first certificate writing test example



... e xtr act A Find two examples of informal grammar Fi nd an example of an informal verb Fi nd an example of informal punct uat ion Find a sentence without a ve rb S Find an example of VERY informal ... extract B Which phrase mea ns 'Please te ll me : ? Find one example of the passive extract C Find one example of fo rmal grammar Find one example of informal grammar Find a mo re formal phrase fo ... ng s » 1/5 I Unit U n t DEVELOP YOUR WRITING SKILLS Match the text types Now loo k at all the extracts again Match each e xtract with a text type below, by writing A-H on the lines provided letter

Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2021, 12:12

114 56 0


... e xtr act A Find two examples of informal grammar Fi nd an example of an informal verb Fi nd an example of informal punct uat ion Find a sentence without a ve rb S Find an example of VERY informal ... extract B Which phrase mea ns 'Please te ll me : ? Find one example of the passive extract C Find one example of fo rmal grammar Find one example of informal grammar Find a mo re formal phrase fo ... ng s » 1/5 I Unit U n t DEVELOP YOUR WRITING SKILLS Match the text types Now loo k at all the extracts again Match each e xtract with a text type below, by writing A-H on the lines provided letter

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2021, 13:44

114 41 0
cambridge first certificate in english 2 - test+key

cambridge first certificate in english 2 - test+key

... Khấu Vĩnh Công Cambridge First Certificate in English 2008 Book 2 – ANSWER KEY 2 Khấu Vĩnh Công Cambridge First Certificate in English 2008 Book 2 – ... 3 Khấu Vĩnh Công Cambridge First Certificate in English 2008 Book 2 – ANSWER KEY 4 Khấu Vĩnh Công Cambridge First Certificate in English 2008 Book 2 – ... 5 Khấu Vĩnh Công Cambridge First Certificate in English 2008 Book 2 – ANSWER KEY 6 Khấu Vĩnh Công Cambridge First Certificate in English 2008 Book 2 –

Ngày tải lên: 26/04/2014, 10:25

25 9,9K 29
Tài liệu Educator’s Guide to the ACT ® Writing Test pptx

Tài liệu Educator’s Guide to the ACT ® Writing Test pptx

... scores from these two tests are included in Part III of this guide. Development of the ACT Writing Test The Writing Test is an achievement test designed to measure students’ writing proficiency. ... Writing Tests in the same administration: a Combined English /Writing score on a scale of 1–36 and a Writing Test subscore on a scale of 2–12. The English Test contributes two-thirds and the Writing ... perform acceptably in field-testing become eligible for use in test administrations. Features of the Writing Test Scoring Rubric The Six-Point Holistic Rubric for the Writing Test was developed around

Ngày tải lên: 24/02/2014, 18:20

68 483 0
101 Helpful Hints for IELTS 6 COMMON QUESTIONS ABOUT THE WRITING TEST "What happens if I don''''t doc

101 Helpful Hints for IELTS 6 COMMON QUESTIONS ABOUT THE WRITING TEST "What happens if I don''''t doc

... Hints for IELTS WRITING TASK UNDERSTAND WRITING TASK Writing Task is more important than Writing Task Writing Task counts more towards your overall IELTS Writing Test Band Score than Writing Task ... of the "and" type , of the "or" type of the "but" type Writing Test Hints WRITING TASK UNDERSTAND WRITING TASK Writing Task is designed to test your ability to interpret and present information ... than one main idea, but only this in Writing Task a Look at Task of Writing Test Two on page 123 You must write a report describing the stages involved in writing a formal academic essay as illustrated

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 17:20

24 945 1
First Certificate language practice with key 15 pps

First Certificate language practice with key 15 pps

... fast, faster, the fastest Two syllables ending -y: early, earlier, the earliest Two or more syllables: efficiently, more/less efficiently, the most/least efficiently FIRST CERTIFICATE LANGUACE ... there is like show business. A) all business B) no business C) not business D) all business FIRST CERTIFICATE LANGUAGE PRACTICE 4 Complete each sentence with the most suitable word from the ... money left for the weekend, but I hadn't bought the either of the things I wanted! 137 FIRST CERTIFICATE LANGUAGE PRACTICE Key points 1 In the construction all + subject + verb, all means

