... INSIDE INFORMATION Focus on speaking 1 Expressing preferences Part I Interview 1 a Read these questions, What is the general topic? UNDERSTANDING THE QUESTIONS Do you prefer talking to people on the ... answers to questions 1-6 in Exercise 1 Use the expressions from Exercise 2 and give reasons for your answers, Record ' yourself if you can Focus on listening 1 Note completion; short answers; ... may involve relating information from different sections, so the questions may not be in the same order as the information in the text a Look at the exam task below (questions 6-11} Underline the
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 11:20
... end.H o w can Focus on Academic Skillsfor IELTS be used?1 To accompany the coursebook Focus on IELTSFocus on Academic Skills for IELTS reflects thestructure and organisation of Focus on IELTS, and ... 136Trang 5W h a t is Focus on Academic Skillsfor IELTS ?Focus on Academic Skills for IELTS offers systematicpreparation for students wishing to take the IELTSexam It provides training for students taking ... ITrang 1 5Focus on listeningSection I► Focus on IELTS page 19IDENTIFYING THE CONTEXTNOTE COMPLETION► Focus on IELTS page 20PREDICTING POSSIBLEANSWERSLISTENING FOR PARALLELEXPRESSIONST IP In IELTS
Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2024, 11:56
Focus on Academic Skills for IELTS - The feel-good factor
... agree with the information given in Text 1? if the statement agrees with the information if the statement contradicts the information if there is no information on this fe 1 Just over one third of ... COMPLETION 2 Note completion is a common task in Section 1 Read the instructions and > Focus on IELTS page 20 notes carefully in the time you are given and try to predict the information you ... FACTOR Focus on reading General strategies; True/False/Not Given; summary FORMING A GENERAL PICTURE Focus on IELTS page 13 DEALING WITH UNKNOWN VOCABULARY ] 2 Before you look at the questions for
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 11:20
DSpace at VNU: Enhancing academic skills for first-year overseas business students
... attention to information on the student portal either For example, Thanh suggested: We don’t often read the student portal; because we think the information there is general information If we ... and time management skills? ??, “referencing style” and “exam preparation”; an academic skills development (ASD) subject; and individual consultations with the academic skills Downloaded by HACETTEPE ... When the interviews were conducted, students were asked for Where did you get the information about the services? Academic skills workshops Academic skills advisor Academic skill development
Ngày tải lên: 16/12/2017, 05:42
Effects of group work on writing skills for ethnic minority high school students in lam dong
... appreciation to Mrs Pham Thi Hong, the Principal of Lam Dong Minority Boarding School, for allowing me to complete my studies alongside the school's students In addition, I will never forget each ... Dong Province Major: English Language Student code: 18110083 I- Thesis title: EFFECTS OF GROUP WORK ON WRITING SKILLS FOR ETHNIC MINORITY HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS IN LAM DONG II-Objectives and contents: ... entitled EFFECTS OF GROUP WORK ON WRITING SKILLS FOR ETHNIC MINORITY HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS IN LAM DONG was successfully defended and approved on at Ba Ria Vung Tau University Academic Supervisor: Assoc
Ngày tải lên: 11/11/2022, 11:03
The impacts of flipgrid app on speaking skills for non english major students at college of foreign and economics relations tang thi lai ; phan thi ngoc thanh supervior
... skills, Perceptions, Mobile learning iv ABBREVIATIONS COFER College of Foreign and Economic Relations CG Controlled Group CEFR Common European Framework of Reference EFL English as a foreign language ... sinh:Bình Định Tên đề tài: The Impacts of Flipgrid App on Speaking Skills for Non-English Major Students at College of Foreign and Economics Relations Ý kiến giáo viên hướng dẫn việc cho phép học viên ... that the thesis entitles “The Impacts of Flipgrid App on Speaking Skills for Non-English Major Students at College of Foreign and Economic Relations” is my original work All resources used in the
Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2023, 01:37
Factors affecting learners’ essay writing skills for ielts a study at alt ielts gia su center
... ESSAY WRITING SKILLS FOR IELTS: A STUDY AT ALT IELTS GIA SU CENTER II- Objectives and contents: This study aims at investigating the factors that affecting essay writing skills for IELTS of learners ... two-hour session every week on teaching writing per week The other three skills are spent on the other two sessions of the week T6: On every session daily I teach them all of the skills The course ... inappropriate for the task has limited control of word formation and/or spelling; errors may cause strain for the reader uses only a very limited range of words and expressions with very limited control
Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2023, 07:28
Workbook_Sharpening Skills For Ielts Writing Task 1_2024 (1) (1).Pdf
... around 3.3 million tons of acid rain emissions camefrom the electricity, gas and water sector The transport andcommunication sector was responsible for about 0.7million tons of emissions, while the ... domesticconsumption had reached approximately 500km³ (2).In the year 2000, the populations of Brazil and the Congowere 176 million and 5.2 million respectively(3) Waterconsumption per person in ... around 0.6 million tons(2) Just over 2 million tonsof acid rain gases came from other industries.Emissions from electricity, gas and water supply felldramatically to only 0.5 million tones in 2007,
Ngày tải lên: 30/07/2024, 23:01
activating 1001 academic words for ielts
... Lesson 1 28-31 - Lesson 2 32-35 - Lesson 3 36-39 - Lesson 4 40-43 CONTENTS continued Pages Spoken Word Puzzles continued . - Lesson 5 44-47 - Lesson ... - Lesson 15 84-87 - Lesson 16 88-91 - Lesson 17 92-95 - Lesson 18 96-99 - Lesson 19 · 100~ 103 - Lesson 20 104-107 - Lesson 21 : 108-111 - Lesson 22 112-115 - Lesson 23 ... 48-51 - Lesson 7 52-55 - Lesson 8 . ; 56-59 - Lesson 9 60-63 - Lesson 10 64 - 67 - Lesson 11 68-71 - Lesson 12 _ 72-75 - Lesson 13 76-79 - Lesson 14 80-83
Ngày tải lên: 03/09/2014, 19:03
A study on the opportunities for and constraints on developing students’ oral skills at an upper-secondary school
