finding the main idea worksheets 1st grade

unit 1 friendship english 11 141 unit 1 friendship lesson 1 reading period 1st i aims help ss understand the passage about friendship identify the main idea guess the meaning in context express their

unit 1 friendship english 11 141 unit 1 friendship lesson 1 reading period 1st i aims help ss understand the passage about friendship identify the main idea guess the meaning in context express their

... 1st I/ AIMS: Help Ss - Understand the passage about friendship - Identify the main idea - Guess the meaning in context - Express their own ideas about friendship II/ OJECTIVES:By the end of the ... Skim the six task questions to Calls on some Ss to understand them write their answer on Read the part the board and ask them carefully to find to explain their choices the answer Give the correct ... forehead: broad, hight the BB The first member to slap at the correct part of the body gets Slap the mark After minute, the group with more marks wins the correct part of game the work they hear B NEW

Ngày tải lên: 20/04/2021, 17:47

179 31 0
Teach Like A Champion - The Main Idea

Teach Like A Champion - The Main Idea

... classrooms Learn The Main Idea? ??s simple PD format that can be used to introduce any technique from the book © The Main Idea 2010 All rights reserved INTRODUCTION – THE ART OF TEACHING ... she used the acronym CAR for the three parts and made up the phrase, “To gather the clues, you’ve gotta drive the CAR!” (Teach Like a Champion, Jossey-Bass) net2009 © The Main Idea 2010 ... errors Punch the Error – Repeat the word emphasizing the error so the student can self correct, “Is the word in-SPEEK-tion?” Name the Sound – Give the students the general rule so they can learn

Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2022, 23:07

12 6 0
a study on the main features of short jokes and implications for teaching speaking to students of grade 12 at ngoc tao upper secondary school

a study on the main features of short jokes and implications for teaching speaking to students of grade 12 at ngoc tao upper secondary school

... presents the rational, the aim, the scope and the methods of the study as well as the organization of the study Part Two is the DEVELOPMENT, which consists of three chapters Chapter One: Theoretical ... than their partners from other classes So, the generalizations gained from the research may not hold true to every learner of English Methods of the study In order to complete the thesis, the ... rigidity, Bergson cites the story of the customs officers who went bravely to the rescue of the crew of a wrecked ship The first thing the customs men said when they finally got the sailors ashore

Ngày tải lên: 25/12/2015, 17:19

57 673 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Variants of b2-microglobulin cleaved at lysine-58 retain the main conformational features of the native protein but are more conformationally heterogeneous and unstable at physiological temperature potx

Báo cáo khoa học: Variants of b2-microglobulin cleaved at lysine-58 retain the main conformational features of the native protein but are more conformationally heterogeneous and unstable at physiological temperature potx

... Whatever the origin of the conformational equilibrium that gives rise to the slow refolding step of b2m, the proposed correspondence of the second form observed in the cK58-b2m spectra with the I 2 con- former ... the partial overlap of the specific cross-peaks, the resulting relative amount of I 2 at 298 K was 19 ± 9% of the total protein. The occurrence of an I 2 intermediate in equilibrium with the main ... of the many other types of amyloidoses [7]. We have previously characterized two b2m variants, the first obtained by cleavage after Lys58 (cK58-b2m), and the second by further deletion of the

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 11:20

14 358 0
Đề tài " The main conjecture for CM elliptic curves at supersingular primes " pdf

Đề tài " The main conjecture for CM elliptic curves at supersingular primes " pdf

... follows. The group U F is the pro-p-part of the local unit group (O F ⊗ Z p ) × , E F is the closure of the projec- tion of the global units O × F into U F , and C F is the closure of the projection ... characteristic ideal MAIN CONJECTURE FOR SUPERSINGULAR PRIMES 457 The following theorem is Theorem 4.1(ii) of [Ru3], twisted by ρ−1 It is the step labeled (c) in the introduction ρ ρ Theorem ... E 1 (F p ) ∼ −→ ˆ E(m F ) −→ F p MAIN CONJECTURE FOR SUPERSINGULAR PRIMES 453 where the first map is projection onto the pro-p part, the second is the canonical isomorphism between the kernel of reduction and the formal

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 22:20

19 308 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Branchiness of Norway spruce in northeastern France: predicting the main crown characteristics from usual tree measurements" doc

Báo cáo khoa học: "Branchiness of Norway spruce in northeastern France: predicting the main crown characteristics from usual tree measurements" doc

... sampled in northeastern France have been de- scribed in detail. The position of the different parts of the crown, the size, the insertion angle, the num- ber and the position ... stump (to the nearest 1 to 5 yr, depending on age), the height to the first live branch, the height to the first dead branch and the height to the base of the live ... length-unit. The following whole-tree descriptors were measured: the diameter at breast height (to the nearest 5 mm), the total height (to the nearest 10 cm), the age at the

