... week. Conversation 1 Conversation 2 Conversation 3 Conversation 4 restaurant fast food outlet workplace canteen on an aeroplane customer and waiter customer and waiter colleagues cabin staff and ... served and eaten quickly. 8 During the day. 9 Pub food is usually home-made and tradition and bar food tends to be European-style. 10 Personal answers 11 Personal answer Flash on English for Cooking, ... like live music 8 Flash on English for Cooking, Catering and Reception – Answer key and Transcripts 6 16 2 Do you want some glasses 3 Who’s next please 4 One cappuccino and one americano 5 What
Ngày tải lên: 24/05/2014, 20:37
... and passenger, etc.) Venue Relationship restaurant Conversation Conversation customer and server Conversation Conversation () Read the conversation in a cafe between a waiter and a customer and ... they take place Conversation 1: Conversation 2: () 16 spirit Conversation 3: Conversation 4: nightclub Listen again and complete the conversations with the following expressions coming right ... Catrin E Morris on English for COOKING, CATERING & RECEPTION v o e g s l rr kc m/n lhi ay i b ESP Series Catrin E Morris on English for COOKING, CATERING & RECEPTION Contents Unit Topic Vocabulary
Ngày tải lên: 24/05/2014, 20:49
Flash on english for mechanics, electronics and technical assistance
... amount of functions: • store information; • use a calculator; • send and receive (9)... This type of connection requires you to use a landline telephone connection and a modem connected to your ... [...]... long as the machine is on On the contrary, a non-volatile memory contains information, data and programs that cannot be modified , or can be modified only very slowly and with ... dialup connection, this connection is always on, w hich means you can still ma ke and receive telephone calls with your landline telephone 3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ In order to have this type of connection
Ngày tải lên: 24/05/2014, 21:30
Flash on english for construction
... language sector, and includes practice exercises in all four skills, FLASH on English Audio files in MP3 format are available online , r forCONS1Ruc rION ESP ESP Senes FLASH on English for TOURISM ... Shutterstock FLASH on English for CONSTRUCTION is specifically designed for students who are studying for a career in the construction industry, It introduces the vocabulary and the language functions ... _ _ ~ ~ - 47 Flash on English for Construction Editorial coordination: Simona Franzoni Editorial depa rtment: Sabin a Cedraro , Simon a Pisauri Language consul tant: Lisa Suett Art
Ngày tải lên: 28/11/2017, 10:45
Flash on English for Tourism
... check-in and passport control; booking train and coach tickets Writing: an email giving information about local transport Types of accommodation, catering and leisure Accommodation facilities Telephone ... attractions? package holiday I 10 Complete the online travel search information Holidays you like Tri p Search (only tick [.I] one) Package holiday D Transport & accommodation Transport only D ... options? Which kind of accommodation includes breakfast, lunch and dinner? Where is this a common option? Do you pay for information from Tourist Inform ation Points? Who ca n take you sightseeing
Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2020, 15:34
Flash on English for Commerce
... could be the right person and contacts you for an interview You... your application email and CV using the information below Use the layout and and vocabulary from the emails and CVs above to help ... Avenue, Boston PHONE NO 359 9921 77 EMAIL: paul ascott@gmail co m PERSONAL INFORMATION Ms Mary Burton Born in Boston on 15th June 1986 Married 35 San Diego Rd - Boston (617) 466 2481 mburton@hotmail.com ... improvements in transport and the reduction in restrictions to commerce (taxes on imports, for example) have given companies more opportunities in foreign markets and have contributed to
Ngày tải lên: 24/05/2014, 20:46
AK Flash on English for Mechanics KEYS
... Atoms consist of neutrons, protons and electrons. 4 Inside there are neutrons and protons, while outside there are electrons. 5 Shells of electrons orbit around the nucleus. 6 Valence electrons ... They cause environmental pollution. 6 T 7 F It flows through giant turbines. 8 F The main disadvantage is its impact on the environment. 4 Flash on English for Mechanics, Electronics and Technical ... difficult to configure and if the backbone line breaks, the whole network goes down. 7 Flash on English for Mechanics, Electronics and Technical Assistance – Answer key and Transcripts
Ngày tải lên: 24/05/2014, 20:51
Flash on english for tourism
... accommodat ion options? 7 Which kind of accommodation includes breakfast, lunch and dinner? 8 Where is this a common option? 9 Do you pay for information from Tourist Information Point ... famous for its incredible rock formation l1 28 3 Read the text again and complete the factfiles on each country EB Factfile on England Popu lation : Factfi/e on Wales Population : Economy: ... costs on average; whether it is convenient and reliable for getting around town and visiting tourist attractions and any other relevant information Please could you write back to me as soon as
Ngày tải lên: 24/05/2014, 21:01
tiếng anh chuyên ngành vận tải và logistic(Flash on english transport and logistics )