... before the lesson, during the lesson and after the lesson.In before-lesson stage, the researcher focused on making contacts with the teacherto know the teacher’s teaching points In during-lesson ... communication and require the use of suchcommunicative processes as information sharing, negotiation of meaning, andinteraction” (Richard and Rodgers, 1986: 165) In conclusion, speaking skill is one ... the lessons Trang 15Thus, class observations are conducted to clarify some information which thequestionnaire cannot provide such as students’ real time -on- task and teachers’ instructionalstrategies
Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:44
The Six Driving Forces That Affect Your Business Plan _ And How to Focus on the Best One for Your Company’s Needs
... chaotic situation by discipline, training, and dedication to the agreed plan A corporation represents a case for the concept of business drivers and a single focus If the corporation is consistent ... from one focus or orientation to a consistent focus across all units There are two solutions: You may have them all become operationally excellent You may choose to make them all product-focused ... serving me.” I may make that speech someday A second player-driven type organization is one that focuses on customers This organization does more than focus; it becomes very customer-centric In Treacy
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 09:20
a literature review on skills and innovation how does successful innovation impact on the demand for skills and how do skills drive innovation
... of Skills and Implications for Innovation Introduction Human Capital and Its Implications for Innovation Education Systems and Skill Formation – Implications for Innovation Skill Formation for ... March National Skills Task Force (2000) Skills for all: Research Report National Skills Task Force, London: Department for Education and Employment Nelson, Richard R, (1993) National Innovation Systems: ... Innovation and the Demand for Skills Question – The Supply of Skills and their Implications for Innovation Question – The Interaction between Skills and Innovation Policy Considerations The Strengths
Ngày tải lên: 02/06/2014, 09:22
Helpful Hints for IELTS Academic Module_2 pdf
... according to the column information (Non- Book Club Members, Book Club Members, and Total), or 4 body paragraphs according to the row information (Fiction, Non- Fiction, Magazines, and Total). ... and/or give additional information: • Look at part of the question for Task 1 of Writing Test One: The table below summarises some data collected by a college bookshop for the month of February, ... for Task 1 of Writing Tests One, Three and Four: TEST College staff bought 332 magazines, 44 fiction and 29 non-fiction books. Book Club members bought more fiction (76) and non-fiction
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 11:20
Helpful Hints for IELTS Academic Module_3 docx
... conversation, it would be perfectly reasonable to answer some of the questions with a short one or two word answer, but this is not an ordinary conversation. Ordinary conversation Question: Where ... Africa. Asa result consequence (of this), Consequently, For this reason, Hence, So, Therefore, Thus, CAUSE As a result consequence of Owing to overpopulation, an increase in population, Africa faces ... examiner for notepaper to write on. There are usually 3 or 4 instructions to speak about - so aim to speak for 30 seconds on each one. * the use of card titles in the Speaking Test Game on page
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 11:20
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Interface for Barge-in Free Spoken Dialogue System Based on Sound Field Reproduction and Microphone Array" pptx
... fluctuation of the room transfer functions, the response sound elimination performance of the proposed method is evaluated by simulations. Its performance is compared with that of conventional acoustic ... reproduction system including adaptive compensation of temperature fluctuation effect for broad-band sound control,” IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and ... fluctuation of the transfer functions To obtain optimum recognition performance, we generally need to develop matched phoneme models for a speech decoder However, without a priori information on
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 23:20
ICTs for e-EnvironmentGuidelines for Developing Countries, with a Focus on Climate Change pptx
... 11.2. RESEARCH? ?ON? ??THEIMPACTOFICTS? ?ON? ??THEENVIRONMENT 67 11.3. MAINBENEFITSOFICTS? ?FOR? ??ENVIRONMENTALACTION 69 ICTs? ?for? ??mobilizingenvironmentalaction 69 ComputationalandenvironmentalbenefitsofusingICTs ... United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification, Bonn, Germany; Dr. Ashbindu Singh, Regional Coordinator, UNEP Regional Office for North America; Mr. Jason Suwacki, Hatfield Consultants, ... identified as one of the co-moderators/co-facilitators for follow-up on the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) Action Line C7 on e-Environment — together with the United Nations Environment
Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 12:20
How to Market on the Internet for FREE docx
... http://www.bizpromo.com For FREE Information on how you can develop your own automatic internet money machine, email emailmarketing@aweber.com for more information and a free report today! ... Market on the Internet for FREE! by Glen Palo ©2000 Glen Palo, All Rights Reserved Contents Introduction 3 Chapter 1 - Free Website Hosting 4 Introduction 4 Why Free Website Hosting 4 Free Domain ... discussion on banners and free ad pages, see below. Chapter 2 - Web Site Promotion Introduction Website promotion is the process of publicizing the website. For the purposes of this report, promotional
Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 18:20
Skills for IELTS
... and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at www.tailieuduhoc.org For more material and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at www.tailieuduhoc.org For more material and information, ... and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at www.tailieuduhoc.org For more material and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at www.tailieuduhoc.org For more material and information, ... and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at www.tailieuduhoc.org For more material and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at www.tailieuduhoc.org For more material and information,...
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 16:20
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