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 22:20

10 985 0
First Certificate language practice with key 20 pot

First Certificate language practice with key 20 pot

... Personally , In my own opinion/view • Giving examples We can introduce examples. For example , For instance We can also use such as to give an example, but it is not used at the beginning ... order the points we are making. First (of all) , Secondly , Next , Then , Finally/lastly/last of all In narrative, the sequence of events can be introduced by: First , Then , After that , Finally/in ... FIRST CERTIFICATE LANGUAGE PRACTICE 3 Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown, so that the meaning

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 22:20

10 587 0
First Certificate language practice with key 32 docx

First Certificate language practice with key 32 docx


Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 22:20

10 457 2


... IELTS SPEAKING AND WRITING TEST TOPIC 5 Environment – population –polution- Animal Section 1: population -urbanisation. ... disappearing and explain why it needs to be saved. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. - what are examples for the loss of such important resources? - forests. - Animals - ... development and environmental issue? - First, and most importantly, economic development of many countries makes massive problems, which damage the environment. - For example, if some countries have

Ngày tải lên: 27/07/2015, 15:56

10 468 0


... IELTS SPEAKING AND WRITING TEST TOPIC 13 Computer – technology –nuclear- internet SECTION 1: COMPUTER 1. We are becoming ... your opinion? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. 8. A lack of computer skills = illiteracy? Agree: no computer skill = no reading, writing Reason: Fact: Computerize on ... during teaching. Also a more interactive class can be formed. • First, better teaching can be performed in mathematics class. For example, computers may be able to calculate all the difficult

Ngày tải lên: 27/07/2015, 15:56

11 421 0
Cambridge First Certificate- handbook for teacher (Khái quát về FCE)

Cambridge First Certificate- handbook for teacher (Khái quát về FCE)

... practice test contains: • • • a full practice test for Reading, Writing, Listening and Use of English  automatic scoring for Reading and Listening  sample answers for Writing CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH: FIRST ... Practice Test The Online Practice Test for Cambridge English: First not only familiarises learners with typical exam questions but also includes a range of help features The practice tests can ... Speaking test 52 Preparation52 Sample paper55 Assessment of Speaking58 Cambridge English: First glossary63 Paper Writing 14 General description14 Structure and tasks14 The two parts of the Writing

Ngày tải lên: 01/08/2015, 15:55

66 642 0
listening&reading&writing test paper

listening&reading&writing test paper

... All the recordings will be played ONCE only The test is in four sections Write all your answers in the Listening Question Booklet At the end of the test you will he given ten minutes to transfer ... ENGLISH LANGUAGE TESTING SYSTEM SPECIMEN MATERIALS ACADEMIC READING TIME ALLOWED: NUMBER OF QUESTIONS: hour 40 Instructions ALL ANSWERS MUST BE WRITTEN ON THE ANSWER SHEET The test is divided ... THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer PACKHAM’S SHIPPING AGENCY -customer quotation form Example Answer Country of destination: Kenya Name: Jacob …….… Address to be collected from: ………

Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2017, 09:07

22 1 0
CAE writing test tips

CAE writing test tips

... show you examples of how to it SELECTED EXTERNAL RESOURCES Get an ultimate list of tips for essay writing on ThePensters Our Videos about CAE Writing BACK TO TOP 10 Common Mistakes in CAE Writing ... merely use First Certificate words? Did you make lots of grammar mistakes? Before you continue with this guide, I strongly recommend you read about this free tool that will help you with your writing: ... to the next? Thinking about solutions before you start writing is the easiest way to solve problems! BACK TO TOP Grading: Content PART The first thing you're assessed on is your content That basically

Ngày tải lên: 27/04/2017, 10:34

12 454 0
First certificate avenues coursebook

First certificate avenues coursebook

... w h a t h a p p e n s to you Fair e n o u g h , b u t w h a t a b o u t y o u r family? U N I T Writing L E S S O N Telling a story O n e evening Colin Blake rang his wife in north t o n d o n ... people under the age of sixteen are involved in crime There are many possible reasons for this Firstly, lack of discipline at home and at school could be the cause Young people often grow up ... Secondly, social conditions such as poverty and drug addiction are important In some cities, London for example, there are groups of homeless teenagers who steal in order to eat In other cities, such