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 23:22

28 192 0
Báo cáo y học: "Mast cells are the main interleukin-17-positive cells in anti-citrullinated protein antibody-positive and -negative rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis synovium" pps

Báo cáo y học: "Mast cells are the main interleukin-17-positive cells in anti-citrullinated protein antibody-positive and -negative rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis synovium" pps

... be mainly mast cells in one study.[9] However, the other study identified them as being mainly neutrophils and neutrophil precursors in synovium of the facet joints.[17] Because we found the ... [10,12,13,14]. Furthermore, the antigen specificity of these Th17 cells in synovium is unknown, therefore, these cells can also be innocent bystanders that do not contribute to inflammation in the joint ... proteins present in the joint, thereby releasing IL-17 that contributes to the inflammatory milieu present in the inflamed synovium. However, there was no difference in the expression of IL-17

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 18:20

18 401 0
Báo cáo y học: "Is cost-effectiveness analysis preferred to severity of disease as the main guiding principle in priority setting in resource poor settings" doc

Báo cáo y học: "Is cost-effectiveness analysis preferred to severity of disease as the main guiding principle in priority setting in resource poor settings" doc

... attached to the different actors using ranks The respondent could distinguish between their perception of the actual and ideal situation with the following statements: In my opinion, the following ... following are (at present) the main actors in priority setting in health In my opinion, the following should, ideally, be the main actors in priority setting in health The second question was asked ... study population We then explored the general view of the consideration of cost-effectiveness of interventions or severity of disease by asking whether or not the respondents felt they were important

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 13:20

11 302 0
Báo cáo y học: "Genome assembly forensics: finding the elusive mis-assembly" pdf

Báo cáo y học: "Genome assembly forensics: finding the elusive mis-assembly" pdf

... may bias the distribution in favor of short mate-pairs (the mate-pairs at the upper end of the distribution would fall beyond the end of the contig and, therefore, not contribute to the calculations) ... assembly, the layout of the reads, and implicitly, the layout of the original DNA fragments, must be consistent with the characteristics of the shotgun sequencing process used to generate the data. ... covers the entire read, while the fragmented mappings indicate either incorrect trimming of the read or the presence of a mis- assembly. For fragmented alignments, the locations where the align-

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 08:20

13 132 0
the big idea science book a

the big idea science book a

... algae The algae use photosynthesis to make nutrients, which the coral shares The coral, in turn, provides a safe place for the algae to live These algae give corals their color If the ... STRUCTURE OF DNA The shape of a DNA strand is like a spiraling ladder Look at the model above Along the sides, you can see the chain.. .THE 24 BIG IDEAS OF SCIENCE The book is ... in appearance, both the apple and the orangutan were built from instructions coded in DNA Their... Their DNA, and the DNA of every other living thing, is composed of the same four chemicals:

Ngày tải lên: 13/11/2014, 07:22

150 313 1
the big idea science book b

the big idea science book b

... density the further they are from Earth) that surround and protect the planet The different layers are called the troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, and exosphere Big Bang theory The ... They can also reshape the landscape For example, the huge landslide that accompanied the eruption of Mount St Helens in the state of Washington in 1980 changed the shape of the mountain and the ... genetically removed from crops to slow down the rate at which they rot equator The imagined line dividing the Northern and Southern hemispheres exoskeleton The hard casing, or shell, that protects

Ngày tải lên: 13/11/2014, 07:24

157 277 1
Book Ogilvy  What is the big idea?

Book Ogilvy What is the big idea?

... Contents What’s The big ideaL? Big ideas and big ideaLs What is The big ideaL? big ideaLs and business big ideaLs work The uses of The big ideaL What makes a good big ideaL? big ideaLs and marketing ... beyond the organization, and they radiate the values and commitment needed to Big ideas and big ideaLs What’s The big ideaL? 7 What’s The big ideaL? bring that ideal to fruition. They appear ... The Red Papers: 28 What s The big ideaL?... French court.” – The Cluetrain Manifesto 14 What s The big ideaL? 15 The Red Papers: What s The big ideaL? big ideaLs work The

Ngày tải lên: 08/05/2015, 03:02

56 414 0
expressing the future in enghlish eleventh   grade pupils at my duc a high school anh suggeted solutions

expressing the future in enghlish eleventh grade pupils at my duc a high school anh suggeted solutions

... will - They set off at daybreak They would reach the camp before nightfall - There was a chance that my letter... constructions lack the fixity of the others On the one hand, they ... the future. III. SCOPE OF THE STUDY The general research area of this study is grammar. The phenomenon is the errors in expressing the future made by the pupils at My Duc A High School. Others ... 35 II.2.1. Errors in expressing the future in the past 35 II.2.2. Errors in the uses of other forms and structures to express the future 37 II.2.3. Errors in the uses of ‗will/shall + infinitive‘