... D'Acunto on English for TRANSPORT & LOGISTICS Ernesto D'Acunto on English for1 RANSPORT & LOGISTICS Contents Unit Topic Vocabulary Skills Professionals and means of transport: an introduction Subjects ... concept design , layout and access, fire protection, allocation of spaces, ergonomics and capacity construction depends on the material used When steel or... focused on containerisation ... shipbuilding information Listening: listening for information about the construction of a ship Writing: questions about shipbuilding Aircraft construction: the basics; different stages Aerodynamic forces
Ngày tải lên: 17/09/2016, 10:38
The European Environmental Bureau (EEB) The European Federation for Transport and Environment (T&E) Seas At Risk (SAR) The Swedish NGO Secretariat on Acid Rain pot
... directive 2001/81/EC on national emission ceilings for certain atmospheric pollutants, and for achieving the Community’s long-term objectives of the Fifth and Sixth Environmental Action Plans of not ... and NOx emissions from ships in the North Sea, Table Emissions of SO2 and NOx from international shipping in European waters (ktons) Figure Emissions of SO2 1990 – 2030 (ktons) Figure Emissions ... Shipping emissions contribute notably to the formation of ground-level ozone, especially in the Mediterranean region, where increased concentrations resulting from ships’ NOx emissions amount to
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 20:20
An evaluation of the effectiveness of the materials on english for tour guides for the 3rd year students of foreign languages and tourism department at sao do industrial college and suggestions for adaptation
... SUGGESTIONS FOR THE TEXTBOOKS ADAPTATION 3.1 Suggestions for the adaptation of speaking lessons 3.1.1 Suggestions for the adaptation of speaking lesson in Unit 2: Hai Duongs attractions 3.1.2 ... Suggestions for the adaptation of speaking lesson in Unit 3: Hanois attractions 3.1.3 Suggestions for the adaptation of speaking lesson in Unit 6: National parks in Vietnam 3.1.4 Suggestions for ... presentation on the above destinations 39 Task 2: Make a tour commentary on one of museum you like 3.1.5 Suggestions for the adaptation of speaking lesson in Unit 10: Ha Long Bay To get on well with foreign
Ngày tải lên: 03/01/2016, 18:14
A study on english learning goals and motivation of the second – year students at military academy of logistics
... learning: The role of attitudes and motivation London: Edward Arnold 19 Harmer J (1991), The practice of English language teaching, Longman handbook for language teachers, Longmaninc., New York 20 Kaplan, ... QUESTIONNAIRE This survey is supported for the research“A study on the learning goals and motivation of the second-year students in learning English at Military Academy of Logistics? ?? Your answers for ... and motivation That‟s why the influences of learning goal and motivation on learning English should be investigated carefully to solve the above-mentioned problem In the process of teaching and
Ngày tải lên: 13/04/2020, 22:31
Future trends on smart and sustainable transport and logistics
... international transportation process A combination of different features of each transport mode could place additional constrains on goods during transportation such as packaging, transportation conditions ... organization and focus on optimization and execution of resources supporting infrastructure; equipment and production, financial transaction, human resources, transportation planning organization, ... EU in their ambitions through providing a substantial and valuable contribution to the E-Maritime concept B Terminal and Port information and communication systems and applications support intermodal
Ngày tải lên: 15/07/2020, 22:40
A study on english learning goals and motivation of the second – year students at military academy of logistics
... learning: The role of attitudes and motivation London: Edward Arnold 19 Harmer J (1991), The practice of English language teaching, Longman handbook for language teachers, Longmaninc., New York 20 Kaplan, ... QUESTIONNAIRE This survey is supported for the research“A study on the learning goals and motivation of the second-year students in learning English at Military Academy of Logistics? ?? Your answers for ... approach to motivation and achievement Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 54, 5–12 16 Farr, R H., & Patterson, C J (1993) Transracial adoption among lesbian, gay, and heterosexual couples:
Ngày tải lên: 08/11/2020, 12:09
Exercises on english semantics for students majoring in english for finance and accounting
... understand this question? Yes / No Exercise 3: Read the following conversation between two people, A and B, at a bus stop one morning (The lines are numbered for reference.) Then answer the questions ... utterances and identify the acts performed in the light of the situations you provide ‘Do you feel better today?’ SITUATION 1: SITUATION 2: ‘I beg your pardon.’ SITUATION 1: SITUATION 2: ‘It’s ... LỤC CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION TO SEMANTICS CHAPTER TWO: WORD MEANING 11 2.1 Semantic features and semantic fields 11 2.2 Sense and reference 18 2.3 Denotation and Connotation 24
Ngày tải lên: 01/08/2021, 21:50
... K18C English Lexical Collocation and Pedagogical Implications for Business English Below are some definitions of Collocation by linguists 1990 Aghbar A collocation, in its simplest definition, consists ... combinations Pham Thi Nguyet- K18C English Lexical Collocation and Pedagogical Implications for Business English are possible, we tend to use common and regular combinations of words collocation Moreover, ... Nguyet- K18C English Lexical Collocation and Pedagogical Implications for Business English coffee 1.4 Classification of Collocation Collocations can be divided into lexical collocations and grammatical
Ngày tải lên: 05/06/2022, 20:24
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