 2. Tính tích phân ( ) 2 32 1 lnx1x3lnx Idx x3x +- = - ò ĐS: 11 1 Iln2ln4 ... tp 10 . Gii h 2 2 x1 y12x y1 x12y ỡ ù += -+ ù ù ớ ù += -+ ù ù ợ ỏp s: ()( ) 1; 1 , 2; 2 Bi tp 11 . Gii h () 33 xy19 xyxy 6 ỡ ù -= ù ù ớ ù -= ù ù ợ ỏp s: ( ) ( ) 3; 2 , 2; 3 Bi tp 12 .

Ngày tải lên: 01/05/2014, 21:28

10 671 0
2 dictionary cambridge english grammar check your vocabulary for ielts phần 10 doc

2 dictionary cambridge english grammar check your vocabulary for ielts phần 10 doc

... peak periods 10 congestion 11 pollution 12 cost of living - 13 building sites 14 population explosion 15 , drug abuse 16 inner-city 17 rural 18 prospects 19 productive land / cultivation / arable ... 7 Inffation 8.economise 9 building society 10 .interest 11 .on credit 12 .exorbitant 13 .save 14 reductions 15 .bargain 16 discount 17 invest 18 .stocks 19 shares Other words and expressions which ... convoy See also page 68 (Social tensions) S1oAASUE Trang 14 ImmwmemixmmmanimmimmmmmixmmmmmmiwininiminixniwtmINDHETHITRAARIRIRIPA 110 41A0 710 102000200 711 0 4040040362037 60 910 0006 0 016 00 019 0 010 0 010

Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2014, 19:21

14 650 0
2 dictionary cambridge english grammar check your vocabulary for ielts phần 9 pps

2 dictionary cambridge english grammar check your vocabulary for ielts phần 9 pps

... Trang 14 Answers Page 30 Size, quantity & dimension answers A Big: 3 45 6 7 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 Small: 1 (note the pronunciation: /mal’nju:t/) 2 8 13 21 B 1 along-distance ... gang/ crowd 9,cast 10 .heap/pile 11 .group 12 .shoal 13 litter 14 .crew 15 flock 16 .team 17 throng / crowd 18 platoon 19 .bundle 20 bunch 21. stack 22 pack 23 swarm Có A.lecturte B.delegaton C.tutoral D.symposium ... evaporate 7 congeal (for blood, we use the word clot) 8 flow 9 freeze 10 .melt 11 wobble 12 escape (we can also say /eak) 13 .bounce 14 vibrate 15 grow 16 fade 17 rise 18 .set 19 .turn 20.change 21. erode

Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2014, 19:21

15 592 0
2 dictionary cambridge english grammar check your vocabulary for ielts phần 8 pptx

2 dictionary cambridge english grammar check your vocabulary for ielts phần 8 pptx

... and country Task 1: Match the sentences in the left hand column with the most appropriate sentence in the right-hand column Use the words in bold to help you 10 11 12 13 14 London is a truly cosmopolitan ... bold in the following sentences and decide if we generally consider them to have a positive connotation or a negative connotation 1 2 10 11 At the interview, the manager was impressed by her astute ... has been a busy one for the West Twyford Town Planning Committee Outlined below are a few of the areas we have concentrated on 1 Applications for 1 permission from home owners who want to develop

Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2014, 19:21

12 572 0
2 dictionary cambridge english grammar check your vocabulary for ielts phần 6 docx

2 dictionary cambridge english grammar check your vocabulary for ielts phần 6 docx

... shares, stocks, and dividends income tax & excise duty to credit & to debit 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 a bank and a building society a discount & a refund something which was a bargain, ... 14 Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace and other people concerned with protecting the environment are holding a forum in London next month 15 The heating up of the earth's atmosphere by pollution ... person’ 1 2 10 11 12 We live in a meyoadcrc (A country governed by freely elected representatives of the people) Scotland is aiming for ndnpniedceee in the next few years (Freedom) A aidtdenac for

Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2014, 19:21

12 522 0
2 dictionary cambridge english grammar check your vocabulary for ielts phần 5 ppsx

2 dictionary cambridge english grammar check your vocabulary for ielts phần 5 ppsx

... help you decide 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 The company you work for is well-known for its job security © @ You were suddenly made redundant © 3 You received a promotion & ©) You ... and informed And there is also the 8 , where we can access information from millions of 9 around the world which we _ can then 10 onto our own computers However, these forms of 11 and 12 (or ... information overload 8 broadcasts 9 web 10 website 11 download 12 the Internet 13 log on Box B A large format newspapers the millions of pages and sites which small format new ers display text and images

Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2014, 19:21

12 510 0
2 dictionary cambridge english grammar check your vocabulary for ielts phần 4 pptx

2 dictionary cambridge english grammar check your vocabulary for ielts phần 4 pptx

... therefore *® correspondingly Addition Equation Conclusion (For example: and) (For example: equally) (For example: in conclusion) Complete these sentences with one of the words or expressions ... page 1 - Condition - and page 9 - Contrast & comparison) A Put the following words and expressions into their correct place in the table depending on their function to sum up briefly * along ... two months of his appointment 14 As soon as the sun rose, the demonstrators began to appear on the streets 15 Prices rose sharply in the first three months of the financial year 16 As soon as

Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2014, 19:21

12 530 0
2 dictionary cambridge english grammar check your vocabulary for ielts phần 3 ppsx

2 dictionary cambridge english grammar check your vocabulary for ielts phần 3 ppsx

... city centre Trang 12 Size, quantity & dimension 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 , 18 19 20 21 22 23 2s Legend spoke of Despite the poor harvest, there was for the whole population “to the south ... float 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 The planet Earth moving round on its axis A washing machine in its final stage of a wash The moon moving around the Earth The CD-ROM tray on a ... | look forward Itis a well-known fact that students dread exams B It is a well-known fact that exams are dreaded by students Trang 4 Likes & dislikes 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2014, 19:21

12 492 0
2 dictionary cambridge english grammar check your vocabulary for ielts phần 2 pps

2 dictionary cambridge english grammar check your vocabulary for ielts phần 2 pps

... words or expressions in bold in the second list FIRST LIST 1 10 11 12 13 14 15 Small items of information are very important in a curriculum vitae [ need to have precise information about your ... Publishing © 20 01 For reference, see the English Dictionary for Students (1- 9 016 59-06-2) Trang 4 ® Location 3 (œ % 1 The Bare the + 10 The # are the diagram 9 15 < oO The # is the vy 11 The & ... particular attention to the words that come before or after the time clause Part 1: One action or situation occurring before another action or situation prior to ¢ previously * earlier * formerly ¢

Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2014, 19:21

12 478 0

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