Ngày tải lên: 16/07/2015, 08:40

61 325 0
Challenges in teaching and learning speaking skill with the new English textbook for grade 10 (Basic Stream) at Xuan Hoa High school, Vinh Phuc province and some solutions

Challenges in teaching and learning speaking skill with the new English textbook for grade 10 (Basic Stream) at Xuan Hoa High school, Vinh Phuc province and some solutions

... towards speaking skill and then put the focus on the current difficulties in the application of the new textbook. The causes of their difficulties are also examined so that the solutions to those ... Chapter 2 describes the methodology of the thesis. Specifically, the data for this research was collected in the forms of survey questionnaires and interviews. The participants of the survey questionnaires ... textbooks, the teachers have been prepared for the new methods of teaching and learning. Therefore, they have thorough understanding about the nature of the new textbooks. However, both the teachers

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2015, 19:51

20 841 7
Visions in marketing finding the signal through the noise

Visions in marketing finding the signal through the noise

... been taken to verify the accuracy of this information, neither The Economist Intelligence Unit Ltd nor the sponsor of this report can accept any responsibility... any of the information, ... are not uniform: many are company- or even recognise the capabilities and limitations of the tools available to access their clients, deliver their message and glean customer insights Marketing’s ... Conclusion While every effort has been taken to verify the accuracy of this information, neither The Economist Intelligence Unit Ltd nor the sponsor of this report can accept any responsibility

Ngày tải lên: 04/12/2015, 00:20

19 192 0
skkn some ways to improve the weak students’ listening skill   grade 10th

skkn some ways to improve the weak students’ listening skill grade 10th

... questions to the listening tasks to make them easy for the students - Ask the students to guess before they listen to the tape (Do not say what they guess is wrong or right, ask why they guess ... rest Use the pictures in the textbook to help the students to find out the Vietnamese equivalence Help the students to find out the Vietnamese equivalence of other English words given in the task: ... gives the cues to help students to discuss the ideas - T has students work in groups and then the leaders of the groups report the members’ opinions Quang Hung’s Person who Person who Reasons ideas

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2016, 02:33

15 662 3


... questions to the listening tasks to make them easy for the students - Ask the students to guess before they listen to the tape (Do not say what they guess is wrong or right, ask why they guess ... again and note the ideas in the table in task p 18 - Call on Ss to read their notes and check with the class - Expected answer: How and where did they meet ? Lan - They used to live in the same apartment ... race) - Divide the class into groups - Let Ss guess the picture sticked on the board by listening to the information the T says or looking at the pictures the T shows In order to guess the picture,

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2016, 02:33

20 699 1
The implementation of the new english textbook for grade 10 in innovation  a case study pdf

The implementation of the new english textbook for grade 10 in innovation a case study pdf

... serve as the basis for much of the language input learners receive and the language practice that occurs in the classroom They may provide the basis for the content of the lessons, the balance ... is the Research Methodology, which is composed of 3 parts: research design, research procedures, the settings (the case) and the participants of the study Chapter 4 is the discussion of the findings ... questions and giving answers to the asked questions They were then translated and analyzed by the researcher to uncover the emerging themes The full transcript of the interviews is given in Appendix

Ngày tải lên: 16/08/2016, 09:17

102 635 1
Finding the Supporting Idea

Finding the Supporting Idea

... more if they don’t have children”? a. It’s the main idea of paragraph 2. b. It’s a fact that supports the main idea of paragraph 2. 3 . What is the other sentence that supports the overall main idea ... passage, what is the sentence “Second, the referendum actually decreases taxes for the wealthiest tax bracket”? a. It’s the main idea of the whole passage. b. It’s the main idea of paragraph ... parentheses): Main idea (1) Detail (2) Example (3) Detail (4) Example (5, 6) DISTINGUISHING MAIN IDEAS FROM SUPPORTING IDEAS If you’re not sure whether something is a main idea or supporting idea, ask...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 17:20

12 319 0
Finding the Implied Main Idea

Finding the Implied Main Idea

... together all the ideas in the passage. There- fore, the main idea must be general enough to encompass all the ideas in the passage. Much like a net, it holds everything in the passage together. ... determine the main idea of this statement from the facts provided and from the tone. What does the statement suggest? 1. Which of the following best summarizes the statement’s main idea? a. There ... language to get their ideas across. Finding an implied main idea is much like finding a stated main idea. If you recall from Lesson 2, a main idea is defined as an assertion about the subject that...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 17:20

12 674 0

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