Ngày tải lên: 18/08/2017, 22:54

191 136 0
First certificate avenues workbook with keys

First certificate avenues workbook with keys

... useful exam practice Remember, in the First Certificate exam you will Paper with another candidate Doing the Workbook exercises in addition to the work in First Certificate Avenues Coursebook will ... question will test a wide range of grammar) The Workbook exercise gives you practice in all the different ways of, for example, making comparisons which you need to know at First Certificate level ... practice in the work you have done on grammar, vocabulary and reading, writing, listening and speaking skills in the First Certificate Avenues Coursebook There are Workbook exercises for Lessons

Ngày tải lên: 18/08/2017, 22:54

155 413 0
complete first certificate workbook

complete first certificate workbook

... , For updated exam from December 2008 CAMBRIDGE Complete First Certificate Workbook without answers — a Thomas and Amanda Thomas — Secereeey Fie) CAMBRIDGE ... after our last big argument Writing Spelling and punctuation Read part of a student’s composition and correct the spelling and punctuation There are 15 mistakes The first one is corrected for ... club can help people to become more healthier [am the fittest now than I have ever been in my life relaxing way to spend my free time Writing Organising ideas into paragraphs Look at the task

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2018, 16:40

71 359 0
50 đề mẫu và bài giải writing test 1

50 đề mẫu và bài giải writing test 1

... Test Test Test Test Test 10 Test 11 Test 10 12 Test ... 17 Test 16 18 Test 17 19 Test 18 20 Test 19 21 Test 20 22 Test 21 23 Test 22 ... 24 Test 23 25 Test 24 26 Test 25 27 Test 26 28 Test 27 29 Test 28 30 Test 29

Ngày tải lên: 06/02/2020, 10:39

53 256 1
Progress to first certificate   students  book 1

Progress to first certificate students book 1

... todãy ? Better ỉ hopc ! E Complete the uníìnished sentences in this dialogue The first onc is done for you as an example : A ssistant: Good moming Havc you bcen waiting loQg ? Customer: No, only ... stands for The first is done for you as an cxample : approx approximatcly c/o ci)nt’d (ÌM T incl info intro max misc ITO RSVP VAT VIP vocab Xmas < B Write these nutnbers out in íiiU The first is done ... the recording and write down the numbers you h t-i The first six are telephonc numbcrs, and the rcst are diffcrent kinds ol nutnbcrs The first is done for you as an examplc; ‘Five one cight o

Ngày tải lên: 25/03/2020, 23:45

19 63 0
Progress to first certificate   students  book 2

Progress to first certificate students book 2

... differcnt vvords In s o m e cases thcre may be m orc íhan ont' possibihty, ỉ oo k at thc e xa m p lc s first:*d «-> p r o u d líkc tiís lik e , h a tc ashamcd like cookecl dongeroiis diíícrent ... iti on Wirh thís kind of conìposition, it^s absolutcly cssential lo make notcs bcíore you start writing And don't íorgct to check your completcd work through whcn y o u vc ỉim s h e d , ★ he cxAmiĩỉcr

Ngày tải lên: 25/03/2020, 23:45

14 36 0
First Certificate in English 6 (FCE 6)

First Certificate in English 6 (FCE 6)

... 73 speaking 78 66 Test Paper Paper Paper Paper Paper Reading 80 VVriting 88 92 Use of English Listening 99 Speaking 104 Test Test Test Test Key and Key and Key and Key and Test Test Tost 3 4 transcript ... Writing 10 Use of English Listening 21 Speaking 26 14 Paper Paper Paper Paper Paper Reading 28 Writing 36 Use of English Listeníng 47 Speaking 52 40 Paper Paper Paper Paper Paper Reading 54 Writing ... e rtip ca te L is te n in g Test Test Four H e llo V m g o in g to g iv e y o u th e m stru ctio n s f o r th is tcst I ’l l in tro d u c e each p a rt o f th e test a n d g iv e y o u tim e

Ngày tải lên: 20/08/2020, 15:02

170 159 0